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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. I think that is so against the spirit of the list in so many ways, but since you're you, it will probably happen anyway.

    Fallout Mafia is ready to go.

    They don't follow chronological orders so any one of them can run at any given time rather than it having to be one particular game followed by another, and obviously they'll all be spread out since, well, fuck that I can't run four games at one time, let alone one immediately after the other.

    I mean, if RW only wants to put one up on the list then far be it from me to tell him I don't want that, but... I'm not really going to abuse having four games up there, it's mostly just a placeholder. I won't be stealing anyone's turns.

    I legitimately expect this thing to be stretched out over the year (not end-to-end, but definitely scattered about the months), four games that make up one new chapter in the series. If I have to reg them one-by-one I suppose I can do that too, but I figured it'd save time and be less of a hassle if I got them all up there now.

  2. What can I say, I honestly love my Webcom series too much to just drop it :)

    And it didn't look like people really wanted it to be the end of the series last time, so... why not continue it on from there, even if it isn't a direct sequel?

    That and I like the idea of having a series of smaller games make up a new chapter in the series together, it just feels right since it's hit big #4 now.

  3. Go ahead and put Webcomic Mafia IV: The Lost Wars down as four separate games if at all possible. Two small, two medium.

    They don't follow chronological orders so any one of them can run at any given time rather than it having to be one particular game followed by another, and obviously they'll all be spread out since, well, fuck that I can't run four games at one time, let alone one immediately after the other.

    But, in celebration of Webcomic Mafia III's first-year anniversary starting point, I'm preparing four non-large, set-numbered games detailing the smaller wars that broke out in-between the stories of Webcom I and Webcom III (Y)

    Roles aren't set for any of them yet but I'm at least going to lock them in now so I can have them ready in time. I'll give you an exact number as far as number of roles go for each of them soon enough.

  4. You know, surprisingly, there's a new song out by Flo Rida that I actually quite like that could work with what you're looking for.

    "Right Round" by Flo Rida ft. Kesha, it samples "Right Round" by Dead or Alive... just heard it on the radio today on my way back home, it's surprisingly catchy. I don't listen to a whole lot of hip hop/rap/etc. but most of Flo Rida's stuff that I've heard has been incredibly catchy, and this one's no different.

    Though it pisses me off that this Kesha chick sounds identical to friggin' Katie Perry, I swore it was her when I first heard it.

    Here, check the Youtube.

  5. Yeah, thanks to you Norro I am watching SE and Wallflower (really enjoying it now :shifty:)....may have to check it out, you have not showed me crap yet.

    You can thank Lorina for it to be honest, she's been my anime hook-up for awhile now. I got into Soul Eater because she introduced it to me because a friend of hers recommended it, then her friend had an anime club for awhile that was showing Wallflower episodes (the same club that also started airing Negima, after which we pretty much stopped going because fuck Negima), and now she's found Hell Girl.

    I take full credit for Gurren Lagann though, I found that shit first thanks to my best friend's forcing the first few episodes upon me, after which I became obsessed >_>

    She's also been trying to force me to watch Fullmetal Alchemist. I mean, I have, I love the story, but I've only watched sporadic episodes, I've never watched the thing the whole way through, start to finish. For some reason this infuriates her.

  6. So, Hell Girl.

    Holy shit.

    Lorina just picked this series up looking around for something new to watch and though I didn't watch all of the first episode with her we just watched the second since, well, you can practically jump in at any point it seems and get the gist of it if you already know the basic story to it.

    Anyway, wow. Guess I now have another anime series to follow alongside of Soul Eater and Wallflower, which is nice. Wallflower for comedy, Soul Eater for action/comedy/drama, and then Hell Girl for... well, for freaky shit.

    Seriously, while I wouldn't call the anime a psychological thriller on-level with Paranoia Agent by any means (though I AM a bit of a PA fanboy, so... yeah, take that with a grain of salt), I would definitely say that it's freaky as hell if you start getting into it. The stories, the characters they come up with... creepy as fuck. I've only watched two episodes (technically one and a half) thus far and already I'm going to recommend it to those of you who've not seen it. Definitely worth picking up.

  7. Hey, -A-... I've made a few mafia roles up for my Webcom games in the past that got integrated into other games in the past. If I wrote up descriptions for these roletypes, would they fit into the resource post? They aren't common and I pretty much just made them myself to fit the style of my game, but I've seen them make appearances in other games after.

    Examples of course being the Mafia Turncoat, Suicide Investigator, all the way to one of my more recent ones, the Corrupt Judge. I'm sure the roles have appeared elsewhere before and they aren't unique to me alone, but I came up with them without outside influences so yeah :P

  8. An SK that's immune to investigations, or turns up town, is usually the best option. That being said though, I could care less, so long as the SK has to be the last man standing... that's just how I prefer it, and that's how I almost won Anime Mafia too. SKs are really, really fun to have if you find pleasure in navigating minefields and making smart decisions.

