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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. I think Xevious is the way to go for "X". I need more oldschool games to balance things out, considering I have a lot of modern games already on the list. Xevious could work pretty well for that.

    Plus, hell, I've no idea what other game starts with an "X" that would be suitable to put up there.

  2. Rarely do any lists allow "The" to put something in at "T", they usually go with the first letter of the word after "the". That said, I never start with T on the word "The" :P

    Doesn't matter about matching the boxart, just a personal preference. Also, Plubs, I could get away with it and no-one would mind, but it's just a personal preference. Nothing too strict, just something I prefer :P

  3. I was either going for Alone in the Dark or Assassin's Creed for "A" until someone (I think it was Ellis) suggested Asteroids to start things off... honestly? That's not a bad idea, I actually really like that, as I plan on having a good chunk of it be pretty graphic-heavy. Starting things off so simple could be a really nice tie-in.

    I'm just wondering how I'd transition it into the next one, but I'm getting a few ideas. I think I'll go with that, actually.

    Alright, I'll go with Asteroids for A. Editing that in now.

  4. Urrrgh, you know what? Much as I now want to put Oregon Trail for "O", I'm just going to go with my original desire and put Okami there. I love that game to death and it hasn't gotten nearly the level of popularity in sales that it deserves :(

  5. You should keep watchin my original post for edits, before long I will have the whole alphabet done. :shifty:

    Trust me, I have. Your post was what pushed me to just go with Katamari :P

    I'm mostly leaning towards games that I prefer on this, but when I can't make up my mind I'm hoping a good number of people can push me in the right direction in here :P

  6. Okay, let me see...

    P: Pacman, Pokemon, Pong, Prince of Persia

    I've been wanting to put Katamari in, honestly... only thing stopping me before was that it was a game from '05, so you know what? I'll go ahead and put that in.

  7. Well, you should base it on all time -but only do games you like. Shows your likes as well as your talent.

    That's what I've been leaning towards to be honest, but I wasn't certain. I put together a list from A-to-Z of games made since '06 and I just didn't like some of my choices, so... yeah.

    For P, I've been torn in a three-way struggle. Pacman for its iconic image in gaming, Pokemon for its massive impact on gaming in-general and overall success and worldwide fame, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney because I fucking love Phoenix Wright.

    EDIT: Went ahead and put Civilization IV for "C".

  8. I'm planning to do a self-made mural of video games as a little side-project for myself. Some of you may remember that I've done this before, but this one I actually plan to do with the intention of having it be a fold-up piece to put in my portfolio, so I'm looking to get pretty stylized with it.

    Anyway, I'm torn over what I should do this thing on: it's going to be an a-to-z mural with one entry per letter. What I was wondering is, should I only do recent games, as in the past... three years? Five years? Or should I do best games of all time? Or, by that same token, should I just go with my favorite games out of the bunch of games in recent years, or my favorite games out of the games made in all time?

    I figured rather than make up my own damn mind, I'd let you guys decide. I've only got a few preferences for certain letters, but other than them, I've yet to really make up my mind. So, if all of you don't mind...

    A: Asteroids

    B: Bioshock

    C: Civilization IV




    G: Grand Theft Auto IV

    H: Halo 3


    J: Joust

    K: Katamari Damacy

    L: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    M: Metal Gear Solid 4

    N: Ninja Gaiden 2

    O: Okami




    S: Super Mario Galaxy

    T: Tetris



    W: Wii Sports

    X: Xevious



    Wanna help me fill this thing out? :)

  9. So, I figured I'd start up this discussion here just to get some people coming up with random matches between characters of different shows, both real-life and cartoon/anime, as well as (hell why not) video and PC games. There has to be some guidelines though to generate proper discussion:

    1. The characters have to have similarities of some kind, or else we'd get shit like Superman vs. Ash from Pokemon

    2. With that in mind, it cannot be an obvious answer, like Superman vs. Ash from Pokemon (Ash would totally dominate)

    3. If you're going to answer as to who would win, actually explain why you think they will. Don't give me a "because they're awesome" answer.

    4. Let's try one debate at a time. If you have an idea for a match, just type in the match at the end of your response to the current debate.

    5. Characters MUST stay in-character for the matches. (Ex.: they refuse to use their powers to kill a person, they can't just kill their opponent with them anyway.)

    6. Keep the matches realistic to the characters and the way they are. For example, Winnie the Pooh would not whip out a gun on Klaatu.

    7. If there are different "types" to the character (Goku's different "levels" of Super Saiyan), specify which level they are at first. Let's try to keep out variables.

    8. The matches don't have to be physical matches, i.e. the characters themselves don't have to fight. They can be facing off in their chosen professions (Vincent 'Vinny' Gambini from the movie "My Cousin Vinny" versus Phoenix Wright of the Ace Attorney game series)

    9. The match can contain any number of characters, but it MUST be an equal number on both sides.

    So, like I said, one debate at a time. Let's say... the debate can last a week? At the end of each week, we switch the subject, and whichever character had the most support in the debate in that week is declared the "winner" of the match in this main post.

