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Green Demon

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Posts posted by Green Demon

  1. It is nice to see for me that the Indians have been able to come out to a quicker start then they usually have in april. By this time most years they are already 5-6 games back which still is a little to make up in a lot of time, but as the Central found out last year a quick start can keep you out front for a while. It is good to see that some of the guys are picking up where they left off last fall, especially Travis Hafner who has been on fire for most of the games so far this year and along with him some of the guys that started off slow last year such as Boone, Blake and Martinez are having better Aprils then last year. They will probably need the hitting to cause the pitching is down a bit from last year but still has most of the mainstays. Carmona who was able to pitch the other day for C.C. looked good and hopefully he is in the rotation by the end of the year for them.

  2. Day isnt looking to bad for me so far, I can believe that Iowa lost after being up by atleast 10 with like 5 to go but I had them going out next round to W. Virgina anyways so it isnt a big hit. I was able to pick the 8-9 matchups right so far along with the Zona-Wis and Bucknell-Ark games.

  3. Definaltly a pretty close day of basketball, with some of the losses that may have happened such as Zaga or BC people would have likely lost 1 maybe 2 final four teams and that would have sucked. I was able to pick some of the upsets in Mil-Wis and Texas A&M and altough it was kinda stupid I did pick Winthrop over Tenn which almost turned out really good for me but Tenn knocked down the shot.

  4. The Browns grab another FA in Willie MiGinist and help another postion on the field for them. I am already pretty axious to see what happens this year with the Browns with a number of players back from injury and the FA that we have signed this year it looks like things are headed in the right direction.

  5. This may be only the first day of Free agency but it is already one of the best off seasons the Browns have had in quite some time and with some more signings it could just get better. We were able to get what many consider one of the top players if not the top FA avalible in LeCharles Bently, and able to solidify the O-Line even more with another quality O-linemen in Kevin Shaffer. Along with that they were able to get a sure handed reciever which is something we didnt entirely have last year, in Joe Jurevicius. It is also nice because both Bently and Jurevicius are hometown guys and it will be nice to see them in a Browns uniform. With a couple of the injured guys coming back including Kellen Winslow and Braylon, I am really looking forward to seeing what the Browns can do this year.

  6. Yeah and by pretty much by default this will be the highest skilled free agent group ever. As I said before I am looking forward to maybe seeing some big names in a Browns uniform next year since they got lots of money to spend and there will be alot to go after.

  7. And Biggz, I don't understand your "aging" term for the Ravens, as a lot of their star players on Defense are young (Reed, Suggs, Cody, Williams) or in their prime (McAllister, Thomas, Weaver, Polley) with key veterans (Boulware, Rolle, Gregg). The offense has a mix of young players with a ton of potential (Taylor, Boller, Clayton, Hymes, Moore) mixed with veterans who can lead the team (Mason, Heap, Ogden, Flynn), so to say they're an aging team would be wrong, because the team isn't THAT old. I think this next year, if Boller can play like he did to end the season, that the Ravens could be one of the stronger teams in the AFC next year.
  8. I am sure that the Sens are probably not the only team that Columbus has had a better record in 06, so far this year they have been on a pretty hot streak so isnt really that big of a deal that the Sens have a worse record in 06 then the Blue Jackets. After looking at the Jackets record in 06 they are 11-6 so far. I dont really know why it matters though how a team is doing so far this year though cause really the only thing that matters is the record for the whole season.

  9. Man I wish that Columbus would have started playing like they are playing now. They have really caught fire lately and were able to pick up another win against the Flames last night with another game coming up against the Oilers tonight. Lots of the guys on the team are finally starting to hit there stride and starting to play well together. Even with winning 9 of the last 12 they are still well out of the playoff picture and are likely to be unless they didnt slow down anytime soon. That said, even if they dont make it to the playoffs this year which is pretty likely, I think things are starting to look good for the future with all the young guys we got.

  10. It isnt that I didnt want to talk in Mafia II it was more that I just didnt want to be saying things all the time and then when voting time came around I wasnt able to vote. It likely would have just looked more suspious if that is what I did and that is why I didnt do anything. Call it what you want but it was just my strategy.