    Seriously, I'd hate to be an SK that didn't have the condition to make it to the end, it just comes off cheap to me otherwise. Sure, you can make it difficult by having them have to specifically target certain players, but honestly at that point they're not a Serial Killer role anymore, they're a Hunter role. There is a difference between an SK and a Hunter.

    So, like I said, I just prefer "last man standing" SKs who, at most, have investigation protection.

  9. "Why is Dora crying?" read an advertisement Viacom placed in The New York Times. "Time Warner is taking Dora off the air tonight! Along with 19 of your favorite channels."

    That's... that's honestly fucking disgusting. Seriously, Viacom? Way to shoot yourself in the foot, that's a dick move if I've ever seen one, and it's blatantly obvious how big of a dick move it is.

  10. I'm burning a bunch of anime series for a friend who's very behind on her viewing (both Code Geass seasons, the second School Rumble season, NANA, Gurren Lagann, etc.), and...I need to rewatch TTGL. Just randomly viewing the 'final' fight with Lord Genome in episode 15 now. Awesome. :wub:

    I seriously cannot stop watching some of the big-league fights in TTGL, they did such an amazing job with the fighting sequences. So many excellent match-ups throughout the series.

  11. For Christmas, I received $100 worth of Wii Points cards. Five cards. 10,000 Points.

    I still haven't finished spending all the points Thus far, I've gotten the following: all of Megaman 9's downloadable content, World of Goo, Mario Kart 64, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire, & Comix Zone.

    3,500 points still left and I'm waiting on Smash Bros 64 to come out in January so I can pick that one up. All in all, I'm pretty satisfied.

  12. By the way, Norro, why didn't you sign up?

    I wanted to, I so very, very badly wanted to... but I didn't feel like I could give the proper attention to the game that I'd want to give. I've got a lot going on right now keeping me from my own projects, I didn't want it also keeping me away from projects I got myself involved in.

    Nonetheless, watching it has been loads of fun anyway. Can't wait to see how it plays out, it's nice getting hooked into a game that I can just sit back and watch, actually.

  13. Hint: The PW Mafia game is 10x more fun if you've got the PW soundtrack available.

    Hell, when it's done, I'm half-tempted to turn it into a flash movie that mimics the game directly so it looks like an actual Phoenix Wright game. There's no way it'd be that difficult to do, just grab the proper sprites, backgrounds, and fonts and then bam, you're just copying stuff from the game the rest of the way.

    I say half-tempted, by the way, because while the prospect of such a thing happening makes the PW fanboy in me nerdgasm all over the place, the fact is I've got so much going on I dunno about time. Still, if I can do it, I most certainly am going to try, if at least only for my own enjoyment >_>

    Too late, I already downloaded Case Maker! :w00t:

    Hell that's less work for me then, get this shit done so I can download it and watch it while salivating all over the place already.

  14. Hint: The PW Mafia game is 10x more fun if you've got the PW soundtrack available.

    Hell, when it's done, I'm half-tempted to turn it into a flash movie that mimics the game directly so it looks like an actual Phoenix Wright game. There's no way it'd be that difficult to do, just grab the proper sprites, backgrounds, and fonts and then bam, you're just copying stuff from the game the rest of the way.

    I say half-tempted, by the way, because while the prospect of such a thing happening makes the PW fanboy in me nerdgasm all over the place, the fact is I've got so much going on I dunno about time. Still, if I can do it, I most certainly am going to try, if at least only for my own enjoyment >_>

  15. If you killed Maya I wouldn't have been nearly as upset as I would have with Pearl, but I'd still be upset. Maya's awesome, damn it.

    Just so you know by the way, you're hitting everything perfect with the game so far. It feels like an actual Phoenix Wright game going on as far as dialogue and your handling of the story is concerned, it just all fits incredibly well. Really sad I couldn't get involved, but I really enjoy watching things from an outside perspective, as was the same case with Saved by the Bell Mafia.

    Anyway, now I'm rooting for GoGo to nail a scum because for God's sake I don't want to see Nick's spirit broken,

    the poor guy already lost so much in the games (albeit he doesn't seem to mind but DAMN IT NICK I WANT YOU BACK IN THE COURTROOM :( ).

    Spoiler tags in case some folks didn't know for God knows what reason because if you're reading in here you should know about Phoenix Wright already >_>

  16. I thought that when Keanu sacrificed himself, it caused all the electrical stuff on earth to die and forced people to change their ways anyhow? I haven't seen the original, but I didn't think that this was that bad on its own.

