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VA Finest 1

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Posts posted by VA Finest 1

  1. Quick Note: I noticed for the preview I said it would be Hart's first title defense, that was a mistake as Hart won the title at the King of The Ring, sorry for that.

    WWF Monday Night Raw Report

    By: Isaac Ward

    Date: September-2-1991

    Show Analysis:

    Mr. Perfect vs All-American Bob Backlund

    The very first match in the history of Monday Night Raw pitted the former WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect against All-American Bob Backlund, the commentators wondered about the mindset of Perfect seeing how he hasn't be seen since losing the chance to win the title back at Summerslam. As the match started it seemed to everyone watching that Perfect wasn't Perfect, whether it was his head wasn't in the match or Backlund's unique style Perfect was getting dominated by the former WWF Champion. With another loss on the horizion Perfect did what any heel would do, he gave Backlund a thumb to the eye which seemed to get Perfect back into the match. That was what perfect needed as he regained his sharpness which culminated in hitting the Perfect Plex to get the victory.

    Piper's Two Announcements

    As Raw came back from a commercial break the music of WWF President Rowdy Roddy Piper hit, Piper made his way to the ring with a microphone in hand, he climbed into the ring and waited for the "Roddy, Roddy" chants to die down before he spoke. His first announcement involved the WWF Title. Piper said ever since Summerslam everyone has been coming up to him saying that their the number one contender, Piper said he had a solution, at the upcoming Pay Per View, Battle Lines it will be a 10 man battle royal for the WWF Title. The men in the match would be WWF Champion Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, The Ultimate Warrior, WWF Intercontinental Champion Bret The Hitman Hart, Ricky The Dragon Steamboat, Ravishing Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, Jake The Snake Roberts, Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase, and The Undertaker.

    Piper's second announcement dealt with the newest superstar in the WWF, Piper hyped this individual up as a man who has legions of fans all over the world and who has held numerous titles. Piper introduced the man called Sting to the crowd and they went wild, Sting came out with face paint and everything as he made his way to the ring, he shook Piper's hand as Piper gave him the mic. Sting said it was great to be in the WWF and he intends to make an impact, he said he came to the WWF because the WWF represents the top wrestling in the world and he wanted to see how he would measure up against the best in the world. After Sting finished speaking he gave the mic back to Piper, Piper annouced at Battle Lines Sting will have his first in ring match in the WWF against The Barbarian.

    Jake Roberts vs Barry Hardy

    This was a short contest that went like this, punch, punch, choke, short-arm clothesline, DDT, and pin for the victory for Jake. After the match Jake looked into the camera and said he will become the new WWF Champion at Battle Lines, "Trust Me."

    Big Bossman vs Brooklyn Brawler

    Bossman is a man that has been on a good roll recently, knowing the the Brawler jumped the Bossman as he stepped into the ring. That was short lived as the law and order of the WWF rebounded and finished the Brawler off with the Bossman Slam to get the victory.

    Slick and The Eliminators Interview

    Sean Mooney was backstage with Slick and The Eliminators. Mooney asked Slick what were his feelings about his teams upcoming shot at the WWF Tag Team Titles at Battle Lines. The Slickster was very confident about his teams chances, he said this two men are the baddest men on the planet and come Battle Lines LOD will know this as The Eliminators will be crowned the new WWF Tag Champions. Slick went on to say tonight will be a sample of that as The Warlord is going to destroy Animal.

    Animal vs The Warlord w/ Slick

    As Slick said this would be a bit of a preview for the upcoming tag match between these two teams, it was announced during the match that next week on Raw Hawk would go one on one with The Alpha Male Ron Simmons. The match itself was a power contest as neither man was willing to give any ground, the two men spent the match outdoing each other with the power moves but in the end it was Animal who had a few more moves up his sleeve as he got the victory following a Powerslam.

    Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase w/Sensational Sherri & The Nasty Boys w/Jimmy Hart vs Tito Santana & The Rockers

    As the match started Tito wanted DiBiase, but Ted had other ideas as he would not step in the ring with Santana. Early in the match Santana and The Rockers looked like a well oiled machine as they used their excellent speed to take control of the match. The tide of the contest turned when DiBiase and the Nasty's got Shawn Michaels in their corner, once that happened they went to work on him. Santana didn't help matters out much as he kept trying to come in the ring when DiBiase would taunt him, this allowed Michaels to get triple teamed while the ref was busy with Tito. Eventually Michaels made the tag to Tito and he was on fire, Tito was taking on the entire team and was succeeding, The Rockers came into the ring and it turned into a 6-man brawl. The ref was pre-occupied which allowed Sherri to hand DiBiase the Million Dollar Title, DiBiase waffled Santana and got rid of the belt, the ref finally turned around and counted to three as DiBiase pinned Santana for the tanted victory.

    Bret Hart Interview

    Mean Gene Okerlund was backstage with WWF Intercontinental Champion Bret The Hitman Hart. Hart said now that he's through with Mr. Perfect his intends to give anyone who wants a chance a shot at the IC Title, Hart said he intends to be a fighter champion and he will duck no one. Okerlund asked Hart about Battle Lines and Hart responded by saying he'd love to win the WWF Title but his focus for now is on The Mountie, he said the Mountie is a tough competitor but he will be excellently executed.

    WWF Intercontinental Title Match

    Bret The Hitman Hart© vs The Mountie w/Jimmy Hart

    Like Mt. Perfect earlier questions were asked about the mind state of The Mountie seeing how he has the jailbird stigma hovering over his head and the fans let him know as they chanted "jailbird, jailbird." Mountie was focused and Jimmy Hart had him ready as he jumped Hart as he had his back turned. Mountie worked on Hart and on a few occasions nearly became the new champion, the mark of a great wrestler isn't to get frustrated if things don't go your way, well The Mountie must not be a great wrestling as he got frustrated and that led to him making a mistake, which Hart took advantage of. Hart finally weakened The Mountie to the point where he was able to slap the Sharpshooter on which The Mountie immediatly submitted to.

    Video Hype For The Main Event

    A video was shown which showed some of the events between the four wrestlers which led to this contest and showed some of the history between the Mega Powers.

    The Mega Powers w/Elizabeth vs Ravishing Rick Rude & The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer

    This was the main event for the night and the fans were hot for this contest. The commentators, especially Bobby Heenan wondered could Savage and Hogan really co-exist and function as a team. Rude wanted no part of Savage as he would only get in the ring with him if Savage was down. Most of the offense that the Mega Powers was on Rude as they could not phase The Undertaker. Surprisingly Savage and Hogan worked well as a unit. The end on the match came when Hogan hit the Legdrop on The Undertaker only for Rude to hit him with a chair which led to a DQ. Rude hit Savage with the chair as the two did a number on the Mega Powers until officials were able to get them out of the ring.

  2. USA Network Presents

    Monday Night Raw, Monday nights will never be the same again as the World Wrestling Federation brings to you the best wrestling action in the world every Monday Night at 8:00 P.M.

    Card For September-2-1991

    In a Main Event Blockbuster WWF Champion Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage team up for the first time in two years to take on the team of The Undertaker and Ravishing Rick Rude

    WWF President Rowdy roddy Piper has two major announcements reguarding the number one contender for the WWF Title and the debut of the newest WWF Superstar.

    WWF Intercontinental Champion Bret The Hitman Hart makes his first title defense as he defends against The Mountie.

    In what looks to be an outstanding contest Mr. Perfect makes his first appearance since losing the Intercontinental Title as he will face All-American Bob Backlund.

    Plus in six man tag action Tito Santana teams up with The Rockers to take on the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase and The Nasty Boys.

    Plus Animal of The Legion of Doom will face off against The Warlord.

  3. Wrestling World Recap For The First Half Of 1991

    By: Maurice Porter

    World Wrestling Federation:

    The WWF started the year 1991 with Sgt. Slaughter winning the WWF Title from The Ultimate Warrior at the Royal Rumble, the title reign was short and unsuccessful as he dropped the title at Wrestlemania to Hulk Hogan who won the title for a third time. As 1991 went on the WWF seemed to pick up steam, a combination of good signings, new stars, and overall good decisions helped the WWF become the undisputed number one wrestling company.


    Ravishing Rick Rude: Rude returned to the WWF after Wrestlemania and made an immediate impact, as he went tooth and nail with Hulk Hogan for the WWF eventually coming up just short, Wrestling wise Rude seems to be at the top of his game. Rude is currently fueding with Randy Savage. Rude is the top heel in the WWF.

