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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. Slight change of plans, guys, sorry for this but something's came up with a friend of mine and Lorina's and we need to go see her so I'm going to hold off on starting the game until tomorrow because we're literally a few minutes from going out the door. I just wanted to pop in the thread and let you guys know since I'd said tonight was going to be when I started, something just came up was all, but I'll have everything sent out tomorrow so we can start then, more than likely sometime midday after I wake up.

    Anyway guys, sorry again, but thanks for being patient. I've already got the player list set as to who's getting what, so I'm honestly excited to see people's reactions to their roles. This is going to be a fun game.

    Anyway, thanks again guys and I'll have everything started tomorrow. Until then!

  2. ... so apparently I forgot to take Sousa off the list. He's on again (thanks Sousa!), but it looks like because of that I still am one player short. Time to do some recruiting! :P

    Game will officially start tomorrow night, by the by guys. Everything's ready, it's just I've found myself short on time during the weekend so I figured I'd wait and start the game at its end, where I knew I'd be done with everything else I had to finish. I'll try and get our 25th player in by then.

  3. Alright folks, need a bit of help here:

    Right now, Momo hasn't confirmed his pre-sign up and with Sousa having dropped out, I in fact have two spots left open for this game.

    The next two people to sign up have a guaranteed spot in the game and we can get this thing moving ASAP. If you've been considering, now's the time when I ask you to please decide to give this a try! Webcom Mafia is a huge mafia series and I would love to see a full turn out for the next installment :)

  4. Plubby, Ace, you guys will probably get in as you've been mainstays, but I'm going to hold off putting you guys on the list until I can flesh anything out.

    But since Srar leapt in just as I hoped she would and, as she said, she was left in the cold last time... I'm letting Srar in first this time :blush:

    EDIT: ... no offense to you there, LD. Please don't start crying, I'd no idea you were posting :shifty:

  5. banner.png

    The Great Memorial Hall. Built after the official "end" of the Webcomic Wars by Ashley and Rayne Summers, the building stood to pay tribute to all the heroes of the war, from smallest conflict to greatest battle. Parts of the building were dedicated to specific people, others to larger groups, and there was even one wing made to honor the enemies who had fallen against the industry in their death, despite all the hell they had brought to its people.

    Though a controversial decision, it was one understood by most... after-all, Lilah Monroe had taught them all an important lesson during the industry's last stand... a lesson not forgotten by those who survived the ordeal.

    Indeed, the industry had prospered so greatly through all adversity, and had fought against everyone who stood to bring it down... but they had lost a great deal in order to prosper in the end. For the sacrifice of those people, their struggles and stories were immortalized in the Great Memorial Hall, as history spoke about the ordeals those people faced, and honored the towns that had fought, and had either fallen to, or risen above, the threats that stood against them.

    Thanks to Ashley Summers, their stories can now be heard. Stories that had at one time gone unspoken of, stories that would have otherwise been forgotten, and lost over time. They may not have had a great impact upon the results of the war, but the struggles and fights of those people involved were just as real, and just as dramatic, and just as important to each of those people involved as the primary battles themselves.

    These are those stories... these are the tales of the brave members of the industry who stood against its invaders, even as the world around them seemed to turn to hell.



    Sign-ups are open until 12:00AM EST Friday night/morning (or until the slots fill up), and it is not first come, first serve. Don't be offended if you are not chosen to participate! You have four days to get involved.

    The official, final version of the sign-up sheet will be put up on Friday (technically Saturday) after sign-ups close, and shortly after roles will be sent and a thread will be started.

    Feel free to state your case as to why you, as an individual, should be allowed into the game. It might not get you in, but it might boost your chances if you're not already a shoe-in!

    Finally, pre-signed players will be PMed here shortly, and are required to post in this thread before the deadline confirming their pre-sign. If they do not, their spot will be given to someone else, as I would rather prefer to have an active game as opposed to an inactive one.


    1. Mr. Potato Head

    2. Cloudy

    3. Hajjhowe

    4. TheRossWalker

    5. Pris

    6. Plubby

    7. THe Ace

    8. Pleatherface

    9. Split Second

    10. Sousa

    11. The Enforcer

    12. Ruki

    13. D-Day

    14. LD Kingston

    15. wrathofcarnage

    16. The Quasi Juice

    17. Slogger

    18. GoGo

    19. pizzamonkey

    20. deangelo

    21. Rabid Wolverine

    22. George Eddieson

    23. L.C.S.

    24. Neiji_Pwns

    25. C-MIL

  6. ... if it was Pink he interrupted I don't think Kanye would have walked away with his jaw intact. I'm pretty certain Pink wouldn't be above decking him for something like that, I'm... I'm pretty sure actually it'd have gotten more attention if he tried doing it to Pink than Taylor Swift.

    And as an aside to the poster who said he got on stage with a live mic-- no he didn't. He got on stage and took Taylor's live mic, he didn't come on-stage mic-in-hand.

  7. That's quality man, I can't draw for shit. So I love it. However, I don't know anything about the brand you're designing for, is that the sort of style they ascribe to?

    As for design advice, I'd perhaps try removing the interpuncts/bullets. My eyes are going to them rather than the wording.

    I don't know about removing them, but I definitely agree that they are far too prominent. Maybe either a resize or a different type of bullet, perhaps?

  8. I think it adds a nice touch having it off-cue like that, gives it more of a handdrawn effect which is actually quite popular in some brands of wine. I think having it look rough like that actually adds to the quality moreso than it takes away from it, so my suggestion is to actually keep it that way, myself... don't know why, but it adds a certain charm to it.

    I think it's the simplicity of the design that's appealing most to me right now. It's quite professional and although the art style is rather cartoonish for a wine bottle, I have to say that when placed on the bottle itself it actually complements it all very nicely. Only thing I'm not certain on now up close is the font for everything but the title itself.

    Not sure why, but that type-of font just doesn't seem to lend itself to the design. Maybe play around a little with it, at the moment I can't really make any good, tangible suggestions that could make it look nicer... just that there's something about it that seems to draw away from the design in that area. Just something to consider, anyway.

  9. I love simple designs when they're done right, and this definitely looks great. I suppose the only critique I have would be on the front cover, not exactly a fan of the text at the bottom, but... other than that? Amazing stuff, really glad to hear you got it printed and I'm sure it will look great on your resume and portfolio.

    Definitely show us this next magazine you'll be doing, too! I would love to see it myself, at least. I myself will probably wind up helping with my school's magazine when I need to have an internship up here in two quarters, but... hell, who knows, maybe I'll luck out and get an opportunity before then for something like this. I can hope at least :P

  10. Very impressive, it has a sort-of classic feel to it for a wine bottle, which is superb... illustration work is fantastic and simple, which is perfect for a wine bottle, once again. Is this an actual client of yours, or did you just do it as a sort-of conceptual piece? Because if they're actually your client, then I'm sure they'll love it, and if it's just a concept then hey, it's a good one. Definitely pitch-worthy.

  11. :o

    Keith, you suck, man. You always find new ways to make me jealous of you, and this is just another bullet point in a long, long list of reasons!

    Awesome work, man... I really hope I can get a job like that lined up sometime. Really hoping to make it in print design, it's just a matter of finding places looking for designers and hopefully wowing them with my portfolio, which... well, that in and of itself is still a huge work-in-progress just to set it up. Once that's done it'll just be an eternal WIP of adding new stuff in, but yeah :shifty:

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