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Everything posted by Vendetta

  1. I'm officially scared of Michael Pittman. With Williams going down with a torn petalla, it is rumored that the buccaneers are trading a package of draft picks and a player to Minnesota for Chester Taylor and Ryan Mickinney.
  2. Looks like Tampa finally got their defense straighted out.
  3. St. Louis played like shit and their kicker missed two field goals.
  4. And The Mets blow a 3 run lead in Florida. Top of the 10th.
  5. Any possible way that Atlanta Catches the Mets if they win the rest of their games and the mets blow the rest of theirs?
  6. It wasn't that McNabb did horrible, his receivers just couldn't get open against that man press.
  7. Personally I don't think the comish came down hard enough. I would have suspened Belichek for the season and made them forfeit the first game of the season.
  8. Its not a conspriacy if they have evidence proving New England did what everyone is saying it did.
  9. Ray Lewis is awesome. He told ESPN he was playing with a torn tricep.
  10. Baltimore and Cincy should have been in overtime right now but a ref fucked up the call big time...
  11. What's wrong with the back up they have. He played fine...not to mention I like watching a 285 pound lineman throw a football.
  12. They could be a bottom feeder in the playoffs.
  13. My idea has always been this... Take Houston, Cleveland, Buffalo and Detroit and stick them in one divison...
  14. Yeah She lip sank, wore a skanky outfit...grabbed a dude's crotch. Kid Rock Punched Tommy Lee in the face... Chris Brown was impressive though.
  15. So what's the likely hood that The Mets have a complete meltdown and The Braves take the East....
  16. Lee Corso looks like a moron right now. He said it would take 400 years for spurier to win the SEC. He also said SC couldn't beat Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida. SC 16, GA, 12
  17. Upset watch: TCU 10, Texas 0 3rd Quarter. South Carolina 16, Georiga 12. 4th Quarter under 5 mintues to play
  18. Exactly, so I would say there is no way MLB could penalize them. I feel the same way about Pacman Jones. He has been arrested all these times but he has never been convicted and I feel it us unfair for him to be suspended for the year when you got guys like Tank Johnson and Chris Henry who were convicted and didn't get near as long of a suspension.
  19. Rich Ankeil has been linked to HGH from the same company that was linked with NFL's Rodney Harrison and 10 of the top WWE stars.
  20. Safe to say that unless The Braves find a starting pitcher...their season is over with.
  21. He's on the list, but lets face it..he won't win it because Hawaii doesn't play anybody...not there fault I woudn't think it be fair if everyone they played (big time teams) they would have to be away games...
  22. Thus is why no Hawaii QB will ever have hesiman recognition.
  23. According to a few sports radio shows I've been listneing to the reason Hawaii doesn't play any big time programs, is because all the big time programs are scared to play them.
  24. Why is it all these schools are scared to play Hawaii?
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