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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. They've put a good drive together thus far, they just need to keep it up and they should get on the scoreboard.

    The beauty of this is I like both teams, honestly, so I don't mind who wins... I just want both teams to play well. Seeing the Cards get blown out is not my ideal for this Superbowl.

  2. As an aside, I'm thinking about having a workspace of a full 8.5x11 per each letter, which means that at maximum we're looking at a mural stretching roughly 23 feet long. Of course, that's not counting for inches lost on blends between each letter, but hey. Still gonna be a long-ass mural, I hope I can find somewhere to make a good print of it when it's done.

  3. Explanations aside, these are what each letter have came down to. If the letter is bolded, that means I've already decided on it. Some letters have not changed:

    D: Doom or Dig Dug

    E: Earthbound or Escape from Monkey Island

    F: Final Fantasy VII, Fallout 3, or F-Zero

    I: Ico

    P: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney or Pacman

    Q: Quake

    R: Resident Evil or Rock Band 2

    U: Unreal Tournament III, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, or Uniracers

    V: Virtua Fighter or Viewtiful Joe

    Y: Yoshi's Island DS

    Z: Zombies Ate My Neighbors

  4. There were so many characters that deserved costumes like the kind Wario got. For God's sake, Mr. L as an alt for Luigi alone would have been a fantastic move by them, but they wouldn't even do that. My only guess for not including Shadow as an alt outfit is because they want Shadow to be his own character separate from Sonic, but... I mean, really, it wouldn't kill them to just appease the fans a little there.

    Dark Samus alt for Samus, a Roy alt for Ike or Marth since, come on, Roy was a popular Melee character. And at LEAST have Mewtwo as an assist trophy rather than completely cut the thing out of the series. There were just a lot of things they could have done but didn't, unfortunately.

  5. So as I'm sure many of you are aware, Brawl has been hacked in a huge way: people are figuring out how to texture swap to an insane degree. We're not just talking exchanging textures between characters, either, they are creating entirely new textures and replacing the ones used on the characters. Hackers are basically making custom outfits available for Brawl.

    The following are links to the various project websites:

    Forum with most of the hacks made thus far

    Stack Smash

    Elite Smash Hackers

    Kitty Corp

    Team Twilight

    So, with that being said... none of the hacks have been released yet, but when they release the packs you'll be able to use the textures with USBGecko or the Twilight Hack or something to that effect. In any case, in honor of the work of these hackers, I'm going to put up my top twenty-five favorite custom outfit hacks I've seen thus far.

    Admire them, appreciate them, talk about them... whatever, but you have to admit, the effort these hackers put into their work is commendable. They have done a fantastic job adding more excitement on top of what was already for many an exciting game. These hacks are the first step forward to really making Brawl feel "complete" in some of the areas they seemingly missed out on.

    It should also be noted: they also know how to hack final smashes, stages, custom stages, assist trophies, Pokemon, items and even Kirby Hats, and probably a whole lot more. All-in-all, these guys are doing a lot of work to make Brawl better, and I for one appreciate it. (Although apparently, Nintendo doesn't, as they've shut down one particular hacksite already called "Syntax Error")

    Anyway, rambling aside, here's my top 25:

    #25: SpiderHog


    #24: Pichu


    #23: Vegeta


    #22: White Mage & Black Mage


    #21: Sigma


    #20: SMB1 Bowser


    #19: Demon Luigi


    #18: SMB1 Peach


    #17: Cosmic Mario


    #16: Oompa Loompa


    #15: Majora's Mask


    #14: Cloud Strife


    #13: Monkey D. Luffy


    #12: Magneto


    #11: Roy


    #10: Dark Samus


    #9: Old Snake


    #8: Dry Bowser/Dry Giga Bowser


    #7: Ridley


    #6: Weavel


    #5: Young Phoenix Wright


    #4: Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik


    #3: Mr. L


    #2: Shadow the Hedgehog


    #1: Metal Sonic


  6. I think that's really wrong. I've had town aligned roleblockers before, and I've only just realised (after the last game that I used it in, I've since retired it from my games) how bad it is. It is only good if you decide that the mafia's kill can be roleblocked, otherwise it has a fairly minimal impact on the game.

    Now I think it's the trait of a lazy game runner trying to round up to generate enough roles. I've certainly done that before.