    Meanwhile, if anyone has an idea for a match to debate in here, put the suggestion at the end of your post in response to the topic. Whichever match I like the most, or whichever match draws the most attention from people (i.e. you put in a match and a number of people want to see it happen), will be the next match to be put up for debate.

    Oh, and the inspiration for this? For shits and giggles I Google'd "Mandy vs. Gaz", Mandy being from "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy", Gaz being from "Invader Zim". Lo and behold, I find a comic book forum discussing this very topic back in 2005 that a poster named "GoGo Yubari" contributed in. Whether or not this is our GoGo Yubari will be unknown until he lets me know, but regardless, it gave me the idea to bring this sort-of topic to EWB to see how it would go >_>

    So! With that said, our first character war debate:

    Who would win in a fight between...

    Doc Ock (Spiderman 2 Version) versus Ash (Army of Darkness)

    This match was suggested to me, if you have any complaints, save them, because I thought it was an interesting match to think about happening after I heard it suggested. You want a better match, suggest it for the next debate >_>

  10. I detest illustrator, cheated my way through the small part of class that involved it. We had to pick an image, trace it in illustrator so it'd be a vector image, then make a color separation with it. I attempted to do it in illustrator, it was a disaster so I just ran it through vectormagic.com.

    I should probably make another attempt at learning it.

    Yes, you should. I'm assuming your teacher probably didn't give you a passing grade on that assignment, and if they did then they should really be reevaluated, as that's just awful >_>

  11. Not bad Keith, you're picking up steam.

    Illustrator is a breeze to learn for the most part when you master the pen tool, but when you hit the more advanced stuff you sort-of hit your second road block after that. Gradient mesh, for example, is a bitch but when you get it down you're pretty much able to make 3D looking designs on illustrator. I myself haven't had nearly enough practice in it though, so hey.

  12. I've a feeling it's a slow-building anime that builds the central characters over time while using the different stories to do so. I highly doubt it's three seasons worth of the same thing, but who knows, maybe I'm wrong. In the meantime though, I'll be watching it, it's damn interesting and enjoyable thus far so why not?

  13. As an aside, I just realized thanks to my post in another thread that you don't have the Mafia Chatterbox on the list. Fer shame, that one's a classic.

    Why, thank you. I came up with that one all by my own - but I'm not naive enough to think i'm the only person to ever have done so <_<

    I know you're trying to imply that I'm naiive enough to think such a thing, but to be honest if the roletypes I've thought up haven't been thought of before, I would be concerned with the creative state of gamemakers. The roles I've "made" are so easy to come up with >_>

  14. It seems like most of these roles are combinations of other abilities mentioned above, so I'm not sure they need to be mentioned again. For example, the Suicide Investigator is a combination of Cop + Bulletproof + a post restriction. The Chatterbox is a post restriction too, not an ability or specific role.

    I'll definitely include the normal Turncoat in my next update since I've missed that, and the Mafia Turncoat if a version of it appears that works well.

    What I think we should have then is a "Modified Roles" or "Post-Restriction Roles" section of things to help give people ideas for more themed games. There are a lot of legitimate roles that are combinations of others/include restrictions/etc. that should be on the list, but by the nature of the current roles list, can't be.

  15. Corrupt Judge was a kind-of ability I plan on putting into other games, as it works the same as the judge but with vote rigging. Mafia Turncoat role has changed a lot, but I think with the next Webcom the version I've came up with will work out the best to be honest.

    As for the Suicide Investigator: the basic plan I had for that goes back to the first Webcom with the "Suck for a Buck" lady from Least I Could Do. You've got a person who cannot post throughout the entire game except only to vote, but at night can investigate one person and get back their exact role identity. They get nightkill immunity but not lynch immunity, and the only post other than voting that they're allowed to make is posting the full identity of the person they've investigated, revealing who they are.

    After that, they're modkilled but get a technical victory IF their death results in the death of a scum player, since their purpose is to basically "suicide bomb" one person out of the game.

    As an aside, I just realized thanks to my post in another thread that you don't have the Mafia Chatterbox on the list. Fer shame, that one's a classic.

  16. SDM is right.

    No double standards here in the Mafia Cube! Only one game on the list at a time, and it only goes on once you know the game's design and how many roles will be in it.

    That being said though, I can basically register them one after another when one is finished, correct?

    I mean, more hassle but hey, if I have to I have to, so long as it works out.

  17. Be: Twelve townies? Hm. I usually like to have town be slightly over double the number of scum in-game, so... I dunno, five, maybe six threats at most? I could see a four man group against 12 townies, with the fifth scum being an SK. Or, you could have a three-man mafia still, but with one SK and one cultist, or something. I'd honestly shy from putting a cult into a smaller game though.

    Ruki: With a 12 man game I'd be going with three mob, one SK. That puts the town at double the number of threats, and gives them one up over the mob actually. The SK provides an element of resistance to both sides, and the mob can have a hitman, don, and roleblocker/conman.

    You know what, now that I think about it... whatever happened to the chatterbox role? I haven't seen one around in ages.

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