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Everything posted by Vendetta

  1. So I've been told that Anderson Silva wants to foray into boxing and wants to fight Roy Jones Jr. Now if he does this and beats Jones then I must say there is a dream match to end all dream matches that must happen. Anderson Silva vs. Floyd Mayweather
  2. Vendetta

    True Blood

    Evan Rachel Wood is going to be smoking fucking hot when she steps into this show..its going to be awesome.
  3. I do have some AC?DC I'm throwing in but I also have to keep in mind that people are going to want to dance..so I've added in some of the usual stuff, Cha Cha slide, Cupit shuffle, a mean remix of Cotton Eye Joe, Copperhead Road by Steve Earle as it usally goes over pretty well with at least four or five people who know how to do the dance...
  4. Well my first gig is basically at a bar downtown. Not like a club so Techno is most likely out of it.
  5. I've picked up a second job as DJ/KJ host and have my first gig Saturday night. I've got your standard party hits, but I'm looking to add some more stuff to my collection. I have about 2 gigs of music already in my library all legal files to which I have purchased over the last couple of years. Care to make some suggestions as to what I should get and play...
  6. The ought to be banning the pricks on PS2 who play NCAA and Madden and cheat like hell. How can you play one person over and over and over again and constantly beat them 150-0. No way in hell.
  7. Don't know if this has been reported yet, but Kimbo Slice will be one of the contestants on TUF Season 10. Coaches will be Rampage Jackson and Rashad Evans..
  8. Vendetta

    True Blood

    Forgive him..he's german.
  9. Vendetta


    "Keep your hands to yourself" Georgia Satellites "Dixieland Delight" Alabama "Kristofferson" by Tim McGraw "Its Your Love" by Tim McGraw Dixieland Delight and Its Your love are my signature songs...gets all the girls...
  10. Vendetta


    So over the past few months I have gotten into Karaoke heavily. I go out about 3 times a week to do it, Sunday, Friday and Wensday. I'm actually not half bad. I do a lot of country music and lots of stuff from the 70's and 80s. Usually, if I'm drunk I have the KJ pick my songs for me which gets really interesting and has led to such classics as... Y.M.C.A In The Navy I touch myself I want your Sex Love me Tender Bat out of Hell I'm headed out tonight and I'm looking for suggestions...so far on my list for the evening is The Night the Drove old Dixie Down by the Band
  11. I haven't decided on anything. Like I said, think of this as brainstorming..you suggested Buzz'd and the thought went like this... Buzz'd........Daily. I'm an alcoholic..what can I say.
  12. Covering every aspect really...
  13. I'm going to be starting up an entertainment blog in the very near future...Already have advertisers lined up and everything but I'm having a hard time coming up with a name.... Not sure where to put this..need some brainstorming from all of you creative people.
  14. I'm too lazy to go searching through this topic, but if it hasn't been mentioned yet check this out.... http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=137545
  15. Vendetta

    True Blood

    I was actually really liking the Renae character and was hoping that he wasn't the killer. Also great knowing Lafayette is still alive...for now.
  16. Vendetta

    True Blood

    I spent all day yesterday watching season 1 and then saw the new episode tonight. It was very good.
  17. So how do I get into this league. I thought I posted my fighter ID not to long ago.
  18. "Before we let you leave, your commander must cross that field, present himself before this army, put his head between his legs, and kiss his own arse." (Mel Gibson in "Braveheart" – 1995) "If you come back in here, I'm going to hit you with so many rights, you're going to beg for a left." (Chuck Norris) "Invasion USA" – 1985) The Blues Brothers, (1980), “I took the liberty of bullshitting you”, Elwood Blues (Dan Ackroyd) Batman , (1989), “Tell me something, my friend. You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight”, The Joker (Jack Nicholson) A League of Their Own , (1992), “There’s no crying in baseball”, Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks) Wayne’s World , (1992), “Schwing”, Wayne Campbell (Mike Myers) Ace Ventura Pet Detective, (1994), “Warning! Assholes are closer than they appear”, Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) Jerry Maguire , (1996), “Show me the money”, Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) Gladiator, (2000), “At my signal, unleash hell”, Maximus (Russell Crowe)
  19. "Before we let you leave, your commander must cross that field, present himself before this army, put his head between his legs, and kiss his own arse." (Mel Gibson in "Braveheart" – 1995) "If you come back in here, I'm going to hit you with so many rights, you're going to beg for a left." (Chuck Norris) "Invasion USA" – 1985) The Blues Brothers, (1980), “I took the liberty of bullshitting you”, Elwood Blues (Dan Ackroyd) Batman , (1989), “Tell me something, my friend. You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight”, The Joker (Jack Nicholson) A League of Their Own , (1992), “There’s no crying in baseball”, Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks) Wayne’s World , (1992), “Schwing”, Wayne Campbell (Mike Myers) Ace Ventura Pet Detective, (1994), “Warning! Assholes are closer than they appear”, Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) Jerry Maguire , (1996), “Show me the money”, Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) Gladiator, (2000), “At my signal, unleash hell”, Maximus (Russell Crowe)
  20. Hey Biggz I haven't received any type of contract offer..I don't know if you haven't sent them or what.
  21. http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=8217 DeMarco "The Colombian Crusher" Vendetta
  22. So I just checked out Gaslight Anthem and to me they sound a little like Bruce Springsteen...don't ask me how I can compare them to him but that's who comes to mind when I hear them.
  23. Fuck Public Enemies... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG1UnOwJht8...feature=channel
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