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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. So as GoGo knows Lorina and I picked up on the Ouran Host Club recently... I just finished watching the series tonight.


  2. Exactly. And don't get me started on how awful those screenshots are; oh no, look at Zuko's... barely disfiguring at all scar! Really?

    I honestly didn't mind Aang's tattoo. To be honest, the blue was going to be hard to make look right in cinematic form, so making it more tribal-like and faded works fairly well for me, albeit it seems almost too downplayed. Zuko, though... yeaaah, hopefully they're doing some killer CGI work or something with this thing and what we're seeing now isn't the finished product for those scenes.

  3. Deadpool is the only Marvel character, I believe, who is aware that he is in a Comic Book.

    As for as non d-list characters go, if I recall correctly the Purple Man is too.

    Also man, that interview fills me with hope but Hollywood's beaten me down with horrible adaptions of things I love (see: the upcoming Avatar movie in which the main protagonists are being played by white folks) or alternatively adaptions of things I love that are decent and yet still decidedly miss the mark (BAM! POW! Slow-motion Watchmen featuring superhuman Nite-Owl who breaks peoples' arms and digs every second of it). Make this happen, Ryan Reynolds, give me some hope.

    ... you realize the guy playing Zuko is Indian, right?

    I mean I get where you're going, but from the screens I've seen of it... I mean, at least there's some small, small hope at the end of the tunnel :shifty:

    EDIT: Wait, Book One main protagonists. Not the show itself overall.

    Way to go Norro <_<

  4. April 2009 (Results Thread)

    Rules: 5 movie and/or TV stars have come together with a band to start a charity event.

    Your aim:

    • Pick the movie stars
    • Pick the band
    • Pick a location
    • Pick a name for the event
    • Pick a date

    Height: In between 400 and 600

    Width: In between 300 and 500

    Just make sure it's poster size

    Winners: Keith (1st Place, 33/40), Chief87 (2nd Place, 28.5/40), nufan/TheBusinessman (Tied 3rd Place, 26.5/40)

  5. Well, no. Soul Eater and Pandora Hearts were actually produced by different actual studios; Bones (FMA, Ouran, Wolf's Rain) did Soul Eater, Pandora Hearts is being done by Xebec (Love Hina, Martian Successor Nadesico, Outlaw Star). I'm pretty sure Square isn't responsible for the actual end result of the anime itself. I could have the process entirely wrong, mind you, but yeah.

    ... based on the track record then of those doing Pandora Hearts, I'm suddenly filled with supreme optimism. Holy shit.

  6. Yeah, I'm glad I realized that the Soul Eater anime was falling into a downward spiral of "shit we have five more episodes to resolve everything" when I did. Thankfully the manga is really excellent, though.

    I've still not read the manga... I'll have to start sometime because I've been hearing that a lot about it.

    That's the one concern I have about Pandora Hearts: Square Enix is doing it, and they did Soul Eater. Moreover, SE was a manga adaptation, and so is Pandora Hearts. That being said... I dunno, they're doing great so far, they don't have as many episodes to work with like they did with Soul Eater so I think that's helping them, and the whole thing just has this interesting vibe to it as you go further in. It's a hell of a story.

    I have high hopes again, basically, so I hope Square won't stomp them out like they did the last time. Hate it when that happens :shifty:

  7. This sequence of posts is just going to happen every six months, isn't it.

    Every time a new series comes along to capture our interest? Yeah... pretty much :shifty:

    What can I say? I enjoy discussion on a new series. It was fun with GL, it was fun to a point with SE, and it's fun here.

    I do have to give you credit where it's due though, by the by... you pretty much called a shitty end for SE well in advance and I still let myself maintain high hopes only to be disappointed by the ending. I should have listened to you on that >_>

  8. You mean Raven? Yeah, Lorina wants me to cosplay as him. Honestly, I wouldn't mind it as much... could pull it off well and I like the design of the character. You'll like Raven, Ruki.

    Gah! You must watch faster, Ruki! I want you to catch up to a certain point so I can have spoilerific discussions with you. Once you hit a certain episode I'll be able to do that.

    Every episode has built on the last so far, I'm pretty certain you'll enjoy each episode a little more than the last, Ruki, or at least close to anyway. No fillers yet, doubtful there will be any with as short as the show is apparently going to be, too.

    More people should watch this show.
  9. Remind me on Friday or Saturday and I'll download them :P

    Bah, no need for downloading. This ain't like Gurren Lagann was, there's websites that have decent quality uploads of them to just watch whenever. Though I suppose if you're super into having them downloaded on your computer you would go ahead and download them, but... really, there's no problem just watching them off one of the sites that has it on it :shifty:

  10. I do trust you, I just hate waiting week after week for a series :shifty:

    You little bitch, that's the best part! Having to wait a week before the new episode comes out is like your own little weekly Christmas (except on filler weeks, which was by and large another problem with SE but whatever).

    Anyway, Pandora Hearts will keep you entertained. You aughta give it a shot, there's 8 episodes so far and something like 26 planned apparently. You'll be fine following something for that long :shifty:

  11. After I am done Ghost in the Shell I am not going to want an anime that makes me think <_<

    Trust me, Ruki, you'll enjoy it. It does require thought, but not, like, oodles of it or anything. You'll do fine.

