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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. Well the votes have it for BBT so far, but I'd still like to wait on Ice to tell me whether or not he's cool with me just jacking his plans like that. I may be a dick, but I don't want to be one without permission in this instance :shifty:

    Mario Kart won't be going anywhere either, guys, soon as Big Bang potentially would begin I'd sign up Mario Kart as ready and hopefully it wouldn't take that long to get it to the top of the line again. I'd actually appreciate a little more time with the game anyway, make sure I've got these mechanics balanced before I unleash them upon the unsuspecting hordes.

  2. Well whichever people would prefer I do first. Mario Kart is 90% done and I can knock out the roles and mechanics to a Big Bang Theory mafia game in like the span of a couple days if need be, I've had the idea for ages so...

    Really, either could be my next game, it's just whichever one people want now/would be okay waiting for, and whether or not DJ Ice would be willing to let me run with the theme instead :P

  3. If DJ Ice is willing to relinquish Big Bang Theory to me I'd be more than willing to switch out Mario Kart for it and make Mario Kart my next game after it. I'm still feeling like having a few more games before I hop back into webcomics... would be fun!

    I just don't want to be a douche and intercept Ice's game. If he really wants to do Big Bang then by all means he has the right to do so before me because he called it first. I just know it's been a desire of mine to do it too :P

  4. Aside from Ruki's mafia where Sousa sniper'd a mob member on Day One with his autolynch, there was Nick Adams' use of (albeit the corrupt version of) the ability in Video Game Consoles Mafia early on that helped buy him some time in the game, take out the town lie detector RW (who then used his ability to basically decimate SEGA), and gave pizza good ground to stand on afterwards to carry through to victory at the end of the game. Had Nick not used the ability to save his ass, SEGA probably would have been a more dominating force, RW might not have had such a huge impact on the game with his ability, and Nintendo wouldn't have had such a stronghold on the game from early on.

  5. So after Mario Kart Mafia I've decided I want to continue back into my Webcom series. I'll wrap up Webcom IV's parts III and IV to take care of that, and I think I'll give the series its final send-off with Webcom V. Still thinking that one over, mainly because I could use V as a catalyst to continue the series in a new direction with a new world, based on the future left from the events of III. We'll see, but while working on MKM I've also been constructing a few teaser roles for the future Webcoms and I'm getting fairly excited about the idea.

    Mob games take forever to advance through the list sometimes, so obviously Webcom V is in the far-off distance, but let me assure you, if I can gather the people, I'd be shooting for a large game out of it. Hopefully the name value of the series can garner it :)

  6. Any number of things. She could fetch Link items in some games, furthermore she spewed a seemingly never ending supply of pixie dust off the sides of her wings. You could be creative with it :P

    One would assume that since GM stole from me he got SOMETHING that implied me being Navi. Unless you said he was unable to steal anything from me, without the Navi safeclaim protecting me, in which case I'd argue you could conceivably steal any number of items from nature, such as twigs, branches, leaves, rocks, pebbles, sand, mud, sap, moss, fungus, grass, or... well, you get the idea :shifty:

    I only assume he was unable to steal anything from me and thus that confirmed to him my being Navi which, once again, I don't see how you can't steal something from nature, so...

  7. When I make games I try and balance out abilities and numbers to the best of my ability. Go through any possible outcomes to ensure that the game at the very least can go a few nights in without ending. VGCM for example could have ended really quickly if everything went to shit on the town, which was why I used abilities to balance out the difference of having nearly half the players be scum. It worked out, and the town came very close to winning, as did the serial killer who, though he couldn't be killed, was not given a safeclaim nor made investigation proof.

    That was one thing now in hindsight that I think I was as well in burny's game. I was a bulletproof serial killer with a safeclaim that turned up in investigations (apparently, since GM got a result that made him think I was Navi after all) who won when endgame was reached. If I was an awful player I could have easily died early, but since I knew what I was doing (just didn't know I didn't have to do much) I was able to plow through the game way too easily due to the nature of the role. This wasn't the Gatekeeper-- the Gatekeeper was at least found out. Apparently this was me being kill and investigation proof, or at the very least kill and thief proof. The only way I could have died was slipping up as a player in-thread and getting myself lynched.

