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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. Truth be told, the thread's more of a discussion on anime thread than it is a AMV-posting thread. I'd welcome you to start up an AMV thread, by all means, but like I said... the anime thread's point was more on the anime themselves than it was AMVs, really :P

    Also, Slide, if you have something you want to add to a post, please edit it in rather than double-post a minute after your original.

  2. 1. Assassin's Creed II

    - By far the best game of the decade in my opinion. It was a perfect sequel to the first, it developed both the story of the Assassins and the Templars as well as Desmond and his companions' own seamlessly... I couldn't have asked for a better follow-up to such a great game in the first one. Plus, it's the first game I've played on the PS3 where I honestly had fun and didn't feel like I was grinding in order to get Platinum with it. Platinum's easy enough to obtain-- somewhat frustrating at times, but when you get it down it's fairly simple for most of the trophies. I easily fell in love with this game.

    2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    - The campaign mode, though short, might have been one of the more chilling games I've played in ages. Seeing such a realistic depiction of our country under attack, from the suburbs of America to the White House itself, was ultimately surreal and something I think they'll be struggling to top the next time out. However, where it shines the most is where all of its predecessors shined: multiplayer. The introduction of new gaming mode classics like Capture the Flag were nice touches, but what I honestly love is how much the game tries to get every player involved. Even the worst player on the team at least gets some kind-of accolade, encouraging them to do better the next time. This was something I appreciated the first time I put the game in and got slaughtered right off >_>

    3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    - This was a platformer's dream, truth be told, and if you love the classic side-scrolling Mario then you just might fall in love with this game all the same. A flawless sequel to the series, pulling elements from Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros. 3 in particular, NSMBW was my top pick for Game of the Year for the Wii by far. I grew up on the classic Mario Bros. games, and so this game not only brought me back, but made it immensely fun with other people playing at the same time. Being able to work together or sabotage each other was a great in-game element, I have to say. The difficulty wasn't the highest, though at times the level designs will more than make up for that by forcing you into difficult traps and situations that more than make up for the easy boss battles. Plus, as the point has always been with the Mario games, seeing how quickly you can blast through the level is always a fun and exciting challenge.

    4. Brütal Legend

    - Easily THE most metal game in all creation. Brütal Legend is a game I'm still playing through, but thus far I've enjoyed it a lot and, while some elements of the game drag slightly, I have to say that I'm loving the blending of different game elements together. The story's been excellent so far, and honestly the sheer graphical brilliance of the landscapes is what gets to me with this game. Tim Schaeffer poured his whole imagination into this game, into the landscapes and the monsters and so much more... it's really impressive, honestly. The interactions between the characters have been hilarious and, while the whole of the side-quest experience reminds me greatly of the first Assassin's Creed, I have to say I've enjoyed those so far too. Then again, I enjoyed the side-quests in the original Assassin's Creed, so hey.

    5. UFC Undisputed 2009

    - The game that, in my opinion, showed that MMA fighting COULD be realistically brought to the home console without taking anything away from the experience of the sport itself. The challenge in every match was unparalleled, you really felt like you had to adopt a different strategy going into any match against a different opponent, and furthermore, you learned how easy it is to grow to hate Frank Mir. Seriously, I pour all of my stats into sub defense and the bastard still taps me like nobody's business, it's bloody unfair. Nonetheless, I never realized just how much satisfaction can be gained from fighting into a mount and beating away at someone's face until their mouthpiece falls out, nor did I realize how much more fun it was to keep punching away after the fact.

    I honestly didn't get the chance to fully play through a lot of games in 2009. I've tried and sampled many-- Spirit Tracks, Scribblenauts, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil 5, inFamous, Prototype and several more... all games that seemed, to me, to be a lot of fun and games that I would love to try to play in full. Likewise, there were games I'd heard of but didn't get to try despite wanting to badly-- Borderlands, Left 4 Dead 2, Dragon's Age: Origins... hell, you guys get the idea, the list honestly goes on.

    2009, in my opinion, was a hell of a year for gamers... a year that's going to be hard to top for some time still to come. Still, hopefully with 2010, we can make as best an effort as possible.

