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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. GameStop makes pure profit off of all of their used sales, none of the money made there goes to anyone else. However, the publishers of these games entered into contracts and agreements with GameStop and other companies like GameStop to allow the redistribution of preowned games, so in many ways this sort-of action is a direct hit on the people that help fuel the moneytank of a major company which supports them.

    That being said, I can't somuch question the original companies themselves doing it somuch as I question GameStop supporting it. Again, they're shooting themselves in the foot-- we only price newly released preowned titles roughly five dollars less than the new cost, and so with an additional $10 fee tacked on they're essentially telling customers to buy new, reducing the profits made by GameStop quite a bit over time.

  2. I'd argue that the companies doing this are in no way justified, actually, considering the fact that at GameStop our base fee for a new title released on the XB360 or PS3 is $59.99 before taxes new, and $54.99 before taxes used.

    Say a person purchases a used copy of a title that's just launched for roughly $5 cheaper than the cost of the new title. Now, assuming they don't have our Edge Card, they won't be getting any discounts barring their trades and/or any sales promotions going on at the time. Should they need to purchase a $10 card to play the content of the game they've purchased used, they would then be paying more for the used version of the game than they would have been for the new version.

    "Then just buy the new" might be a viable answer, too, but GameStop is woefully notorious for getting short-stocked on supplies of high-demand games and so a vast majority of the time I actually find myself with more copies in-store of a game preowned than I do it new. Customers shop for preowned because they want a game at a lower price, and there is a legal work-around to it that doesn't make them nor subjugate them to feeling like criminals for doing something that allows them to.

    And I'm almost positive that GameStop will regret the move, too, because it essentially cuts off a mass number of our customers who buy preowned games for money saving reasons to begin with. The instant a customer realizes that they'd be paying more for a used copy of a game to unlock all the benefits of the new copy, they'll just buy the new copy. The company will sustain itself off a mass backstock of games not requiring codes to play online, but if the gaming industry is to move in this new direction, then the commercial second-hand gaming market is basically meant for self-destruction.

  3. And to re-establish this because I think some people were confused over the nature of my game: it's ready. It's been ready. I, however, have not. Between my wedding, honeymoon, and college graduation, plus the length of time these mob games have been taking lately, I've sort-of just hit a bit of a bad time to try and start it in. Game is good to go. I wasn't. Now I am. GAME SHALL GO SOON.

    And with that, I think we're good. We're good, right? Yeah. We're good.

  4. Yeah, you just have to keep practicing the ground game. I got pretty good at timing the transitions, the hardest part is if they achieve full mount because at that point your only hope is to time your counter and catch their punch, pull them in, and transition out quicker than they can attempt a transition themselves. Just don't mash the stick or anything, I tend to try and take my time a little bit with it because the response from the game works faster than if I just mash on it as fast as I can.

  5. Apparently my first game must have been Super Mario Bros. 3 because my parents have told me that when I was 3, I beat it. Didn't just play it, I apparently beat it. Though before that I'd just press buttons on the original Super Mario Bros. as a baby and stare at the screen while Mario jumped. Not really "playing" the game per se, but I mean hey, I was basically brought up on the console.

    Still have my original NES with nearly 100 games too, I just wish the bloody thing was still working. I had the old front-loader original as well as the newer top-loading NES Model 2. By and large it's my upbringing on Nintendo that has made me a Nintendo diehard for life. No matter how much wrong they may do from time to time, I'm just not going to abandon them. I'll support Sony, because after Nintendo my very next console was a PSX, but Nintendo will always be #1 for me.

    Coincidentally, very first game for the PSX was Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. Between the NES and the PSX, I didn't have any other consoles and just played on my friends' consoles since I visited so often. I played THPS nonstop back then, thinking how amazing and lifelike the graphics were.

  6. Depp would do fine as the Riddler, it's not like he's going to be playing the same character all over again like he did with Wonka/Hatter/any "quirky" Depp character. Riddler can be made far more serious than what they did with him with Carry, and honestly I prefer the darker version of Riddler anyway. Personal preference I suppose.

