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Green Demon

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Posts posted by Green Demon

  1. I am glad that the Browns took Edwards. I see them either taking a DL man in the 2nd or Frye if you is still around at the beginning of the secound. The Browns offense seems as though it may be vastly improved with the Oline signings, getting a vetern QB who hopefully wont be like Garcia, and also the will have Edwards and Winslow back from injury going out for passes.

  2. I am glad that they fired Paxson. The only thing that he has done was take Lebron which was a given and taking Boozer in the secound round. Other then those two pick he has either sucked or had mediocre picks such as Diop,Wagner(injured to much), and other picks that arent with the team, I guess that is why he wanted to trade away the picks. I am wondering who is taking over the GM spot or if the coach will get double duty, there has been lots of talk of Greg Anthony leaving ESPN to take a job with the Cavs. It will be an intresting off season for the Cavs to see what moves they make such as, resigning Z??, getting an outside shooter such as Allen, Redd, or Joe Johnson.

  3. I cant believe that Boston only scored 8 in the 3rd and let 32 be scored. They had a 19 point lead at one time, I dont understand how losing going into the playoffs is going to help a team espsessialy since it looks like they are gonna play philly who could knock them out IMO.

  4. actually it CAN happen for LA. I recall Orlando having the same fate when they had the highest record against the other lottery teams when they drafted Webber and traded it to Penny Hardaway. 

    That was before they changed the ping pong ball rules. I also don't doubt that either NY or LA will get the # 1 pick since Bogut is exactly the kind of player both teams could use. It just comes down to whether or not they have confidence in Kobe, or if Phillip will go to the Knicks if they get the top pick. If the top guy was a 2 guard, I'd say Cleveland would be a lock since Stern and his flunkies desperately want LeBron in the playoffs sooner not later.

  5. I dont understand how people can countuie to rip Lebron. Yeah his team may be collapsing but it has nothing to do with him, over the past 6-7 games he is averging over 35 ppg 10 rpg and 7 apg. The Cavs may be losing but it isnt all his fault. The fact that Z and Gooden have been playing down the strech with injuries doesnt help any thing. Firing Silas with just 18 to go didnt help anything with this team either.

  6. The Indians were able to beat the Twins today since the Twins loaded the bases up and then hit a batter. It was a good day for the Tribe since C.C. came back and only let in 1 run for the day. I am also suprised at how well the Indians bullpen is pitching so far other then the slipup of Wickmen in the secound game, damage has been minimal when they have gone into the game. Most of the runs have been scored against the starters

  7. Yeah it is Phili that plays the Nets and if the nets lose and Cavs win then Nets would have to win out and Cavs would have to lose out for the Nets to make it. If the nets win and Cavs lose, Nets have eigth seed. And if both lose or win Nets are still one game back with 2 to play so big games all around.

  8. The Cavs are really close to making the playoffs now the need to win twice I think to make it and the only way they wouldnt is they would lose all or win just one and NJ wins all of the games or three and latly the Cavs have been playing consistenly so I dont think they will lose them all. Lebron will score all the teams points if he has to make the playoffs.

  9. I am pretty sure that Shaq will be back for the next game atleast that is what I have heard.

    It is funny how when the Sixers got Webber there were some people saying they would be able to compete with the top teams but now it seems as though they could be on the outside looking in.

  10. I not sure about the bulls the dont have much playoff experince so it could be hard for them to contend, unlike what some people say playoff experice does make a difference.

    With that said, I think the Cavs will be able to make they just need to win 3 games to get in for sure or the Nets can win one more then the Cavs do and the Cavs still get in. Lebron been picking up the team the past two games and we have had some help from Traylor with his carrer high in points last night. Even though the Cavs will likly get an early exit it will be good to see them in the playoffs.

  11. Wow, I was watching the Indians game after I got home from school and they were losing for the whole game. I stopped watching after the 7th and then I get on espn to see what the final was and they scored 4 runs on 3 straight homers and that is 3 more homers then they have had all season. Then they go into extra innings and match the total amount of runs they scored all series in one inning. Like I have said before any of four teams in the Central could finish in first.

  12. The whole fights would probaly take to long seeing as they usually spend most of the time building up the fights and showing the challanges. They show the best part of the rounds so I like it that way anyways.

  13. Big game for the Cavs today they were able to beat Dallas big and they are down to a few games and they can secure a spot in the playoffs. I hope the they finish 6th since that would likely mean a seris against the Celtics and that is the team I think the Cavs would have the best chance against in the first round. Looks like last years Westren confrece finalist are going to be on the outside looking in who would have though that at this time last year.

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