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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. banner.png

    The Great Memorial Hall. Built after the official "end" of the Webcomic Wars by Ashley and Rayne Summers, the building stood to pay tribute to all the heroes of the war, from smallest conflict to greatest battle. Parts of the building were dedicated to specific people, others to larger groups, and there was even one wing made to honor the enemies who had fallen against the industry in their death, despite all the hell they had brought to its people.

    Though a controversial decision, it was one understood by most... after-all, Lilah Monroe had taught them all an important lesson during the industry's last stand... a lesson not forgotten by those who survived the ordeal.

    Indeed, the industry had prospered so greatly through all adversity, and had fought against everyone who stood to bring it down... but they had lost a great deal in order to prosper in the end. For the sacrifice of those people, their struggles and stories were immortalized in the Great Memorial Hall, as history spoke about the ordeals those people faced, and honored the towns that had fought, and had either fallen to, or risen above, the threats that stood against them.

    Thanks to Ashley Summers, their stories can now be heard. Stories that had at one time gone unspoken of, stories that would have otherwise been forgotten, and lost over time. They may not have had a great impact upon the results of the war, but the struggles and fights of those people involved were just as real, and just as dramatic, and just as important to each of those people involved as the primary battles themselves.

    These are those stories... these are the tales of the brave members of the industry who stood against its invaders, even as the world around them seemed to turn to hell.



    Sign-ups are open until 11:30PM EST Tuesday, and it is not first come, first serve. Don't be offended if you are not chosen to participate!

    The official, final version of the sign-up sheet will be put up on Tuesday night after sign-ups close, and shortly after roles will be sent and a thread will be started.

    Feel free to state your case as to why you, as an individual, should be allowed into the game. It might not get you in, but it might boost your chances if you're not already a shoe-in!


    1. (Pre-Signed) TSSTB

    2. (Pre-Signed) Split Second

    3. (Pre-Signed) Ruki the Dragon Steamboat

    4. (Pre-Signed) ---Ace Andrews---

    5. (Pre-Signed) Will-E

    6. Paul E. Sousalously

    7. GoGOmar Little

    8. Mr. Evil Guy

    9. Mike QuackenBe

    10. Gongsun Zan

    11. pizzamonkey

    12. oldskool

    13. Pesci

    14. LittleDaniel

    15. naiwf


    1. Mr. Potato Head

    2. Cloudy

    3. Hajjhowe

    4. Momo

    5. TheRossWalker

  2. *cracks knuckles*

    Alright bitches, Webcom Mafia IV is officially a go. Expect a sign-up thread to appear at some point tomorrow night, EST. Only ten spots of the fifteen are available, and it is NOT first come, first serve.

    If it's cool with RW, I'd like to keep sign-ups open from Sunday night until Tuesday night. Gives people time to sign up for the game, and gives me time to sort through sign-ups for the ten folks I'd like to see enter with the pre-signed five already in :)

  3. Yeah so I'm torn. Should this be in EWR's forum? Coin Op? I'm assuming Coin Op, EWR's forum is Ryland games, and PW isn't a Ryland game.

    Yeah, so, off to Coin Op with you then.

    Archives would've been the smartest choice.

    Certainly is another viable option, but I was hoping that perhaps there might be someone else interested in the game that could turn it into something productive. If that doesn't happen in a few days though I'll probably just archive this, yeah.

  4. I fucking loved Watchmen, but the original script for it back when the rights to the film was originally acquired was shit compared to the script written for the recent film. When I said "No-one'll ever make a good film for it", I meant that by the general attitude everyone had towards a potential Watchmen film until we started seeing the first shots from the film, not that a good film has yet to be made still :P

  5. I swear, Scrubs is to mafia like Watchmen was to movies. No-one'll ever make a good mafia out of it, but people will claim to be working on it and eventually, someone will just go with the idea and put real work into it whilst the person who originally said they'd do it sits back for awhile before, right as the game is about to be released, they demand some big part in the game/the chance to help so they can take credit for the game since they came up with the idea in the first place. Of course, unlike with Watchmen, that shit won't fly around here, but still.

