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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. Mafia Sphere. Mafia Circle doesn't work because Diary Dome = 3D and Diary Cube = 3D but a circle is 2D. If we're going to stick to theme here, "Sphere" would be our best bet :shifty:

    Also, RW, this subforum feels naked. If you aren't going to do it, may I please take the utterly pointless and menial task of moving all past sign-up threads into this forum? >_>

  2. Meh, smart chick has her uses but for the most part she's just supposed to be the one who's easily annoyed by everyone else's bullshit, but because of this she rants often and breaks things down too much.

    Like I said, she has her uses. Also, fat guy is my favorite character from the manga, he develops more than even the main character part way through, so I think he's gonna grow on you guys pretty fast. That's how it happened for me anyway :P

  3. Bought a Nintendo 64 with two controllers, a memory pack (and apparently another one already in the 64 itself), and Pokemon Snap! for $35 on Sunday from a buddy of mine. He also gave me Super Smash Bros. and told me just give him $12 for it whenever I have the money to. Needless to say, I'm ecstatic. Already beat Pokemon Snap! and unlocked most of Smash Bros.

    Planning on buying an SNES off of him some other time and just start stocking up on games for the N64 and the SNES. I still have my NES with nearly 100 games, so I'm good there. Might get a Gamecube to complete the set and buy a few games for it while they're good and cheap. Can't wait to be able to look at my TV and basically see the history of Nintendo sitting right under it :w00t:

    Probably will do the same for my PS3 and put out my PS2, buy an old PS and just sit them all side by side. I don't really need the PS or anything, but it'll be nice to just have it there really.

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  4. Yeah, I realize everyone likes to joke like "Oh Norro won't have a problem with this" but no, see, line-by-line posting isn't my style and anyone who actually knows the kind-of tl;dring that I do will tell you that. I'm into paragraphs, not single sentences-- unless of course they're for added flavor/impact after a paragraph-- and being #21 on the list is rather disheartening because I'm going to have to find a way to put together 21 individual lines when I'd just rather not.

    Chances are I'll type my normal way and just break up the paragraphs into single lines though. Still, kind-of annoying.

  5. ugh, sorry to everyone still left in VGCM. This sickness hit me out of nowhere and while I'm more than motivated to be a dick in Ruki's game, it's just a matter of getting off my ass and putting together the next update in my game that's slowing me down. I'll have it up here shortly though-- one of the big reasons it's holding me back is it's a big update, so... yeah, my bad guys. I don't handle illness well :P

  6. PS3. Still love my Wii to death and I have every game on it at the moment that I can think of wanting to give me my classic fix, plus there's a larger number of games I want on the Wii than on the PS3; however, I just use my PS3 more. The internet browser, the Bluray/DVD player, the content-off-my-hard-drive-streaming, the games themselves, et all with the PS3 is just doing the best job for me right now in terms of what I'm looking for. Refuse to ever give up on the Wii though, love the console and will keep playing it, just likely not quite as much.

    That being said, as a whole I suppose I'd say I support Nintendo more than Sony, actually. I'm a Nintendo fanboy though so really that's just a given.

  7. Teach them new moves and train them stronger in certain areas, generally your CAF only has a Level One on all their moves they actually use, so it doesn't readily identify them. I think my guy is identified as a wrestler and a kickboxer, I'd have to go back and check, but that's because I leveled his ground grappling and his punches/kicks more than anything else.

    ... to be fair though there's a chance I'm talking out of my ass, because generally I skip the introductions and never hear my fighter announced as anything. I just swear I remember one time skipping after my guy was announced and they said something different, could be misremembering though.

  8. Is Highschool of the Dead gonna be the next anime we all watch together and talk about? :o

    Seriously, this makes me happy. Probably the next best thing to a Battle Royale anime that they could have done ^_^

    So, he runs into the class room, says that there was a murder and....no reaction? No panic? Only those three leave.....

    Although I can get behind the 'A fight has broken out. Please evacuate.' Don't wanna create panic!

