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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. Bought the PS3 Slim last week and went ahead and bought UFC at the same time. Been loving it, just as I knew I would (I'd played it before-- just exhibition, though)... been really enjoying career mode. Thus far (primarily because of the fact that, again, I've played this before at work) my guy's gone 20-1-0 with my only loss being against Antoni Hardonk because it was close to the start of my career mode and I didn't think to check my stamina going into the match. I'd sparred the week before and it dropped me to like 14%, and although I stretched the match to two rounds Hardonk basically wasted me with a headshot about 30 seconds into the second.

    Best match thus far was against Lesnar, it was my first match for the Heavyweight Championship and it went for a full five rounds before I finally pulled out a win by dropping him with a headkick when he came lunging in for a superman punch. Caught him right as he rose.

    Sickest looking knockout I've managed was against Cheick Kongo in our first match. We'd been fighting about halfway through the second round, he'd cut me above the eye and I cut him on the bridge of his nose, close to his right temple, and across his left eyebrow. He had me on my back, and I transitioned out and as the both of us stood, he went for a right hook. Problem was I went for a right headkick at the same time, and the way the kick landed it looked like my leg lifted his arm up behind his head, and it looked like my knee basically hit him in the temple and that wound I'd opened earlier. Didn't help matters that blood was already everywhere around us and immediately as he dropped and did the standard "mouthpiece goes flying" theatrics, his eyes stayed open and his jaw was ajar. I swear, it looked like I killed him or something, it was insane.

    Most of my matches end via headkick, actually... seems to be my thing right now.

  2. Then do us a favor and don't assume, it was a legitimate response and it was worth the bump because, hey, MythBusters is awesome.

    Even if apparently it's becoming commercial-riddled in its old age :shifty:

  3. Lol.

    ... really? That's it? Nothing more to contribute, nothing more constructive to say, nothing at all?

    I mean it's not like we're asking you to write a thesis on this or anything, it's just that the rule is you should make a post with a little more meat than just "Lol."

    First & final there mate. I won't warn you for it now, but let's make sure that our future replies have a little bit more substance, alright?

  4. ...You get to play video games at work?

    I hate you. <img src="http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad.gif" />

    Not really no. We finished up almost all of our work for the night, no customers in the store and we had a few minutes to kill (unless customers came in). It's a good opportunity to play the game and be able to talk about it to customers later, actually... thanks to playing it as much as I have at work, I've managed to sell quite a few copies off my recommendation alone for it, and pretty much everyone thus far has told me or a coworker they love it when they stop by again. Makes me quite happy :)

  5. Played against my Store Manager in a few matches on our PS3 yesterday, was AWESOME. The guy's really good at the game but I've been getting my practice in at work, so while normally he goes easy on us since him going all out can and has just murdered us in the first thirty seconds of the match before, he said I was making him start having to try.

    Our last match was the best. I was playing Cheick Kongo and he was playing Tim Sylvia, and I managed to win the first round performance wise when I kept him at a distance because of my ranged kicks. I was counter-kicking his legs a lot and getting in some good headshots and punches, but for the most part we played a strictly standing game. Generally he's better on ground though since he understands the ground game better, but I think I've gotten it down a lot better now than I did before.

    Second round comes and he just rips me to shreds though. Takes me down, starts beating the piss out of me so I managed to transition and get him in a submission attempt. He backed off and I tried getting up when the bastard swept Kongo's legs out and started kicking at his legs. Bastard started doing that constantly, taking me down and working the legs to weaken them. By the end of the round Kongo's leg was just wobbling around every time it got kicked, I swore he was going to just destroy me with one good leg shot.

    I managed to make it for the rest of the round though, got in a few really good shots and completely busted him open at one point in the match, which was nice since he'd busted me open way earlier. We wind up going into the third round, and here's where things got awesome.

    Match starts, he rushes in to try and take me out with a charging headkick which, at the time, I had no idea he was going for. I timed his charge and went for a spinning backfist right as his guy was close enough that he started coming back up to attack... bam, caught him right on the side of the head with the hit and down he goes for the KO. We were both stunned because it literally happened 4 seconds into the 3rd round and hell, *I* didn't even think it'd be enough to knock him out yet. I just caught him at the right moment.