    Though, that being said, he's not the best casting choice per se, there's likely plenty of others that'd do just as well, if not better; however, IF Depp were brought on, I'd trust the choice and Nolan's direction of it to make the performance work. Depp is a quality actor, if he envelops himself into the character like he's capable of it'd probably be a damn good performance.

    It's just that lately he's been getting typecasted it seems, and really it's getting kind-of old quickly.

  7. You can describe some 60% (minimum) of all anime series that way. And a lot of them don't involve paedophilia. :shifty:

    Ruki just sucks at descriptions of anime, stok. The fact that he described Claymore as "an anime with demons and half-demon hot chicks who kill demons" didn't exactly show anything to the contrary, either.

    Needless is good though. Wouldn't call it one of the best, but for the story it presents it's worth the ride along. If nothing else I'd at least recommend giving it a shot, seeing if you like it and all.

  8. Zan, I'll let you take my place yeah. Tomorrow is my final day of college (meeting with my internship coordinator) and then after that I'll be planning for a possible move, but for the most part I'll be ready to run the game within a week's time. If there's still a spot available by next week I might just take it and start my game, but with a spot opening up right now I'll be happy to give it to you (Y)

  9. You can thank Lorina, Ruki, she's the one who got me into it. Sentiments are the same across the board though yeah, aside from the glaringly obvious setback of the main character's sexual preferences, the show's pretty good. I wouldn't call the ending credits a setback since really who watches those anyway, just skip them, but you can't really skip the guy hitting on little girls throughout the show. It's... it's sort-of just there.

  10. woo Claymore!

    ....just make sure it won;t turn into a claimfest.

    And unless Gogo stops me, game #11 for me is gonna be Anime Mafia 3 :shifty:

    I've got plans to prevent that to the best of my ability and all. I honestly think the game would be a hell of a lot of fun, and I'd like to experiment a bit in it too so hopefully I can come up with a few unique things for the game. I just want to make sure there's enough people who'd be interested is all.

  11. Gauging interest in a mafia about the anime Claymore. I say anime because I've not read the manga and frankly that's way too much to fit in anyway from the manga from what I've seen.

    But yeah, the anime is perfect for me. Lorina'll probably help me with the roles since I just finished the series and she's been a fan for much longer, but yeah. Damn good show, by the way, good enough for me to be inspired to do a game of mafia (SO MANY GOOD IDEAS FOR ROLES).

  12. Consider VGCM ready to go whenever a spot opens up; however, if a spot opens in, say, the next two weeks... give it to the next person in line please. In the middle of finals right now so I need to focus on that, though I don't suspect there to be an open spot in the midst of it. Just figured if there was I'd be ready to pass it on.

    Also, Sousa, it's Lorina. I am the only one with two R's in my name. HOW DARE YOU FORGET THAT :crying:

  13. I did too, everything involving Butters in this episode got at minimum a chuckle out of me. Was a really funny episode, though the bit where the two reporters are vomiting while trying to interview him honestly felt like a gag I'd see on Family Guy. Not the vomiting itself, just the way they set it up in that part of the episode. Reminded me of Peter trying to get rid of the dead frog he gave Chris, as an example, and for some reason it sorta irked me. It's not even that I don't like Family Guy-- I do, it's hit and miss for me but I do-- and I don't think South Park was taking it from there in the slightest. I guess it's just that I've seen that joke done so many times now that it just isn't funny anymore for me. In any event, I still think the episode as a whole was funny.

  14. Lorina's enjoying this before me :(

    Picked it up at my work's midnight launch but had to go out of town for a few days for school. Won't even be able to touch the game until Thursday night/Friday, and Lorina's already gotten some serious game time in. Yesterday she sent me a text saying it had been six and a half hours of nonstop playing for her and she thought it'd only been two. I'm excited, but damn it, I AM SO JEALOUS :( :( :( :( :(

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