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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. I want Doc. You can do it Little Norro! Watch out for his Tiger Punch.

    I'm flattered that you would compare me to a midget from the Bronx with a penchant for destroying massive men with his bare hands.

    Though I'm going to be honest Srar, you playing the part of an overweight black man patting my shoulder from behind is somewhat disconcerting :shifty:

  2. RE: Ruki

    Yes, I am going to finish commitments in the mafias I am currently in, then I'm going to take a break for a while. Although I do love mafias, and find them immense fun (sometimes), I just can't promise commitment like most others seem to able to. This either leads to me wasting a role, a space, and/or getting lynched for 'lurking'.

    You still pre-signed for WCMIV or should I take you off the list?

  3. But, even that being said, it's still the investigator putting the fate of another townie in his own hands. At this point, IF that townie is worthless, then great, the mob wastes a kill to take down a confirmed townie and the investigator/doctor/what have you lives another night. If the townie is not, then it could easily set the town back quite considerably, especially if it's earlier into the game.

    Again, there are numerous ways that these scenarios can go, but it all comes back to the investigator further endangering a fellow town member. The mob is more likely to kill a confirmed townie so they can create confusion among the town, and unless there are better leads for the mob to follow (i.e. other power roles reveal themselves), most of the time they'll go for the guy that the town can now count on being clean.

    At most, they might wait a night in case a protector might be on that townie, but otherwise that person's now in their sights when before he or she might not have been. Really, this whole argument is based on hypothesis, like "well if it was this way then ___" or "but if it's this way then ___", which basically means this is going to go 'round in circles :P

  4. But that brings into the question: what if Slogger is the doctor? Then, not only does the town lose an investigator, but they also lose the doctor.

    Players who are better at mafia games more often don't necessarily give more value to the town than players who've stumbled along the way many times. Those stumblers are still bound to get a good role every now and then, and if the investigator outs them as a townie and the mob decides to take out the one confirmed townie that the town has, and that townie turns out to be very important to the town, then the investigator has made a mistake.

  5. Larger games are a fine line to tread, honestly. Webcom's have worked fairly well, MythMaf drug on, and others that have attempted it have had varying success.

    It's difficult because you have to find ways to make people want to get involved while not overpowering anyone to where the sides become unbalance. It's possible, but it is difficult, yeah.

  6. But then therein lies the dilemma: we now have a confirmed townie, which means the mob targets them during the night and we lose what could be a potentially good town role. An investigator who reveals any townies upon their death at the beginning of the game is doing the wrong thing, honestly :\

    But that's just one scenario, I know there could be several others, the fact still is that yes, having RW come in to post may have brought to light some more information, but it's doubtful it would have stopped the lynch on him, and if anything some of the information he could have given could have just as easily been as beneficial as it could have been detrimental to the town.

  7. Honestly, I thought Webcom III had a damn good town. They operated well together for the most part, the crucial townies used their roles efficiently and it benefited for the town in a huge way. You had GoGo get the CTS role and actually use it really, really damn well by balancing out his meditations and his duels so he'd have a longer reign in the game to collect information. You had De take what was basically a vanilla townie with lynch protection role and turn himself into a power player for the town by working as hard as he could to out potential threats. You had L.C.S. using his roleblock ability very, very nicely, you had TSSTB sacrifice a guaranteed win just so he could develop L.C.S.'s role, you had LittleDaniel fingering almost the entire scum population through his actions, you had SplitSecond get a highly incompetent investigator role and somehow find a way to make it pretty useful... and the list goes on.

    They worked really, really well together, and even when the odds seemed stacked against them they managed to pull through in a mix of luck and skill. Sunday Strip was revealed right off but it took over half the game before Gamers United was revealed as the second threat. Then you wound up with remnants from both groups lurking in the town, plus oldskool who very, very nearly overthrew the town at the very end.

    I'm actually pretty proud of Webcom III's structure. I think I found a good balance for that particular game in the end, much better than the two games before it anyway.

    As for EWB towns... while I admit that most do indeed suck these days, I'm still not too thrilled over RW being offed in Final Fantasy Mafia and immediately going "OH GOD THE TOWN SUCKS HERE JUST FUCKING LOSE ALREADY" over it. It's like I said in there, yes RW could have defended himself but let's look at everything that happened: an investigation wields results that point to RW being the role he appeared to be roleposting as earlier on. If he came back in to defend himself, it could have easily been brushed aside as a fake claim given to him.

    At the time, we had no better leads, a random bandwagon would have been the other general option, and actual discussion, though it may have pulled more info to the surface, would ultimately delay the inevitable. Evidence was practically piled against RW there, and while I can't say it was the best move for the town to make as a whole, I can say that declaring the town a failure over one lynch on day two of the game, when all the evidence the town had at the time was pointing to the player they lynched being scum, comes off as somewhat bitter moreso than an actual judgment call.

