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Posts posted by TMM

  1. -- Chapter 27 --

    Friday 24th August 2001

    The crash...

    Bischoff: What happened? What HAPPENED!?! I need to know...

    Police Officer I: Just stand back...you need to keep back!

    Bischoff had arrived on the scene as quickly as he could after hearing about the accident. He had touched down at the airport a couple of hours before Nick Dinsmore did and had spoken to him there. Bischoff stayed there as he was meeting a couple of friends at a hotel nearby who were coming up to see the show. He got a phonecall from Dustin Rhodes just after police and ambulance crews had arrived at the scene. Rhodes was in a car behind Dinsmore and saw the big accident with his own eyes and he just couldn't believe it. A big 18-wheeler seemed to just spin out of control and Dinsmore, with no time to turn away or anything, crashed straight into the side of the truck. Two other cars had been involved in the accident; Dinsmore's looked a total mess, but wasn't the worse of the three. It was clear that another car had been completely and utterly wrecked, and it would be a miracle if anyone had survived that. Rhodes didn't know what to do, but he knew that Bischoff was still in the area so he called him and told him about the accident and told him to get down here immedietly. Bischoff immediately dropped everything and got his friend to drive him to the site. Bischoff spotted Dustin sitting in a fetal position against his own car.

    Bischoff: Dustin! Dustin are you alright?

    Dustin didn't respond, so Bischoff ran over to him to check if he was ok.

    Bischoff: Dustin...? Dustin are you ok?

    Dustin: It, it just swerved...it seemed fine and...he didn't see it...

    Dustin's voice was trembling as Bischoff heard and felt the fear and pain in his voice. Dustin couldn't believe what he had witnessed. Hundreds of motorists had stopped at the road side to look at the crash, hoping to catch a peek of something. 'These people have no respect; they're a bunch of vultures! Someone might have fucking died here!'.

    Bischoff: Dustin? Dustin I'm going to try and...*sigh*...I'll be back.

    Bischoff got up and headed towards the police that had cordoned off the area, not letting anyone through except for medics, doctors and fellow officers. Bischoff walked towards an opening, but the officers quickly stopped him from proceeding any further.

    Bischoff: I need to know what's happening...one of the men in those cars works for me!

    Police Officer II: I'm sorry but we can't just...hey; you're Eric Bischoff right?

    Bischoff: Yes and the guy in the car is Nick Dinsmore, please...

    Police Officer II: I'm really sorry; we can't let anyone through except for the doctors. I'm sorry...

    Bischoff didn't bother arguing, he just backed off, deep in thought. He couldn't believe what had happened. He thought about his reaction to seeing this stuff on the news and, while usually shocked and thinking about the injured, he didn't really know how much it could effect someone when they knew the person. While Dinsmore wasn't family or anything nor was he really close to him, he was an employee and therefore a member of his 'extended family' and he couldn't believe what was happening. This was not right...

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    News          Columns          Superstars          Forum        Results          Upcoming PPV card

    Friday 24th August 2001

    WCW Superstar Nick Dinsmore involved in serious car accident

    New just released to us says that WCW superstar Nick Dinsmore has been seriously injured in a car crash today as he traveled from Portland International Airport to the Rose Garden, the site of this Sunday's 'Road Wild' pay-per-view in which he is scheduled to be a part of. We don't have any details as of yet apart from the news that he is currently in intensive care at a local hospital. We at WCW Fan News.com send all our prayers to Nick at this time and we pray that he will recover.

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    News          Columns          Superstars          Forum        Results          Upcoming PPV card

    Monday 20th August 2001

    user posted image

    We are LIVE in Boise, Idaho

    Our hosts tonight are, as usual Tony Schiavone and Scott Hudson

    We start things off with a quick recap of the happenings on Nitro and Thunder, focusing on anything nWo related because this is WCW. They did focus quite a bit on the interview with Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire on Thunder where they brought up the question about whether Sean Waltman is aligned with the nWo. That interview was particularly good and I happened to notice that Sean O’Haire is much more at home with a microphone than Chuck Palumbo is.

    David Cash vs. Shannon Moore vs. Elix Skipper vs. Yang vs. Evan Karagias vs. Psicosis

    Well, um…filler? We aren’t given a reason for this match so I assume it’s just to get these guys on TV. This is going to be a weird show with TEN CRUISERWEIGHT’S in action on the same show! How freaking weird is that? This ain’t your daddy’s WCW that’s for sure. Anyway you can screw yourself if you think I’m even gonna TRY and follow this thing properly. Let’s just go with the highspots shall we? I think that’s easier don’t you? The really annoying/evil thing about this match is that all six men are in the ring at once so there is no semblance of a flow in this match. Anyway, the first crazy ass spot came when Moore and Karagias set Cash up on the top rope and got him in a super-duper-plex position (the stack up superplex thing that Edge and Christan do) and then Skipper came off the top rope with a crossbody killing Cash in the process! The height was scary enough. Then, not to be outdone, Psicosis went on the adjacent turnbuckle and landed flat across both Karagias and Moore with a 450 splash! The referee didn’t know whether to count for Skipper’s pin or Psicosis’ pin, but both were broken up. Straight after this, they all got to their feet and all managed to get splashed to heck by Yang coming off the top rope with plancha. To…much…craziness. As you can imagine, things got out of control and after some more planchas/halos/flying stuff, Moore, Skipper, Yang and Cash were all taken out (side) and were pretty much out of it, leaving only Karagias and Psicosis in the ring. This spelt the end of Karagias (or so we were meant to believe) when Psicosis hit a hurricanrana and went to the top rope. He tried a guillotine legdrop but Karagias managed to just move out of the way and then rolled Psicosis up in a schoolboy pin to get the upset pinfall!


    Winner: Evan Karagias (5:34)

    There was no real flow to the match (duh) and it had no reasoning behind it. I wouldn’t have minded if they said ‘winner gets a title shot at Road Wild’ but nothing. The result is all the more surprising considering you’d expect Psicosis to come out winner, but that’s why I’m not the booker.

    ** - It was a fun little match, but it looses marks for being pointless.

    It’s time for an interview with Goldberg! Good because he’s barely said much about winning the World title this Sunday, and now I expect him to start yapping. Schiavone plugs it as being a pre-taped sit-down interview.

    Okerlund: Thank you for taking the time to join me for an interview Bill.

    Goldberg: No problems Gene.

    Okerlund: I must admit; I truly believe that you will walk out of Portland, Oregon this Sunday as the World Heavyweight champion. Bill I would like to ask you about the Elimination Chamber match and your thoughts going into one of the biggest matches of your life.

    Goldberg: What are my thoughts eh Gene? Well let’s just say that Bill Goldberg is gunning for Kevin Nash. In fact; I’m gunning for Triple H, I’m gunning for Diamond Dallas Page, I’m gunning for Booker T, I’m gunning for Jeff Jarrett but make no mistake about it, my main focus is ending Kevin Nash’s title reign. Sunday night I’m going to be locked in a glass chamber where I’ll stand and I’ll wait. In fact, I might start the match and if I do, you can be sure that the man standing across the ring from me will be eliminated just as quick as it takes for the opening bell to sound. But if I am locked inside the chamber…well, have you ever seen a caged animal Gene?

    Okerlund: Actually I have.

    Goldberg: Good, then you’ll know that they don’t like to be locked up. They don’t like to be confined in a small place when they should be running wild across a bigger playing field. That’s me Gene. You lock me up in a cage; I’ll be waiting to get out. The second my cage door opens, you had better get out of my way because once I’m released if your ass is in my way I’m going to knock you down on it and eliminate you because nothing…NOTHING will stand in the way of Bill Goldberg and the World Heavyweight title.

    Okerlund: I understand that Bill and I hope you do exactly what you have said. Now I want to ask you about the nWo and your opinions on them. Since you made the big impact in WCW four years ago you have been involved with the nWo pretty much since day one. In fact you won your only World Heavyweight title to date by pinning the founding member of the nWo Hollywood Hogan in 1998. You went on to lose the title to Kevin Nash in Starrcade of that year as well. What is it about the nWo that you hate?

    Goldberg: The nWo are a poison all right? Hall, Nash, Michaels and Triple H represent everything that I hate about the world today. They are out for themselves and don’t care about who they have to crawl over to get to the top. I’m all for people earning their spot at the top, and there are people in this company who just won’t get a look in while the nWo are on top.  Guys like Shane Helms have had their spots taken from them before they even got them when they nWo decided to turn up and do the same crap they’ve doing for five damn years! I’m sick of it, and I think every WCW and wrestling fan across the planet is as well.

    Okerlund: Well thank you for your time Bill…

    Goldberg: My pleasure Gene.

    Okerlund: …you’ve got a match with Reno tonight on Nitro and I want to wish you good luck in that match, but before you go I want to know if you have any last words for your five opponents in the Elimination Chamber this Sunday?

    Goldberg: Be prepared…be prepared for a long night this Sunday if you get between me and the World Heavyweight title!

    Okerlund: Well this Sunday is sure to be a night that will be long remembered by wrestling fans the world over! Don’t forget you can still order ‘Road Wild’ by calling your local cable provider!

    The interview ended and we go to ringside. I found it really funny that Goldberg said the nWo are a poison and that they are holding people down. To quote a somewhat known wrestling reporter ‘I love shoot comments that aren’t meant to be shoot comments’. Anyway, we’ve got a SQUASH to look forward now as Reno reminds us why he has a job.

    Goldberg vs. Reno

    Reno is out first and the commentators hype him up as someone who could cause an upset here and defeat Goldberg. Of course, that made me laugh like a bitch. Anyway, Goldberg came down and “the roof came off” according to Scott Hudson. Reno tried to go in and attack quickly and manages to get a couple of blows in before getting killed off a clothesline from Goldberg. Goldberg snapped and then went to the turnbuckle and prepped for the Spear but stood up and stared at the entrance way as Kevin Nash slowly made his way down to ringside! Reno got up and tried to capitalise on the distraction with a clothesline, but Goldberg ducked it and came back with a Spear! He got Reno on his feet and then hooked him up and pointed right at the World Heavyweight champion before hoisting Reno up and slamming him down the Jackhammer. Goldberg kept his eyes locked on Nash during the pin and stood straight up and again stared right at Nash.


    Winner: Goldberg (3:31)

    It was a typical ‘Goldberg-sqaush’ with Reno being this week’s victim. Are we actually gonna ever see Goldberg in a proper one-on-one match anytime soon?

    ¼ * - And that’s being generous.

    Goldberg then issued a challenge, motioning for the big nWo member to come and get him, which Nash slowly, slowly accepted. Nash climbed up the steps and over the top rope to confront Goldberg. Schiavone said ‘you feel cut the tension here’ as the two men just locked eyes and the fans gave their vocal support to Goldberg. Nash instigated it all by flipping of Goldberg, who replied by decking him with a right hand! A slugfest erupted between the two men and Nash nailed the elbow and knees in the corner and signalled for the Jacknife Powerbomb! But Goldberg managed to toss him over his shoulder and lay him out with a Spear when he stood up! Goldberg refocused his attention on Nash and signalled for the Jackhammer, but the other members of the nWo ran down and retrieved Nash from the ring, saving him from further harm. Goldberg posed in the ring as Nitro went to a break.

    Commercial Break

    Lex Luger and Rick Steiner vs. the New Road Warriors

    Are WCW just TRYING to punish me? We go well over a month without hearing or seeing from Lex Luger or Rick Steiner, and then in the space of four days we get TWO Luger matches and ONE Rick Steiner match. To make things worse Steiner and Luger are involved IN THE SAME MATCH. I know what you’re thinking; you’re thinking that it can’t get worse can it? Think again buster! This match has THREE and a half slugs in it! Animal is a big ass slug and Crash is only half a slug because his matches can sometimes be semi-decent. This isn’t one of those times unfortunately. I’m gonna skip straight to the end because this match had NO redeeming qualities whatsoever as the RW dominate for 80% of the match and finish Steiner off with the Doomsday Device. It’s after the match where things get interesting as the F.B.I. make a run in and attack Animal and Crash. The Road Warriors manage to hold them off for a little while but the numbers catch up and the F.B.I. end up decimating Crash and Animal before Vito and the Bull steal their shoulder pad thingys and walk off with them.


    Winners: New Road Warriors (7:21)

    Just watching Steiner and Animal now makes me a sad panda. Luger always sucked, but the other two always had something they had the intensity that made them interesting as well as Steiner’s actual ability. Now they’re just pooh.

    DUD – Lex Luger + Ric Steiner + Animal = DUD, simple match no?

    We get a video reminding us of the past week of Jamie Knoble’s life with the match and subsequent win against Psicosis on Nitro and the tag team match that he ‘missed’ before costing DDP and Psicosis the win, helping Malice get over. We then get an ‘Earlier Today’ video of Jamie Knoble walking down the hall going to meet up with Malice (according to Schiavone) and bumping into Kaz Hayashi.

    Hayashi: Jamie…Knoble?

    Knoble: Yeah boy? What’cha want?

    Hayashi: I wants a shot at yo title belt.

    Knoble: You want a shot? No. We were partners once boy and what did you give me? You gave me nothing! You kicked me out! But I’m gonna give you a damn match! Just me and you tonight on Nitro! See you in the ring then…boy!

    Kaz Hayashi w/ Leia Meow and Yang vs. Jamie Knoble w/ Malice

    I really don’t like the way American promotions decide that Japanese people don’t have a clue how to speak English so they have them sound like retards trying. The WWF do it with TAKA Michinoku and Funaki, and WCW do it with the Jung Dragons. Just once, once would I like to hear a Japanese wrestler speak English how he actuall does outside the ring. Anyway, match time. I like the Dragons, they’re cool. WCW aren’t smart enough to make a feud out of their history so this’ll probably be just another nice and easy win for Knoble here. We get more of a mat-based match here, but don’t take that as meaning Kaz wasn’t flying around like a Japanese lunatic (I’m aloud to insult, not WCW, he he). Some crazy stuff from Kaz gives the crowd something to chant about as he hits an awesome summersault tope to the outside on Malice to get the crowd into a ‘Holy Shit’ chant. Knoble took centre stage once Kaz returned to the ring, obviously having injured his knee after the dangerous move, Knoble pounced on it and attempted to destroy his leg it seemed. Knoble eventually managed to get Hayashi into position for the Trailer Hitch but Hayashi kept wiggling about. Frustration set in on Knoble who started to kick away relentlessly on Hayashi’s leg, then pointed at the leg before trying again. Unfortunately for him, Hayashi grabbed his neck and rolled him up in a small package to get the shock three count! Wow. Leia and Yang were ecstatic about Hayashi’s upset win, but two people who weren’t were Knoble and Malice. Knoble cursed the loss under his breathe before signalling for Malice to get in the ring. The big monster slid into the ring and started to stomp the holy hell out of Kaz Hayashi. Yang quickly slid in the ring and used his quick feet to try and kick away at Malice, but Malice managed to absorb most of the pain and kill him with a big clothesline! Schiavone says he just inflicted some ‘serious bodily harm on Yang’. Yang is unconscious, so Malice waits for Hayashi to get to his feet before ‘inflicting some serious bodily harm’ on him with that damn clothesline. He then turned his attentions to Leia Meow, but Knoble stepped in and called him off…so he could hit the Tiger Bomb on her! Knoble and Malice left the ring leaving the Jung Dragons out cold.