    He is now demanding that we play again sometime. I think he wants revenge :shifty:

    Seriously, I love this game. I've played it with customers too just to get them familiar with it, managed to sell a few copies that way actually. I never thought THQ would make such a bloody addicting and well-made fighting game like this before, but lo and behold, I am impressed.

  6. :( I want this game so bad... but I've no PS3 nor 360 so I've had to sate my urges by playing it at work before clocking in :shifty:

    Hoping to get one of the two eventually to play this thing on though. Just going to take some time to save up the money, but damn it, I want this game.

  7. Oh, Macross... I need to try and give you another watch. My best friend started Lorina and I on Macross Frontier and we enjoyed the few episodes we watched but just... never started watching it after. They were good, there was an interest, but... I dunno, it's weird, we just don't have enough of a desire to pick it back up right now.

  8. Don't know how I missed this, but...

    What would I have done? I would've just dropped it, since his question had been answered and the rule he was citing was clarified so there wasn't any more confusion, instead of being all "How dare you question me!" about it and coming across like I've got insecurity issues.

    Seriously? Fuck off. You obviously don't know how the system on EWB works and you're just trying to defend yourself over a point to keep yourself from looking like a jackass trying to play a failed Devil's Advocate in this situation.

    His question was answered, but he continued to push the issue and, once again, what he was doing in the first place was going against the ruling of a mod. What I did, in turn, was follow the rules on EWB when it comes to warnings. Go to the damn Board Discussion subforum and look at them yourself, since it's clear you never paid them any mind before.

    I hardly came across as having insecurity issues, but you on the other hand are coming off like an overdefensive, uninformed, overzealous devil's advocate. Not once was it a "how dare you question me" issue, it was a "you pushed an issue you were told to drop by a mod, you went under the ruling of two mods to try and get your way, you get warned", followed by a "you were warned, suspended for a day, and you come back to not only flame three members of the mod team but also a number of people who disagreed with you, and you CONTINUED to push a subject you were told to drop, you get warned", followed by a "holy shit you numbskull did you really just double account to complain about it, you get banned".

  9. ... he broke rules when he disrespected JHS' request for him to drop the issue after she closed his thread. I could have warned him for that, but instead I asked him to drop it yet again. If he wanted to argue it, he could have waited for some time before doing so, but instead he did it all but immediately after being told by JHS to drop the subject. He continued to do so after *I* came in and told him to stop.

    Furthermore, he went under both JHS and I and tried to evade our rulings by getting an admin. The admin in question told him the exact same thing that we did, and he pitched a fit. After being given a warning for the first thing he did wrong, and being given 24 hours to cool off and understand why he shouldn't have done what he did, he continued to do it anyway and basically showed absolutely no respect to the rulings of any of us on the mod team, including RW, and also proceeded to call everyone who disagreed with him douchebags, which also included members of the mod team.

    You look at the rules of EWB, the updated rules on our warning system, and you'll see that I never once overreacted, I acted accordingly. If nothing else, the things I was doing was to try and keep him from getting himself banned because the little idiot wouldn't stop doing things that would get him warned. In the end, though, instead of taking the week and moving on, he used a double account to complain about it.

    So normally, yes, he'd be justified in arguing, but not in this instance when he was told to, for that time, drop the fucking argument. You honestly can't think that he was in the right in that situation, I'm sorry but there's just no bloody conceivable way, and if you legitimately think that then there's not even a point in me trying to reason with you over it because it's clear you're never going to get the damn point of that whole altercation in the first place, let alone how strongarm's actions were handled by us.

  10. Nevermind the fact that what oldskool apparently has conveniently forgotten is that while the first warning CAN come a 24 hour suspension at the discretion of the mod, the second one WILL come with a week suspension. After 24 hours, strongarm continued to break the very rule he was warned for in the first place, I'd suspended him the 24 hours to let him cool off and he learned nothing.

    Then he uses a double account to actually PM mods and tell them that "even though I'm new here, I feel that the banning of the strongarm account was unfair", even though it was a week's suspension. He effectively shot all chances of ever coming back here for himself out of the air.

    It's one thing entirely to question the process, that's actually absolutely fine and there's nothing wrong with questioning, challenging and what have you. What happened, however, was that he not only challenged it, but acted against it, and that's not fine at all. He proceeded to argue the point in HIS thread against Sara, who told him to drop the topic and then proceeded to close the thread. He didn't drop it, but rather carried it on here, and so I felt the need to come in and deal with it. I in turn told him to drop it, he didn't, so I gave him 24 hours to cool off.