    Oh, and then the game finally gets released, it's a huge success, and people rejoice like nobody's business. That's just how it's gonna be.

  6. ... wow.

    So I just got done watching it. Jesus Christ, I feel awful for Cramer and cannot help but echo the sentiments that Stewart well and truly ripped him apart there. Definitely one of the best interviews I've seen on the Daily Show, and it should be interesting to see how things go from here for Cramer... because no matter where he goes, it's gonna be rough.

  7. To some extent. I'm obviously biased towards Stewart, but I still can't see CNBC's side.

    It's that he's cherry picking. That he would never show the right predictions they make, only the really bad ones. And the horrible cable news media is running with this completely. Good lord broadcast journalism is awful.

    FYI, Jim Cramer is on The Daily Show tomorrow (March 12).

    Maybe my sarcasm detector is not working properly but considering who made the post I don' think it its.......what the hell are you talking about? Cramer is a fraud. If you've ever caught even a glimpse of of his show you'll catch it immediately. The economy is bad right now....really bad. CNBC and especially Cramer have been horrible with their stock picks. What else were you expecting?

    I was explaining what CNBC's argument was. I honestly could not care less. I know nothing about Jim Cramer or CNBC and only learned of this "feud" because Politico had a clip of it up and I've watched The Daily Show the past few nights. It's pretty funny that CNBC is getting so in a tizzy over this and how they're throwing the weight of the Peacock behind and Cramer, and everybody else is glomming on the coverage. To his credit, Jon Stewart realizes how ridiculous the whole thing is and is not taking it seriously at all.

    Ah, okay, latter then. Thought so.

    Yeah, Stewart's not going to take this seriously by any stretch. We might see him get serious when Cramer comes on his show, but for the most part I'm fairly certain he's just enjoying how worked up they're getting over his show, which while indeed a show that reports the news, is a show that's on Comedy Central and is touted as a comedy show.

    Speaking of, anyone excited about Cramer going onto the Daily Show? I'm not expecting a war to break out or anything, but I think it's certainly going to be entertaining, though perhaps even slightly uncomfortable, to watch.

  8. Hopefully, by the popularity of the Webcom series and me selectively picking out the remaining ten people from however many sign-ups I get, I can come up with a game filled with enough good town and scum players to finally see the first true "Good Town versus Good Scum" stand-off in a game in awhile >_>

    Of course, considering I pretty much never do a Webcom game without randomizing characters onto players, this could mean good scum players being townies and vice versa which, well, that may defeat my dream there I suppose >_>

  9. To some extent. I'm obviously biased towards Stewart, but I still can't see CNBC's side.

    It's that he's cherry picking. That he would never show the right predictions they make, only the really bad ones. And the horrible cable news media is running with this completely. Good lord broadcast journalism is awful.

    FYI, Jim Cramer is on The Daily Show tomorrow (March 12).

    I can't tell if you're complaining that Stewart cherry picks or if you're mocking them for complaining that Stewart cherry picks, considering Stewart's job is essentially to cherry pick in the first place >_>

    I'm assuming the latter, would that be correct? :shifty:

  10. Haha, holy shit, I didn't expect my inbox to get that many PMs in the span of a few seconds with so few people online.

    Alright, our fifth spot has been filled. If you missed pre-regging, don't worry... if you're a good player or if you've been a mainstay player for the series, you're more likely to get in anyway.

    Our final pre-reg list is: TSSTB, Split Second, Ruki, Ace and Will.

    Remember: the sign-ups are NOT first-come first-serve this time. With only ten slots left open, I want to make sure that I can pick the perfect roster to play the game. Pre-regs were basically going to be the ony first-come first-serve portion of sign-ups, so... yeah. It's like I said before, if I feel as though you should definitely be a part of the game, you're going to be a part of the game.

  11. Webcomic Mafia IV, Part One: The Crushing is so damn close I can feel it... you people are going to love this game.

    That being said: I have three pre-regs so far. Considering it's a 15 person game, I figured I'd set the cap at 5 pre-regs maximum, so if you're interested enough to get a promised spot in the game... pre-reg now and avoid any potential rush to get in. The last 10 roles won't be first-come, first-served like the pre-regs are, I'll be picking those out of however many people sign up.