    Winner: Jamie Knoble (6:15)

    More goodness from Knoble here with Hayashi really showing that he can do some awesome stuff. I’d like to see a mini-feud at the very least here.

    ** ½ - Seemed like the very beginning, chunks of the middle and the end of a very, very good match.

    Commercial Break

    We’re back and in the ring is Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer and Nick Dinsmore. Scott Hudson tells us that two more matches have JUST been added to the ‘Road Wild’ card and they are the New Road Warriors vs. Big Vito, Johnny the Bull and Guido Maritato with the second match being Nick Dinsmore facing Mark Jindrak in a rematch from ‘the Second Coming’. I gave that match * ½ back in May because it was decent but it was filler. Something tells me ** is the highest this rematch will go. Anyway, crazy man Funk has the microphone now.

    Funk: Before I start, I wanna make it clear that I respect the talents of Rob Van Dam, but what you did to me over a month ago has left me without any respect for you as a person! I made my debut in this spot OVER 36 YEARS AGO! I’m not saying that I am anything special whatsoever, but if the fans are cheering for me, maybe it’s because I’m a 57 year-old man who’s still going day in and day out, but maybe it’s because they respect what I do, either way, I don’t crap on people like that! These two men behind me; they’re the future of this industry! Rob Van Dam; he’s the future of this industry, but I’ll tell you what Van Dam! You sure won’t last as long as I have by crapping on the people who like and respect you! I have the respect of my peers and most importantly…I have the respect of the fans. Van Dam…this Sunday at ‘Road Wild’, whether it’s this man standing behind me, Tommy Dreamer or if it’s me; that Hardcore title will NOT be slung over your shoulder! Mark my words Rob…

    Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer and Nick Dinsmore vs. Rob Van Dam, Big Bubba Rogers and Mark Jindrak

    Dinsmore and RVD start out and Van Dam feints a lock-up and goes for the thumbs. Dinsmore doesn’t give a shit and cuts him off at ‘Dam’, prompting a lot of boos from the crowd. Dinsmore takes him into the corner and beats away at him over there before whipping him HARD into his corner before tagging in Tommy Dreamer which in itself starts a small ‘ECW’ chant which continued to grow whenever RVD and/or Dreamer were in the ring. Dreamer went um, he went ECW on his ass! Yeah, that’s the one. He literally just decided he was going to kill him in the ring, so he pounded away. Luckily for the Hardcore champion, his enforcer did what he gets paid to do and got in the ring and grabbed Dreamer and flung him shoulder first into the STEEL ringpost. The referee admonished Rogers and sent him from the ring but the damage was done. Van Dam managed to recover and tagged in Rogers who continued where he left off with some uninspired and uninteresting punchy kicky shit. Rogers and Jindrak make regular tags isolating Dreamer in the ring and after a Rogers Slam, they tag in Van Dam. Van Dam takes forever to get near Dreamer as he taunts to the crowd, then mocks Terry Funk and Nick Dinsmore, then Tommy Dreamer. He goes over to Dreamer but gets shocked as Dreamer tries small package him, but RVD kicks out. Van Dam collects his bearings and picks Dreamer up, but Dreamer somehow manages to get the Dreamer Driver in out of nowhere! Dreamer made the cover, but it was broken up by Mark Jindrak and then all hell broke loose. We get a six-man brawl inside the ring and Jindrak hits his cool looking slingshot powerslam on Dinsmore before being taken out by Dreamer clotheslining him to the outside. Rogers and RVD double-teamed Terry Funk, and Funk walked right into a Rogers Slam. RVD went to the top rope and the referee admonished Big Bubba right in his way so he couldn’t hit the move, and he eventually sent him outside. Just at this time Funk managed to get to his feet and ‘collapse’ against the ropes, crotching RVD on the top. Funk went all nuts, walking like an old crazy man and hooked Van Dam up and hit a sick looking spike DDT off the top rope! RVD went as stiff as a board as Funk (the illegal man may I add) makes the pin for the 1…2…3! The faces all get in the ring and celebrate the win simple as.


    Winner: Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer and Nick Dinsmore (9:34)

    Wasn’t to bad, but was far to long for what it was. The Hardcore title match Sunday could be pretty good, but the Dinsmore/Jindrak match is gonna get a pretty quiet reaction me thinks. They put on a OK match back in May, so it’ll be interesting to see how far they’ve come since then.

    * ¾ - Not much to write home about; Jindrak’s finisher is still the best thing about him.

    This match ends and we head straight to the backstage area with Sean Waltman and Billy Kidman! They’re preparing for the dodgy mixed tag team match thingy later on, which is just plain confusing. I’m gonna get so lost trying to remember the teams.

    Waltman: Listen man; whatever happens tonight, we’re a team and Sunday we’re gonna win the titles.

    Kidman: Yeah…

    Waltman: What’s wrong man? You’ve been acting really weird the past week.

    Kidman: It’s nothing Sean…I…I was just thinking about what Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo said on Thunder…

    Waltman: What; about me being a member of the nWo?

    Kidman: Yeah…and I…are you a member?

    Waltman: Hey Billy I…

    Michaels: Hey, hey Kid!

    As you may have guessed, Shawn Michaels and the nWo walk into the locker room. Sean smiles and shakes all four guys hands.

    Waltman: Hey guys, whassup? What ya doin here?

    Michaels: Actually Kid we’re here to talk to you. We know you’ve got a big match tonight and we…

    Michaels, Nash, Hall and Trips all look at Billy Kidman.

    Kidman: …what?

    Michaels: Um, we’re trying to have a conversation here you know?

    Kidman: Well Sean IS my tag team partner so…

    Michaels: No, no boy; this is a ‘family’ only conversation (the nWo throw up the handshake thing). So if you don’t mind, could ya please leave?

    Kidman: Who the hell...

    Waltman: Hey Billy just, just wait outside for a bit eh?

    Kidman: Whatever dude…

    Kidman looks around at the five guys and slowly walks out with Nash giving him a little goodbye wave to see him off. Hall stuck his tongue out at him as he walked out.

    Michaels: Why are you hanging around with such a loser Kid? I mean he has ZERO personality and ZERO redeeming qualities…

    Waltman: Yeah…true, but he ain’t a bad guy believe it or not.

    Michaels: Nope…don’t believe it. Yeah anyway, we know you’ve got your main even match tonight and then the Tag Team title match Sunday night…we’re were just, you know Kid, we were wondering if ya wanted a little help.

    Waltman: I…

    Michaels: Not that you need it of course, oh no, it’s just, well, this Kidman guy isn’t the most AMAZING guy in the ring. You know we want you to come away with the gold and ya see, we think Kidman might let ya down. We don’t wanna see it happen so, if ya need us…you know what to do.

    Waltman: Hey guys; I really appreciate it, but me and Billy are gonna win those titles, don’t worry about it guys. Anyway; Big Kev and Trips oughta focus on this Elimination Chamber match, it sounds pretty rough.

    Nash: Hey man, we’re ready to go for this thing you know? Me and Trips; we’ve got each others back in the match. If I don’t win; he wins it’s the way things go down around here. Us five; we’re family man, and family watch one another’s backs.

    The five all shook hands and stuff and the camera cut to another camera outside the locker room where Billy Kidman was just standing there looking rather pissed off. Oooo, do I smell tension in the ranks?

    Commercial Break

    Nitro returns and we get a rundown of the ‘Road Wild’ card starting from the bottom upwards.

    * Nick Dinsmore vs. Mark Jindrak

    * The Road Warriors vs. The F.B.I. (Guido, Vito and the Bull)

    * WCW United States title “Lions Den” match – Ken Shamrock vs. Chris Kanyon ©

    * WCW Tag Team titles – Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs. Sean Waltman and Billy Kidman vs. Lance Storm and Mike Awesome ©

    * WCW Hardcore title – Terry Funk vs. Big Bubba Rogers vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Rob Van Dam ©

    * WCW World Heavyweight title “Elimination Chamber” match – Goldberg vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Triple H vs. Booker T vs. Kevin Nash ©

    They say that’s the whole ‘Road Wild’ card but say there’s still one last stop before they get to Portland, Oregon this Sunday and that’s the visit to Corvallis, Oregon Friday night for Thunder. They say we won’t want to miss it as all six men who are involved in the Elimination Chamber match will be in action in a big six-man tag as Goldberg, DDP and Booker T take on Jeff Jarrett, Triple H and Kevin Nash. Yay…I think.

    Nitro returns to the ring to see the ‘Grand Kanyon’ set all ready to go and Chris Kanyon and co. are making their way out to the ring. Alexis goes and stands outside the ring while Mike Sanders comes over and sits alongside Tony Schiavone and Scott Hudson at the announce booth and Kanyon goes into the ring.

    Kanyon: Hello and welcome to ANOTHER edition of the Grand Kanyon, but before we get started tonight I want to ask a simple question; who betta than Kanyon?

    The fans booed but it was hilarious because on the Nitro screen a video of Alexis saying “Nobody’s betta than Kanyon!” with her thumbs up was played! Ha ha! Sanders told Hudson and Schiavone to say it, but they refused. The crowd loudly booed this as the camera cut between Kanyon and Alexis with both having a huge cheesy grin and Alexis stuck her thumbs up. Sanders called the commentators losers because they don’t recognise excellence.

    Kanyon: Yeah, it’s true…I’m just up there in the three greatest wrestlers in the in history…that Mortis fella, some amazing wrestler called Chris Klucsaritis and of course…Chris Kanyon! I wanna comment about my Lions Den match with Ken Shamrock at ‘Road Wild’. I have the reputation all over the WORLD of being an amazing TECHNICAL wrestler…I don’t wrestle in these, these hardcore weapony match things! To make it worse, I’m gonna be LOCKED inside this cage thing with an animal, an ANIMAL! But it’s ok…because I have an ace up my sleeve; I WILL come out of the Lions Den United States champion and you can mark my words on that! But now, without any further adieu, my first quest, the inadequate one…Curt Hennig!

    Curt Hennig slowly made his way to the ring and gave a sorta of a ‘ha ha not funny’ laugh while looking at Kanyon. He made his way into the ring and picked up the spare microphone on the seat.

    Hennig: The ‘inadequate one’ eh? Well, ya see I heard different; I head it was YOU who was inadequate in a certain place (crowd laughs on cue)! But we’re not here to talk about your shortcomings are we Chris?

    Kanyon: Shortcomings!?! Lemme tell you something buster I…you’re right, we’re here to talk about why you seem to think you have the right to stick your stinking nose in MY business?

    Hennig: Your business eh? I recall it was you and your little lover Randy who attacked me a couple of weeks ago costing me a match against Shawn Stasiak; forget that did ya?

    Kanyon: Yeah but…he ain’t my lover! I dumped him alre…

    Hennig: You dumped him eh?

    Kanyon: SHUT UP!!! THIS IS MY SHOW DAMN YOU!!! We beat you up after you INSINUATED that I was g…that Randy and I were having a ‘relationship’…

    Hennig: And are you?


    Hennig: Woah calm down Chris; hitting a little to close to home am I?

    Kanyon: Curt…I ask the questions, you answer them…that’s how this works ok? If people treated Brutus FRIGGIN Beefcake with respect, why the hell can’t you respect me Curt? Huh? Listen to me Curt; answer my question; why did you stick your nose in my business?

    Hennig: It’s simple Chris…

    Kanyon: …yes? What is?

    Hennig: The answer to your silly little question…

    Kanyon: Oh…WELL!?! Answer it then!

    Hennig: OH…you want an answer right NOW?

    Kanyon: YES!!! Is it such a hard concept to grasp?

    Hennig: No, I just like to annoy you…

    Kanyon: URGH!!

    The crowd were eating this right up and Kanyon’s going bananas after pretty much every little thing is great to see. Mike Sanders is also getting annoyed on commentary as Scott Hudson tries to hold himself from laughing.

    Hennig: Anyway…isn’t it time for you to bring out Ken Shamrock?

    Kanyon: No…he’ll come out when I SAY SO! This is MY show and things go how I want…and you STILL haven’t answered my question!

    Hennig: I’ll tell you what; let’s do a little poll here?

    Kanyon: What? No; I don’t want a poll so it wo…

    Curt Hennig places his hand over Kanyon’s mic.

    Hennig: Who here thinks that we should bring out Ken Shamrock (crowd of course pops big. Kanyon is still trying to yank the microphone away from Hennig)? That’s a resounding yes I think, so I present to you ALL here and at home…Ken Shamrock!

    Ken Shamrock comes walking out and he looks ready to go! He’s staring a hole straight through Kanyon here, and Mike Sanders sees it and leaves the announce table and gets on the apron only to get knocked right off with a right hand from Hennig. Kanyon jumps Hennig from behind but then gets jumped himself as Shamrock attacks! Shamrock hits a BIG belly-to-belly suplex and then hit the same on Sanders who tried to get in the ring with him. Kanyon tried to leave the ring but Hennig caught him, picked him up and tossed him to Shamrock who hit another belly-to-belly before locking in the Ankle Lock! Hennig acted as the guard dog while Shamrock attempted to snap Kanyon’s ankle but Hennig told him to let go, audibly saying something about wanting him uninjured at ‘Road Wild’. Mike Sanders and Alexis pulled Shamrock from the ring and slowly tried to leave up the ramp as we cut to the back. Really, really well done segment here that had me laughing at Kanyon’s reaction to Hennig here. I think they’re pushing for a Hennig/Shamrock vs. Kanyon/Sanders feud or something.

    We cut to the back and see Jeff Jarrett, Symphony and the guitar walking down a corridor. Jarrett has a plaster on his forehead where he was busted open on Thunder by DDP.

    Jarrett: Page is dead meat; who does he think he is hitting me in the head with the title belt? Huh? Well that Slapnut is gonna find out what ya get for messing with me!

    Symphony: And that slut of a wife he has is gonna get stripped of her dignity Jeff! I’m gonna embarrass her the same way her husband embarrassed you on Thunder!

    They finally reach a door marked ‘DDP’ and after “gearing up” I guess you could call it, they burst in to…find the room empty! They look and see themselves on the TV screen, and Jarrett looks around the room and behind the door but nothing. Jarrett and Symphony curse their luck and prepare to leave…DDP was in the locker! DDP comes out and brawls with Jarrett taking a serious beating here. Page grabs him by the shoulder and throws him into the locker, closing and PADLOCKING the door behind him! DDP turns his attentions to Symphony who is slowly backing off with a terrified look on her face. Symphony is still backing off when suddenly her top is ripped CLEAN OFF! WOWWY! The camera pans behind her to see Kimberly standing behind her with Symphony’s top in hand! She then knocks Symphony to the floor and after pulling and pulling for a little while pulls her skirt right off as well! YIPPEE! Symphony clambers to her feet, covering herself with her discarded rags before rushing out the locker room door.