  11. I realize that I am not the most active player, altough in Mafia my excuse was that I couldn't vote therefore I didnt post as I explained in that games thread. I didnt really want to just go throw out an accuation since I have no evidence to back it up other then what I said about Beeker altough everyone seemed to have ignored what I had said. Picking out random people will either get you killed then or later on if who you accuse isnt you say they are. I am sure that there are other in this game and the mafia game that werent active at all, I am just wondering why you are picking on me?

  12. The more that I have read up on the trade the little more that I have liked it. Jason Michaels may not be able to put up huge numbers this year but when he has played in the past he has been able to get on base more consistently then Crisp and that would be good this year setting the table for our middle of the line up. I think that Cleveland was also able to make this trade since we got a lot of upper level prospect in the OF that could be able to play in the coming years while third base is non-exsitent in the minors for us and Boone will probaly be gone after this season anyways. And I am pretty sure that the trade included cash consideration and also a Player to be named later for the Tribe.

  13. To me the trade came out of nowhere, I dont know if I just hadnt read about it anywhere or if it really just wasnt spoken about much, either way the time it was announce when I was watching the Cavs game was the first time I heard it. Speaking of the Cavs I am glad that they were able to beat a injury depleated Pacers team so they now have won the season series in case of a tie for seeds come playoff time. Also since Hughes injury it has really shown how much the Cavs miss his defense and some of his scoring with there play on the West Coast. Next week is packed full of games for them with 4 in 5 nights I think and 3 on National TV so I am looking forward to it.

  14. I am not trying to be a downer or anything since I am a Indians fan but those Micheals numbers are from him spliting time with Lofton, so who knows if he can do that for a entire season, if so then great and maybe we can get rid of Coco and gain alot and still have a quality OF. Mota was injured for most of the end of the year last year for Flordia so hopefully that isnt anything recuring, also I really do like Marte but the fact remains he hasnt done anything in the MLB, I mean look at Brandon Philihps he was a top 10 prospect a couple of years back and was supposed to be a great major league player but he is still sitting in AAA right now. I hate to sound so pessimistic but with lack of doing anything lately and the White Sox countiueing to gain some quality guys, it is just hard.

  15. The Indians have done little this off season so far which has annoyed me abit, and now that they decided to do something I am skeptical right now about the move. The move I am talking about of course is the Marte-Mota for Coco Crisp and some garbage. Also included with this is the Arthur Rhodes for OF Jason Michaels of Philadelphia trade since it is the only way that the Coco trade would go down. The reason I am sorta unsure of this trade is that Coco has been a good player for the past couple of years and we are trading him away for potential, altough that potential in Marte could outweigh Coco in the future. It may have something to do with just barely missing the playoffs last year but I hate to see the Indians trade away an established player for one that has upside, that is what we have been doing the past few years and it has worked out for us most of the time in us getting, Hafner, Sizemore, Lee, among others. Also outfield isnt a place where we have tons of major league ready prospects. If Marte becomes what people are saying that he will become then I will be happy with this trade, I am just annoyed that it looks like we are playing for the future again, even though we won 93 games. I am in now way saying that this move is going to send the team in a downward spiarl, it is just the message that is sending that we are countiueing to rebuild and are putting off contending for the future. Dolan(The Owner) has said that he would pump the team with money if they started to contend like they began to last year and doing basically nothing this offseason and losing guys like Millwood and Howry are starting to make Dolan a much disliked man in Cleveland.

  16. It has finally been good to be a Blue Jackets fan lately, with tonights win against the Rangers, they have won four in a row. They are no means contending for the playoffs yet but they are atleast heading in the right direction. Since Nash has returned everyone really has been playing better including Federov even starting to get involved and become more of a leader. Vyborny has been surprising me lately also extending his point streak to five games with another goal tonight and five in the last five games. They got a nice homestand coming up so I am just hoping that they can countiue winning at home and who knows what will happen. I may be getting a little to optomistic but it is nice to see the team winning lately.

  17. Yeah they were definatly a good 2 episodes and I am glad that we wont have to wait long for two more. I also heard from a few places that Elisa(Kim) will make an apperance this season in some form. You would think that after 4 seasons that the show might start to become stale since it is basically terrorist vs. Jack Bauer but to me it has just been getting better. I am just wondering what is going to be happening to Tony with what happened to him during the episode.

  18. So it has only been on for about 15 minutes and so much action has happened already, this season is already starting out well. I am really looking forward to the 2 hours tonight and then the next two tommorrow.

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