    And I completely disagree. I wasn't being lazy when I made the Ashley role the first time, she was actually one of the first roles I'd made for the game. The fact of the matter is that the roleblocker role CAN be useful to the town, as it's a pseudo-investigation ability if used properly that forces a scum, if caught out, to defend themselves.

    I dunno, I realize it depends on the game and the person who receives the role, but in the times I've had it in my games I've seen it be made into a very useful town role, so I've no complaints.

  7. Roles that should never, ever be town-aligned:

    1) Roleblocker

    2) Bus driver

    The bus driver I can understand, but I've made good use of town-aligned roleblockers before. The Ashley role in Webcom, for example, was a town-aligned roleblocker role that worked out excellent both times I used it for my games. Granted, the person who gets the role may dictate its usefulness as a town role, but... it CAN be used as an excellent town role, in my opinion.

  8. Oh there's love for Pac-Man, but it's clashing currently with my obsessive love for all things Phoenix Wright. Seriously you have no idea how difficult P is for me right now.

    R is a toss-up between Rock Band 2 and Resi Evil at the moment for me though, honestly.

  9. Alright, I'm gonna go ahead and do Bioshock for B. The fact is much as I love Bomberman (I did him for "B" on my last attempted mural), but not only was I originally going to go with Bioshock, but I feel like graphically it would be intense to see the simplicity of Asteroids transition into the complexity of Bioshock.

    T is going to be for Tetris. The response for that thus far has been pretty solid and I was already leaning in that game's direction, so... it makes sense, really.

    J is Joust. I used to love that game as a kid anyway, but I figured Jak's series was worth putting in.

    As for the rest, right now I'm still debating over them, so if anyone has anything else to add please do so. Would love to get more opinions in on this :P

  10. And Norro....No Final Fantasy VI? Lame. Don't do Final Fantasy VII, PLEASE. I'm begging you. It's been overdone, and honestly, there's a million pics out there of one Sephiroth, Cloud, or Tifa.

    Again. Personal favorites, not everyone else's favorites :P

    I haven't actually gotten to play Final Fantasy VI myself yet, but I'd love to be able to. That being said, FFVII will always stand out to me personally, despite all the overly excessive amounts of hype it's received, because it was one of the first Playstation games that I played and got really, really excited over when I was younger. And as for FFX, that's another personal favorite of mine because back when I first played it, it completely enthralled me in it and I wound up playing the damn thing nonstop. It really pulled me in.

    I could have put the first Final Fantasy on there, actually, but didn't because to be honest if nothing else it's going to be associated with 8-Bit Theater.

  11. Alright, here's a list of the remaining letters and the games I am currently considering using for them. If you guys could, either voice your opinions on the ones you'd like to see make the mural, or suggest other games for these particular letters:

    B is down to Brain Age, Bioshock, Bubble Bobble, and Bomberman

    D is down to Donkey Kong Country, Dead Rising, Dance Dance Revolution, Duck Hunt, Doom, and Dig Dug

    E is down to Escape from Monkey Island, Elebits, Earthworm Jim, and Earthbound

    F is down to Final Fantasy VII or X (personal favorites, hush >_>), Fallout 3, F-Zero, Frogger, and any one of the Fire Emblem games

    I is down to Ico and Ikaruga

    J is down to Joust and Jak 1, 2 or 3

    P is down to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Pokemon Red or Blue, Pacman, Prince of Persia, and Pong

    Q is down to Q-bert, Quake, and Qix

    R is down to Resident Evil (any of them really), Rock Band 2, Rayman or Rayman 2: The Great Escape, and Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party

    T is down to Tetris, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, Turok, Tomb Raider or Tomb Raider: Underworld, Tekken or Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, THPS2 and Twisted Metal

    U is down to Unreal Tournament III, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and Uniracers

    V is down to Virtua Fighter or Virtua Fighter 5, Viewtiful Joe or Viewtiful Joe 2, and Viva Piñata

    Y is down to Yoshi's Island DS and Yar's Revenge

    Z is down to Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Zaxxon and Z.O.E.

  12. I think Ninja Gaiden 2 can go on the mural. Should be nice actually, since last mural I had the original Ninja Gaiden on there.

    So, yeah, N will be Ninja Gaiden 2. As for T, I'm leaning more and more towards Tetris. Not completely decided on it, but definitely thinking it may be the best option here really.

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