    Ricky The Dragon Steamboat: Like Rude, Steamboat made his return to the WWF after Wrestlemania and like Rude, Steamboat has made an impact. Steamboat as always has been impressive in the ring and is one of the most popular men in the WWF. Currently Steamboat is fueding with Muta which has produced some of the best matches in the WWF.

    All-American Bob Backlund: After a very long hiatus from the WWF Backlund made his return and immediatly took up for the U.S.A defeating Sgt. Slaughter in a flag match. Backlund is still one of the better wrestlers in the WWF and on any given night can beat anyone.

    Muta: A man who is the crown jewel of Mr. Fuji's Dojo, Muta has brought an exciting style of wrestling that many U.S fans have not seen before. Muta along with Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels are the best high flyers in the WWF.

    Owen Hart: The youngest Hart has continued the great tradition of the Hart Family in the ring. With his combination of speed and wrestling ability Hart is one of the best young wrestlers anywhere, currently teaming with Jim The Anvil Neidhart, the duo have formed The New Foundation.

    The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett: Jarrett is another promising youngster who has arrived in the WWF. Jarrett has a lot of ability and a lot of arrogance and that is why he has been taken under the wing of Jimmy Hart, who has annoited Jarrett The Chosen One.

    Brian Pillman: Another talented youngster Pillman has brought his high flying style to the WWF. Pillman is an exciting talent who only is going to get better and better in the ring.

    The Alpha Male Ron Simmons: One word can describe Simmons, powerhouse. Simmons was brought to th WWF by The Dr. Of Style Slick and Slick couldn't be any happier as Simmons has been mowing through the competition. Slick has teamed Simmons with The Warlord to form The Eliminators one of the baddest teams the you will ever see, currently the duo are trying to win the WWF Tag Titles from The Legion of Doom.

    Yokozuna: Like Simmons Yokozuna was brought to the WWF by Slick, however he didn't stay with Slick for long as Slick sold his contract to Mr. Fuji for a hansome sum of money. Yokozuna is the biggest man in the WWF in terms of weight and no one has come close to defeating him.

    The WWF had many stars who enhanced their career or took a seemingly career that wasn't going anywhere and turned it around.

    Bret Hart: Hart has enhanced his career like no other man in professional wrestling, Hart went from tag team wrestling to one of the most popular wrestlers in the world and WWF Intercontinental Champion. His matches with Mr. Perfect were some of the best ever seen.

    Jake The Snake Roberts: Jake went from a very popular wrestler in the WWF to one of the most hated and it has helped his career. Now Jake is seen as one of the most dangerous men in the WWF.

    Tito Santana: Santana seemed to be at a crossroads in his career, he had accomplished a lot but he hadn't done anything recently. Santana decided to do something about it and he did, he became re-energized and re-focused and has been on quite a roll regaining his status as one of the top superstars in the WWF.

    Rick Martel: Like his former Strike Force partner Martel was at a crossroads, with the help of his manager Tammy, Martel revived his career which culminated in winning The King of The Ring, because of his success Martel eventually received a shot at the WWF title.

    Rest Of The Wrestling World:

    WCW started off competiting closely with the WWF but due to bad decisions and horrible booking they are in a slump, pretty soon an exodus of top talent could occur if they can't turn it around. The rest of the promotions around the world have had what talent they had taking from the by WWF or the WCW.