  3. So Lorina got my into Claymore recently.

    HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS ANIME OH MY GOD. According to her there's not a single filler episode in the entire thing-- it's like 20-something episodes I believe-- and so far I'm on episode 11 without a single filler episode so far. It's a very nice change of pace. All action based, and for an anime entirely based around an ungodly strong organization of half-demon women, it's remarkably reserved and focused more on the action and violence. There's hardly, if any, fanservice at all thus far... it takes itself VERY seriously but in a good way and just, just damn.

    Possibly one of the best action-oriented fantasy-themed animes I've seen in, well, in a really long time. Highly recommend it.

  4. I cannot be arsed to flesh out, like, a comprehensive outline of the series since honestly I only saw the first few episodes, skipped the rest because Lorina watched them while I was away, and then when I came back wound up getting hooked in again around Episode 20.

    Right now there's 22 episodes out. It's set in a pseudo-post apocalyptic environment where, after the Third World War, a new type-of human species called "Needless" came into existence. They have superhuman powers and thrive off of carbs or something of the sort in order to keep themselves charged. There's an entire story behind not only how the Needless came into existence, what started them in the first place ("Project Adam" and "Project Eve"), along with a bunch of other crazy shit.

    The main character, or at least rather one of the members of the main cast since the show doesn't actually revolve around him, is this little green-haired kid. I can't go into detail about why you might not enjoy him that much in the series without spoiling things, but I suppose he's tolerable. One of his traveling companions-- a priest-- MORE than makes up for him though. The guy is fucking hysterical, and it's awesome when you figure out his power.

    I think you'd like it Ruki. It's very, very action packed and it seems to have a decent bit of fanservice scattered about, but (at least from the episodes I've caught) it isn't overwhelming.

  5. Needless.

    Check it out. I've only casually been following it over Lorina's shoulder while she watches it but holy shit, I may have to get more into this thing at some point. Story is certainly intriguing, I really like the characters but damn if the little kid doesn't get on your nerves a good deal.

  6. GoGo by far, he's easily one of the best scum players I've ever seen. When investigated I hate to say it but GoGo really isn't that great at defending himself, but so long as he stays out of range from any investigators, the guy's nearly untouchable.

    Sousa is scary when he's scum, I absolutely dread games I'm in where I don't know what side Sousa is on. The guy's a force to be reckoned with on either side of the coin, but when he's scum he can lead crusades against townies and worm his way out of suspicion very easily, and even can make you feel like a jackass for trying to lynch him in the first place.

    RW is another guy exactly like Sousa, except to be honest I think I fear RW a little more. The guy is a master manipulator in mafia games and has duped even some of the most experience players into buying his bullshit. Like Sousa, he's also excellent when town, so really he's a dangerous threat to anyone when he's in a game, it's just when scum the guy stands out as being a hell of an asset to any team he's on.

    In the event of a five-person team, I'd say either C-MIL or pizzamonkey. With C-MIL, he DOES have GoGo-like abilities of avoiding suspicion unless investigated, and even when called out the guy can worm his way through a decent amount of hoops before having to call it a day. Meanwhile, with PM, I can honestly say that if teamed with Sousa or RW, he could run a town ragged by its end. The guy does amazingly well if he has someone to bounce things off of, but from what I've seen the best people I've seen him work with or against have almost always been Sousa or RW.

    A team put together like that would make the most well put together towns in EWB shit their pants. They'd all work really, really well together.

  7. Echoing the love for Santa's Slay. It's such a wonderfully hilarious movie with the absurdity of Bill Goldberg playing an evil Santa that, as bad as it may be, it's so bad it's good and you'll wind up loving it when it's all said and done. Can't wait to see your reaction to that one :P

  8. Fuck Samurai Jack. Needs more Powerpuff Girls.



    J.J. Abrams being behind this scares me admittedly :shifty:

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  9. Got NSMB and have been playing that nonstop... that game is hella nostalgic and fun. As for Assassin's Creed, BLACK FRIDAY I CAN PICK UP THE COLLECTOR'S WOOOOOOO! I got me some connections and will be getting a new collector's edition for myself, so damn happy.

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