    It's a hell of a story though, and it's had great character development thus far. I dunno, just something I'd recommend getting into. I'd like to think that after bringing you Gurren Lagann and Soul Eater you'd trust my recommendations by now >_>

    Though to be fair, SE fell tremendously short by its end, but that's in no way my fault, so... :shifty:

  12. So, Pandora Hearts Episode 8.

    Wooow, this episode answered a good deal of questions, like why Break and Sharon(sp?) never aged and all that. Plus OHSHIT Oz's clock moved. I didn't think they'd do it so abruptly, I figured his first one would be made into a big deal but instead they decided to do it a little more subtly and introduce a new character through it too, who I can only assume is the white rabbit.

    I'm loving Oz's character. He's interesting, he's practically helpless on his own but he's so confident and headstrong that he can hold his own despite being surrounded by people so much more powerful than he is. This whole "Will of the Abyss" thing is intriguing too, especially with how Oz is apparently the key to figuring it all out. Anyway, it's all progressing very, very well... I'm seriously loving this show more each episode.

    You people need to get into this show. Seriously, it's been really damn entertaining so far, and it takes a decent bit of thinking to keep up with, but it's still very interesting.

  13. So apparently Pandora Hearts is set for something like 24/26 episodes. My Gurren Lagann flashbacks have begun, hopefully this series delivers like GL did rather than fails to like SE. It has a ridiculous amount of potential, and I'm loving it so far... I seriously hope it stays that way and realizes its potential.

  14. The problem with the old one was that a lot of the links didn't work.

    Of course, this thread gives me an idea. For now, I'm turning this into the resource suggestions thread. Once we get enough together to compile a decent list, I'll make an official pinned topic with the links in them and lock it, and just use the suggestion thread to pull sites from and put into the new list.

    I'm doing it this way to see if it's a worthwhile thing to pursue, since with a lot of things around here enthusiasm for projects fluctuate. Still, I hope it works out... would be good to have a decent resource thread around again.

  15. So, from the people who brought you Soul Eater (Square Enix) and that series' wonderfully epic run tragically ended by a hilariously shit finale, comes another series that looks even MORE promising, and hopefully will not be met with the same tragic results. Based off of a manga just as SE was, this particular anime is currently running and has only hit its 7th episode, but has done enough to grab my interest and yank me around by it.

    I'm referring to an anime called "Pandora Hearts", which calls references to the original novel of Alice in Wonderland. The whole thing is intricate, the story is actually very intriguing and thought-provoking already, the character development is going along very well, and within these first seven episodes are already twists and turns that actually add a lot of flavor to an already flavorful story.

    Now, that being said, some parallels can be drawn between Soul Eater and Pandora Hearts (albiet nothing big, and more or less just comparisons), such as

    The chains DO remind me of monsters tainted by the kishin, and considering in Pandora Hearts the chains usually eat people, the connection is definitely more apparent. HOWEVER, the way that they handle the whole process is, to me, MUCH more unique. The clock tattoo, for example, placing a time limitation on things is definitely going to become a dramatic plot device further in, as they build on the relationship between Alice and Oz.

    Furthermore, the relationships between illegally contracted chains and their human partners are a lot like weapons and meisters. The humans utilizing the chains can, at times, act like meisters to the chains' weapons... of course, in the case of Oz and Alice, Alice kind-of does her own thing.

    That being said... Pandora Hearts shows remarkable potential. Lorina found this one for me, and so far watching it has been really enjoyable. Now that I've caught up to all of the episodes, I can feel comfortable recommending it here on EWB.

    Hopefully, this one will be our next Soul Eater/Gurren Lagann series, except that instead of finishing like Soul Eater, it actually finishes strong as GL did. That would be nice :shifty:

    Definitely check it out, guys.

  16. Marvel has limited say in what happens in films not done by their studious. It's the same with the X-Men series of films, including the recent Wolverine one. Sure, Marvel has SOME influence, but in the end it's the owners of the studio doing the film that take precedence in it. If they want to steer completely away from the source despite Marvel pleading for them not to, they can, and there's not a damn thing Marvel can really do about it.

    This is why they made their own film studio. They can't do anything with the characters already licensed by other studious, but they can at least protect the ones who've yet to be while turning one hell of a profit off of it all.

  17. Yeah, tycoon, considering it's Marvel, the people who do the comics themselves, running the making of all these movies... you really aught to give them a try. They're not being influenced by outside sources like Viacom and all that, it's just Marvel making movies on their own comics. Iron Man was fantastic, so was the Incredible Hulk... really, Marvel's been doing great so far and despite the odd cast choice. I'd honestly not be surprised to see them knock out another home run with this Thor film too.

    As for films outside of Marvel... look, you said you admitted to liking Batman Begins. If you liked Begins, you'll probably love The Dark Knight. I'd say it's about time to let that stubbornness subside a little and give these films another try. There are a lot of good ones to choose from these days, and plenty that will leave you satisfied.

    300, Sin City, V for Vendetta, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, The Dark Knight... all really, really solid comic book movies. They aren't your comic-book movie popcorn flicks by any means, these things take the stories told and treat them as they should be. They don't make them cheesy, they don't make you feel like you're watching a comic-book movie... each of them is unique and steps outside the typical label for movies like that. They stand on their own really, really well.

    Watchmen's another great one, but the problem with it is that it sticks so close to the source save for a few areas that unless you're familiar with the source you might get a little lost easily. I personally enjoyed it, but... yeah, it's an acquired taste of a film for some.

  18. I'd like to send a big fond "fuck you" to the town of Fell Mafia, for shooting themselves in the foot and basically screwing each other over because they took the logic I gave them and decided "LOLBANDWAGONGUYZ" would be the best course of action rather than discussion. Just simply amazing work, they should really get some kind-of medal for that kind of stupidity in the face of everything that was set before them.

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