    WWF Roster Jobbers Won't Be Listed


    Main Eventers

    1. Bret Hart-93

    2. Hulk Hogan-100

    3. Randy Savage-100

    4. Ultimate Warrior-100

    Upper Midcarders

    1. Ricky Steamboat-85


    1. Animal-80

    2. Big Bossman-82

    3. All-American Bob Backlund-74

    4. Brian Pillman-76

    5. Davey Boy Smith-75

    6. Hawk-80

    7. Jim Duggan-79

    8. Jim Neidhart-74

    9. Jimmy Snuka-78

    10. Marty Jannety-75

    11. Owen Hart-77

    12. Sgt Slaughter-79

    13. Shawn Michaels-81

    14. Texas Tornado-79

    15. Tito Santana-80

    16. Virgil-73

    Lower Midcarders

    1. Butch-65

    2. Greg The Hammer Valentine-60

    3. Hillbilly Jim-58

    4. Jim Powers-52

    5. Luke-65

    6. Saba Simba-48


    1. Koko B. Ware-54


    Main Eventers

    1. Mr. Perfect-93

    2. Ravishing Rick Rude-98

    Upper Midcarders

    1. Jake The Snake Roberts-87

    2. The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase-86

    3. The Undertaker-82


    1. Crush-66

    2. Dino Bravo-68

    3. Earthquake-75

    4. Muta-83

    5. The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett-74

    6. Kato-80

    7. Rick The Model Martel-79

    8. The Alpha Male Ron Simmons-76

    9. Smash-66

    10. The Mountie-80

    11. The Warlord-71

    12. Yokozuna-72

    Lower Midcarders

    1. Brian Knobbs-69

    2. Haku-67

    3. Hercules-62

    4. Jerry Saggs-70

    5. Paul Roma-62

    6. Tanaka-61

    7. The Barbarian-62

    8. Typhoon-61

  4. After a very, very long hiatus I have decided to bring this diary back from the dead, I was playing a different game but ideas and storylines started popping in my head for this diary so I'm bringing it back. This post will be a recap of Summerslam 1991 and a second post will follow up with a recap of the first half of the year for the WWF and wrestling world in general in 1991.

    WWF Summerslam 1991 Report

    By: Deion Porter

    Date: 08/19/91 from New York, NY

    Show Analysis:

    The show kicked off with a tag team match between The Rockers and the team known as The Eliminators "Alpha Male" Ron Simmons and The Warlord, the duo as usual were accompanied to the ring by the Dr. of Style Slick who was looking like a pimp more than a manager with a peach suit on, yes a peach suit. The Rockers as usual had the fans behind them but the fans seemed to be behind Shawn more than they were Marty. As most people thought The Eliminators dominated the match with their power, The Rockers never quit and fought back with their double team offense, double teaming accounted for about 95% of The Rockers offense, in the end double teaming led to the downfall of The Rockers as Simmons caught Jannety and pinned him following a vicious Spinebuster.

    Clips of the feud between The Mountie and The Big Bossman were shown to hype the upcoming loser goes to jail match.

    Jimmy Hart led The Mountie who everyone could tell was a bit nervous to the ring, the crowd didn't help matters as they chanted "Jailbird, Jailbird" throughout the match. Bossman got a good pop from the New York fans, as he didn't waste any time as he sprinted down to the ring. The two men spent the majority of the match brawling with each other, the outcome of the match was decided when Hart accidently shocked The Mountie with the cattleprod, Bossman hit the Bossman Slam and pinned The Mountie to send him to jail. Bossman handcuffed The Mountie and escorted him to the back where he turned him over to NYPD who took him to jail.

    The next match didn't involve any titles, but it was just as intense as a title match because it was a good old fashion grudge match. Mr. Fuji led Muta to the ring to take on a man that he has had his problems with in recent months. Ricky Steamboat was the opponent and the fans gave him a great reception as he walked down to the ring with his son, like he did at Wrestlemania 4, for Steamboat's sake he hoped the outcome of this match would be different than the outcome of the Wrestlemania 4 match. These are two of the best wrestlers in the world and they did not dissapoint. The went move for move as the crowd was on the edge of its seat throughout the match, these two were very evenly matched which they proved as the match ended in a time limit draw after 20 minutes.

    Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase faced Tito Santana. Over the past few weeks DiBiase has made many comments about Santana the haven't gone over too well with Tito or the fans. Despite this Tito did more wrestling than brawling, DiBiase took control as he picked Santana apart before he locked the Million Dollar Dream on Tito, however Tito made his way to the ropes. The seemed to re-energize Tito as that Latin Temper of his came out as he began to beat DiBiase down, Tito finished him of by hitting the Flying Forearm to pick up the victory.

    The first of three titles was on the line as The Orient Express with Mr. Fuji, took on the reigning WWF Tag Team Champions The Legion of Doom. LOD had their legions of fans with them as many fans around the arena had their LOD replica spikes on their shoulders. LOD started off the match by tossing the Express around like they were nobodies, most people figured that the match would be like this the entire time as it would be over quick, however Fuji always has a plan and he used it as he hit Hawk with his cane. The allowed the Express to work over Hawk, they wore him down and nearly won the titles on a few occassions, finally Hawk made the tag and the roof blew off the arena. Animal cleaned house and Fuji couldn't even stop it as LOD hit the Doomsday Device on Tanaka and pinned him to retain the titles.

