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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. I'll do my best to get something in for you, Zan, in the next hour or so. Juggling various things at the moment, I'm trying to do some classwork and writing all at once, not working out for the best but damn it I'm at least getting somewhere with it.

    Anyway, yeah, expect my Batman within the hour if that's still alright >_>

  2. Why only post Norro's feedback? I don't know about Dochappy or yourself but I definitely gave you detailed feedback.

    Because I think he is insinuating your opinions aren't as worthwhile to put up because you aren't as revered as Norro on the Graphics board which is something I beg to differ

    Or, you know, it might have just slipped his mind.

    Just a thought.

  3. All I said is that he had to imitate you, and he had to vote in 200 words or more. Everything else is all him.

    Then Plubs, my apologies, that outburst was not meant for you. You, sir, did just fine (Y)

    YOU, Ace... YOU did not, and there had better be some seriously good grovelling going on before I unleash the fires of internet hell upon you.

  4. I'd continually sign my posts 'Norris Bartholomew, what's up?', say "THAT'S WHAAAAAAAAAACKY!" and three quarters into my post I'd change into speaking Spanish. Plus there'd be a "Lorina fap fap fap she is luscious fap fap fap" after every sentence.

    Just downright horrible.

    I'm not going to lie.

    That's amazing.

  5. SRR, I'm afraid I must debunk your argument. Your posts are suspicious, your theories are ridiculous, and even your attempt to mislead the lie detector was shockingly bad. Also you have consistently been individual in Plubby Mafias, and I believe that this shall eventuate to be another instance of the past repeating itself. By the way, did you guys know I won BRII? Oh, and I love Lorina. But back to the subject at hand. I am of the belief that Whispering Eye, the artist formerly known as Steven Richards Rules is not town. And therefore his existence in this game should end very quickly at the end of a lynch rope. It is a slight against us as a town, and SRR as an idiot that his existence has continued on so long. Oh, and guys, go and join Supremacy, OK? I promise it will run this time. Maybe. It so won't turn out like Jurassic Park 3 which TheAce was going to win until I decided to stop updating. Course Not. So yeah, Vote: Whispering Eye I believe my argument is conclusive and you should all follow suit. Also typing this many words is never fair for anyone.

    Did I mention I love Lorina yet?

    ... seriously, Plubby? Seriously?

    Christ, people, if you're going to make me into a bloody role for your game, at least make it a little more creative. This is the same damn joke rehashed over and over and over. It was funny the first few times when we had different variations on it, but when you're just basically gonna have a guy type a lot, talk about Lorina, and big up my past works (since when did that become a part of my gimmick, anyway? I've never been known for that, I've always been known as Sir Writesalot, being with Lorina, and being a Pokemon Master, Bitch) it gets a little repetitive.

    I forget what Zan made my role into the one time he did it, but I'd say that was the best so far. As far as I remember, you still had to type a fair bit, but the role was some kind-of archivist or something. Fuck if I remember it properly, but anyway, there's a point where it goes from easy humor into basically just shots at me. I can handle the shots just fine, but it's still disappointing to see that, yet again, it's the same joke that's been used a thousand times over in these roles based on me.

    EDIT: Or, if that post wasn't thanks to Plubby's design, then sub out the "Plubby" in the first sentence with "Ace", and add an angry face in there for me, won't you? Because yeah, seriously, Ace? Seriously? :shifty:

  6. I've always preferred an odd number of judges, like three or five, because it avoids draws. However, and admittedly it's been long enough that I forgot, we've always done things like "9.5/10" and what have you, which helps lessen the chance of a draw and makes it possible for a draw anyway between the three judges.

    So, that being said... four judges, judging the graphics on a scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being the highest, using an additional .5 for when the graphic is better than one number, but still not quite good enough for the one above it. I.E.: "Excellent graphic, with some minor mistakes that draw it back from getting a perfect score. 9.5/10"

    Sound good?

  7. lately that when I talk a lot without saying much, I must be scum. Split did it, then RW, and probably -A- too which is why he decided to kill me out of nowhere. It's bloody irritating is all, because that really isn't a legitimate suspicion and it's going to get me killed in games when I'm town all the same as it will when I'm scum, because people will start thinking it's some inane tell of mine when it's not, it's just me being me.

    Did I ever mention how much you posted? No I didn't and that's not why I killed you. I didn't even agree with that idea in-thread IIRC. You simply cannot say it 'isn't a legitimate suspicion' because you were scum. I thought you were scum, killed you and you were scum. Just because RW brought up an argument against you days ago that you don't agree with doesn't suddenly mean all suspicion against you is void because that isn't the only reason someone could possibly suspect you. You can complain when I go after you when you're town.

