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Green Demon

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Posts posted by Green Demon

  1. It has been fun to watch the Cavs in thier games so far other then the game on ESPN against the Spurs that was brutal, but other then that they havent played to poorly. I think that right now they are playing ok but once they are able to come together and get to know how to play with each other things will get even better. Even though they really didnt face dominant teams at home so far I think they should be able to put up a pretty good record at "The Q", and speaking of the Q I must say the new scoreboard that the owner put in looks real nice and I can't wait till they are able to pull the god awful blue seats out of the arena and put in the wine ones they look nice. I have been sorta suprised by Lebrons play so far he is still scoring high with more talent around him altough Larry Hughes really hasnt hit his stride yet. I always thought Donyell Marshall was pretty good and was a good pick up but right now he looks to be the top pick up for the team so far in the off season. He provides a spark off the bench hitting 3's rebonding, and doing anything else. He is averaging about a double double off the bench so that makes me happy.

  2. As much as I dont want to see the Spurs get to atleast the WCF, I think it is kinda hard to believe that they wouldnt make atleast to the WCF. Obviously teams like the Rockets got better in the Western Confrence but the Spurs improved on an already great team that just won the championship so until futher notice for me I have them in the finals. The Nets have a good core group also but again I think that there are atleast two teams that are better then them, the Pistons Pacers, and possibly the Heat depending on how things shake out their. My finals pick I think will be Spurs and Pacers final altough I am not sure who I would pick in the series.

    Anyways I was happy to see that my Cavs got off to a good start tonight granted it was against the Hornets but still a good effort nonetheless. The team weakness 3-point shooting last year was non-exsistent tonight with a 13-20 for the team and Lebron hit 6-7 and went on a major run at the end of the first half to put any chance of a Hornets win out of thier mind. Jones and Marshall off the bench worked out well with them combining for 30 points(Jones 12,Marshall 18) and also both hitting the outside shots. Like I said before this Fridays game against the Spurs will be an early test for this team to see where they stand.

  3. Well tonight is the start of the season for most teams that didnt start tonight, for me it will be my first chance to watch the new and improved Cavs team and I am looking forward to it. Tonight hopefully should be a victory coming against the NO/OKC Hornets altough they did play pretty last night. The game that I am looking forward to personally this week is the Cavs vs. Spurs on Friday. That game we give and early scale for me how the cavs might be able to do either way I am excited to get this season started.

  4. I wish the Indians hadnt screwed up whatever they did with Baez a couple years back(something to do with releaseing him and getting him back with some loophole) cause thier bullpen would have been even better then it was last year and also if Wicky doesnt come back this year then they could have turned to Baez for that spot. Who would have known that Baez would skyrocket like he has the past season though.

  5. BOSTON -- Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein resigned Monday, surprising Boston and the baseball world just one year after helping the franchise win its first World Series championship since 1918.

    "In my time as general manager, I gave my entire heart and soul to the organization," Epstein said in a statement. "During the process leading up to today's decision, I came to the conclusion that I can no longer do so. In the end, my choice is the right one not only for me but for the Red Sox."

    Epstein will continue working for a few days to assist in the transition and prepare for the offseason. The Boston Herald, which first reported the news on its Web site, said the Yale graduate has told associates that he might leave baseball or at least take a year off.

    The Dodgers, Phillies and Devil Rays have GM openings, but none has a $120 million payroll to match the one Epstein was given in Boston.

    The 31-year-old Epstein was reportedly offered about $4.5 million for a three-year extension -- quadruple his previous salary. But it was still short of the $2.5 million a year the Red Sox offered Oakland's Billy Beane in 2002 before making Epstein the youngest GM in baseball history.

    Although Epstein and team president Larry Lucchino haggled over money, the Herald said Epstein also went through "agonizing soul-searching" over office politics and his relationship with his mentor. The Herald said published reports that contained inside information about their relationship, "slanted too much in Lucchino's favor," helped convince Epstein there had been a breach of trust.

    Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling told The Associated Press he was disappointed but had seen indications the move might be coming.

    "You don't get better losing a guy like Theo," said Schilling, who joined the Red Sox after Epstein ate Thanksgiving dinner with him and convinced him to accept a trade from the Arizona Diamondbacks.

    "It's obviously going to be an incredibly unpopular decision with the players. But we'll show up in spring training and get ready for the season and try to win another World Series. It's not like we're going to have a sit-down," he said.