    Heisashi (is that his name?) was bit....but takes awhile, ok....but the teachers at the beginning died and revived like...instantly. Consistency!

    Finally, a zombie movie/show that says the word zombie

    Over all? I really enjoyed it. Can't wait for the next episode.

    - He said it in a low voice. People could tell something was up, but he didn't want to create a panic so he told the person he knew wouldn't panic what happened, as well as the girl he loves. Wanted to get them out n'all that.

    - Yeah, that went well until the guy got devoured on the school's PA System.

    - It's established that it takes a shorter amount of time if the person isn't actively fighting against it, really. Teacher was bit, no idea what was going on, doesn't try and wrap the wound quick enough and next thing you know he's dead. Heisashi gets bit, holds out mentally because he has something to fight for, they wrap the wound, etc... he holds out longer than most.

    - They make a habit in the manga of reminding you that the characters don't want to really give the zombies a 'name', so they always just refer to them as 'them'. Pretty much just like mystikz said :P

    - I sincerely hope this anime goes for longer than 24-25 episodes. Not by much, but still longer than that. 24-25 is the magic number usually, but I could see HSotD having enough content to it to justify an even 30 run. They need space to run with and so far they're doing well. That being said though... did they say they were keeping it to 11-12 episodes? Because if so then damn that sucks, I wanted something with longevity to it :(

  9. ... just search it up on Youtube, Ruki. It's completely too easy to find :P

    Also the manga is over ten chapters in, you've got a lot of reading to do but it is so damn worth it.

    EDIT: Just caught up on the manga, it's on Chapter 26. And it is still so pimp.

  10. ... it's the manga, but animated.

    Holy shit I'm finally going to get to watch a good zombie anime. I love High School of the Dead, I'm so glad they're picking the manga back up, and to see it all put to form like this... fuuuuuuck am I going to have a new obsession now. The fanservice is blatant and is just as gratuitous as in the manga (though considering how gratuitous the manga got, I doubt the anime will ever go that far), so honestly I can look past that as they're just sticking to a set formula. No, see, what matters to me is how they handle the story and characters, and so far seeing it all come to life is just fucking brilliant.

    Just watched the first episode, and yeah, it's awesome. I sincerely cannot wait for this to continue, because I have been waiting for a zombie anime to come out and now my hope have been realized.

  11. PSN ID: MaskOfNorro

    So where's the EWB camp? I totally want in on this now. Probably going to make a few CAFs off the template set by my first one, hopefully I'll get a few amusing creations in to parade around :P

  12. Yeah, this game would go faster if I wasn't so friggin' busy and only had one computer that's gradually beginning to die off on me -_-

    Gotta say though, for as slow as it's been, the game's been great so far. Especially seeing how everything's been going behind the scenes, it's going to be fun to put up the post-game rundowns and whatnot.

  13. ... hu-uh. Was under the impression that you'd get a trophy for going undefeated throughout career mode. Didn't even get one for having any one set number of streaks.

    What was the weirdest thing was that it had me switch weight divisions (well, suggested) in the midst of my HW title run. This despite the fact that my guy was 6'7". I declined, they propose champ v. champ, I go for it, and my 6'7" has to cut to 205lbs? Fucking make Rampage fatten up, because a 206lbs man should not also be 6'7", or he'd be a twig to be snapped in the UFC.

    Guy wound up retiring a light heavyweight, because after I decided to defend my LHW title it never let me go back to the HW division, which was shit. Retired scrambling to keep my stats up, managed to pull off getting his striking to around 90 and capped the rest around 80-85.

    You figure out fairly fast in sparring mode that if you want the real points, learn a slam at another camp and then spam the slam in sparring. Was on Experienced to try and do the undefeated run (for the apparently make-believe trophy) and I was getting between 120 and 160 points per session by just running at my partner, slamming him, standing, and then re-slamming. Once I got high enough sub skills I started throwing in a sub attempt in the last 10 seconds, which boosted the points more. At one point I got him to tap after about 10 slams and it gave me roughly 170-something points, which is always helpful.

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