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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. ... I thought, I thought that was a different thing? I thought Will said it was, or something?

    Well then, I mis-read.

    Will, you sexy bitch, consider me signed soon as the thread goes up. If I'm on.

    EDIT: Upon further investigation, it appears I missed Will's post entirely.

    Carry on, then.

  2. GoGo Yubari has died. He was Raymond Burley, Town-Aligned Sophisticated Ventriloquist.

    He would appear as scum-aligned on investigation because of his shady attempts to hide his hobby, and could distract people from what they were doing with his act once a night.

    Holy shit someone needs to do a Home Movies Mafia. There are so many awesome roles you can pull out of that show.

  3. I'm gonna go ahead and wait for the series to finish first. Lorina and I both agreed that we wanted to wait out the anime's finale before we got started on the manga, so... yeah, there's that :P

    I plan on checking it out soon as the show's done though, admittedly.

  4. Plubby's Mafia: Golden City Omega appears to be the oldest role I've kept with me.


    You are the Mafia Henchman, Mafia aligned.

    While you live, the Mafia Don cannot be killed. Furthermore, once during the game, at day time, you may PM me a player. That player will be killed.

    Your teammates are the Mafia Don (The Evil Overlord), The Mafia Chatterbox (Dragon F'n Force) and The Mafia Conman (Ruki)

    You win the game when the mafia outnumbers the remaining townsfolk.

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM or MSN me.



    Other assorted classics include... well, nothing much really, it appears. I didn't keep very many of my older roles, probably because at the time my inbox was a lot smaller :P

    But I DID keep some roles, so here's a few of my favorites:


    Master Hand, Individual aligned, Master Of Everything

    You pretty much control this entire world. You were the last boss in the first game, and you're a boss in all the other games. They have no respect for you, they have no idea how much work you put into this! Like I said, you pretty much control this entire world!

    Each night, you select rules for the following day. What does that mean? Well...

    You get to select the stock/lynch vote. Set it to: 1 vote, 25%, 50%, 75%, or everyone to vote for the person.

    You set the time limit: 1 day, 2 day, 3 day, unlimited.

    You select the chance of items showing up: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%

    You select which types of items show up: Healing/Protective, Damaging, Other, or All.

    You win the game if you are alive at end game.


    You are The Football Manager Diary, Townsfolk Aligned Tale of our favourite roundball clubs.

    The FM diary will never die. There'll always be another club to take to glory, another player to buy, another diary to never finish.

    Once each night, you may use your clubs' scouts to judge the ability (ie - role) of a player.

    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to let me know.



    Aaaand apparently I didn't save very many others. I do have Ruki's Bullet Bill role from MARIO Allcaps, but... I'll be honest, not one of my favorite roles. Wish I still had the Envy role from Anime Mafia, that was a sweet-ass role.

  5. I was referring to episode 45, for the record.

    I'm assuming you refer to it because

    Medusa dies for real this time, Stein's sanity is restored, Marie has redemption powers previously untalked about, Maka can now pull the Demon Slayer off in a regular chain resonance despite doubting moments before she does it if she actually can, Crona dies but oh wait not really, all in a single episode?

    'cause I could understand being unhappy with that. I would have liked things a little more spread out there myself, though to be honest as it stands I love that episode BECAUSE of how much is packed into it, and because in a way it indicates that the final episodes are going to be massive in comparison to it. But, again, that's just me :P

    or because of something else?

  6. Haven't seen latest episode yet. Going to watch tonight probably if subs are out, but... honestly, people, it's an episode. Yes it's a later one, but they've still got several more to go until the end of the series. I would hardly call it an ending killer.

    Then again, I actually didn't mind all the filler episodes before, so I'm probably not the greatest of judges of these things :P

    I'll come back in here with my review of the episode later, just to see if I agree with you fine folks or not >_>

    Oh and Vinny try http://souleaterepisodes.com/ if you aren't already. That website has the episodes being subbed and going up every week just fine.


    You guys didn't enjoy that episode? Bah, I loved it, it doesn't stand alone well as it's own episode but when you look at it, what it does do is hype up and prepare the viewer for the final episodes of the series. Everything is set to come together with the end of this episode, and it looks like the next one is going to pick up strong where this one left off.

    I dunno, I liked it. It's basically a hype episode. Not filler or pointless... it just serves to hype up the upcoming episodes more than anything else, and it did a good job for me at least :P

  7. A bit late in here, but for the sake of avoiding someone digging up that little altercation and bringing it back to the forefront of discussion:

    Maxx, Gene, knock off the attacks on each other. I think you can both agree that things got a bit out of hand there, it was a conflict of opinion over what happened in that you both interpreted what you saw differently and that happens, but no need to start getting heated with each other over it.

    Not saying-- nor do I want to hear which one of you thinks-- that one of you started it or was out of line in the argument or what have you. Let's just get past that and move on with general discussion in the thread.