  8. And as I said in the game thread, the role WAS incredibly overpowered, but I was confident that I could win it as a standard SK, which was what I had thought I was for the full game until, well, until I unexpectedly won.

    Considering the number of scum in the game though burny, making me an SK who wins when the game reaches endgame was a really dangerous move. By night two I could have won the game and killed nearly twenty people in the endgame update by doing so.

  9. He seemed to do fine in my game.

    That being said the fact that he dropped out when he was under all of that pressure was basically a big "fuck you" to everyone-- including the gamerunner-- in the game. If he was scum it'd be immature and really disrespectful, like those kids on UFC who drop out of matches when you're beating them. Since he was townie though it screams to me that he was just too fucking lazy to defend himself and decided to try and let someone else do it instead. Either way, it's really annoying that he'd do that :/

    Man, I tell you. We finally get our own Mafia forum and suddenly there are people forcing gamerunners to end their games because they're not going their way, and others too lazy to defend their own play in games when basically anyone playing mafia will have to at some point. Not the proudest of starts for our independence, people :P

  10. Maybe it's easier being on the outside and looking in but it was clear to me that there was conning shenanigans going on and I can't believe that the town didn't consider that.

    Definitely easier on the outside looking in. Molly's ability was easily faked so the fact that she turned up Envy, though surprising, wasn't so far-fetched that I immediately thought conjob. I have to say though that's an awesome idea for a role with the numbers thing, albeit a really good way to investigate multiple parties of people at once and narrow the suspect field down drastically much faster.

  11. ... I'm almost regretting protecting myself now for the sheer amazingness that would have brought to the game.

    Still, my whole plan with protecting myself was to fuck with the minds of the mob. I was trying to make reads and calls based on how people were acting in the thread and how I felt the mob would view me at the time. I knew me surviving that first night worked well in my favor because it laid groundwork for me, but beyond that it was mostly guesswork to see if I could first find someone worth protecting and then second trick the mob into thinking I was only protecting myself. I thought for certain LD was going to get the axe the night I targeted him, which is why I targeted him.

  12. .. wow, that whole debacle with Ruki's mafia is seriously pathetic. I cannot believe that many people got so pissy over the game that they quit.

    Well played to Teej for actually tricking me into wasting another day on him though and I have to agree, that was one of Sara's better moments in mafia. Though I feel bad about that day I still maintain that it seemed like a logical avenue to go down based on the presence of what looked like three mobs in a game that size, and the fact that I'd thought Molly was Envy. The mindgames worked pretty well, at the very least they stalled for precious time.

    As for me, I roleposted as Cox all game at Ruki's request and enjoyment, and my own mutual enjoyment of being a prick for fun. The fact that people took it seriously concerns me greatly. I didn't protect myself every night, but I wanted to establish a stigma around myself that made the mob think I would so they'd be more likely to target someone else that I might protect. Protecting LD the night I thought he would have died, I immediately protected myself after figuring the mob would expect me to be vulnerable. I was also gifted a one-off ability part way through the game that let me watch someone's actions at night.

    I just can't believe how many people got so pointlessly bitter and resentful in that game that they up and quit. I cannot stress how pathetic that really comes across, because it was just a damned game and if you really can't handle the stress that came in Ruki's game then I have no idea why you're even bothering to try and play around here at all. Mafia is fun, it's a game, but based on the nature of the game it's going to be stressful and at times it's going to be really stressful. You deal with it and move on, it's not like anyone in the game has such a personal vendetta against you that they're using it as a means for actual outright attacks.

    Also, I'm very sorry to hear what happened Sean, I can't imagine what you're going through right now, but I'll definitely keep you and your family in my prayers. All the best man ({)

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