    Another video package was shown, this time to hype the upcoming Ultimate Warrior vs Jake The Snake Roberts match.

    Jake's music hit but he was no where to be found, The Warrior came out to the support of all his Warrior's, it seems like he has gotten more popular believe it or not. The Warrior waited in the ring for Jake, however Jake came from under the ring a jumped The Warrior. As Jake always does he slowly picked the Warrior apart, The Warrior at various points in the match made brief comebacks but he still feeling th effects of the snake bite. Jake sensed the end as hit DDT'ed the Warrior straight into the match, Jake covered the Warrior but to his and everyone elses shock the Warrior kicked out. The Warrior got to the ropes and begin to feel the adrinaline, once he got that jake had no chance, as the Warrior finished him off with the Gorilla Press to pick up the victory, it wasn't the fact that he won but it was how the Warrior won, he displayed a new aggresiveness in the end that nobody has even seen before, he wasn't content after the first Gorilla Press as he give Jake two more before he pinned him and after the match Warrior gave jake one more to put his stamp on the ending of the feud.

    The second title of the night was on the line as Mr. Perfect fought Bret Hart in the 1 hour Ironman Challenge match for the Intercontinental Title. Perfect came to the ring to a huge amount of heat, the Champion Hart got almost as loud of a reaction as the Warrior did, another factor that added pressure on Bret was the fact that his parents were in attendance. People could argue that this was the greatest match of all time, it was that good. These two are two of the best wrestlers in the world and they are so evenly matched. Perfect scored the first fall 16 minutes into the match as he pinned Hart with the Perfect Plex. 10 minutes later Hart evened the match at 1-1 as he hit Perfect with a Piledriver. The rest of the match unfolded with both men trying to get that decisive fall, there were so many near falls both ways as the crowd was on the edge of it's seat. With 40 seconds left in the match Hart locked the Sharpshooter on Perfect, Perfect held out as long as he could and longer then any other man could, however the pain was too much as Perfect submitted with 5 seconds left in the match. The crowd erupted as an exhausted Hart raised his hands in the air signaling victory.

    The next match was a personal as a match could get, in life if someone hits on your girl you are going to get mad, this is no exception in wrestling as Ravishing Rick Rude has been doing that to Elizabeth. Rude was damn near booed out of the building, Savage wasted no time as he sprinted to the ring and immediately took the fight to Rude. Savage threw all wrestling out of the equation as he made the match into a brawl, Savage was more aggresive than ever and Rude was the victim. Rude eventually made a comeback as he turned the contest into more of a wrestling match than a brawl. The end of the match came when Savage hit the Elbow Drop on Rude, however Rude placed his foot on the rope before the 3 count. Savage picked Rude up, Rude hit a lowblow that went undected by the ref, that was followed up with the Rude Awakening and a pin to win the match. After the match Rude planted a kiss on Elizabeth and ran out of the ring before Savage was able to get him.

    The main event for the night was the WWF Title match between The Undertaker and WWF Champion Hulk Hogan. Taker came into the match undefeated but Hogan knows a thing or two about ended undefeated streaks as he was the man who ended Andre The Giant's undefeated streak. The deadman shocked everyone by dominating the match. Taker lifted Hogan up and hit the Tombstone Piledriver, when he did that a hush went over the crowd. Taker covered Hogan but Hogan kicked out and did his Hulking up routine. Eventually he got the big man down and hit the Legdrop, before the ref could count to 3 Paul Bearer hit Hogan with the Urn which caused a DQ. Hogan cleared the ring of Taker and Bearer and posed for the crowd as Summerslam came to a close.

    Final Thoughts:

    Overall this was an impressive Summerslam. Hart-Perfect was the greatest match that I have ever seen, and that should of been the main event. Savage-Rude and Steamboat-Muta were outstanding and DiBiase-Santana was another good wrestling match. The tag matches were ok, but they served their purpose by having LOD retain and the Eliminators winning to set up a match between the two teams down the line. Warrior-Roberts wasn't the greatest match in terms of quality but I liked it, Jake was his vintage cunning self and Warrior being more aggressive was interesting to me. Bossman-Mountie served its purpose, and Mountie was funny as the were taking him to the police car to take him to jail. Hogan-Taker, what can I say, it was a typical Hogan match, we all knew Taker was going to win but are least Taker didn't get pinned, I just hope Hogan loses the title sometime soon.

