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Everything posted by Vendetta

  1. Much like Miami vs. Florida...Florida State's defense keeps them in the game but the Offense can't do shit.
  2. Miami is up on Texas A&M. I read an article earlier this morning that says that the loss to UF could be their only one. The team is stacked on defense (as always) and we have finally gotten rid of Larry Coaker's shit players.
  3. I've only seen a few shows of ASIP and I'm on the fence. Its funny, no dobut, sometimes though the humor seems to be really low brow.
  4. Who the fuck is that? Could it be Clayface (my favorite character ever) The Riddler?
  5. DVD called Black Mommas and Roller Dolls...both are very good.
  6. Poor..Poor..UCLA..DMN must have offed himself after that one..or he's still alive and is partying like a rockstar with Oakland putting up 300 rushing yards today.
  7. I'm an f'n idiot for starting Javon Walker over Eddie Royal..I mean I started Cutler..and I started McFadden (Who I will continue to start every week until his bye.)
  8. If you want to get into shit music go pick up a Daughtery CD. All of his music sounds the fucking same.
  9. Yes,. but how many albums can you name that have come out that has 7 top 40 singles off one album? There are only a few I can think off. Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell being the main one and he has only released three albums ever. Bat out of Hell, the debut album which had been four years in the making, has sold over 37 million copies. After almost 30 years, it still sells an estimated 200,000 copies annually, and stayed on the charts for over 9 years. Each of the seven tracks on the album eventually charted as a hit single. All I'm saying is it doesn't matter what you think of Nickelback..all that matters is the charts and the charts don't lie...
  10. We met as soul mates On Parris Island We left as inmates From an asylum And we were sharp As sharp as knives And we were so gung ho To lay down our lives Goodnight Saigon by Billy Joel Those opening lyrics give me goosebumps every fucking time.
  11. BYU should have lost last week..atleast this week its guranteed.
  12. New Polls are out. A.P. 1 Southern California 2 Georgia 3 Oklahoma 4 Florida 5 Ohio State 6 Missouri 7 LSU 8 Texas 9 Auburn 10 Wisconsin 11 Alabama 12 Texas Tech 13 Kansas 14 East Carolina 15 Arizona State 16 Oregon 17 Penn State 18 Brigham Young 19 South Florida 20 Wake Forest 21 Fresno State 22 Utah 23 California 24 Illinois 25 West Virginia Coaches Poll 1 Southern California 2 Georgia 3 Oklahoma 4 Florida 5 Ohio State 6 Missouri 7 LSU 8 Texas 9 Auburn 10 Wisconsin 11 Kansas 12 Texas Tech 13 Arizona State 14 Oregon 15 Brigham Young 16 Alabama 17 Penn State 18 South Florida 19 Wake Forest 20 East Carolina 21 Fresno State 22 Utah 23 Clemson 24 West Virginia 25 California
  13. Last time I checked..All the right Reasons was released 3 years ago and they still have hits coming off that album.
  14. Oh the irony in Bellicheck listing Brady on 126 consecutive Injury Reports..
  15. Now lets not get to far ahead of ourselves. They still have to beat UCF.
  16. I'm putting WVU on notice..ECU is going to kick your ass.
  17. The big guy is the guy who played Gary Battier in Remember the Titans.
  18. So Sons of Anarchy debuted tonight..anybody else catch it. Ron Pearlman is bad ass. Also. The Shield kicked off its final season last night..great episode to start off.
  19. I swear to god, if Oakland and UCLA both have good seasons..you are going to be unfucking bearable
  20. Great play call to by Chow. I knew they were going to go to the TE again when they motioned the RB.
  21. Vols up 21 to 17...Great game to end Week 1 I must say. TOUCHDOWN UCLA!
  22. God I hope there is an upset in the swamp this week...I don't fucking care if Miami wins another game this year...if we finish the season 2-10 that's fine..as long as we knock of Florida and then bury Florida State. We have no fucking offense..but the defense is as good as always.
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