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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. WOW. Excellent play by Holmes, he fucking rushed for that endzone. Steelers are just within arms reach of a TD here, Cardinals really need to step up their defensive game here if they hope to close in on this thing.

  2. This could be huge. Steelers might drive this thing into overtime if they can get in close enough, I'd love to see that happen honestly. I came into this thing looking for a good, close game between these two teams and I'm getting it so far. Just an awesome thing to watch so far.

  3. It's raining flags all throughout this game, I swear to God. Like a sea of piss flying into the air and back down again.

    Hell of a play by Roeth just now. Excellent job avoiding the sack.

  4. And the Cardinals offense drops the ball. Good effort, but now it's on the Cardinals defense to-- oh now what the hell another penalty? Come on, how many penalties are we gonna fucking see in this game?

    ... haaahahahaha, that was so blatant the guy just needs to be ejected entirely. Wonderful.

    Fucking AMAZING turn of events for the Cardinals. Let's see a safety here, guys, you can do this!

  5. Cardinals are really rolling along now, fucking ace sack. They could have this thing, I'm waiting to see something big happen.

    Short pass to get in close, but not close enough. Alright Cardinals, you got possession back, now drive it home and make this shit a close game.

  6. Hell yeah, excellent catch just then. Arizona could just turn this thing around, they need to tighten up their defense even more and really push their offense when they get back possession, but they could easily catch up at this point.

  7. Put this into perspective: If the Steelers win, we can look back and say that that touchdown was the game-changer, barring a completely out-of-control second half. If the Cardinals win, that touchdown turns into a really, really good play, but not as much of a game changer as it could have been.

    All depends on how these things turn out.

  8. WOW. What an interception. Good decision to review it, but that was an INCREDIBLE interception and return for a touchdown. That was... I swear, if he DOES get that to count the guy needs to be awarded player of the game. No linebacker should possess the physical capability to DO something like that, I mean Jesus.

    Hell of a play, if they get that touchdown they sure as hell earned it.

  9. I think Budweiser is contractually required to do a bunch of horse commercials for the Super Bowl, though, so you can't really fault them.

    Are they contractually designed to suck though? The last good Bud commercials were with the frogs and then they beat those to death too.

    I know, right? Honestly, it's beer and horses. You think they'd be able to come up with something entertaining out of that, but they make it over-the-top and dramatic in a really poor way.

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