    Epstein grew up only blocks from Fenway Park and worked for Lucchino with the Baltimore Orioles and San Diego Padres. A lifelong Red Sox fan, Epstein was brought to Boston to be the assistant GM and promoted to his dream job in 2002, about five weeks before his 29th birthday.

    "Growing up in the shadow of Fenway Park, I never dreamed of having the chance to work for my hometown team during such an historic period," Epstein said, thanking owners John Henry and Tom Werner -- and Lucchino -- for the opportunity.

    "My affection for the Red Sox did not begin four years ago when I started working here, and it does not end today," he said. "My passion for and dedication to the game of baseball remain strong. Although I have no immediate plans, I will embrace this change in my life and look forward with excitement to the future."

    A devotee of statistical analysis who values his scouts as well, Epstein's tenure has been marked by bold adventures that often conflicted with baseball orthodoxy:

    He signed first baseman Kevin Millar, despite an unspoken agreement not to poach from Japanese clubs.

    He went without a traditional closer in his first year, with horrendous results.

    He tried to trade for 2003 AL MVP Alex Rodriguez -- a deal that would have meant shipping out Manny Ramirez and Nomar Garciaparra -- and then, without remorse, pulled the plug when the deal became too expensive.

    He ate Thanksgiving dinner with Schilling in a college football-style recruiting trip that lured the right-handed ace to Boston.

    He traded Garciaparra, the face of the franchise, for the parts he needed to complete the World Series puzzle.

    But the efforts paid off.

    The Red Sox reached the AL Championship Series in 2003 before the lack of a closer doomed Grady Little in Game 7 at Yankee Stadium. The next year, with a new manager and the closer it had been missing, the ballclub won its first World Series in 86 years.

    Boston reached the postseason for a third consecutive year this season before getting swept by the eventual World Series-champion Chicago White Sox in the first round.

  6. I am looking forward to watching the Cavs this season, not that is any different from any other year for me but this year my expectations are higher then they have been anyother year for them. I would have to say that bar a complete disater they will be in the playoffs and depending how things shake out I think they could be as high as 4-5, lots of things would have to go right for them to get there but I think it could be a possiblity. I will make a prediction and say they win 48-50, they won 42 last year with less then they got this year so I think that is a pretty good guess. As for Lebron I think that his points wont go down much as people think and he will likely have a few more apg with the new guys. I am glad the Cavs have finally added some outside shooting since that is what they drastically needed. I think that the NBA right now is getting close to having even confrences, the East just countiues to get better and thier may not be a talent gap between the confrences as there has been in the past. Also the Central in the East should be really compiteve with Indiana, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and Milwakuee all having good teams, altough I still expect Detroit or Indiana to finish up on the top. Sorry for the rambling but I really can wait till November 2nd the home opener for the cavs and the beginning of a new NBA season.

  7. More talk of Manny trade


    The Red Sox did throw out the idea of a Manny Ramirez-Carlos Beltran deal in July, but it was on the weekend of the trading deadline after Ramirez had ask to be traded.

    The Mets rejected the idea, and GMs Omar Minaya and Theo Epstein tried to construct two-, three-, and four-way deals -- none of which worked. "The ironic thing is that by the end of the weekend, Manny said he would not go to the Mets," says Ramirez's agent Greg Genske of Legacy Sports Group. "I know people have speculated about Pedro [Martinez] and his influence, but Manny does not want to be traded to the Mets."

    And, anyway, the Red Sox say they have not offered the superstar outfielder to the Mets -- or anyone -- as of now. Genske plans to meet with Boston owner John Henry next week in Florida, and after that meeting some determination will be made on whether Ramirez will repeat his July request to be traded, or the team will see what it can get on the market, with the knowledge that as a 10-5 player, Ramirez can veto any deal.

    If Ramirez does request to be traded, Genske says "his preference would be Anaheim. He also still loves Cleveland, and would go back there." Another possibility would be Arizona, if Boston would take some of the contracts the Diamondbacks are trying to move, including Troy Glaus and Luis Gonzalez. Texas was in play at the deadline.

    The problem is that if the Red Sox baseball operations had their way, the only way Ramirez would be traded is if they could restock themselves with a young corner outfielder, a center fielder and pitching. Their feeling is that with so much money floating around the industry and so few free quality free agents, Ramirez's contract -- three years remaining at a present-day value of slightly more than $17 million -- will not be that bad come spring training. Also, while Ramirez is unpredictable and sometimes had hustle lapses, he has played 150 or more games three straight seasons, bettered in Red Sox history by only Frank Malzone (7), Carl Yastrzemski (5), Jim Rice and Dwight Evans (4 each).