  5. WWE Championship/No Disqualification Match: Eddie Guerrero [champion] vs. Booker T

    Winner: Guerrero, I want Book to win but I don't think it will be his night

    WWE United States Title Match: Brock Lesnar [champion] vs. Rob Van Dam

    Winner: RVD, I think interference whether it be for RVD or botched for Brock will cause Brock the match

    WWE Cruiserweight Title Match: Spike Dudley [champion] vs. Chavo Guerrero

    Winner: Chavo

    WWE Tag Team Title/Fatal Fourway Match: The Thrill Kill [champions] vs. The Shooting Star Express vs. The Basham Brothers vs. The Dudley Boyz

    Winners: Thrill Kill

    Number One Contender Match: The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle

    Winner: Kurt

    Mexican Strap Match: Rey Mysterio vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

    Winner: Rey

    John Cena vs. Charlie Haas

    Winner: Cena

    Ultimo Dragon vs. Funaki

    Winner: Dragon

  6. Good Rumble, I like that Savage won the Rumble, I like that Bret had a good showing in the Rumble, glad that Bad News retained, and I'm glad Hogan lost. The only thing I didn't like was Martel jobbing to Bam Bam, I'm a Martel fan but obviously you have some plans for Bam Bam.

    I gotta say Steamboat being the Black Scorpion was a big surprise, I like most readers probably thought it was Flair, Steamboat for champion is always a good thing, and it will be interesting to see him as a heel.

  7. 30 Man Royal Rumble (winner gets title shot at Wrestlemania)


    For The World Wrestling Federation™ Championship:

    Hulk Hogan© versus The Black Scorpion

    Winner: Hogan

    For the Intercontinental Championship:

    Big Bossman versus Bad News Brown©

    Winner: Bad News

    For the Tag Team Championship:

    Demolition versus Andre The Giant & Haku ©

    Winners: Demolition

    The Model Rick Martel versus ???


    Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vesus "Rugged" Ronnie Garvin

    Winner: Valentine

    Ted DiBiase versus Tito Santana

    Winner: DiBiase

  8. :WCW Cruiserweight Championship:

    -2 OUT OF 3 FALLS-

    Eddie Guerrero © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    Winner: Chavo

    :WCW Television Championship:

    Curt Hennig © vs. Chris Jericho

    Winner: Hennig

    :WCW United States Championship:

    Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Disco Inferno

    Winner: DDP

    Sting, Kevin Nash & Konnan vs. Lex Luger, The Giant & Bam Bam Bigelow

    Winners: Sting, Nash, Konnan

    :WCW World Heavyweight Championship:

    Bret Hart © vs. Raven vs. Kanyon

    Winner: Bret

    Ric Flair vs. Chris Benoit

    Winner: Benoit

  9. WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Booker T versus Val Venis©

    Winner: Booker T

    *Weapon of Choice Match

    'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner w/Midajah versus Jeff Jarrett w/Debra

    Winner: Jarrett

    * WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

    Conway and Dinsmore versus O'Haire and Palumbo©

    Winners: O'Haire and Palumbo

    * WCW World Cruiserweight Title Invite-Only Battle Royal

    Jamie Knoble© versus Evan Karagias, Shannon Moore, Juventud Guerrera, Jason Jett, Kid Romeo, Michael Modest, and three more stars to be announced.