  8. I figured, FD, hence my last line there. It was more directed at anyone who took offense to my inclusion, unless they're Sousa because, well, he can hate me all he wants but he knows he's always coming back for more Norro.

    Anyhow, now that that's all said and done, I have to say this:

    and I reminded him several times to sign me up, he forgot,

    lol, Ruki.

  9. Oh for fuck's sake, there was a legitimate reason why I was allowed in. Fact of the matter is I pre-signed, which is allowable, and Ruki forgot. I made my point about it and RW allowed it. Oh yeah, there totally was bias there, my name's in blue and so's his so there must be <_<

    I'd wanted into this game ever since Ruki decided to work on it and I reminded him several times to sign me up, he forgot, it was taken care of before any harm was done. Fuck's sake if the guy left the sign-up thread open longer he'd probably have more sign-ups anyway, it wasn't like he was locked into a number he HAD to follow by.

    I'm positive (and hoping I'm right in being so) that FD was just fucking around, but honestly if anyone had a problem with me getting in then that's just... well, honestly, that's just stupid.

  10. Holy hell I googled that Batman scene. That... that's... my brain hurts :(

    [batman, Robin, Commissioner Gordon, and Chief O'Hara consider which supercriminal might have been behind the fake yacht and exploding shark attack.]

    Gordon: Could be any one of them, but which one? W— which ones?

    O'Hara: [gasps]

    Batman: Pretty fishy what happened to me on that ladder.

    Gordon: You mean, where there's a fish, there could be a Penguin.

    Robin: But wait! It happened at sea! See? "C" for Catwoman!

    Batman: Yet... an exploding shark was pulling my leg!

    Gordon: The Joker!

    O'Hara: [it] all adds up to a sinister riddle. Riddle-er. Riddler?

    Gordon: Oh! A thought strikes me! So dreadful I scarcely dare give it utterance.

    Batman: The four of them. Their forces combined...

    Robin: Holy nightmare!

    Commissioner Gordon: Penguin, Joker, Riddler... and Catwoman, too! The sum of the angles of that rectangle is too monstrous to contemplate!

    Batman: We've been given the plainest warning. They're working together to take over...

    Chief O'Hara: Take over what, Batman? Gotham City?

    Batman: Any two of them would try that!

    Commissioner Gordon: The whole country?

    Batman: If it were three of them, I would say yes, but four? Their minimum objective must be... the entire world.

    The speed in which they figure this shit out is astounding.

  11. I am still getting it on Veoh :/

    ... what the hell, we can't find it. I'll look again, maybe we made a mis-type.

    EDIT: Must have been a mis-type. In any event, found it now.

  12. I'm a good few behind myself. Ruki, where are you getting your Soul Eater from? I can't find them on Veoh because they're being taken down, apparently the series has been licensed or something so it's getting the Gurren Lagann treatment of subs being targeted to take down n'all that :\

  13. The write-up has become a lost artform on these boards, especially for lynches.

    Honestly, we have some really, really good writers running mafia games here from time to time. I know I put a lot of effort into mine when I do them, but off the top of my head I can give you a few people I consider to be great write-up writers: Sousa, C-MIL, thuggy, Split, Zan, Plubby... there's a good few that, when they put an effort into it, can write some really friggin' good updates.

    But, that being said: write-ups go person to person. Some game runners LIKE using write-ups to drop hints and red herrings, and to create a story for the game. Others avoid them because they drop hints and red herrings, and let the players instead fend for themselves during the course of the game. Like I said, it all varies by how the game-runner wants their game to go.

  14. I'm baffled as to how you missed, given you won the game from it :P

    Alright, here's the deal.

    I'm the new Mafia Don now that Hajjhowe's dead.

    The other Mafiaites are oldskool and Norro, while Zan, TEOL and LCS are Corruption-aligned, essentially the same as Mafia.

    In other words, the Mafia controls 50% of the game. We're not dumb enough to vote for ourselves, so there's no lynch happening.

    oldskool has a kill that can be used during daytime. As soon as he gets online, he'll use it on one of you townies, we'll out number you, and the game will be over.

    Better luck next time. :)


    ... I have a terrible memory when I've not slept yet. Now I remember.

  15. List finalized. Got some help elsewhere on some of the letters, made my decision on others. Take a look at the final lineup!

    A: Asteroids

    B: Bioshock

    C: Civilization IV

    D: Doom

    E: Earthbound

    F: Fallout 3

    G: Grand Theft Auto IV

    H: Halo 3

    I: Ico

    J: Joust

    K: Katamari Damacy

    L: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    M: Metal Gear Solid 4

    N: Ninja Gaiden 2

    O: Okami

    P: Pacman

    Q: Quake

    R: Resident Evil

    S: Super Mario Galaxy

    T: Tetris

    U: Unreal Tournament III

    V: Viewtiful Joe

    W: Wii Sports

    X: Xevious

    Y: Yoshi's Island DS

    Z: Zombies Ate My Neighbors

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