    DDP: Ha ha, see Kim I told you; the TV is the best weapon around.

    Kimberly: What are we going to do with Jarrett?

    DDP: Ah let’s leave him here. Hey, you fancy going for a meal?

    Kimberly: Sure!

    DDP and Kimberly walk out of the locker room with Jarrett still banging away at the locker door as Nitro goes to its final commercial break.

    Commercial Break

    Lance Storm and Sean O’Haire vs. Mike Awesome and Billy Kidman vs. Chuck Palumbo and Sean Waltman

    This is gonna be a BITCH to follow because I really can’t won’t be able to remember who’s with who here. This is under triple-threat rules so one guy from each team starts. Lance Storm, Billy Kidman and Chuck Palumbo are the lucky three to start as WCW keep the teams from going at it with one-another. This was classicy triple-threat action in one guy gets knocked down and the other two go at it, wash, rinse and repeat. Chuck and Kidman decided to double-team Lance Storm and hit a double suplex before Chuck TURNED on Kidman and decked him with a Jungle kick. He went to O’Haire to tag him in but remembered he wasn’t his partner and fell victim to a schoolboy roll-up from Lance Storm only to kick out at the last second. I do sense some legitimate confusion in this match and don’t really expect it to get any better. Apparently from what I’ve heard they didn’t even get the chance to run through this match at house shows or whatever, which would’ve been fine if it were a normal TV match but this is just a dodgy mis-match thingy here that is there to confuse everyone I believe. Lance Storm tags in Sean O’Haire, who stares a hole right through him…and nails him with a right hook to the jaw, knocking him out of the ring! Palumbo and O’Haire are standing in the ring opposite one-another and are about to go it when Mike Awesome and Billy Kidman jump them from behind. Awesome pounded away at Palumbo in one corner and Kidman on O’Haire in another. The two looked at one another and nodded before attempting to whip their opponents into each other. However, it didn’t quite work out like that. Both Palumbo and O’Haire reversed the whip and sent Kidman and Awesome crashing into each other before they nailed them both with stereo super kicks! Palumbo and O’Haire got really psyched up but then turned round and met eye-to-eye. The crowd really started to get into it here as the two nodded at each other and started going toe-to-toe, blow for blow against one another! It was Palumbo who got the upper hand and sent O’Haire crashing into Sean’s corner but missed the follow up clothesline and O’Haire stepped out the way. O’Haire then whipped Palumbo into the opposite corner where Sean Waltman got a blind tag. O’Haire did the 10 punch in the corner and waited for Palumbo to come out as he walked straight into the Widow Maker! Waltman got into the ring and waited for O’Haire to turn around as he hit the X-Effect! He made the cover, but Billy Kidman broke up the pin! Kidman and Waltman looked at one-another with Kidman looking slightly pissed off while Waltman really didn’t know what was going on. Kidman lunged at him and unloaded with some cool offence. Back and forth shit here between the two cruisers with Kidman trying for the Kid Krusher but that was reversed into an attempted X-Effect, but that was reversed into an attempt from Kidman to hit a Rydeen bomb, but THAT was blocked as Waltman tried for a powerbomb. But of course, YOU CAN’T POWERBOMB KIDMAN who hit his facebuster move before stopping from exhaustion as the crowd gave a long applause. I applauded to. Kidman got to his feet and saw Waltman lying on the mat, just begging to get attacked, so Kidman looked up at the top rope, then at Waltman, then at the crowd before pointing to the top rope. This got a big pop, so Kidman went to the top rope…and hit the Shooting Star Press! He made the cover…1…2…Mike Awesome breaks it up! What the hell? Awesome hooks Kidman up and hits the Awesome Bomb on his own partner. Lance Storm tosses Sean O’Haire to him who suffers the same fate, as does Chuck Palumbo. The Tag Team champions pose in the ring as their music hits…? Huh? Where’s the finish? Nitro goes off the air with Tony Schiavone and Scott Hudson hyping up the big six-man tag on Thunder this Friday and demands that everyone watches it.


    Winners: No Contest (17:15)

    Ok; I totally underestimated how much fun that was. It was pretty confusing at times, but it was great seeing the guys going at it against their own teammates and stuff. The ending was good but also left me feeling ripped off (ok, it’s free TV but still) because there were no winners. I liked the fact they played up the fact Kidman doesn’t seem to trust Waltman, the (former) Thrillers don’t really care who they fight as long as they can fight and it established Storm and Awesome as the favourites. ‘Road Wild’ looks pretty good at the moment.

    ** ¾ - Looses a * for not having an ending.

  4. Tag Team title match: Sting and Chris Harris vs. Batista and Michael Shane

    IC title match: Lance Storm vs. Chris Nowinski - Submission match

    Women's title match: Alexis Laree vs. Tracy vs. Trish Stratus

    Christian vs. Kane

    World Heavyweight title match: Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho

  5. I like the update, and glad to see you are keeping Disco and Cat. Also, this diary has made my sig! It's an elite group...


    I got sigged! He sigged me! Wow! Me shocked, thanks man that's my first one...other than my own obviously! Anyway, Nitro will be up either later today or sometime 2moro.

  6. user posted image

    News          Columns          Superstars          Forum        Results          Upcoming PPV card

    Sunday 19th August 2001


    Tuesday 14th August

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    user posted image

    WCW have renewed the contracts of both Disco Inferno and Ernest "the Cat" Miller. Originally they were going to be allowed to leave WCW when their deals expired, however management had a change of heart and decided to offer them new contracts and all signs point to the two being hooked up as a tag team. The likely scenario is that they will be used as comedy tag team with neither really in line for any form of a push of any sorts.

    Shelton Benjamin again impresses the crowd in dark matches before Nitro...

    user posted image

    Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Shannon Moore with the Gory Bomb. Chavo appeared to be playing face, and announced to the crowd that he would returnto full-time action 'very soon'.

    Lance Storm and Mike Awesome defeated the Minnesota Stretching Crew (Shelton Benjamin and Brock Lesnar) when Awesome pinned Benjamin with the Awesome Bomb.

    The Stampede Bulldogs (Teddy Hart and Harry Smith) defeated Chris Harris and James Storm when Smith hit Harris with the running powerslam.

    Ken Shamrock d. Shawn Stasiak with the Ankle Lock. This match popped the crowd because of the pressence of Stacy Keibler 

    Wednesday 15th August

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    The reason for the seemingly abrupt ending to the Jamie Knoble/Shane Helms feud over the Cruiserweight title recently is that WCW have seemingly decided that Shane Helms is 'to good' for the Cruiserweight title and could be on the recieving end of a semi-big push in the near future. That is the reason why Helms hasn't been seen since dropping the belt to Knoble on the inaugural Thunder last week as well as selling the injury sustained by Knoble. Many signs point to Helms being put in a programme with the nWo or Chris Kanyon when he returns.

    Friday 17th August

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    Lex Luger has recently been lobbying to management about having more TV time. He has been upset that he has only had one match and only appeared once since WCW returned from it's hiatus. A lot of this has had to do with a niggling knee injury which, apparently was workable but Luger said he couldn't work through the pain. A lot of people were annoyed that he complained about not getting TV time despite his claims of being injured. Many believe the only reason he even has a job is because of his friendship with Sting, and as such he has been granted a match on Thunder, and may well even appear on Nitro as well.

    Saturday 18th August

    Some old timers work the dark matches prior to Thunder and Perry Saturn makes his first appearance...

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    Mark Jindrak defeated Barry Windham with a slingshot powerslam off the ropes.

    The Stampede Bulldogs (Teddy Hart and Harry Smith) defeated the Rock N Roll Express when Hart made Robert Gibson tap out to the Sharpshooter.

    Brock Lesnar squashed Marty Jannetty with a modified firemans carry into a slam.

    Perry Saturn and AJ Styles defeated the Jung Dragons when Saturn made Kaz Hayashi submit to the Rings of Saturn.

    Sunday 19th August


    user posted image

    Coming to you live from Boise , Idaho, Nitro is packed to the roof with big matches as WCW takes it's second to last stop before the big 'Road Wild' pay-per-view this Sunday night.

    In a bizarre main event, WCW President Eric Bischoff has decided to mix and match the three teams that will go at it for the WCW Tag Team titles this Sunday. The match will see Chuck Palumbo and Sean Waltman face Billy Kidman and Mike Awesome as well as the third team on Lance Storm and Sean O'Haire in the match that Bischoff explains as being 'there to test the six men's resolve and see which superstars deserve the Tag Team titles.' It is entirely possibly and more likely that Bischoff is just trying to plant the seeds of self destruction amongst these three young teams as Bischoff is notorious for interfering in things just for his sheer enjoyment.

    'Mene' Gene Okerlund will present a special pre-taped one-on-one interview with Goldberg that will air prior to his match against former Natural Born Thriller member Reno. Many people see Reno as someone who can handle himself against the big stars, and Reno will certainly hope that he can defeat Goldberg on Nitro.

    The four participants in the Hardcore title match at 'Road Wild' will be in the same ring on Nitro with two other men as Nitro hosts a big six-man tag match that will pit Hardcore champion Rob Van Dam up with his enformer Big Bubba Rogers and Mark Jindrak to take on the legendary Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer and the up-and-comer Nick Dinsmore. Whichever team wins on Nitro will certainly have a psychological advantage going into 'Road Wild'.

    The Grand Kanyon returns tonight as the Kanyon will interview two of his enemies live on Nitro. Kanyon will 'welcome' Curt Hennig onto the show as well as his opponent in the Lion's Den match this Sunday, Ken Shamrock. Sparks will certainly fly with these three men in the same ring and Mike Sander is bound to be near by.

    The nWo are slated to be at the show as well with only six days left before the historic Elimination Chamber match where the World Heavyweight champion Kevin Nash will defend against five other men, wone of which being his stable-mate Triple H!

    Confirmed Matches:

    * Billy Kidman and Mike Awesome vs. Sean O'Haire and Lance Storm vs. Chuck Palumbo and Sean Waltman

    * Goldberg vs. Reno

    * The New Road Warriors vs. Lex Luger and Rick Steiner

    * Psicosis vs. Shannon Moore vs. Evan Karagias vs. Yang vs. David Cash vs. Elix Skipper

  7. They still show it on Fox Kids. I use to love that programme. I watch it if I can catch it whenever it's on. I think it's on like between 12am and 2am.

    I never had any of the toys though. :(

    Btw, the MASK theme song is better than all others.

  8. -- Chapter Twenty Six --

    Saturday 18th August 2001

    Finalising the Championship Committee...

    3rd Person is in

    Bischoff: So you're prepared to join the Championship Committee that we're putting together?

    Dusty Rhodes: By gawd of course Ah am Eric! Ah mean my son is down 'dere alreadeh boy and I'm just dyinh', just DYINH' to get back and work with Ric Flaihr and you guys.

    Bischoff: What about the WWF? You're under contract to them aren't you?

    Dusty: Well Eric man, its onleh a 'peh appearance' contract brutha. It's 'dere own fault that I'm aloud to leave man. You offah me a good ole' contract boy and I'll sign it no doubt, no doubt Eric.

    Bischoff: Alright Dusty, I'll get my secretary to send the contract up to you later on today, get it back as soon as ya can ok?

    Dusty: No problem "boss"...ha ha, yeah...

    Bischoff: It's great to have you on board.

    Other than Ric Flair, the Championship Committee has now got two other guys confirmed. Dusty just confirmed himself willing and ready to leave the WWF and there is also Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat who will take part in the group. Ric Flair was the one who spoke to him personally last week and Steamboat agreed almost straight away. Ric Flair was also scheduled to meet with former eight-time NWA World Heavyweight champion Harley Race tommorrow.

    Bischoff's idea was to have at least five or six guys in the Committee, giving them the role of Commissioner or President of WCW. The idea was to have them act as if they were an actual Committee; deciding the major matches between one another via votes essentially. With Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat and Dusty Rhodes all confirmed so far with Harley Race likely to be coming in, there was just one last spot to fill, and Bischoff knew exactly who he wanted. A specific, retired former World Heavyweight champion was the man who Bischoff wanted, and he was going to give him a call...

    4th person is...IN

    Bischoff: Hi _____, it's Eric Bischoff.

    ???: Oh, hello Eric, what can I do for you?

    Bischoff: Actually, it's more along the lines of what I can do for you.

    ???: Oh, how's that?

    Bischoff: Well I know that you're unemployed right about now and you're really not doing very much; how would you like a job?

    ???: A job? Eric I'm retired remember?

    Bischoff: I know I know, that's what makes it a perfect role for you. You see; I'm looking for a type of 'authority figure' person to be a part of a Championship Committee...

    Eric Bischoff and the person on the phone spoke about Bischoff's job offer for a quite some time with Bischoff explaining what his role would be and that he wouldn't require him to wrestle what so ever. The man certainly seemed interested in his offer, and asked questions about what his role would require and such things.

    Bischoff: So...what do you say?

    ???: Well, I won't be wrestling which is fine. I can handle this role, and I can see it being good fun...I'm in Eric, I'll take the job.

    Bischoff: Great! I'll uh, I'll get the contract sent out to you as soon as possible ok?

    ???: Sure, no problem.

    They hung up the phone and Bischoff quickly got on the phone again to tell both his partners Ric Flair and Steve Borden about the guys he had managed to get on board.

  9. user posted image

    News          Columns          Superstars          Forum        Results          Upcoming PPV card

    Friday 17th August 2001

    user posted image

    Coming to you from Reno, Nevada

    Our hosts are Mike Tenay and Stevie Richards. I sure hope his ankle heels up soon; I wanna see him back in the ring again.

    The show starts off with the arrival of the Full Blooded Italians led by Guido Maritato and with him is…YAY! Dawn Marie is with the F.B.I! Well, she does look a bit Italian don’t you agree? She’s wearing a short skirt and tube top which both have the Italian flag covering it totally. Guido has a microphone in hand.

    Guido: Tonight marks the beginning of the rise to prominence of the Full Blooded Italians! I go one-on-one with David Cash in just a moment and of course, the Italian stallion will come out on top in that match. We added to our numbers recently, adding the beautiful…ITALIAN born and bread Donna Marie to our ranks. This vision of Italian perfection will be the difference between obscurity in the lower ranks of this disgusting company and climbing high up the ladder to the very top where we belong! Who was the last Italian to hold a title in this country? Huh? Huh? You can’t name one can you! Well you won’t have to wait long because in a short time, one of us will be wearing WCW gold! David Cash; say arrevarderci to your chances tonight!

    Guido dropped the mic and David Cash (Kid Kash of ECW fame) came to the ring. Nice and subtle there; the changing of Dawn Marie to Donna Marie that is. Of course I’m joking! Why not just keep Dawn Marie as her name?

    David Cash vs. Guido Maritato w/ the F.B.I.