    Winner: Juvi

    * 3 on 3 Tag-Team Match

    AJ Styles, Air Paris and Ramon versus Rey Misterio, Billy Kidman and Konnan

    Winners: Rey, Billy, Konnan

    * "Raleigh Street Fight"

    'Sugar' Shane Helms versus Hugh Morrus

    Winner: Helms

    * WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

    'Canadian Fury' Penalty Box Match

    Lance Storm© versus Buff Bagwell, Shawn Stasiak, Rob Van Dam and Mike Awesome

    Winner: RVD

    * Cruiserweight Tag-Team Division Match

    The New Millenium Rockers (Paul London & Brian Kendrick) versus The Jung Dragonz (Kaz Hayashi and Yang w/Leia Meow)

    Winners: NMR


    Who will score the pinfall in the Tag-Team Title Match? Sean O'Haire

    Who will score the Pinfall in the Rockers/ Dragonz Match? London

    How many times will the penalty boxes be used in the US Title Match? 3

    Will we see an surprise debuts at the Bash at the Beach? Yes

    Who will be the final two men in the Cruiserweight title Battle Royal? Juvi and a mystery man

  10. World Heavyweight Title Match: Chris Benoit [champion] vs. Shawn Michaels

    Winner: Benoit

    WWE Intercontinental Title/Boiler Room Brawl: Randy Orton [champion] vs. Mankind

    Winner: Orton

    World Tag Team Title/Triple Threat Match: Chris Benoit & Shawn Michaels [champions] vs. Christian & Kane vs. Chris Jericho & Edge

    Winners: Jericho & Edge

    World Television Title Match: Matt Hardy [champion] vs. Jeff Hardy

    Winner: Matt

    Six-Man Tag Team Match: Shelton Benjamin & The Extreme Animals vs. Triple H & Batista & Ric Flair

    Winners: Evolution

    Ultimate Diva Match: Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus

    Winner: Trish

    William Regal & Eugene vs. Scott Steiner & Test

    Winners: Regal & Eugene

  11. Date: February 16, 1997

    Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee

    Final Card

    No Holds Barred Match

    Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker and Bret Hart Vs. Cactus Jack, Scott Hall and Owen Hart

    Winners: HBK, Hart, Taker

    World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

    The Patriot Vs. Steve Austin©

    Winner: Austin

    World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

    British Bulldog and Vader Vs. Brian Adams and Brian Lee©

    Winners: Vader and Bulldog

    Light Heavyweight Showdown!

    Taka Michinoku Vs. Brian Christopher

    Winner: Taka

    Ken Shamrock Vs. Scott Taylor

    Winner: Shamrock

    Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Rick Martel

    Winner: Martel

    Mark Henry Vs. Kevin Nash

    Winner: Nash

    Tie Breakers

    1. What will be the first match of the night?

    Lightweight Match

    2. Which match will get the best match quality in EWR?


    3. Which match will get the worst match quality in EWR?


    4. How many titles will change hands? (titles can't change hands by DQ, No contests, Etc)


    5. Will Todd Pettengill somehow take Jim Ross' spot for the Pay Per View?


    6. Will Sycho Sid join The Money Mine?


    7. Who is "he" that Goldust is talking about?

    No clue

    8. Who's going to lose the fall in the six men tag team match? (The loser) and who will win the fall in the six men tag? (The winner)

    Winner-Taker Loser-Hall

    9. What's going to be the match before the main event?


    10. Will anyone debut? And if so, Who's debuting?



    April 25, 1999

    Orlando, Florida

    ::Cruiserweight Title Match::

    Chavo Guerrero © Jr. vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero

    Winner: Eddie

    **Last minute addition by Pres. Ric Flair to Spring Stampeed!

    ::Television Title Match::

    Curt Hennig © vs. Kanyon

    Winner: Hennig

    ::Special Guest Referee: Arn Anderson

    Chris Jericho vs. Booker T

    Winner: Booker

    **Last minute addition by Pres. Ric Flair to Spring Stampeed!

    ::Tag Team Title Match::

    Saturn & Rick Steiner © vs. The Giant & Bam Bam Bigelow

    Winners: Giant and Bam Bam

    ::US Title Match::

    Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Scott Steiner

    Winner: Page

    ::Steel Cage Match::

    Sting vs. Raven

    Winner: Sting

    ::World Heavyweight Title Match::

    Hollywood Hogan vs. Bret Hart



    Grudge Match

    Hulk Hogan(99) and ????????? vs Ultimate Warrior(95) and ?????????

    Winner: Warrior and ???

    World Wrestling Federation Championship Match

    Sgt. Slaughter©(86) vs 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan(80)

    Winner: Slaughter

    The Brawl to End it All in a Steel Cage Match!