    He comes back, yells at everyone who disagreed with him, continues the topic AGAIN, and so no, I'm sorry, but that's not going to fly. If he wanted to make the argument he could have waited some time before doing so, but instead he picked it back up right away after being punished for not knocking the shit off. No-one else was warned for pushing it because they hadn't been pushing it in the first place, they only started joking about the whole thing after the fact. So if you really want to play Devil's Advocate, oldskool? By all means, go ahead, but I know for a fact I acted in the right here and if you're trying to imply that I was pulling favoritism at any point in this you're out of your fucking gourde, but hell, as betterguy might say, you're entitled to your opinion.

    Furthermore, in your little analogy there? Would work except the fact that the cop in that situation describing me actually has the support of the rest of the cops in this case. I didn't act out of line from the rest of the mods, I was the guy who wound up stepping in though out of the rest of those who did and wound up getting challenged on things because of it out of the rest of them, and I acted on those challenges accordingly. It wasn't me being overly harsh on the guy, it was me responding to the situation with what I felt was the appropriate action, and I can promise you that the mod team will back me up on that.

    If nothing else, I rarely hand out warnings and suspensions like these, when things escalate I try to get involved to diffuse the situation but the instant someone starts disrespecting the orders of a mod it's time to start dealing with that person accordingly and hopefully setting things up so they can learn from it and knock off with what they're doing. strongarm didn't learn, he used a double account in the end and fucked himself over. But yeah, generally speaking? I try to be as fair and impartial in these situations as I can be, but when someone's doing something against the rules, and I'm trying to deal with them personally, I'm not going to let them just walk all over me.

    So please, oldskool, please challenge me on these issues even though it's clear you've no idea how half of what the mod team does works. Please challenge me even though it's clear you don't understand how the new warning system works out, and how it's supposed to help the person getting warned from getting banned in the end. Please share with me how you would handle the situation, because apparently, at least in the way you've been wording your replies, you've got this whole damn thing figured out already, and I'm just so very certain that your planning would have stopped strongarm from going off on everyone after the first time, or resorting to his double account to bypass a mod's decision, or the myriad of other things he'd done along the way that got him warned in the first place.

    Because, being honest here? You want to say I was being harsh? If I wanted to, I could have warned the guy twice in the first place because of all the shit he did which separately broke the rules, but I gave him a chance instead. The second time was more than enough to warrant the week's suspension.

  11. Oh yeah and nevermind the fact that he continued to push a subject he was told not to push and was warned and suspended over pushing in the first place. Clearly, strongarm's brain is his strongest muscle.

    Come on now Norro, his username isn't strongbrain now is it?

    Now that he's been suspended with Flaming Mike Tyson Fist power, he should learn his lesson.

    We'll probably see him again in 3 weeks, cause he does love taking extra time off.

    I should find a GIF of Captain Falcon doing the FALCON PAWNCH and poorly crop Tyson's head on top of him, and just use that from now on when I warn people. Seems like the most effective means, you know?

  12. No, this ends now. Apparently 24 hours wasn't good enough for this kid to figure out why the hell he was suspended in the first place, so it's obvious he's not going to stop it right now.

    So you know how this gets stopped right now?

    strongarm gets another warning and a week's suspension for essentially flaming everyone he argued with, myself and JHS included, in the first post of his return here. After the week's up, perhaps he'll learn to be a little more understanding to the rules and the rulings of the board's moderators, and won't come back from a suspension saying "YA'LL ARE DOUCHES" over the whole thing (Y)

  13. Well first of all, I've already contacted an admin. I'll wait until the admin makes his decision and go with that. But I'm not going to start a fight with anyone.

    ... I just made my decision. I'm a Global Mod, an admin is not required to make this decision, and truth be told, they have other matters they'd be better suited to focusing on. This is just as much my domain as it is theirs, so guess what? You'll have to go with my decision here, and you're going to have to deal with it.


    Aside from raising hype and advertising, I am also going at this with the goal of getting people's opinion and figuring out their preferences. In essence, my thread was performing all of the functions that a thread in the seventh side section is supposed to be doing. So I was not at any point in violation of the rules.