  8. Cleveland Indians

    Jose Hernandez, 2B - Let go was supposed to be a good utility player but really didnt do much.

    Kevin Millwood, RHP - If Dolan(tight pocketed owner) does open his wallet I hope they bring Millwood back for what he wants(3 years I think) cause he showed that he could come back from injury this year and provide good leadership to a up and coming staff. It does help that he was the AL ERA leader and would have had a lot more wins with more offense at the beginning of the season.

    Bob Wickman, RHP - Was the AL Saves leader but did have some slip ups, if he doesn't retire this year I would look at getting him for another short term deal. So even if he does slip a bit more he is gone after next year.

    Along with those guys I also think that the Tribe had Bob Howry as a FA and an option of Ronnie Belliard. I think that the Indians should definatly bring back Howry, he pitch real well all season and if Wickman were to not come back he could possibly take the closer spot. I also think the Indians should definatly pick up the option on Belliard, he is able to provide some quality offense at times and over the past year defesively he has showed that he is one of the top defensive 2nd basemen in the league. If the Indians do increase the payroll like they say they are going to I hope they can go out and get a power hitting 1B or RF such as Konerko. The team really is going to be the same team as this year since everyone is young and at the beginning of contracts so I hope to see them go out for someone and not some of the no name guys they went after last year.

  9. I dont see the Knicks making the playoffs at all they just have to many ? that unless they figure out thourghout the season they will not make the playoffs. It is funny how there have been people that said that Lebron would want to go to a Prime market like New York when there is no way the Knick will be near the cap number when he becomes a FA. Also in the Atlantic I see New Jersey and possibly Phili being better then the Knicks I am not saying either team will be great but both just seems better on paper then the Knicks. I am glad that the season is only about a month away, I am really looking forward to seeing how things unfold.

  10. Well the Indians lost another tough one and are on the outside now. I would still have to say it was a great season, not looking at the last 6-7 games they were playing amazing. The fact that they even had a chance at the wild card or even the division after how they played at the beginning of the season is crazy. If it had been any other season then 2002 or this year the Indians would have eaisly have the wild card. Even though this season just finished for them they got so many young guys so I am looking forward to next year when they can hopefully make the playoffs, next year they could be a dangerous team if they start out better.

    Also this is just another reason that Cleveland is one of the most tourtured sports town if not the most tourtured, having 2 teams finishing just a game and 2 out of the playoffs is tough to see.

  11. I got a chance to go to the Indians game and am glad I did it was a great game, Indians were able to come out early like they had been the games before the losing streak and C.C. showed why he is the ace he was domianate the whole game and had 9 K's. Also it isnt like the Devils Rays are a terrible team just look at thier season series against the Yanks they dominated them for most games this season they got alot of good young guys who could make a good team in the future if it werent for the Yanks and the Red Sox. Since the White Sox clinched a spot it is a possbility that they may rest some of thier guys which could help out the Tribe, but all I know is that I am really looking forward to this last weekend of the regular season.

  12. It may not be a good time to lose a couple in a row but it isnt like they are playing terrible and getting blown out. The offense has been haveing a little trouble getting going the past few games and if they can pick it up then they will win atleast 3 of 4. With Bostons loss also they Indians are still tied for the WC lead so they are alright for now.

  13. All four teams in the AL fighting for a playoff spot lose, just means we are in the same place we were yesterday just a day farther on the calander. The Indians can secure the WC for sure if they were to win 4 of next 5 since one of the AL East teams has to lose, all I know is it will likely come down to the last game of the season to detirme the Playoffs in the AL.

  14. With the recent play of Travis Hafner for the Indians I wonder where he would be compared to where he is right. When he got plunked in the face by Buhrle and was out for a couple weeks and was slow getting back he lost the steam he had for a bit. He had been the AL player of the month and was the Player of the Week going into the day he got hit in the face. He is on fire right now and will likely end the season on a strong note. I only wish he could have played those games cause he would likely be right in the middle of the mvp race if he had played, all of his totals would likely be a bit higher.

  15. I am not sure how they are going to make it right now but I think the Indians will make it some how. They got three games which they could possibly sweep against the Royals then they should atleast take 2/3 from the Devils Rays hopefully. If that works out and they are less then 3 games back of the White Sox coming into the season ending series it will be a very fun series to watch. Other then the win over Cleveland on Tuesday the White Sox have been strugling so it may be possible that they lose a couple and are on the outside with 2 teams making it from the AL East.