    No, no it did not. Because, you see, if it just so happened to cause all the electrical stuff to die, people would know how to rebuild it. Furthermore, if it caused all the electrical stuff to die, and people realized that the aliens were gone, but there was no more electricity, more rioting and looting would break out than in the history of mankind and the whole fucking planet would eat itself into its own end.

    How is humanity collectively going to change its ways when the one message they were supposed to gather wasn't even sent out to them in the first place? If losing electricity worldwide is all they get, then the first thought on everyone's minds will either be "Let's fix this" or "Let's take advantage of this", in which there is going to be one obvious answer made by the majority, and mankind winds up worse off then they were before Klaatu came and tried to teach them a lesson.

    You don't even have to have seen the original to know how flawed the logic in the ending was, it was shit. The movie, on its own, was not bad, and could have been good if not for the terrible ending.

    Between the fact that there was no fucking way that mankind would learn anything because Klaatu never got any kind-of message out to them, and the fact that the lead kid who, bless him, did the best damn job with his role that he possibly could, but would have never been able to deliver that fucking cheesy and painfully corny line that they actually forced him to say at the very end... seriously, the ending just makes the whole damn thing unwatchable for me.

    Oh, and for those of you who haven't seen it, I'll put this in spoiler tags, but that stupid line the kid says at the end? Yeah, picture a kid saying this, and prepare to groan from the pain it causes:

    *the giant ark-orb begins lifting into the sky*

    Woman: They're leaving.

    Kid: No... he's leaving.

    *kid looks up thoughtfully at woman, as if suddenly the whole fucking world and all its mysteries have been revealed to him, and he's reached some divine sense of enlightenment*

    Really. Just... change the ending, and the movie would have been a decent remake. The way they ended it makes the entire movie pointless, and I can say this with 100% certainty that I am right. Do you know how I know I am right? Let me explain:

    Klaatu came to the planet to try and reveal to humanity that in order to save themselves, they would have to change their way of life. To do this, he wished to speak to the world leaders, or at least have a medium in which he could communicate with the entire world. He spends most of the first half of the film trying to fucking do this and being unable to.

    When he speaks to the professor, he realizes that humanity has the ability to change despite all the terrible things he's seen of them, but he's not quite sure if they can yet. So he continues observing. His time spent with the kid is actually really good character development, and it helps push the fact that Klaatu is getting to see the pain of human existence but how they persevere despite it and try to adapt. To be honest, this was one of the best parts of the film.

    Now then, my point: Klaatu, at the very end, chooses to sacrifice his life so that humanity might live to change themselves. Yet Klaatu, having never received the opportunity to directly communicate with mankind as a whole, left no means for mankind to even understand how to change themselves, or what they need to change.

    No matter what way you look at it, the fact of the matter is that the ending makes no fucking sense. "Mankind has to change its ways", let's assume this DOES mean the electricity gets shut off. Okay... there goes our power supply, so are we gonna get some help from those aliens that came all the way over to tell us to stop fucking up our planet, using what is probably some advanced non-electric mode of technology, so that we can actually put together an effort to help the planet?

    There are so many holes in the ending that it just wrecks the flow of the entire movie, and, as I said, renders the whole thing pointless. They spent nearly two hours trying to cram into our heads that humanity needed to change to save itself, and that Klaatu was trying to show humanity the error of its ways... and then ends with Klaatu dying without ever saying a goddamn thing to anyone but a small group of people, the power is off, and there is probably rioting and looting all over the damn place as a result without any means whatsoever of proper communication between world leaders, law enforcement, military or otherwise to help take control of the situation.

    In short, mankind gets fucked over and collectively shits itself while Klaatu dies happily knowing he did something to keep them from being wiped out so that they might change for the better, not ever knowing that his action has caused all of society to eat itself.

  17. The film would have been better if it had some fucking resolution. Seriously, it was a decent flick up until the ending, which soured the entire bloody movie and rendered everything that had happened pointless.

    Oh, wooo, Klaatu sacrifices himself to save everyone, awesome. Now, with that out of the way... how is humanity supposed to know what the fuck to do now that it's all over? Like... outside of Klaatu's little inner circle of peeps in the movie, who else understands that they have to "change their ways" in order to avoid being fucking destroyed? I mean really.

    That, and the entire point of the original, and the commentaries that were made for its time, were completely lost in this one. They claimed to be adapting it for our time, but all they did was adapt it into an okay popcorn flick with a shit ending.

  18. DoubleX and I just beat the piss out of each other for a bit. Twas fun.


    He kicked my ass with DeDeDe on Lylat System, but I did pretty damn well with Falco against his Mario and Pokemon Trainer, if I do say so myself.

  19. They call me the Hiphopopotamus

    I got flows that glow like phosphorous

    Poppin' off the top of this esophagus

    I'm not a water dwelling mammal from Africa that's moved to the metropolis and been taught how to breakdance

    Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?

    Did Steve tell you that?

    What's he got to do with it?

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