    This was essentially a squash right here. It’s a shame because Cash does have talent and can be a big asset for the cruiserweight division if they did something with him. Also, I don’t know what it is, but the name ‘David’ sounds weird in wrestling. Don’t know why, but it just makes the guy seem out of place. Make him Kid Kash again. Or at the very least just drop David and make him plain old Cash. Anyway an interference-less match went on for about four minutes with Cash trying to carve an opening in which he could take over and get the win, but unfortunately for him he was on the wrong end of the Sicilian Slice and then was quickly locked in the Sicilian Crab for a submission victory. The other four members of the F.B.I. got into the ring to celebrate with their leader and Donna Marie gives Guido a big old Italian smooch! Aw, ain’t it lovely?


    Winner: Guido Maritato (4:39)

    Good match for the short time they had, even though it was essentially a ‘let’s show off Guido and the new woman to the audience’ match. I like the pairing of Donna/Dawn Marie with the F.B.I. though, so it’s all fine by me.

    * ¾ - I can’t in all good conscience give a ‘squash’ anything higher.

    Commercial Break

    Thunder comes back to see Eric Bischoff sifting through a bunch of papers and signing a couple of things when Jeff Jarrett and Symphony burst into his office.

    Bischoff: What the hell do you think you’re doing Jeff? You don’t just burst in here!

    Jarrett: I’m sorry boss, but I needed to talk to you right away!

    Bischoff: Really; what about Jeff?

    Jarrett: It’s about Jamie Knoble Eric! I just got a phone call from him saying that he’s missed his flight and he won’t be able to make it for the main event.

    Bischoff: So?

    Jarrett: So…? SO!?! This means I have no partner! You can’t expect me to go out there and face ‘psycho boy’ Psicosis and Diamond Dallas Page all on my own can you?

    Bischoff: No…no I suppose not. What do you propose then Jeff; would you like me to change the match to a one-on-one against DDP…

    Jarrett: NO!!! I mean, let me go out and find a tag team partner to team up with! You know; even the odds Eric!

    Bischoff: Hmmm…not a bad idea. Who do you have in mind?

    Jarrett: Well th…

    Just then there’s a knock at the door as Malice walks in. Jarrett and Bischoff look him up and down as Malice just smirks and snarls a little.

    Jarrett: He’ll do just fine.

    Bischoff: Ok, I guess that makes sense seen as you are Knoble’s buddy and all. Ok! It’s on Jeff; it’ll be you two against Psicosis and DDP in the main event.

    Jarrett: Thanks a lot boss.

    Malice: …yeah, good choice…

    Malice, Jarrett and Symphony walk out with the camera following them. Outside the office door, Jarrett shakes Malice’s hand and then says:

    Jarrett: Perfect timing man. Tell Jamie it’s on tonight.

    Malice: Yeah, no problems there Jeff…

    They walk off down the corridor with the cameraman just looking on. Now it’s time for a pre-recorded interview.

    Okerlund: Welcome to another WCW exclusive interview. I am ‘Mene’ Gene Okerlund and I am here with Lex Luger and the lovely Miss Elizabeth. Mr. Luger; can I ask you for your thoughts about your upcoming match with Norman Smiley?

    Luger: Yes you can cue ball. Norman Smiley is nothing but chewing gum on my boot; an annoyance. He’s the sort of person that doesn’t understand when the he’s no longer welcome. When the door is slammed shut in his face, he thinks that the wind accidentally blew it closed. Tonight I’m going to show him that he isn’t needed around here.

    Luger and Elizabeth walk off and the video stops before ‘Mene’ Gene can even say his usual bit at the end! Shocking! Just plain wrong and shocking.

    Lex Luger w/ Miss Elizabeth vs. Norman Smiley

    Why oh why oh why? Seriously WCW; why on earth does Luger still have a job? Oh yeah; Sting. Ok, my next question is; why don’t they just make him a secretary or something? At least he’ll have a job AND he won’t have to stink up the ring! We have a very, VERY slow passed match here with Smiley doing his damn best to pull something above DUD out of Luger. He throws EVERYTHING in his arsenal at Luger here, but the big slug either no-sells it or sells it so badly it makes the offence look crap and make Luger look like a washed up old has-been. Well…one half of that is right; he is washed up. He can’t really be a has-been because he never-was…been. Yeah. Thankfully for all those WCW fans with eyes, the match ends when Luger made Smiley submit to the Torture Rack. Miss Elizabeth got in the ring and hugged her lover-boy before giving him a kiss on the cheek. Luger hoists her up onto his shoulder and she sits there all happy as we go to another break.


    Winner: Lex Luger (6:54)

    I wanna know why (obviously it’s got a lot to do with Sting) Luger is actually winning matches these days. He just beat Norman Smiley who a lot of the fans really do like. He gets a good-to-very good reaction every time he comes out, yet Luger gets ‘X-Pac heat’ as it were.

    DUD – Is an explaination needed?

    Commercial Break

    We’re back on Thunder and Mike Tenay points us in the direction of the backstage area saying ‘Mene’ Gene Okerlund is standing by with Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire.

    Okerlund: Thank you Mike Tenay, and I want to comment on what a great show it’s been already tonight! I’m standing here with two of the best athletes in the history of this company. Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire. At ‘Road Wild’ in a little over a weeks time you two men will challenge for the WCW Tag Team titles in a three-way dance match. How do you prepare for a match like that?

    Palumbo: Listen to me Okerlund; we’ll get to that in a little while, but first we’ve got a couple of issues to address.

    Okerlund: Ok then sir, what would you like to address?

    O’Haire: The five members of the nWo!

    Okerlund: Excuse me Sean, but the members of the nWo are World Heavyweight champion Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Triple H and Shawn Michaels; that’s only four.

    O’Haire: Oh really? Are you sure about that Gene? I mean; can you be 100% certain that there is no other person who is unofficially a member of the New World Order?

    Okerlund: Well I sup…

    O’Haire: You can’t, but you see, we can. One week ago…Sean Waltman made his debut in WCW right here on Thunder with Billy Kidman. That raised some eyebrows didn’t it Gene?

    Okerlund: I gu…

    Palumbo: Of course it did. You think of Sean Waltman; you think of his nWo buddies. When he was in WCW the last time what was he; a member of the nWo. Even up north he was hanging around with Triple H and Shawn Michaels. What does that tell you Gene? It tells me and Sean that the nWo has got a fifth member…and his name is Sean Waltman.

    Okerlund: I don’t think you can make those assumptions with no proo…

    O’Haire: With no proof? Was that what you were going to say man? Well, incase you forgot, I had to face Sean Waltman Monday on Nitro and I lost. I have no problem if the better man won, but he didn’t; he didn’t win the match cleanly and by himself did he? Look at this…

    Palumbo: Roll the footage…

    We see the footage of the Triple H distracting the referee so Scott Hall could interfere on behalf of Sean Waltman allowing him to hit the X-Effect and get the win.

    O’Haire: If that isn’t concrete proof then I don’t know what is.

    Okerlund: I understand your point’s gentlemen, but it seemed as though Waltman did not approve of the assistance.

    Palumbo: Maybe you’re right; maybe he didn’t. But the question I then ask is, ‘why do it then?’

    O’Haire: Let’s make one thing crystal clear here and now; if the nWo stick their noses in our business one more time, there will be hell to pay!

    Okerlund: Thank you for your words gentlemen. Strong words from one of the top teams in WCW; let’s go back to ringside with Mike and Stevie for the hardcore match!

    We go back to ringside as Stevie and Tenay argue about whether Sean Waltman is in league with the nWo. Tenay doesn’t believe he is, but agrees it wouldn’t be a surprise as he is very close friends with all four members of the nWo shown by their meeting on Nitro. Mike Tenay then says Nick Dinsmore was spotted backstage a short while ago and asked to record something for the fans to see.

    Dinsmore: I know a lot of you don’t know who I am, but that’s all going to change very soon. Bubba Rogers; you tried to ruin my dream of winning my first title in WCW on Nitro by nearly giving me a concussion! Well you know that tonight we’ve got a hardcore match and anything is legal; I’m going to show you that as well as being a technical wrestler by trade I can sure as hell go a full on hardcore match with a man who is hardcore by nature! Tonight Bubba…I show the world what the ‘Ironman’ I all about!

    Hardcore rules: Nick Dinsmore vs. Big Bubba Rogers

    The commentators discussed the focus of Dinsmore as Roger made his way to the ring alone. No RVD = no heat for Rogers. Dinsmore’s music hits and he rushes down to the ring with a lead pipe in hand. He is forced to drop it when Rogers starts kicking him as he slides in the ring. He tries to whip him across the ring and Dinsmore reverses it and gets a knee to the gut when Rogers came back at him. I’m getting flashbacks to “Bubba Rogers vs. David Flair” from June. He rolled out of the ring and grabbed a steel chair to kill Rogers with. But Roger stopped him with a low blow. That works well that does. He takes the chair and clocks Dinsmore himself which gets him a near fall. We go for another minute with Rogers dominating, getting a near fall (!) off the Rogers slam. He’s shocked at that, so he goes and picks up the lead pipe. He lines up to hit Dinsmore in the head, but Dinsmore manages to duck the blow and scoop Roger up on his shoulders and hits the Death Valley Driver! Dinsmore covers…1…2…3, Dinsmore beats Bubba Rogers! You know Rogers has been unable to win one singles match in WCW since he debuted in June? He’s had six televised matches and one pay-per-view match and he has only won the tag team match with RVD against Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer. If he were still in the WWF there’d be a teeny variation on the win/loss ratio.


    Winner: Nick Dinsmore (6:19)

    Dinsmore came all the way to the ring intent on using that lead pipe but it wasn’t used once in the whole match.

    * - Looses marks for promising lead pipe bashing and failed to deliver. Me unhappy.

    Commercial Break

    We get a ‘newer‘ “He’s Coming” video. ‘Newer’ because it’s the same ones as before, only this one has a DATE!!! A DATE!!! It says that he will make his presence felt on September 10th. Next month and he will debut on Nitro…cool, fine by me.

    Malice and Jeff Jarrett w/ Symphony vs. Diamond Dallas Page and Psicosis

    This kids is what we call ‘bait and switch’. I was looking forward to seeing the match that was advertised as were many other people I know. So of course, we have the perfect reasoning and logic behind WCW’s move to replace Knoble with Malice. Anyway, the heels are out first and out together coming out to Jarrett’s music. When they do that it generally means the other guy is just there to further something…which is SO true here. The faces come out together (see! What’d I just say…) come out together to DDP’s music. Page and Jarrett start out, but Jarrett tags out to Malice quickly. DDP tries to his use his speed advantage here against Malice (speed? DDP? Nah) and it actually works to begin with. He tags out to Psicosis who uses the same strategy here to good effect or a short time until Malice takes off his head with a clothesline. Malice mauls Psicosis for a bit and tries to finish him off with a big cool looking spinebuster in which he pops back up after. However the pin is broken up when DDP kicks Malice in the head. Tag on heel side and Jarrett takes over where Malice left off by beating the holy hell out of Psicosis. Jarrett then did the clever heel thing by going after the legs in order to stop Psicosis from flying about. Unfortunately an attempted dragon screw ended up in an enziguri for Jarrett followed by a single arm-springboard DDT from the top rope. Awesome stuff there. Psicosis crawl towards DDP to make the tag but the heels use some initiative and distract the referee so the ref cannot call the tag. Malice gets the tag in and takes out Psicosis’ legs after wrapping them round the ringpost and then across the apron. Jarrett again was tagged in and he locked in a figure-four leglock! DDP was trying to get the fans to cheer on Psicosis, which they did of course. Psicosis managed to turn over the pressure and break the hold. Jarrett then took Psicosis over to his corner and tagged in Malice. Jarrett held Psicosis for Malice to hit, but Psicosis ducked and he nailed Jarrett! Psicosis quickly mustered enough strength to get to the top rope and nail a plancha onto both men! He then tried desperately to crawl towards DDP and…makes the tag! DDP comes in and cleans house! DDP manages to knock down Jarrett with the Diamond Cutter before going after Malice. DDP does his signature spinning clothesline, but Malice ducks and DDP nails the referee! Malice turns and walks straight into a Diamond Cutter from DDP, but there’s nobody to count the pin. Suddenly Jamie Knoble comes running down the ramp! He grabs the guitar from Symphony and smashes it across the head of Page and rolls Malice on top. He wakes up the referee who just manages to count…1…2…3 awarding the match to Malice and Jarrett! Knoble attacks Psicosis on the outside as Jarrett celebrates the win for a shot time until her turns straight into a Diamond Cutter from DDP! Page has a small cut on his head as he looks on. He grabs Knoble’s Cruiserweight title and goes outside to confront Knoble and Malice who retreat when they see DDP looking all crazy and shit. They point the blame at Jeff Jarrett, so DDP goes back into the ring and drills “the Chosen One” with the belt before throwing it out onto the ramp like some garbage. Hmmm, that seems strangely ironic that. Thunder goes off the air with a slightly bloodied DDP tending to Psicosis on the outside.


    Winners: Jeff Jarrett and Malice (16:28)

    I think Malice could be on the receiving end of a big push in the near future. It’s either going to be him or Nick Dinsmore. Anyway the match ran longer than I expected. Granted it did have three heavyweights in there, but the one cruiserweight really dragged the match down in terms of time because you know WCW just can’t let a match involving cruiserweights go very long don’t ya?

    ** ½ - Was a good fight with Psicosis taking the beating like a man!

  10. I nearly fell asleep throughout the match. It wasn't that the game in itself was terrible it was just the fact that there was no atmosphere WHATSOEVER tonight.

    The highlights of the entire match were the great triple-dummy thing from the corner by Azerbaijan as well as the hilarious trip by Paul Robinson on the pitch invader. Such a damn schoolboy thing with the arms crossed "I'm not going to do anything" look and then he sticks out his leg and the guy just drops.

  11. are we gonna get part 2 n e time soon?

    Good, constructive reply there.

    Anyway, good stuff on Unforgiven so far, except I can't see the WWE sanctioning the use of any form of stabbing on it's shows. Other than that, I love the new champion in Alexis Laree as well as David Flair in Evolution. I can see it working in reality and that's always a good thing in a diary.

  12. user posted image

    News          Columns          Superstars          Forum        Results          Upcoming PPV card

    Friday 17th August 2001

    user posted image

    Thunder will emanate from Reno, Nevada this Friday night and the card is packed full with four huge matches!

    In the main event we will see two seperate pairs of enemies involved in the same match as Jeff Jarrett teams up with WCW Cruiserweight champion Jamie Knoble to take on Psicosis and Diamond Dallas Page. DDP was on the receiving end of a guitar shot on Nitro as Jarrett decided to mock him as he is the only one of the six superstars entered in the Elimination Chamber guaranteed a rematch if he looses. Psicosis returned to World Championship Wrestling Monday on Nitro to answer Knoble's open challenge and WCW President Eric Bischoff has booked this match as the main event of the evening.

    Also Friday night, Guido Maritato of the Full Blooded Italians will take on David Cash in one-on-one competition. Maritato is also rumoured to be introducing a new member to the F.B.I. tonight so you don't want to miss that.