    I said you probably thought that because I thought you probably did, but I didn't say that you absolutely did. I stand corrected, you didn't, and that's fine. If you had a legit suspicion, that's cool. I'm not saying all suspicion against me is void, I'm saying THAT kind-of suspicion against me is void.

    And RW, once again, I'm sure I have a tell, but I'm also sure that isn't it. In all the times I've been a townie I've done the exact same thing: type a lot while saying very little. It's just something I do, this is what I'm trying to put out there. If you're going to rely on that being my tell, then you're going to be wrong the next time you call me on it and I wind up being town, because I do it all the time.

    Seriously, why is this such a hard thing to understand here? Why are you people taking this to that extreme, that I'm trying to say I don't have a tell or no suspicion against me is valid or what have you? I'm not saying any of that and I'd figure you guys would know better than to think I have a big enough ego to believe I'm some god-like mafia player. I'm not, I don't think I am, but I do know how I am as a poster and so to try and say a tell of mine is something that I always do is just mildly frustrating is all.

  8. I got a bad vibe off of you because I know you type alot, which is fine. But I get suspicious when you type a lot, and half of it isn't relevant. That's why I investigated you. :P

    ... my point stands, Split, I do this all the time.

    Scum, townie, I will type a lot with little to say simply because I want to at least contribute, or look like I'm contributing, so I don't have to deal with people going "Gee Norro is quiet". Sometimes when I know I won't be around enough to be overly active I just make longer posts to compensate, even though I don't have much to say.

    Plus, once again, even despite that reasoning (which I use both as scum and as a townie), I do this all over the board anyway just because I over-elaborate on things I really shouldn't, but can't help but do so anyway. It's just something I wind up doing without fail, trying to cite that as being suspicious coming from me is just... stupid, really.

    Not meaning to offend, just saying, it's one of the strangest reasons I've ever seen for someone to be suspicious of me over, considering it's something I do no matter what side I'm on.

  9. I just felt it crossed the line into discussing strategy, I love a good corpse post :(

    Wasn't discussing strategy no, was just basically ranting at this general notion from people lately that when I talk a lot without saying much, I must be scum. Split did it, then RW, and probably -A- too which is why he decided to kill me out of nowhere. It's bloody irritating is all, because that really isn't a legitimate suspicion and it's going to get me killed in games when I'm town all the same as it will when I'm scum, because people will start thinking it's some inane tell of mine when it's not, it's just me being me.

    What's more, I get really irritated when people get smug about it, like they just knew I was scum because of it. Yeah, I was scum, but they got lucky in assuming that over such a shitty reason <_<

  10. This couldn't have waited until AFTER the game?

    ... of course Plubby, because a single corpse-post is completely out of left field from anyone :rolleyes:

    That was the only post I was going to make in there after my death. Most people make a single post after they die anyway, so you taking issue with it when I do it just feels like you want to be bothered by it for the sake of being bothered.

    I mean, it's not like anything I said was game-changing or fucked anything up, so really there was no problem. But sure, next time you play a Webcom game and corpse-post once should you die, I'll be sure to ask the same (Y)

    Sorry if this post comes off dickish or something by the way, I was just put off by what happened and by your response is all. I don't see it entirely necessary that you decided to make issue with the post in the thread like that, considering what I did wasn't exactly out-of-the-ordinary from anyone.

  11. So I found my old Gameboy Pocket and I'm doing a playthrough of Pokemon Blue. I'll probably do the same with Red after and then go on to Gold, since I can't find my old Yellow and I never had Silver. Still, playing this shit has me getting completely nostalgic. I'm only at Cerulean City right now but my Pokemon are leveling up just fine so far.

    Seriously a lot of fun though. I love the simpler times of Pokemon... heard about all this nature stuff in the new games and what have you and I dunno how I feel about it, really.

  12. I'll offer to judge this.

    Depending on the success of this contest, I'll see about reinstating the monthly contests. I don't have high hopes for this, but it's at least worth a shot.

    Still planning a little graphics tournament to see how that goes, but this should be a good indicator of if it'll be worth the time to or not just yet.

  13. Damn Norro I thought "The Crushing" meant that the robots would squish the hu-mans, but I guess we totally read our roles incorrectly and deserve the butt raping we're receiving for not planning things out better. I was sure Will would survive that, and I think he thought so too. Either that or he's a masochist.

    No, he likely didn't think that considering his role said that you were the one keeping him alive :P

    Plus, he didn't hammer himself considering he was lynched before his own vote, so... yeah.

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