    So yeah, like I said, if you want in early just shoot me a PM... I've only got two pre-reg spots left open right now.

  12. Double post, but Soul Eater 47 is pleasantly early. So...

    Soul Eater 47

    So, who the hell told the Soul Eater guys they needed MECH FIGHTS FOR NO REASON?! It's like they just said fuck to the whole "invasion" thing and had Shinigami turn the entire city into a fucking mech Then that Mosquito guy I wish would just die turns Arachnophobia's castle into a little spider mech then they play grab ass for a bit then suddenly they grab Asura AND THAT'S IT. Even Death The Kid was bitching at how stupid it was.

    It started out well with the conclusion of Black Star/Mifune III (although Black Stars "revelation" was a bit weak) but overall it got to be a real mess. Hopefully the next episode (I didn't check the preview on purpose) makes up for it.

    Or, Soul Eater 47:




    I enjoyed this episode. It was funny and serious all at once, and it captured the light-hearted Shinigami while at the same time showing just how frustrated he is over the whole ordeal. Shinigami's entire point to the invasion was getting Asura within Death City again so they could face off, because last time he managed to escape and Shinigami couldn't go anywhere.

    How else is Shinigami going to get Death City to come to Arachnophobia, except for turning it into a mech? Granted, he could have just made the city fly, but still.

    And as for the conclusion of Black Star/Mifune, I enjoyed it. Black Star's revelation worked, it made him realize that the path he was going on to begin with was the wrong one in that he'd strayed from his own path out of fear of failure. When he realized this, he was able to correct himself and get back to what he knew he was capable of being, and face that fear he'd had before. Once he's able to get past the fear that had caused him to stray before, he was able to unleash the power of the Fey Blade that he couldn't tap into before.

    Though I have to agree with you on the point that Asura getting devoured by Death City was... well, that was just absurd. And yeah, I also liked how in the preview for the next episode, Kid was bitching about how it all happened and how no-one would allow things to end that way :P

  13. I've always been of the opinion that an ability that requires you to post a certain way should have benefits made for the person posting that certain way. Be can attest to this, as Kiyoshi he had to post like an emo, but after doing it for a length of time, he earned immunity from being targeted at night as well as a pseudo-investigation ability, and he was allowed to use either of the two only once per night period. This was his reward for sticking to his role requirements.

    In Mythology Mafia, had GoGo stuck to his requirements and lasted through all the Muses lined up in his role, he could literally use any ability in the entire game once per night. This would also reveal to him if anyone was bluffing about certain abilities. The catch for that role was, however, that he'd have to survive with his roleposting requirements for almost the entire game, which meant he'd likely only have his abilities two nights or so before the game ended, but it still had the potential to cause a good deal of damage.

    I don't like giving roleposting requirement roles to anyone unless they'll get a reward for sticking to their requirements. As for the repercussion of not doing it, I usually modkill without disrupting the day period, because as I said, my rolepost requirement roles tend to have powerful rewards once they've finished their requirements. That being said though, I'd not be adverse to just giving the person the ability at the beginning with the requirement, and rather than modkill them, just block their ability that night if they fail in their requirements. That's not a bad idea at all.

    But, as for modkills ending day periods, I've always been against it myself. Then again, I'm also against daykills ending day periods (a hitman with a one-off daykill ability should not be able to stop the lynch in the process), so yeah.

  14. Uuuuuuuugh I haven't read Order of the Stick in aaaaages. I should catch up again.

    I try to keep up with too many webcomics, I should really make a list of important ones to stay up to date with. I mean for God's sake, I still have some on my bookmarks that stopped updating a long time ago just because I'm stubborn and don't want to let go of them >_>

  15. Don't bother putting Webcom IV on the voting list RW. I'm close enough to the front with my spot in the small games list anyway. Provided Catholocism doesn't take a month to finish or something and the UN game doesn't lag behind, I'm hoping things should move quick enough that I can run this thing before the end of March.

    That... that would be ideal, at least. In any event, I'm second in line, so I doubt the poll would really benefit me all that much.

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