    The man loaded with stacks of potential, Nick Dinsmore goes one-on-one with Rob Van Dam's enforcer Big Bubba Rogers in a Hardcore match. Rogers was responsible for ending Dinsmore's chances to win the Hardcore title on Nitro when he pulled him out of the ring before hitting him with a steel chair. Dinsmore will have the chance at revenge tonight.

    Confirmed Matches:

    * Diamond Dallas Page and Psicosis vs. Jeff Jarrett and Jamie Knoble

    * Hardcore match: Nick Dinsmore vs. Big Bubba Rogers

    * Guido Maritato vs. David Cash

    * Lex Luger vs. Norman Smiley.

  13. user posted image

    News          Columns          Superstars          Forum        Results          Upcoming PPV card

    Monday 13th August 2001

    user posted image

    We are LIVE in Las Vegas, Nevada baby!

    Our hosts are Tony Schiavone and Scott Hudson.

    The commentators start things of by talking about how great Thunder was Friday night and spoke about the return of Ric Flair to our screens as the referee for the Scott Hall/DDP match. Before we can go any further, Ric Flair’s music hits! He comes out to the ring with a microphone in hand. Flair soaks up the applause of the fans before beginning,

    Flair: Boy oh BOY does it feel great to be back here in WCW! I been away from the spotlight for TO long, and it’s so damn GREAT to be back in it, WHOOOO! You know, the Nature Boy was sitting at home these past months, licking his wounds…licking some other things as well if ya catch my drift! I’ve been sitting at home watching Monday Nitro and I was sickened, just SICKENED by what I saw! The nWo running wild; acting as if they own the place! Well I don’t think so guys! No way am I, am I the “Nature Boy” Ric Flair going to sit by and watch you four destroy why I, what we, what the fans have helped to create! No siree! Did I, did I, did I hear something about a big 6-man match at ‘Road Wild’ for the World Heavyweight championship? Did I hear that there’s gonna be two nWo guys in there; Triple H and the champion Nash? Now I’m not going to pretend that I know what the hell this Elimination Chamber thing is, but I tell you this; I tell you that Kevin Nash will NOT, I say NOT walk out as the World Heavyweight champion! Triple H; he will NOT walk out champion! Jeff Jarrett; he has NO chance, no chance of winning the title! There are three men that I want to see walk out champion; obviously only one can, but it sure as hell will not be Jeff Jarrett, it won’t be the nWo…it will either be Booker T, Diamond Dallas PAGE…or it will be Bill Goldberg! They have dignity! They have the honour that a champion needs! Of course; none of those six men have the pure class and charm of one 14-TIME World Heavyweight champion! But the title will come away from the nWo…mark my words! BUT…I came out here because I have an announcement to make. Eric Bischoff is stepping down as the President of WCW, and I can’t say I’m going to miss the guy. People have been wondering who, WHO, which one man is going to replace him? You wanna know who? Which man? It is not ONE man…not one, but a GROUP of men! A group of true CHAMPIONS! I’m talking about living LEGENDS! You hold the World title, or if you are a bonified living legend; you’re illegible for this group! I’m talking about the men who changed the shape of this industry! I’m talking about the legends who know what it’s like to hold World Heavyweight gold! You see…staring Monday the 27th August a brand new CHAMPIONSHIP COMMITTEE takes control over WCW! That’s right! The men that will stand in this ring that night at the very end of the show will be the men who control the fates of EVERY superstar in the back. Right now I will announce the first member of the Championship Committee...ME! Whoooo!

    Flair drops the microphone and struts a little leading the show into a commercial break. Tony and Scott are gob smacked by this announcement.

    Commercial Break

    Nitro returns to see a pre-taped interview with Palumbo and O’Haire that was conducted earlier today by ‘Mene’ Gene Okerlund.

    Okerlund: I am here with the former WCW Tag Team champions Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire (guess they got bored of being ‘the first nameless one’s eh?)

    Palumbo: Let’s get one thing straight Gene; we don’t like that you referred to us as ‘former Tag Team champions’. They titles were stolen from us and we plan on getting them back at ‘Road Wild’.

    Okerlund: Well whether you like it or not gentlemen; former champions is what you are, and you will stay that way until ‘Road Wild’ where, as you said, you get a chance to wear the titles around your waists once again. My question is, what are your thoughts on the new alliance between Sean Waltman and Billy Kidman?

    O’Haire: What are our thoughts Gene? I’ll tell you what we think about Sean Waltman being Billy Kidman’s new partner…we don’t care about it. Look at it like this baldy; I nearly crippled Rey Mysterio Jr. a couple of weeks back by exerting a mere iota of my strength…can you imagine what the two of us would do to Kidman and Waltman in a tag team environment?

    Palumbo: It’s as simple as this Gene; August 26th, WCW ‘Road Wild’ live in Portland, Oregon…you historians better turn to the page that covers the history of the WCW Tag Team titles because Sean and I are going to become two-time champions!

    Okerlund: You heard it straight from the former champions; they say that they will win the titles at ‘Road Wild’. I don’t think the other four men in the match will agree. I’m ‘Mene’ Gene Okerlund and this was a WCW exclusive interview.

    Ah…WCW exclusive interview. Well of course it’s a WCW exclusive, I mean who ELSE is gonna get it? Oh well, I like the short and to-the-point interviews; they’re fun. In any event, the NEW WCW Cruiserweight champion is coming to the ring…with Malice of course. Malice is holding a microphone and passes it to the champ Knoble.

    Knoble: I told yeeou I could dooo eet!! None of you fools believed mee when ah said that Jamie Knoble was gonna win the dubbya SEE dubbya Cruiserweight title Friday night! You all thought I was talking at my bee-hind, but I proved you eediots wrong! Lookee here what’s around my waist you people; it’s the Cruiserweight title that I took from ‘Sugahh’ Shane Helms! I beat him up sooo much that he just plain old passed out from the pain! Tonight signifies a neeeuw era for the Cruiserweight’s; this champion here standing before yeeou is gonna defend his title against ANY comers! Anybody that wants a shot. All they have to do is come and ask me, or answer my challenge! And tooonight ah am issuing a challenge to ANY cruiserweight in the back to a title match…except for Shane Helms who is sitting at home all busted up! So…who’s eet gonna be?

    Knoble waited for a few seconds until some familiar music played and former two-time WCW Cruiserweight champion Psicosis came out to the ring! Wahey, this could be good! Psicosis did NOT have his mask for those wondering. Apparently Rey Mysterio Jr. isn’t the most popular chap down in Mexico for coming back with his.

    WCW Cruiserweight title: Psicosis vs. Jamie Knoble © w/ Malice

    Knoble didn’t seem best pleased with the appearance of the returning/re-debuting Psicosis. I expect a thoroughly decent match here between these two. Schiavone and Hudson discuss the repercussions of laying out such an ‘open-challenge’ policy in that Knoble would have no time to prepare or scout his opponent if he didn’t know who it was. They settled on the fact that Knoble believes he is invincible and that he can beat anyone who he steps in the ring with. I can buy into that. Anyway, Psicosis busted out the moves that made him popular with the ‘high-spot marks’ back in the day like some uber-cool summersaulty stuff from the top rope. Knoble was no match for Psicosis whenever he went near the top rope, and he almost caused the upset when he hit a beautiful moonsault off the top, which Knoble just managed to survive because Malice put his foot on the rope. Psicosis was pretty dominant throughout the match actually, and wanted to finish it off with a frankensteiner from the top, but Knoble stepped out the way and Psicosis landed flat on his back. Knoble didn’t waste a second getting in there as he locked in that reverse sharpshooter he used on Thunder, now dubbed the Trailer Hitch. Very nice there. It’s all down hill now as Psicosis lasts a couple of seconds before tapping out, giving Knoble the win. Malice gives Knoble the Cruiserweight title, then waits for Psicosis to get to his feet before killing him dead with a big clothesline. Malice then hoisted Psicosis up from the mat onto his shoulders to hit the sitdown powerbomb. Knoble got in Psicosis’ face before the two left the ring.


    Winner and STILL Cruiserweight champion: Jamie Knoble (5:43)

    A really good match between Knoble and the returning Psicosis with him using the reverse sharpshooter to finish again. If they’re trying to get the Trailer Hitch over as a legitimately dangerous move that can finish a match, they’re doing a good job so far.

    ** ½ - Entertaining for the short time we saw it.

    Commercial Break

    We go to another pre-taped interview; this time with Ken Shamrock. Good idea; Shamrock isn’t exactly ‘at home’ on the microphone and at least this gives him a chance to get it right.

    Okerlund: Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the stipulation for the WCW United States title match to be announced! Ken Shamrock defeated Randy on Thunder, therefore giving him the power to chose what match he and Chris Kanyon will clash in at ‘Road Wild’. Mr. Shamrock, have you made your decision?

    Shamrock: Yes I have ‘Mene’ Gene. You know a couple of years back I use to compete in an organisation called the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Back there I was the first ever Super Fight champion. In UFC we fought, no, we BATTLED for our lives in a structure known as the Lion’s Den. Well that’s what this is going to be Chris; a LION'S DEN MATCH! Me and you inside an eight-sided steel cage. One fall wins it Chris, pinfall or submission. Anything goes Chris; weapons are going to be hanging on the sides of the cage, but if you want to use them, you have to beat me down first. Don’t forget it Chris; me and you inside the Lion’s Den!

    Okerlund: My goodness! The first ever Lion’s Den match in WCW history is going to take place at ‘Road Wild’ on August 26th! My goodness…

    ‘Wahey’ is all I can say. A Lion’s Den match should be pretty good. They’re following the ‘WWF-rules’ for it more or less. Should be a good match if Kanyon is involved; and Shamrock is no slouch himself. After seeing this interview, Kanyon starts fuming and tells Alexis to ‘follow him’ as they make their way to the ring. Hey; where’s Randy damn it? Anyway, the duo of Alexis and the US champion Kanyon are in the ring, and Kanyon is clearly not a happy bunny. Actually, neither does Alexis who has a big frown on her purty little face.

    Kanyon: A Lion’s Den match? A Lion’s Den match? What the hell is a Lion’s Den match? I’ve never wrestled in a Lion’s Den match before! This isn’t fair; this whole thing stinks! Eric Bischoff set it up just so Ken Shamrock could win! It was all for him before it even began! He picked a match that he knew I’ve never competed in before just so he would have the advantage! That’s a coward’s way out! If it were up to me it’d be a normal one-on-one match just so it’d be a level playing field. Actually, come to think of it, Ken Shamrock needs all the help he can get to beat me. I mean; I’m Chris Kanyon! There ain’t nobody betta! But you see Ken; you are not in my league. In fact, only an isolated few ARE in my league! Actually, scratch that; there is but ONE superstar in the world of professional wrestling who is anywhere near my league! He is on a level just below myself. I scoured the world for someone who could go toe-to-toe with me and push me to my limit…unfortunately I found nobody who could do that. But I found someone who came incredibly close, and I didn’t even have to look outside of this company to find him. Ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you…’Above Average’ MIKE SANDERS!

    Sanders? Well, I wouldn’t exactly say he was on Kanyon’s level or ANYWHERE near it, but to each their own I guess. Anyway, Sander’s comes out looking all smug and up his ass. He gets in the ring and Kanyon hand’s him the microphone.

    Sanders: Thank you Chris, and you’re right; I’m just below your level, but the thing is…I don’t intend to stay like that for very long. You and I; we’re two diamonds in the rough, two living legends in this crap-hole of a company. Without the two of us, WCW would be nothing but a bunch of big fools stumbling around in the ring pretending to put on a wrestling match. What you fans don’t understand is this; Chris and I, we’re like this (does a crossy-finger thing), we’re tight. If Chris Kanyon was not here in this company, I would by far be the best wrestler, athlete, I’d just be the best damn thing this company has to offer. But because Chris IS here, I am the number two. But the thing about that is there is ONE, only one man on the entire planet who can help me reach number one, and that is the current number one, and he is standing right next to me! I’m talking about the ‘Innovator of Offence’, the WCW United States champion; I’m talking about Mr. Chris Kanyon! Sunday August 26th this man right here takes on Ken Shamrock in a crappy gimmicky match that Shamrock likes to call the Lion Den! Well Kenneth, don’t expect an easy night because Chris isn’t coming alone; you’ve got to deal with ME as well! You mentioned that Chris would have to beat you down to win the match eh? Well that is EXACTLY what’s going to happen, only I’M getting in on the fight as well!

    Sander’s passes the mic back to Kanyon.

    Kanyon: Mike Sanders ladies and gentlemen; more than that waste of space Randy could ever hope to be! If he paid attention when I taught him those wrestling moves it would be ME deciding the stipulation for ‘Road Wild’. But tonight the future of this industry; Mike Sanders will take on any challenger, any challenger at all!

    Kanyon didn’t have to wait long for a response; in fact Curt Hennig’s music hit before he could say ‘at all’! Hennig is out here and of course; the ‘perfect one’ has a microphone in hand.

    Hennig: Would you shut up? You talk like you’re the greatest! You talk like you’re the best! You talk like you’re…perfect. Well I’ve got a news flash for you two jackasses; you’re looking at the only perfect specimen in this company! Sanders wants a match eh? Well Mike; you’d better make sure that you’re ready for this, because Curt Hennig is about to walk down to that ring, beat you from pillar to post and then finish you off with a PERFECT Hennig-Plex! Sanders; it’s go time!

    Curt Hennig vs. Mike Sanders w/ Chris Kanyon and Alexis

    Curt Hennig walks down the ramp and after a little discussion between Sanders and Kanyon, Kanyon and Alexis depart the ring, leaving Sanders alone with Hennig. Sanders isn’t bad in the ring, and I fully expect Hennig to pull something decent out of him. Lock-up starts us off, with Hennig getting a headlock and we get the over-used bit here that EVERY wrestler uses with the headlock, the push into the ropes, the shoulder block, then the ducking of the incoming opponent. But Sander’s tries to leapfrog Hennig, ut Hennig stops and pokes him in the face! Ha ha. That leads to a vertical suplex, and were in Hennig dominating city now. Yeah, that’s it. Anyway, Hennig beats on Sanders the way only he can with some PERFECT offence, but the tides change when, after Kanyon distracts the ref on the opposite side of the ring, Alexis pops up on the apron and low blows him. Sanders comes in and hits a piledriver which in turn gets him a near fall. Sanders dominates the match now, and Sanders signals for the end after he hits a nice looking fireman’s carry. He gets Hennig up and goes for the 3.0, but Hennig spins him around and hits a clothesline, knocking both men down for the count. After a nine count, both men are up and Sanders quickly gets a European uppercut to Hennig. He again goes for the 3.0, but Hennig again blocks it and fights back with rights and lefts into the corner. When there, we get some choppy action before Hennig signals for the Hennig-Plex. Kanyon comes running into the ring with the US and belt and targets Hennig, but he ducks and Kanyon nails Sanders! The referee lets it go, and Hennig kicks Kanyon in the gut before taking the US title and nailing Kanyon with it! The ref rolls Kanyon out of the ring, as Sanders gingerly gets to his feet and walks straight into a Hennig-Plex…1…2…3, it’s all over. The bell rings and Hennig celebrates his victory, but is soon joined by the number one contender Ken Shamrock. The two stare one-another down before Shamrock extends his hand, and Hennig shakes it. Shamrock picks up the US title and tosses it to Kanyon as the trio of EVIL retreat.