    Texas Tornado(76) vs The Undertaker(79)

    Winner: Taker

    TV Title Tournament Match

    Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart(74) vs Bret 'Hitman' Hart(79)

    Winner: Bret

    4 v 4 Elimination Match

    Big Bossman(78), Brutus Beefcake(70), Marty Jannety(71) and Shawn Michaels(73) vs Mr. Perfect(83), Bam Bam Bigelow(71), Haku(67) and The Barbarian(67)

    Winner: Perfect's Team

    Grudge Match

    'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith(78) vs Randy 'Macho Man' Savage(92)

    Winner: Davey Boy

    Grudge Match

    Dustin Rhodes(79) vs Ted DiBiase(82)

    Winner: DiBiase

    No.1 Contenders Match

    Legion of Doom(Animal(81) and Hawk(80)) vs Demolition(Smash(72) and Crush(77))

    Winners: LOD

    DARK Match

    The Naturals(Chris Walker(40) and Sam Houston(40)) vs The Orient Express(Kato(76) and Tanaka(76)

    Winners: OE

    Extra Point Questions.

    How many matches will have interference?


    What will be the first match?

    No. 1 Contenders

    Will anyone Debut if yes who?

    Yes-Rick Rude and Ricky Steamboat

    Who will be pinned in the LOD vs Demolition match?


    Who is Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warriors partners?

    Hogan-Ricky Steamboat Warrior-Rick Rude

    Who will be the survivor(s) of the 4 v 4 match?


    What order will they be eliminated in the 4 v 4 match?

    1. Barbarian

    2. Jannety

    3. Beefcake

    4. Haku

    5. Michaels

    6. Bam Bam

    7. Perfect

  14. it's Owen Hart, don't worry I won't be pushing Harlem Heat fast as there are a lot of teams I view as better tag title contenders right now so this is just a feud to bring them in with a bang to the WWF but who knows what the future holds for them? oh yeah I forgot about that but I'm not sure if the incident that kicked the feud off happened before January.
  15. Date: January 19, 1997

    Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    Final Card

    1997 Royal Rumble Match

    Featuring- Cactus Jack, Owen Hart, Scott Steiner, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Ahmed Johnson, Billy Gunn, British Bulldog, Marc Mero, Sycho Sid, Vader, Alex Wright, "All American" Bart Gunn, Brian Adams, Brian Lee, Hollywood Holly, Goldust, Jacobs, Mark Henry, Rocky Maivia, Scott Taylor, Fatu, Yokozuna, Kamala, "Cowboy" Bob Orton, Doink The Clown, Taka Michinoku, Mystery Entrant #1, Mystery Entrant #2, Mystery Entrant #3

    Winner: Owen Hart

    World Wrestling Federation Championship

    Bret Hart Vs. Scott Hall©

    Winner: Bret

    World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

    Al Snow and Steve Austin© Vs. Model Of Perfection

    Winners: MoP

    World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

    Hunter Hearst Helmsley© Vs. Jesse James

    Winner: HHH

    Light Heavyweight Showdown!

    Chavo Guerrero Vs. Brian Christopher

    Winner: Christopher

    Ron Simmons Vs. John Bradshaw

    Winner: Simmons

    Marty Jannetty, Koko B. Party and Van Hammer Vs. Duke Droese, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger

    Winner: Marty, Koko, Van

    Tie Breakers

    1. What will be the first match of the night?

    6-Man Tag

    2. Which match will get the best match quality in EWR?


    3. Which match will get the worst match quality in EWR?


    4. Who are the three mystery entrants in the Royal Rumble?

    5. Who will be the first two men in the Royal Rumble?


    6. Who's entering the Royal Rumble as #30?


    7. Who's going to be the final ten men in the Royal Rumble?

    Taker, Sid, Steiner, Cactus, HBK, Owen, Vader, Rocky, Doink, A mystery man

    8. Who's going to be the final four men in the Royal Rumble?

    Taker, Cactus, Owen, HBK

    9. Who's going to be the final two men in the Royal Rumble?

    Owen, HBK

    10. How many titles will change hands? (titles can't change hands by DQ, No contests, Etc)


    11. Which person will be the first one eliminated in the Royal Rumble?


  16. Glad to see Perfect win the Rumble, signing Steamboat was great and him and Savage should do great things. Hart Foundation winning is good, haven't seen Ravishing Rick Rude in a while, hope you have something in store for him

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