  16. Espn.com

    Michelle Wie will turn pro sometime between now and Oct. 11 -- her 16th birthday -- perhaps as early as next week. In doing so, she will become the world's highest-paid female golfer.

    According to sources involved in the negotiations who requested anonymity, Wie will sign endorsement deals with three companies (one believed to be Nike) worth an estimated $8 million. Adding in tournament appearance fees and other endorsements, the Hawaiian teen's compensation for her first year as a pro is expected to reach $10 million -- not counting what she wins on the course. She also will enlist the services of the William Morris Agency to secure further commercial endorsements and guide her pro career, shunning traditional golf-management companies and suggesting her long-term aspirations may involve transcending the game as much as dominating it.

    The sources say Wie's first professional tournament will be the LPGA's Samsung World Championship, which begins two days after her birthday at Bighorn GC in Palm Desert, Calif., an important factor in the timing of her decision to turn pro. A source says she wants to declare as soon as possible, in order to minimize any distractions in her pro debut. "[The announcement] will happen before the end of the month," says one source familiar with the Wies' thinking. "To do it at the tournament would be a bit unsettling."

  17. White Sox lose, Indians win, the Indians are now just 3.5 back with a series between the two starting on monday. Best case senario right now would be for the Sox to lose tommorrow and an Indians win. That could mean with a sweep of the White Sox the Indians have the lead.

  18. I watching the AL wild card closely and it will likely come down to the last few game if not the last IMO. If Oakland loses the series to the Red Sox over the next couple of days they could be close to being out of contention since the Indians and Yankees havent been losing alot recently. The Indians still got 6 more games against the Kansas City Royals which they can hopefully sweep atleast one and win both which would be key down the strech. Although it is more of a long shot Cleveland is only 5 games back of the White Sox and they still got 6 more games against them, anything could happen. And the only reason I say just 5 games back is because at one time they were around 15 back not that long ago.

  19. I was watching some of the Ohio game since I like to watch the MAC games if I see them on TV since all the schools are around the area but I also think it was a pretty big win too, going to have to see if Ohio can keep winning or if it was just a fluke.

    Of course being a huge Ohio State fan my game of the week along with alot of other peoples is there game aginst Texas. This is one of the biggest non confrence games that they have played in many seasons and it has the makings of a great game. I hope that Ginn is able to get some more touches this game. Obviously since I am Ohio State fan along with thier unbeaten record at home at night, I am going to pick OSU in a touchdown victory.

  20. I was checking Amazon to see around how much it would cost for season 1 when I came across that season 2 is going to be released November 1st. Just though I let people know, I hope they continue to relese old series since I like alot of them.

  21. Well the Cavs have just sign Damon Jones to a 4 year deal worth between $15-16 million. To me this came as a pretty big surprised since I though that he was going back to Miami unless they were to land Finley since that would have ate thier MLE. I think that the Cavs could be poised for a good run this year they got what they needed in Jones being a good outside shooter and a capable PG, a SG in Hughes who should help some on defense and slash to the hoop opening the outside, a PF in Marshall who will either start a be a very good sixth man who can stretch the D with outside and play better D then Gooden. As you can see I am looking forward to the season, even more because of the Jones signing. I think the Cavs had a great offseason adding 2-3 guys to the starting lineup.

  22. Someone that I think that should atleast get consideration for the Cy Young in the AL would have to be Cliff Lee for the Indians. It is semi-biased on my part but if you take a look at his numbers you could see why he should atleast be getting some consideration for it. He is 15-4 and won the last 6 starts, I am also pretty sure he has yet to lost since the all star break. His ERA isnt to bad at 3.72 and he is one of the reason that the Indians are going strong right now. Mind you I am not saying he should be the favorite for it but I think he is getting little talk about it right now.

  23. Was just watching the games on ABC and I was glad to see that Ohio State was able to win against Miami (OH) easily and am really looking forward to next weeks game against Texas. If they are able to win next week then there is a good possibility that they could be going into Ann Arbor undefeated and no one ever knows what is going to happen in that game.

    I also have to say Holy Shit in reagards to the OU-TCU game. Nothing like ruining National Title hopes with a first game loss against an unranked team. I would have to say that there few if any people that saw that coming.

  24. I am surprised to say the least that the Indians are still hanging around at the top of the wild card. They could be the team that may be able to sneak into the wild card, altough right now they would still have to get above to good teams to get it. I have got to say that they are pretty streaky and right now they are on a good streak and are only a game or 2 out of the wild card and are just behind the Yanks. Pehralta is tearing it up he could soon be one of the top hitting SS in the league if he countiues to play like he has been for the past few months.

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