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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. The thing that I see about Deadpool is that he's not really integral to Wolverine's past, is he? I mean, couldn't they have made the film without the character? He just seems like the type of character that they put in the film to please the fans, and now they've done a bunch of shit that the fans don't like. It doesn't make any sense.

    No, Deadpool and Wolverine are pretty closely linked. The guy was a part of the Weapon X program, so although he's not as important as, say, Sabretooth (though to be fair, hardly anyone is as important to his past anyway), he was still right there with the guy during one of the more influential periods of the start of his story, and so he's still an important part to Wolverina's story to some extent-- certainly enough so that, when coupled with his fandom, it warranted him getting put into the origins film.

  2. Shit, I'm excited for the DSi, probably gonna get it when it comes out.

    As an aside: MadWorld. Fucking buy this game. I borrowed it from work for a little while and what I did play of it is just crazy fun. The graphics are wonderful and the story ain't so bad either, plus you get Steven Blum as the lead voice actor which is always nice. Controls are fun and aggressive, easy to learn and the gameplay is challenging but not impossible. It has an excellent learning curve going in and progressively gets a bit more difficult the further you go in, as it should.

    The story is simple, rather than explain it just read the wiki entry on it. Basically, all you need to know is this: you will kill people, and the more creative your kill, the more points you earn for it.

    All in all, hell of a game. I'll be borrowing it again since I don't have the money to buy it, but if I did and didn't need that money for other things, I totally would buy it. Definitely a game worth having (Y)

  3. lol, Norro for making a similar miniscule mistake twice in a fakeclaim :)

    Eh, happens when I'm distracted unfortunately. At least now I'll learn from these things. Whole reason why I made that mistake in Stand-Up was a mix between me being distracted by having to watch my nephew and the fact that my role PM itself didn't have "Stand-Up" in it, it had "Anti-Stand Up". I just assumed "Stand Up" was the way it was supposed to be and I ran with that, even though outed town roles told me otherwise and I didn't catch that when I made my edit.

    As for NFL Mafia, I made that mistake while half-asleep and just ran with it anyway. From now on, I make my claims when I can actually focus on what I'm doing >_>

  4. I have decided to be offended

    :( Srar, I'm sorry. YoungB too, anyone who didn't make the cut and is upset I'm actually sorry to because typically I let everyone into these games because I'd like everyone in. As I said, and it was an honest statement: choosing was hard. Anyone who didn't make the cut this time should come back next time though, as I definitely would like to see you all get in for the next one.

    For the most part, my decisions were based on the type of game this one will be versus the type of game each other installment will be. Some of the players who made the cut this time probably won't make the cut next time around, and it's not because of them as players, but rather what I'm looking for in each particular game.

  5. ... oh snap, I saw Split's new name and it never clicked in my head that he was already pre-reg'd.

    Well then, ladies and gentlemen, replacing Split Second's second place on the list... is naiwf! Taking up the fifth pre-reg spot will be MPH. Also, before any confusion is caused: yes, Split, you're still pre-reg'd... it's just that you tried to reg despite the pre-reg and with your new name it threw me off and I forgot >_>

  6. Players have been selected and the official cast has been made! Here are the results:


    1. (Pre-Signed) TSSTB

    2. (Pre-Signed) Split Second

    3. (Pre-Signed) Ruki the Dragon Steamboat

    4. (Pre-Signed) ---Ace Andrews---

    5. (Pre-Signed) Will-E

    6. Paul E. Sousalously

    7. GoGOmar Little

    8. Mr. Evil Guy

    9. Mike QuackenBe

    10. Gongsun Zan

    11. pizzamonkey

    12. oldskool

    13. Pesci

    14. LittleDaniel

    15. naiwf


    1. Mr. Potato Head

    2. Cloudy

    3. Hajjhowe

    4. Momo

    5. TheRossWalker

    If you were not selected for this game or not pre-signed for the next, please don't be offended! This was a very hard decision for me to make a lot of the time and there were people that I wanted to put in that I simply didn't have the room for. I encourage everyone who signed up this time to come back for my next game, which will have 25 players. If you signed up for this one, but couldn't get in, chances are I'll be more likely to try and get you in for the next one!

    The game thread will be up shortly, as well as all PMs being sent out.

  7. A second small game slot would be better than a second poll game spot. One of the reasons RW put the system as-is is to avoid cluttering up the pinned topics portion of the page, I believe, with too many games. When you add in multiple polls as well, it starts to clutter more.

    I think one poll game is fine. We need a second small game slot because honestly, there are more small and medium games than there are large, and the large games have been running just fine on their own and in conjunction with the poll game slot.

  8. The way I see it, our current system was perfect when we first implemented it. It was exactly what we needed, and it was something that really helped bolster activity in the various game slots the games were being placed in.

    But, things have changed now and with the way game-runners are handling their games now versus how they used to, I just think it would be for the best to integrate traditional games with the rest of the others now. We need another small game slot anyway, as it's required for new game-runners to do a small game first, and not many of them will be willing to when the line to start one is as long as it is with only one game allowed to run at a time.

  9. Why not take out the Traditional Game slot and any future trad-games that are run are put under the category their player number falls under? That'd free up space for a second small game slot. It doesn't kill trad games, it just moves them to new categories. I think I can agree with Pesci on the idea, really.


    1. (Pre-Signed) TSSTB

    2. (Pre-Signed) Split Second

    3. (Pre-Signed) Ruki the Dragon Steamboat

    4. (Pre-Signed) ---Ace Andrews---

    5. (Pre-Signed) Will-E


    I get the feeling you missed somebody.

    Sorry Be, only five pre-regs and those five got them :(

    To everyone: again, if I really, really want you in this but have decided on the roster and you're not in it this time, chances are I'm giving you a pre-reg for the next game.

    In fact, tell you guys what. With the list of players Tuesday night, I'll also provide a list of pre-regs for Webcom IV, Act Two.

    That being said... well, as I've said: choosing is hard.

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