    Everyone else getting involved, I understand there's a legit point of conversation to discuss whether or not he was knocked out cold or the fight was stopped for the fighter's safety or whatever the belief is here, but for the sake of avoiding conflict in here let's steer away from the subject for a little while.

  8. Hellsing, Gurren, Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, Ouran, Azumanga, NGE, FMA, FMP (all 3 series).....and I can't really think of anything else off the top of my head.

    I don't see Trigun.

    You haven't watched Trigun?

    You haven't watched Trigun.

    You are going to watch Trigun.

  9. I recall only, like, one Sailor Moon episode in particular. The rest are blurred together in random memories, like the one when Sailor Moon finds out she's supposed to be a queen or something, or the one with the pink haired little girl being all evil and crap.

    The only episode I remember most of is that one with the nerdy guy and his girlfriend being in some competition, and there being a part of the competition where they have to identify their girlfriend by looking at their hands, and he got it wrong and panicked.

    And upon second thought, I realize that really, it's just another blurred memory of an episode moreso than me actually remembering the episode >_>

  10. I hate it when people are critical of me watching Sailor Moon. They weren't there, man! They didn't know what it was like in those days before Cartoon Network and Toonami! Yes, Sailor Moon wasn't the greatest show, but they have no idea just how bad everything else on TV before 8pm was.

    THANK YOU. Seriously, when you're a kid and it's that early in the morning and all you want to do is eat breakfast and watch TV before school, you WILL watch whatever is on that isn't tuned for adults or toddlers.

    It was either Sailor Moon, some show for kids younger then you, or the news. We really didn't have very many options >_>

  11. It's funny, I went the opposite way of most people. I watched Trigun first, THEN Bebop, when I first saw the two of them.

    Of course, the first anime I recall ever watching was Dragonball, Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon (shut up), mainly because they were the only things playing in the morning before my bus came for Elementary school. I probably watched a few others but for the life of me I can't remember them.

    But, yeah, eventually I got hold of Trigun and loved it, then moved on to Bebop from there.

    As for Soul Eater, WATCH IT. Trust me, I can concede to what Vinny said about things probably slowing down a bit around 11-15 (although personally I still enjoyed them, I'm the type of guy who can even enjoy the filler episodes :P) but the whole series is just incredibly entertaining. It's a good story, the character design is done well, and the flow of it all keeps you interested the whole way through.

    Oh, and WFS? If you've not yet seen Gurren Lagann, I suggest dropping what you're doing and watching it. Watch the subs, though, the dub is okay but it's nowhere near the level the subs reached, honestly.

    GOD, I never thought I'd be one of those people who'd say something like that <_<

  12. Honestly? I never thought I'd say it, but I... kind-of have high hopes for Soul Eater by Funimation. I won't be surprised if it sucks ass, but honestly? That trailer alone looks thousands of times better then the one for Gurren Lagann did. The fact that the guy talking, though his voice sounds incredibly gay, was able to properly pronounce most of the names of the characters, is (sadly) a good sign for the first trailer, for example.

    Look, Funimation has produced steaming piles of shit before, but let's face facts here: that trailer could have been a lot worse. It was an introduction to the series for newcomers, and it did its job... decently. It wasn't terrible, something I myself have grown accustomed to seeing from Funimation, and because it wasn't terrible makes me think they may actually do something good with this.

    But... like I said, these guys are known for shit, so for all I know they may turn this thing to shit as well. The only current benefit I'm seeing from this is that Funimation has a better opportunity of hiring competent voice actors than some other companies would have had they picked up on Soul Eater... the question is how much Funimation plans to change in Soul Eater that worries me most.

  13. Yeah, those. Thanks, it was driving me fucking crazy trying to remember what they were. Now I can actually refer to them in what I'm trying to talk about, without knowing what those were I was struggling to reach a comparison x_o

    As an aside, the whole thing that started this was me making a prediction that Rhianna and Chris Brown are going to have a similar moment to those two and their songs, and if my prediction stands correct, I am going to laugh my damn ass off.

  14. Some rapper chick I think, guy cheated on her and she wrote a song about it. He then proceeded to write one in response to her song, both got a lot of radio play and both artists I think were made fun of pretty heavily on the radio or something. Anyway, I do know some comedian or something did a third song in response to the both of them?

    Seriously, I didn't even like the songs that much but it's pissing me off that I can't remember them. They're a few years old now I believe.

  15. ... my God, I've apparently bedded half of the populace of the Game Cube and they all think we're exclusive.

    Listen, uh, everyone... I like you and all, I really do, but uh... you know these are just cheap flings, right? I mean-- wait! I meant, they meant something to me, but... I'm not looking for a committed relationship right now! Yes, yes... that's right.

    So, uh, make-up sex?

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