    And I'm telling you now that no matter how much you argue this point with me it doesn't matter. You've now been told by two different Global Mods to drop this and you've refused to. Finally, and here's the icing on the cake for me...

    Third, I would be more concerned for yourself than me at this point. Flaming is against the rules, even for a mod, and flame baiting will usually get you in about as much trouble.

    Excuse me, what? Did you seriously just try and threaten to report me for flaming/flame baiting, as if my trying to explain to you WHY you can't do what you're doing is either of the two?! Okay, no, you know what? Now you're just out of your fucking gourde.

    You may disagree with me on this, but the fact is, the ruling has already been made. You're being treated poorly because you HAVE to follow the system, regardless of what your interpretation of the rules are. You doing things "a little differently" goes against how this forum is run here and so, I'm sorry, but you can't do that.

    Want to know why? Because it causes clutter. You're putting up a hype thread to gauge interest for a game that likely won't even start for another half-year, and while you might find a point in it, the rest of us are going to look at it and see wasted space.

    Now, even if you disagree with that, once again, TWO mods now have told you that the thread can't be made and that you need to drop this shit now. You've gone against not only Srar's ruling on this, but mine, and furthermore tried to undermine the authority of two moderators by refusing to acknowledge their ruling until an admin came in to comment on the issue. You've tried to mini-mod, you've been a general ass about a very, very simple issue, and you've been playing the victim ever since you were called for doing something you're not supposed to do. You're trying to go by YOUR interpretation of the rules, which doesn't fly here because I'm sorry, what you interpret to be the rules isn't what the fucking rules are.

    So with all of that said? I'm done. I've already listed everything you've done wrong in this situation, and you'll find it conveniently in your warning log. Enjoy 24 hours off, and when you come back, maybe you'll know better than to push an issue that two mods have already told you to stop pushing.

  14. Welcome to the Diary Cube's sub forum! Huzzah!

    This is for all the non-diary discussion that you guys could want.

    Want people's opinion on a new diary? Ask here.

    Want to run a poll for people's diary preferences? Run it here.

    Want to personally advertise an upcoming diary to the masses? Advertise it here!

    This is for everything in the Cube that isn't a diary! It frees up more room on the other page for diaries and diary of the month without bogging us all down.

    The rules for this are similar to board rules so no spamming, flaming or postwhoring but enjoy yourselves!


    In other words, it is perfectly within the forum rules for the seventh side section of the cube to make a thread about a mafia diary even if said game has not been added the waiting list yet since thread would still be used for what the seventh side section was intended to be used for.

    Don't push this. Seriously. You made a bloody sign-up thread for a mafia game you weren't intending to start for weeks, despite the fact that in reality you may not be able to start it for months because YOU HAVE TO WAIT YOUR BLOODY TURN IN LINE.

    If you're planning to start the game, and if you want to create a HYPE THREAD for it, that's one thing. Sign your game up for the list and tell RW you don't have a set number of players yet, that's allowable, you just need to know what range you're expecting to sign up. Nonetheless, once it's your turn, people WILL sign up if it's not over 30 players, because only a small number of mafia games are allowed to run at once in the first place, and yours would be one of them. People will sign for it.

    Now, no offense, but I don't see Video Game Mafia 2 really warranting a hype thread months in advance of it happening. Maybe a few weeks, when you've signed your game up and it's, say, second in line in it's category. The problem here is you've not even signed your game yet, so making a hype thread is entirely pointless because for all you know it could be well around half a friggin' year before your game gets to run.

    Now seriously, there's no need to push the issue. In fact, you were asked by one moderator already to stop, and now you're being asked by another. I understand you want to gauge how many people you need to make roles for, but there are other, better ways of running things. You might not like the system we have in place for games right now, and that's fine, but even if you don't like it... you still have to follow it.

  15. ... yeah, because seriously, the last few episodes have been intense as all hell.

    The whole thing with the story behind the Tragedy of Sabrie, Vincent and Gil being involved back then with Alice somehow, the whole thing with Break's Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat and how Vincent basically outsmarted Break to get to Alice's memory, the double-crossing Vincent (expectedly) was doing with Pandora, Oz's relationship with Alice advancing and then Jack Bezarius all but living through Oz at this point... everything's picked up in a huge way and the story's really began to build on itself. I've loved it.
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