    Winner: Curt Hennig (9:13)

    A good match as predicted. Not better than the opening match, but Hennig did good getting Sander’s to really perform tonight. This alliance thing they have could work.

    ** - TWO good matches on ONE WCW show; you gotta be kidding me?

    Commercial Break

    Nitro returns to see Billy Kidman, Torrie Wilson and Sean Waltman in the back talking about Waltman’s debut on Thunder. Torrie is sitting next to Kidman and is holding his hand. Aw, ain’t that sweat?

    Kidman: Sean I’m really grateful that you decided to take me up on my offer to team up. Now me and you can win those titles at ‘Road Wild’.

    Waltman: Hey no sweat dude; not a problem. I wanna win WCW gold just as much as the next guy, and I know that you’ve got the goods to be a champion. It was an easy choice dude.

    Kidman: Well, go out there and beat Sean O’Haire. You sure you don’t want me out there?

    Waltman: No Billy it’s cool. Don’t worry about it, I’ll see you after my match.

    Torrie: Good luck Sean.

    Waltman leaves the locker room and heads down the corridor with the camera following. He turns a corner and stops. He looks a little shocked at what he sees…the nWo! Oooo, this should be good. Triple H walks forward with a pissed off look on his face. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Shawn Michaels all step forward one at a time with Waltman turning his attention from one to the other. Michaels gets nose-to-nose with him and then…smiles.

    Michaels: It’s good to see ya.

    Michaels hugs Waltman who hugs back.

    Nash: Group hug!

    Hall, Nash and Triple H all get in on the big ol’ ‘kliq’ hug. Waltman then hugs each guy separately.

    Triple H: Good to see ya turn up down here kid.

    Waltman: Yeah…

    Nash: Hey if uh, if ya need us out there tonight (raises the ‘nWo signal’), you throw it up we’ll be there buddy.

    Waltman walks off backwards down the corridor as the nWo look on.

    Sean Waltman vs. Sean O’Haire w/ Chuck Palumbo

    The commentators discuss the meeting of the ‘kliq’ and Stevie wonders if he’s involved with the nWo. Tenay says that he’s not wearing their colours so he doesn’t think so. Stevie says ‘blood is thicker than water’ and that the ‘kliq’ are like brothers, like family. Anyway, Waltman makes his way out to a good reaction; well, apart from the couple of ‘X-Pac Sucks’ chants in the background. O’Haire was first out and starts attacking Waltman as he slides under the bottom rope. The ref rings the bell and we’re underway. The bigger O’Haire uses his strength in this match to dominate proceedings with Waltman bumping for every move like a pro. The tide turned when O’Haire sent Waltman into the ropes as he ducked a clothesline and came back with a lighting kick to take O’Haire down that got Waltman a near fall, and he soon took the advantage. From what I’m hearing, Waltman had commented that he wouldn’t be doing his cocky ‘heel-mannerisms’ for the moment. Good idea because it was those that got the ‘X-Pac Sucks’ chants in the first place coz they were damn annoying. Anyway, Waltman sent O’Haire into the corner and after a couple of nice lightning kicks he hit the bronco buster (without cockiness!). He then picked O’Haire up and kicked him in the gut to go for the X-Effect (is that the best creative could come up with? Puh-lease) but Palumbo grabbed Waltman’s leg, allowing for O’Haire to nail a super kick. O’Haire pointed to the top rope and ascended all the way for the Seanton Bomb. Then things got interesting as Triple H slowly sauntered down the ramp. O’Haire (still on the top rope for those keeping track) starts yelling at him, as does the referee. Through the crowd comes Scott Hall who pushes O’Haire off the top right into the X-Effect from Waltman! The referee turns round to see Waltman with the pin as he makes the…1…2…3 count! Waltman gets to his feet and celebrates the victory, but comes down a peg as he sees Triple H and Scott Hall smiling at the top of the ramp. Waltman looks a little confused/annoyed at this.


    Winner: Sean Waltman (8:39)

    The match was decent, but it’s the story that I think was the best bit. We could be heading to a ‘I don’t want your help’ feud or to a hell turn for Waltman. Either way, they’re doing a good job (did I just say that?) with mixing the two stories so far.

    * ¾ - See above.

    We cut to the back where Eric Bischoff is speaking with Ric Flair in his office. Can you just imagine these two trying to work together running this company in reality? How damn great would it be to be a fly on the wall in a meeting of the management? Sting would be the only semi-sane one!

    Bischoff: Look; I’m not going to change the main event that I have booked just because you walk in here tonight, tell the world that YOU are a part of this new power taking over the company. In case it escaped your notice Flair; I’M still in charge until the night after ‘Road Wild’. ME! Eric Bischoff! Not you. So you can take your demand and stick it right up your backside.

    Flair: Eric…would you SHUT UP? You just don’t talk to Ric Flair like that! Not unless you wanna get whooped like a damn mule! No Eric, I’m not walking in here as the ‘new power’ as you so put it; I’m walking in here as a guy who lives, sleeps and eats WCW! I’m walking in here as the guy who got put on the shelf for two months by the nWo! I’m walking in here as the man who refereed the main event Friday night on Thunder! The man who called it straight down the middle! The man who isn’t afraid to dish out a couple of chops to the nWo! The guy who styles and profiles all night long, Eric…make me the damn referee in the main event. If you don’t, you know what’s going to happen.

    Bischoff: And what exactly is that Ric? Are you threatening me? Because I sure as HELL do not react well to threats!

    Flair: Oh no Eric; not a threat, not by a long shot. I’m just letting you know that if you send out anyone BUT the Nature Boy, this match will turn into a black and white circus Eric! You send out Nick Patrick! You send out Mark Johnson! You send out Randy Anderson! Hell you even send out ‘Lil Naitch’, Charles Robinson and this night turns into the bloody waters where the nWo sharks come along and feed! You know it! I know it! Booker T knows it! And every single one of these fans here in Las Vegas knows it! Give the Nature Boy the power for the main event Eric, for your sake and for Booker T’s!

    Bischoff: …you know something Ric; you’re right! The nWo will probably decide to make a run in and kick the crap out of Booker T. The most that any other referee can do is DQ Triple H and then sit back and watch Booker get beaten down like a dog. But if YOU were out there…YOU might get beaten up yourself! Now that totally sways me…you’re on Ric! You’re the referee tonight! Now get the hell out of my office before I throw you out!

    Flair: I’d love it…just LOVE to see you try Eric…

    Flair walked out of Bischoff’s office and is heard giving out a loud ‘whooooo’ when half-way down the corridor.

    Bischoff: I’ll give you bloody ‘whoooo’ Flair…

    The scene cuts from Bischoff to see Mark Jindrak making his way down to the ring. Tony Schiavone explains that Rob Van Dam requested a four-corners match tonight for the Hardcore title to prove that he would have no trouble at ‘Road Wild’ going up against his enforcer Big Bubba Rogers, Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer. Tony points us in the direction of a video RVD sent to them earlier on. I get a nostalgic feel for some reason as we get the good old ‘quarter of the screen’ interview thingy with RVD sitting down and Bubba Rogers standing behind him.

    RVD: Hey all you dudes and dudettes out there. This is the one and only, Mr. Monday Night and WCW Hardcore champion…Rob…Van…Dam! In a couple of weeks I’ve got to defend my Hardcore title in a four-way dance against this man standing behind me; my enforcer Big Bubba Rogers, the washed up old ‘legend’ Terry Funk, and the man who claims to personify hardcore, the ‘innovator of violence’ Tommy Dreamer. People have asked how I’m going to win that match and I’ve responded with a simple, ‘dude, I’m Rob Van Dam’ and they walked away with their question totally answered dude. But you know; I’m going to show you how good I am by defending my title in a four-way dance…tonight on Nitro! That’s right! So sit back and watch R…V…D kick some SERIOUS butt dude…

    WCW Hardcore title: Mark Jindrak vs. Norman Smiley vs. Nick Dinsmore vs. Rob Van Dam © w/ Big Bubba Rogers

    Nick Dinsmore and Jindrak came out to a more or less dead reaction from the crowd except for a few boos or cheers here and there. Scott Hudson points out that Nick Dinsmore made his debut at the ‘Second Coming’ pay-per-view back in mid-May against Mark Jindrak scoring a big upset for all those that are interested. Yup, all six of them. Anyway, we get a crazy ass hardcore brawl with Smiley and Jindrak pairing off in one corner and the champ and Dinmsore in other. The commentator’s really talk up the potential of Nick Dinsmore, saying he has all the tools to be a future World Heavyweight champion one day. What seemed to be sensible thinking from the commentators goes straight out of the window as they say the same thing about Mark Jindrak. No offence to the guy or anything as he’s probably a nice guy in reality…but he’s bloody awful in the ring. Then there’s Norman Smiley, who despite coming from England…I just hate. Maybe it’s because he just looks so UN-intimidating it’s funny. But the Norman Conquest is one of the best names for a finisher ever. The fans seem to like him though…shows what I know. Anyway, the match is totally unforgettable accept for Dinsmore kicking RVD’s ass for much of it until Rogers drags him outside and kills him with a chair shot. RVD then beat’s up both Jindrak and Smiley, sending Smiley out of the ring in the process. He hits the Rolling Thunder and spinning hell kick and stuff before getting the Five Star Frogsplash for the simple win. RVD, having barely broken a sweat gets on the mic and proclaims that he had no problem tonight with three other guys and that he wouldn’t have a problem on August 26th.


    Winner and STILL Hardcore champion: Rob Van Dam (7:26)

    Nothing more than a little bit of filler to put over RVD and, well Dinsmore I guess. I’d love to see them push him a bit more than they are. ]

    * - Nothing to see here.

    Commercial Break

    Nitro returns to see Jeff Jarrett (with guitar for those interested) and Symphony walking down a corridor. The commentators wonder where they’re heading. It soon becomes clear as he stops at a door marked ‘DDP’ before bursting in. DDP stands up quickly and puts his arms up ready for a fight.

    Jarrett: Put your arms down Page; I ain’t here to fight…I’m here to gloat. You got pinned last week on Nitro by the “Chosen One”! Do you remember what that means Slapnuts? That means that I get a WCW World Heavyweight title shot next month at ‘Fall Brawl’ REGARDLESS of the outcome of the Elimination Chamber match at ‘Road Wild’. But the best part is that I won’t need that title shot since I will ALREADY have won the title!

    DDP: Is that so Jeff? You realise there are five other guys in this match don’t you? Five other guys who plan on winning this Elimination Chamber match and I sure as HELL will not see you walk out champion! I’M going to win the match and I’M going to beat you within an inch of your life at ‘Fall Brawl’! Don’t think that because you have a guaranteed title shot at ‘Fall Brawl’ you can…

    Jarrett: But I can…I can do whatever I want in the title match at ‘Road Wild’ because I’m the only one that is GUARANTEED to be in the World Heavyweight title match at ‘Fall Brawl’. If I somehow don’t win…I’ll make sure that you do.

    DDP: Really…(DDP crosses his arms)…why’s that then?

    Jarrett: It’s called common sense my dear Page; commons sense says if I can’t win the match, because I’m guaranteed to be getting a shot at ‘Fall Brawl’, common sense says to help the weakest of the whole damn lot win it!

    DDP: Just get out Jeff; you’re stupid damn voice is getting on my nerves.

    Jarrett: Ok, ok Page…I’m finished mocking you anyway…

    Jarrett goes to leave, so DDP turns around but quickly regrets his action as Jarrett smashes the guitar over his head! DDP collapses to the floor unconscious as Jarrett leans over him and gets in his face.

    Jarrett: The weakest fall first slapnuts…

    Jarrett and Symphony leave the locker room as the scene cuts to the ring.

    Booker T vs. Triple H – Special Referee: Ric Flair

    Wow…Ric Flair refereeing the main event two shows in a row? Flair makes a great/funny referee. Naitch was out first and of course got an amazing reaction from the crowd doing all his typical stuff. Booker was out next and got a damn good reaction himself as it goes. Triple H comes out and, as Flair predicted, was followed by the whole entourage of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Shawn Michaels. Ric Flair quickly got out of the ring and walked up the ramp and told them to, in no simpler terms than this; piss off. Of course they argued, but it got them nowhere and Flair called for a bunch of referees and staff members to get rid of them. Flair lets out a ‘whoooo’ as they are escorted to the back. The match finally gets under way and H fakes a lock-up and knees Booker in the gut. Trips did great in his cerebral assassin role here as he always does. It’s kinda strange that this is Triple H’s first singles match since joining the company back in June and it’s now August! Triple H had a lot of confrontations with Flair in this match, similar to Scott Hall last week. Flair almost DQ’d him after he threatened to hit him. Anyway, Trips focused on the legs of Booker and started the offensive with a chop-block to the right knee followed by a couple of elbows and leg locks. Booker was having trouble standing but managed to mount a short comeback after Trips telegraphed an Irish whip, Booker nailed the Axe Kick straight off! Trips was down as was Booker, and after a couple of seconds to catch his bearings, Booker covered Trips for a VERY near fall. Booker managed to fight Trips and hit the Harlem sidekick after Trips came running at him. Booker collapsed to his knees afterwards and struggled to get back to his feet. He looked around for a bit then pointed to the top rope, getting a big pop. Booker slowly, slowly struggled to get to the top rope, but by the time he did Trips was back on his feet and “collapsed” onto the ropes, crotching Booker on the top rope. Booker fell off the top to the mat and both men slowly managed to get to their feet. Booker turned round and walked straight into a kick to the gut followed by the Pedigree! Triple H draped an arm over Booker T’s body as Flair made the reluctant count…1…2…3. H wins the match and Flair tries to leave the ring straight away, but Triple H calls him back into the ring to raise his hand. Well, that’s the refs job ain’t it? Flair did eventually come back in and raise Triple H’s arm…stupid Flair. Triple H quickly kicked Flair in the gut and delivered the Pedigree, leaving Ric Flair lying in a heap next to Booker T. Triple H posed in the ring as Nitro went off the air.


    Winner: Triple H (13:12)

    This was a good match, but I’m surprised they wasted it on a free TV match. They certainly have some form of chemistry in the ring and could put on a 20 minute-plus match if need be.

    *** - Was a good match, and the added element of Flair only adds more to it.

  14. Manuel Almunia. Haven't seen anything of him yet, but I really don't know why Wenger signed him in the first place. Both Taylor and Stack are way more than capable goalkeepers. Now one's been shipped out on loan and the other has just vanished it seems.

  15. Thing about Beck's getting booked...I think it's great that he did! I mean, now he doesn't have to worry about getting booked in future games. He's out of the game on Wednesday through injury anyway, so it's good.

