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Everything posted by Vendetta

  1. The thing is, from what I've heard his lawyer say, is that the trainers were to give the substances to the players and were not told what said substances were.
  2. Honestly I'm over this. If they actually had something on him, he would have been gone by now. They are just going after him because of what he did this year in breaking the record. Did he use steroids, most likely, but Jesus Christ, leave the man alone. The media is what made him into an asshole.
  3. If he had just used the ninja smiley....
  4. I would have to argue that San Fran's two corners aren't that bad either..they can't help they play for a shit team.
  5. The reason GB had a running game is because they passing game has allowed them to have one.
  6. I meant defense wise, The Patriots really haven't gone up against a great secondary this year. Both McAlister and Rolle were out for the Pittsburgh game.
  7. I've been playing madden all day with the Baltimore Ravens online and I will say this, Baltimore could be the team that knocks off New England.
  8. His game was good but not as good as that guy with the weird name that plays for the giants.
  9. Why do they even have McNair back in there. Take his ass out, put in Boller. McNair has done nothing but fumble the ball and taken sacks all fucking season.
  10. So...here are my picks for the divisions. NFC East: Cowboys, The giants are playing well but I don't think they'll be able to pull it off in the end. NFC West: Toss up, I'm going to say that Arizona is going to shock everyone and take the division. NFC South: Tampa Bay with New Orleans also getting into the playoffs by the way of the wild card. NFC North: This is going to be a tough one, Detroit plays Green bay next week. If Detroit knocks them off, I'm saying Detroit takes the division with Green Bay getting the other wild card spot. AFC East: Patriots. Nuff Said. AFC South: Its going to come down to The Titans and The Colts. Young will have to step up his play though. Colts win division, but Tennessee gets in via wild card. AFC North: Cleveland Browns. Yes I'm calling it now, if they keep playing the way they are, they will take this division, Pittsburgh to take wild card. AFC West: Well, this division is just about as bad as the NFC west. Tomlinson gets it done though. San Diego to win. AFC Championship: Manning vs. Brady round 2 in Boston. Patriots win. NFC Championship: Dallas vs. New Orleans or Tampa Bay one of those two NFC South teams will be there. Dallas gets the win in overtime. Superbowl: Romo vs. Brady, round 2, Dallas shocks New England and gives them their first loss.
  11. Army of Darkness is awesome because of the tree rape scene.
  12. The Patriots running up the score is great to watch. I like the idea of running up the score and if I'm Dungy I would tell the Colts to start doing the same. You have the offense, run the fucking score up.
  13. Hard Candy 8/10 This movie is about a girl who accuses a fashion photographer of being a pedophile. She tricks him into inviting her into his home, she attacks him, ties him down and then castrates him...I was ready to beat the shit out of her by the end of the movie...
  14. The Braves susspoedly will be bringing in Maddox, Glavine and Tori Hunter in the off season. Now onto something that has bothered me for a while. I get the NFL channel and I'm always watching NFL total access. Now, ever Wednesday Mike Perera (VP of officiating) gives his offical review where he gets asked questions about certain situations that occured over the weekend and every time he gives a bullshit answer for example. NYG vs. ATL Plexico was hit by hall, backed up and then forced a fumble. Picked it up and it went for a touchdown however, as he picked it up the whistle blew. When asked why this wasn't a fumble Pererra gave the following answer. "A whistle does not have to blow for a play to be dead." NOW WHAT THE FUCK IS A WHISTLE GOOD FOR THEN! Another thing they talked about was the force outs that occured, and Perrera stated that the NFL shouldn't review force outs because its a judgement deceision..
  15. 1. Tommy Gavin (Rescue Me) 2. Eric Cartman (South Park) 3. Kimber (Nip/Tuck) 4. Butters (South Park) 5. The Rock (WWE Monday Night Raw/ WWE Smakcodwn) (What he's a tv character.)
  16. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Hit of the Week! Brought to you by Rookie SS Tanard Jackson of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers with a supporting role to Dallas Clark.
  17. They say Romo is a young Favre. And I can see some similar characteristics.
  18. Buffalo had one more time out they could have used.
  19. Anybody got some good work out tunes. I've got the following so far. Cemetery Gates by Pantera Walk by Pantera Fucking Hostile by Pantera Cowboys from Hell by Pantera Bodies by Drowning Pool 5 Minutes Alone by Pantera .45 by Shinedown Faith by Limp Bizkit
  20. Bucs lose, though Garcia played well. That's what happens when you have know running game and it is reported they have lost yet another running back as Michael Pittman was carted of the field with a "sprained ankle" but there are some sources close to the team that are saying its a broken fibula.
  21. Yes they practice against that same D every year, but this year The Bucs have switched up their Defense a little adding a lot more man to man and the Linebackers drop back in coverage a lot more. Not to mention you can see them in a 4-3 and a 3-4. The buccaneers are not just a cover 2 D anymore, they run multiple D now.
  22. Go with the Bucs. Sanders missed the second half of the last game with "hurt ribs" and Harrison went out after half of the second quarter with a "bruised" knee. Now if you think both of them would leave the game like that and it not be a little more serious, you have to be kidding yourself. Top that off with the way the Bucs defense has been playing REGARDLESS of who they have played so far, they still look pretty damn good.
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