    Anyway, the game was really quite good. I did expect a lot more though, but it was good anyway.

  16. user posted image

    News          Columns          Superstars          Forum        Results          Upcoming PPV card

    Sunday 12th August 2001


    Monday 6th August

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    Terry Funk is not to be offered a new contract after his current deal expires at the end of the month we are told. Funk is scheduled to finish his current program with Rob Van Dam and then will be free to leave the company after such. Road Wild on August 26th is said to be his last date with the company.

    Tuesday 7th August

    Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Scott Steiner work dark matches before Nitro...

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    The Mamalukes d. the Stampede Bulldogs (Teddy Hart and Harry Smith) with a powerslam/legdrop combo.

    The returning Chavo Guerrero Jr. d. Jody Fleisch with a version of the Gory Special into a slam.

    Ernest "The Cat" Miller and Disco Inferno d. John Layfield and Billy Gunn when the Cat hit the Feliner on Gunn.

    The returning Scott Steiner d. Shelton Benjamin with the Steiner Recliner.

    Wednesday 8th August

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    Sources say WCW officials have been in contact recently with former Tag Team, United States, Television and World Heavyweight champion Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat about making a couple of appearances for the company over the coming months. Steamboat has kept away from the wrestling spotlight almost completely since his retirement due to a severe back injury in 1994 except for a few appearances here and there. It is unclear over what position Steamboat would play if he did join, but there's the possibility of the on-screen 'authority' role which Eric Bischoff is vacating.

    Friday 10th August

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    Terry Funk has been offered and has agreed a brand new exclusive one-year contract with WCW. This comes as a complete turn-around from reports earlier this week that stated Funk would leave WCW after Road Wild. It isn't clear what has prompted this turn around, but we are told that the wrestling dates on Funk's contract have been significantly cut down from his prior contract. More as we get it.

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    Ric Flair is set to return tonight on Thunder to referee the Scott Hall vs. Diamond Dallas Page match. In addition to this, Flair is also set to be on Nitro to make a 'special announcement' of some sorts.

    Saturday 11th August

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    Buff Bagwell appears to be done with the company before the end of the month. Bagwell has been serving a suspension with WCW for essentially mis-behaving. Bagwell is well known for having an ego, and WCW seems to have finally gotten sick and tired of it. Bagwell will be released before the end of the month.

    Lance Storm and Shelton Benjamin get a great responce after a Dark Match prior to Thunder...

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    The New Road Warriors d. the Stampede Bulldogs (Harry Smith and Teddy Hart) with the Doomsday Device on Hart.

    Elix Skipper d. Air Paris with the Play of the Day.

    Lance Storm d. Shelton Benjamin with the half-crab in a match that got a great responce from the fans. People didn't care about about to begin with, but once it got going the fans got really into it. Apparently another match was scheduled for right after it, but management sent word out for the two to go another five minutes. Benjamin and Storm got a an applause when they went backstage from the other wrestlers and staff memeber.

    Sunday 12 August


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    Coming to you live from Las Vegas, Nevada, Nitro is set to be the scene of many changes Monday night. The first ever Friday Thunder on NBC saw Billy Kidman reveal Sean Waltman as his new tag team partner as the two easily defeated the Jung Dragons. Thunder was also the site of the return of the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair as the 14-time World Heavyweight champion returned as the special guest referee in the main event match that saw Scott Hall and Diamond Dallas Page battle it out for the sixth spot in the Elimination Chamber match for 'Road Wild'.

    Nitro will see Booker T go one-on-one with nWo member Triple H in a match that has been eagerly anticipated since it's announcement last week on Nitro. Booker T gave his responce to Kevin Nash on Thunder Friday night, and the anticipation has been buidling ever since.

    Jamie Knoble became the WCW Cruiserweight champion Friday night after defeated an injured 'Sugar' Shane Helms in a match has been called a 'Match of the Year' candidate.

    Confirmed Matches:

    * Booker T vs. Triple H

    * Sean Waltman vs. O'Haire

  17. -- Chapter Twenty Five --

    Friday 10th August 2001

    A few hours before Thunder...

    Eric Bischoff was in his office at the arena and was sorting out a few things with United States champion Chris Kanyon regarding the future of his character and of his fued with Ken Shamrock. They discussed whether he would retain the title at 'Road Wild' or whether he would drop it to Ken Shamrock. Kanyon knew the way the show was going to go tonight; with himself and Randy Orton attacking Ryan Wing and taking him out of the match and then Shamrock being announced as Wing's replacement and going on to beat Orton with no trouble at all. Kanyon was all for the idea.

    Bischoff also told him that Orton wouldn't be apart of his 'group' any more, and that tonight would be his last appearance with him. Kanyon didn't really agree with the idea but gave in, saying that Randy could learn alot by being with him and being in front of the fans. Eric's idea was that he wanted to hook him up with someone who the fans are familiar with and, of course, someone with a little bit more in-ring experience than Randy Orton. They discussed who would replace him and after a couple of names were flung around, they settled on Mike Sanders.

    The thinking was that Sanders could easily portray a cocky, 'up his own ass' sorta heel and that the two could easily play off one another. Kanyon was all for this specific idea and told him that he was a big fan of Sanders. Bischoff, ever the suck up, told him that just being in Kanyon's presence would do a world of good for him wrestling-wise.

    After Kanyon left however, Shawn Michaels walked in. Bischoff was amazed, just, amazed that Michaels would turn up to a show he was told he wasn't needed at. Without realising it, his mouth was wide open. He quickly shut it.

    Bischoff: Hello Shawn; is there something I can do for you?

    Michaels: Actually I want you to explain something to me.

    Bischoff: Oh? And what might that be?

    Michaels: I would like you to explain why you're writers have gone and paired Sean up with Billy Kidman? I thought the idea was to stick him in the nWo with us!

    Bischoff: Actually it was.

    Michaels: ...it was...? Ok, if it WAS the idea, why is he stuck in a go-nowhere tag team with Billy Kidman? The nWo is where he should be, I mean, that's where the money is Eric! Don't you see that?

    Bischoff: Actually I do, and believe me, I tried to convince him that it'd be so much better with you guys.

    Michaels: Convince 'him'? Who's 'he'?

    Bischoff: Sean...as in Waltman.

    Michaels: Woah, woah, you're telling me that this idea was his? You gotta be kidding me? Why would he wanna pair up with Kidman man?

    Bischoff: Well the fact of the matter is, and believe it or not coz I sure didn't; he came up with a brilliant idea. Something that will add a little extra 'spice' to WCW.

    Michaels: A little extra 'spice'? I thought the extra 'spice' was suppose to be the 'real nWo' gimmick we're doing? Are you trying to piss around with us?

    Bischoff: No, no...in fact, this idea he came up with was really good. Something I hadn't even thought of! Everyone thought he would join WCW and the straight away join the nWo! I just wanna see the reaction of the fans when they see Sean debut in another place than with you guys...

    Michaels: I can tell you how they'll react Eric; they'll turn off the TV! There's no money, no interest in pairing them up! They want him with the nWo!

    Bischoff: I'm expected a lot of 'why's he done that' from Thunder, but it's Nitro where it takes of Shawn...trust me.

    Eric spent pretty much the majority of the time before Thunder explaining the angle to Shawn Michaels.

  18. user posted image

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    Friday 10th August 2001

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    Our hosts for the inaugural WCW Friday Thunder are the “Professor” Mike Tenay and Stevie (not Steven; Stevie!) Richards.

    - If you listen to rumours, Thunder is set to be a ‘B+’ or an ‘A-‘ sorta show. Meaning (using the WWF as an example) better than Sunday Night Heat but not as good as SmackDown, if that makes any sense. Don’t expect much of note to happen on Thunder (other than tonight) if you believe the rumours. Unfortunately, I do.

    The Jung Dragons are already in the ring when Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson come out, and I’m taking a wild guess he’s gonna introduce his tag team partner. Some of the names thrown about have been Juventud Guerrera, La Parka, Konnan and Chavo Guerrero Jr. I don’t know why, but I, unlike many other people, I don’t expect the partner to be a let-down. Don’t know why. Anyway, Kidman has a microphone in hand. God save us all.

    Kidman: ‘Road Wild’ is going to be on August 26th, and I intend to be a part of the show. I’m not just talking about being there; I’m talking about challenging for the WCW Tag Team titles! It was going to be me and my buddy Rey Mysterio Jr. but thanks to O’Haire, he isn’t going to be available for the match, or for a few months. Thanks to Eric Bischoff, he told me to go and find a partner and if we could beat these the Jung Dragons, we would get a shot at the Tag Team titles in Portland, Oregon at ‘Road Wild’. So without further ado, I give to you my new tag team partner…SEAN WALTMAN!!!

    My first reaction to this was ‘WHAT? They’re linking Waltman up with Kidman?’ I thought the idea was to stick him in the nWo? Oh well, it’s a swerve…I thought Vince Russo got fired? But in the end, I do like the idea.

    Jung Dragons w/ Leia Meow vs. Billy Kidman and Sean Waltman

    Ok, I still expect a pretty awesome match here. Waltman can sure as hell go when he’s motivated, and he sure as hell looks motivated to me right now! Waltman is still wearing a bandana. I don’t think that damn thing ever comes off his head! A seriously good match ensued here with all four men wearing their ‘let’s make tonight memorable’ boots. The faces started off hot as hell here getting straight into the Dragons. Essentially a squash here, with the Dragons getting in a little bit of offence every now and again, but not too much. Waltman popped the crowd with his signature bronco buster and lighting kicks (called as such by Tenay). Kidman got the crowd popping as well with his stuff, and got an especially good pop when Yang realised that ‘you can’t powerbomb Kidman’ as he reversed it into the BK Bomb. Kaz Hayashi tried to hit a Michinoku Driver on Kidman, but Waltman pulled Kidman down and away before hitting the X-Factor (Tenay calls it ‘the face buster’. Ok, creative, we have a job for you…) and covering him for the 1…2…3.


    Winner: Sean Waltman and Billy Kidman (7:19)

    A good match, but I wanted more time. No chance of that of course, but a guy can hope can’t he? Anyway, this partnership actually has caught my interest and has me excited about the tag division now. Off the top of my head I can think of eight tag teams, and that’s not even counting the different sets off F.B.I. and nWo teams.

    * ¾ - A match involving four cruiserweights where the high-flying craziness wasn’t in full effect? I like it.

    Commercial Break

    We’re back and we some random kid walking around backstage. Ah, Stevie Richards points at that this kid is Ryan Wing, the guy that will represent Ken Shamrock against Randy later tonight. Anyway, to cut a long story short, Chris Kanyon and co. came from nowhere and beat seven bells of shit out of him. Kanyon finished the beating by powerbombing him through a nearby table.

    Kanyon: I guess Shamrock has no representative now! That means he forfeits and I get to choose the stipulation! Bad luck there kid.

    Hmmm, methinks it won’t be that easy Chris. Sorry bout that.

    WCW Cruiserweight title: Jamie Knoble w/ Malice vs. ‘Sugar’ Shane Helms

    Two mat-based cruiserweights that can fly…I prefer them like that instead of the other way round. Anyway, I’m expecting a great match, but I need to keep it in my head that this is WCW, so I’m not expecting the match to go much longer than seven or eight minutes…if that. But this match will be good no matter how long it goes because both guys are damn good in the ring. And of course, they impress. Helms, we’re told, has his ankle heavily taped under his boot, but he isn’t limping. That’s soon taken care of when Knoble dodges a double-axe handle attack midway through the match and the ankle buckles. Knoble, like a shark smelling blood pounces on the leg and locks in a Texas cloverleaf. Helms was, obviously in pain because he was yelping out loud while trying to reach the bottom rope. Malice then went and stood in front of Helms and started yelling at him. Helms tried in vain to grab his face leaving Malice just laughing at him. So Helms spat in his face! Ha ha! Malice nearly snapped, but instead just pulled the bottom rope out of Helms’ reach. The ref saw this and the ordered Jamie Knoble to break the hold. After a four count by the ref, Knoble did and both Knoble and Malice yelled at the ref, asking why he made him break it. Referee Daniel Jackson was sick of Malice and ordered him to the back, which neither Malice or Knoble were to happy about, as you can imagine. After Malice finally started to leave, Knoble turned round and walked straight into the Sugar Smack from the champion! Helms thought he had the match won, but Knoble had his foot on the rope. Helms was in a lot of pain, and started to visibly limp a lot more. But he fired off some good shots and was in control for the remainder of the match, but really fucked it up by going to the top rope. He came off, going for an axe-handle, but Knoble semi-dodged it with Helms only grazing him, but Helms landed on his ankle and just collapsed in pain and started to scream in…well, pain. Knoble shook off the cobwebs and quickly locked in a REVERSE sharpshooter! Just a damn cool visual here. Helms is in a shit load of pain but refuses to tap out. Knoble really leans back on it, forcing Helms to slowly wear himself out by grabbing for the ropes to no avail. The referee continues to ask him if he’s going to quit, but he says no a couple of times before he stopped responding. The fans were really willing him on here, which kinda surprised me a little. The ref lifted the arm twice…no response. Third time and…IT DROPS! Helms passed out from the pain! Jamie Knoble is the new Cruiserweight champion! Malice returns to ringside and we get a copy of the celebration from Nitro with Malice hoisting Knoble on his shoulders.


    Winner and NEW Cruiserweight champion: Jamie Knoble (13:32)

    Well, the match got about five minutes more than I expected and they really told the story here. Started a little slow, but that’s fine with me. A mixture of styles were thrown into the match. The match was pure awesomeness from the cruisers. I hope this leads to either a rematch or something bigger for Helms, because he certainly has the fan support and the natural charisma for it.

    **** - Best match WCW has put in since the re-launch.

    Commercial Break

    We’re back, and I’ve just got off the phone with a friend who’s recording Thunder. I’ve demanded he give me the damn tape, but he’s refusing. Stupid me for not recording it. Stupid, stupid. Anyway, the WCW United States champion Chris Kanyon leads out Alexis and the man who will compete tonight on his behalf, Randy. Randy has some naff looking tights on, which makes it really funny actually. Anyway, Kanyon has a microphone so here we go.

    Kanyon: Mr. Referee, I just want to let you know that I don’t think this Bryan Winger kid is coming tonight. I heard he’s in the local hospital getting some wood removed from his skull. So, for that reason it seems that he will not be competing, and such that Randy should be announced as the winner giving me jurisdiction to name the stipulation for my match with Ken Shamrock at ‘Road Wild’. So ring the bell, raise Randy’s hand and proclaim him the wi…

    Bischoff: I don’t think so Chris…

    Told you it wasn’t that easy Chris, but did he listen to me; no. President Bischoff is out!

    Bischoff: You see, we all know what happened to Ryan Wing…we all saw you three attack the defenceless kid in the back, and because of that…

    Kanyon: Randy wins? I choose the stipulation?

    Bischoff: No you…no, just no. In fact, this match will go ahead, but with one change.

    Kanyon: Change? Change? What change?

    Bischoff: Seen as Ryan Wing is in the hospital, I see it as my duty to announce…his replacement (big pop…I think we all know who it’s gonna be). So without any further ado, I give to you the man who will face Randy in that very ring right now…KEN SHAMROCK!!!

    Shamrock comes out of the curtain’s, and Randy is shitting a brick by the look of it.

    Stipulation match: Randy w/ Chris Kanyon and Alexis vs. Ken Shamrock

    Randy is pleading with Kanyon to help him, but before he can do anything Ken Shamrock runs down to the ring, sending Kanyon and Alexis to the hills. Randy gives a terrified wave at Shamrock before dropping to his knees and pleading with him not to murder him. Randy is crying! Ha ha! The bell rings and Randy’s punishment begins. Shamrock with a Gorilla-press drop, a belly-to-belly and then he finally settles on the Ankle Lock! About half a second into the hold, Randy taps and screams like a girl giving Shamrock the choice of match for ‘Road Wild’. Shamrock leaves the ring with the announcers saying Shamrock will reveal the stipulation Monday on Nitro.


    Winner: Ken Shamrock (1:59)

    We get a video of another “He’s Coming” video which is pretty much the same as all the previous ones for this guy, but this one has got clips of Daffney’s little promo in there as well.

    We’re back at ringside and it’s time for the main event. We get a brief rundown of Nitro’s three-way dance main event and then it’s Eric Bischoff time…again.

    Bischoff: I know the main event match between Scott Hall and Diamond Dallas Page is scheduled for right not, but I have an announcement to make that will take but a minute. Now…Scott Hall and DDP have had a couple of matches scheduled against one another that have just ended without a winner or have ended in controversy. Nothing of the sort will happen tonight. Tonight is the night where this war ENDS once and for all! The winner gets a chance to become WCW champion, and quite frankly I couldn’t care less who goes on to the most innovative match in wrestling history. BUT…I know at least three guys in the back who will have their money on Scott Hall, and they are the nWo; Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Kevin Nash. You’ve also got the element of Jeff Jarrett going round swinging guitars as well as Page’s wife Kimberly at ringside. On that note, I am BANNING everyone from ringside! I do NOT want to see any superstars within 30-feet of this ring here except for Hall, DDP and the referee. If I do, they will be FIRED on the spot! Fired! Now, I mentioned three men a moment ago; Hall, DDP…and the referee. You see, because I know that the nWo don’t care about authority, and knowing them they will probably try and get involved in this match. So with that in mind…I have named a special guest referee for this contest! The man I have specially handpicked has not been on WCW broadcasting since June the 11th! He makes his return to WCW tonight as the special referee. Ladies and gentlemen (the fans are cheering very loud as they know who it is), may I introduce to you…the kiss-stealing, wheeling, dealing, jet-flying, limousine-riding son of a gun! Ladies and gentlemen…RIC FLAIR!!!

    Eric Bischoff stepped out the way as Flair’s ‘2001’ theme plays and the Nature Boy strutted out in a referee shirt. Vince McMahon still wins the ‘Most Revealing Referee Shirt In History’ award for his frighteningly skin-tight and sleeveless effort. Flair strutted around the ring slapping hands with fans well into the commercial break.

    Commercial Break

    Sixth spot in the Elimination Chamber: Scott Hall vs. Diamond Dallas Page – Special Referee: Ric Flair

    Back after a commercial and Flair is JUST now getting into the ring. Commercials are like five minutes in America aren’t they? Jeez. Hall is out first to a mixed reaction (leaning more towards boo’s). DDP comes out and gets a great reaction from the fans. DDP’s the sorta guy who will be over no matter what. I can actually see them placing the title on him at ‘Road Wild’. Well, if he beats Hall that is. This match is much like they’re one back in June in the US title tournament; which is a good thing actually, coz that match was pretty fun. But of course, this one was better because it had the Nature Boy! Hall was trying to cheat a little in the corner by ignoring Flair’s counts, so Flair got in the way to break it up. Hall let him know that he had no right in doing that to which Flair replies with a, “Whoooo.” Ha ha. Flair really showed how much fun he was having as after a clash of heads both men were down. Instead of the usual count of the ref, he let the fans count by motioning them on. What was really funny was after every number the fans said he would ‘whooo’ after it! This my friends is why Flair is God. Some good brawling from the two had the fans getting into it, and not just for Flair. A very near fall saw Hall take the advantage with a thumb to the eye and set DDP up on the top rope backwards. He then grabbed the arms and hoisted him up, walked into middle of the ring…and SMASH him down with the Outsiders Edge! Flair counted…1…2…DDP’s foot was on the rope and Flair broke it up. Hall got up and yelled at Ric for ‘trying to screw him’ out of the Elimination Chamber match. Flair just strutted off leaving Hall irate to tear at his own hair. The match came to a good conclusion with a nice ending. Hall had set DDP up in the position for the Outsiders Edge, but called for Flair to watch. He let out a ‘whooo’ of his own, but DDP managed to sneak out the back! Hall turned and DDP tried for the Diamond Cutter, but Hall pushed him off. DDP ran to the ropes and then ducked a clothesline before quickly grabbing Hall’s head and hitting the Diamond Cutter! Awesome. DDP reached back and hooked the leg as Flair counted…1…2…3! Scott Hall is out of the Elimination Chamber! Ric Flair helped Page to his feet and raised his hand as Kimberly came down to celebrate with her husband. The first Thunder on NBC went off the air with Ric Flair holding up DDP’s arm as he and Kimberly celebrated


    Winner: Diamond Dallas Page (16:34)

    They can go 15 minutes-plus! If you take out Ric Flair though you’d probably be bored shitless if they had a 15 minute-plus match because his natural charisma just seems to rub off on everyone around him.

    ** ¾ - Better and longer (don’t usually go together in either a DDP or a Hall match) than their June match, and I for one really enjoyed it.

  19. user posted image

    News          Columns          Superstars          Forum        Results          Upcoming PPV card

    Tuesday 8th August 2001


    user posted image

    WCW is proud to present to you the first ever WCW Friday Thunder to be aired on on NBC! This Friday night sees the inaugural show come to you from Salt Lake City, Utah, and four big matches have been made for this special night.

    The one that is eagerly awaited and is the main event of the night is the match between nWo member Scott Hall and Diamond Dallas Page to decide who will take the last spot in the Elimination Chamber match on August 26th in Portland, Oregon at 'Road Wild' whereas the loser will not recieve a World Heavyweight title match until AT LEAST January of next year. Monday Nitro saw Jeff Jarrett take the fifth spot by defeating both DDP and Hall in a three-way dance match. WCW President Eric Bischoff has made the ruling that should anybody interfere in this match, there would be severe consequences. Bischoff would not elaborate on what these 'consequence' were, but he said he would address them prior to the main event on Friday.

    In a match to determine who gets the rights to decide the stipulation for the WCW United States title match between Chris Kanyon and Ken Shamrock at 'Road Wild', Eric Bischoff has stated that each man will have a representative in a match to be held tonight. Kanyon will have his protege and fan Randy wrestling the match, while Shamrock has a stage hand named Ryan Wing. Neither has any wrestling experience, and whoever win, the superstar who they represented will be able to name the stipulation for the match at 'Road Wild'.

    Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jr. were looking to regain the WCW Tag Titles at 'Road Wild', but due to an injury to Mysterio sustained at the hands of O'Haire, Mysterio cannot compete for around a month. But, not to rob Kidman of a rematch, Eric Bischoff has aloud Kidman to find a new partner. If Kidman and this partner are able to win the match on Thunder against the Yung Dragons, there will be a three-way dance at 'Road Wild' for the Tag Team titles!

    The WCW Cruiserweight title is on the line on Thunder as Jamie Knoble finally gets another chance to win the title as he takes on the current champion, 'Sugar' Shane Helms. But the champion does not have the advantage for two reasons. One; he was the victim of a vicious attack by Malice in which he may have suffered a broken ankle. Two; Malice himself. Knoble is bound to have his bodyguard at ringside or at least somewhere nearby when these two clash. Helms knows he is in for a tough ride, but he is ready for it.

    Confirmed Matches:

    * WCW Cruiserweight title: Jamie Knoble vs. 'Sugar' Shane Helms ©

    * Billy Kidman and a partner to be named vs. the Jung Dragons

    * Randy (Kanyon's representitive) vs. Ryan Wing (Shamrock's representitive)

    * Sixth spot in the Elimination Chamber on the line: Scott Hall vs. Diamond Dallas PAge

  20. user posted image

    News          Columns          Superstars          Forum        Results          Upcoming PPV card

    Monday 6th August 2001

    user posted image

    We are LIVE in Salt Lake City, Utah

    Our hosts are Tony Schiavone and…oh man…Scott Hudson. And I had such high hopes. Where’s Jerry “Friggin” Lawler gone?

    Guido Maritato and Tony Mamaluke vs. the NEW Road Warriors vs. the Mamalukes

    Ha ha ha. Surprisingly, I find the premise of this match to very very funny indeed. Right, I’m going to donate £15 to charity every time we get two WCW shows in a row that start of with actual wrestling! So, I won’t be donating any money to charity for that reason then… We’re told that this match is under ‘three-way dance tag team’ rules. So to you and me, one person from each team will be in the ring all the time. Tony Mamaluke, Animal and Big Vito start off and, predictably, the F.B.I. decide to team up and take on Animal. Both beat him against the ropes and whip him across the ring, but Animal comes back and takes them down with a double diving clothesline. Mamaluke tags in Guido, but Guido’s attempted ‘surprise attack off the top rope’ fails as he is caught in a chokeslam like grip, and Animal hoists him over his head before dropping him stomach first across his knee. Ow. Vito comes out of nowhere and takes down Animal with a running boot to the side of the head. Vito gets him up and tags in Johnny the Bull. They take Animal back down with a Russian legsweep/clothesline combo. The F.B.I. combinations work together to beat Animal up and down, left and right with Animal every now and again mounting a minute comeback for crowd pop but for either the Bull or Vito to lay him out again. It’s Mamaluke and the Bull in now and they try a double whip, but that just ain’t working on Animal today! They both telegraph it and Animal kicks the Bull in the face, clotheslines him and then powerslams Mamaluke before collapsing near his corner. He crawls over and gets the tag at the same time the Bull tags in Vito. Crash gets the vacuum and starts cleaning house! Crash takes down all four men about five times and then sends the Bull towards Animal who manages to set him up on his shoulders for Crash to go topside and nail the Doomsday Device! Animal gets clotheslined out of the ring straight after this by Vito and then out of nowhere Guido pops up and rolls up Crash for the…1…2…3! Out of NOWHERE is the key phrase here! The F.B.I. quickly retreat out of the ring leaving Crash in shock. Animal rolls in and they both shake their heads and curse their luck as the F.B.I. celebrate the win.


    Winners: Guido Maritato and Tony Mamaluke (8:56)

    The was essentially a handicap match, but it worked well. Animal is only good for the occasional ‘nostalgic pop’ and of course, the sorta thing I hope he is doing right now; putting over others. If his team with Crash is to put Crash over, I’m fine with it. If this feud is going to lead to the F.B.I. getting some good wins over them, I’m good with it.

    * - The F.B.I. really seem to be gelling now, and I like the whole gimmick. Now, some more air time would be nice. Oh, the match was ok.

    We get a video from last weeks Nitro showing the outcome of the Diamond Dallas Page/Scott Hall match where Jeff Jarrett ran in and made the match a no-contest. We then hear the announcement of tonight’s three-way dance main event from Eric Bischoff. We also see the ending of the main event with Goldberg pinning Nash before getting pummelled by the nWo afterwards. The vid ends with Nash standing over Goldberg. The video does actually go somewhere as the nWo’s music hits and the group come out to the ring! Hall is going to go first, as he has the mic.

    Hall: Hey yo…hey, hey! We don’t want cheers holmes! Just start booing us again because we all know that the moment one of us says something insulting about one of your favourite wrestlers or about this little town here, you’ll start the booing. I’ll tell you what; if I insult DDP right now, will you boo us? It would mean a lot to us if you do (Nash and Michaels put their hands over their hearts and Trips does a praying motion). Page; you know last week was suppose to be the end for you, but you just don’t seem to get it! If you lay down and stay down, the pain will be over! But know, you had to try and fight back, and because of YOU, Jeff Jarrett stuck his damn nose where it didn’t belong; in nWo business! So because of YOU not laying down Page, we have a three-way dance tonight, and there’s a chance that one of us will lose our World title shot at ‘Road Wild’! Now, as I said last week, I have no interest in the belt while it’s around the waist of “Big Sexy” over here, but I know you sure do! So if you don’t win tonight…and then you don’t win Friday night, you’re screwed holmes! Simply put Page; if thing’s don’t go as planned at ‘Road Wild’, the New World Order will be holding you PERSONALLY responsible! That means you get beat down like a dog week after week until we see fit to let you take another breath! Just think about it Page, and do the right thing by losing and leaving this Elimination Chamber match to the professionals…to the nWo.

    Hall passes the mic to Shawn Michaels! Yay!

    Michaels: You know, I would like to personally apologise to both David Flair and Spanner. (Triple H whispers something into his ear) What? Oh!!! Sorry there man! Crowbar, I meant Crowbar. I got you mixed up with another wrestler named Spanner! Easy mistake to make! Anyway, I’m sorry I kicked you two in the mouth…my foot slipped! Anywho, everything is all dandy now because you two did good! I mean, your team managed to beat two guys from the NWO!!! You know what that means; that means that you’ve put yourselves on the map! Ok, neither of YOU two got the pin, but it means that you have bragging rights! It means, it means…it means that the next time you two cross paths with any of us you’ll get another serious beating! One that will leave you with a bit more than a bloody lip and a couple of bruises. The first one is a message; the second is a warning that you’re on the nWo’s hit list! Next time be prepared for some broken bones and a DAMN severe concussion at the very least. The nWo is here to stay; you two are replaceable…

    Michaels hands the microphone to Triple H for what could be the last word coz the first break should be coming up soon…

    Triple H: All this talk of beatings is getting me in the mood to dish out a beating or two! Do you know who is on my list…Booker T. Book man, you tried to hang with one of us because you wanted to end the nWo before it started, but Nash kicked your ass and took your belt. Now, I ain’t seen you since you lost to Kevin a couple of weeks back, but something tells me you ain’t smart enough to stay away from the nWo! You wanna make a name for yourself as the man that kills the nWo! Well Booker…you know, and so do all of these idiots in this arena know as well as I do that it’s never going to happen! But one thing hit me the other day; we were suppose to have ourselves a match, me and you. But you never got the chance to play the game and fight me Book! So, if you think you have the guts…me and you, right here, next week on Nitro! Just me…and you. No Scott Hall! No Shawn Michaels! No Kevin Nash, just me and you, one-on-one Book; whatd’ya say? Can you play the game?

    Trips passes the mic back to Hall, and methinks this should be quick coz break time is surely knocking on the door.

    Hall: Now very quickly, because that stupid idiot over there is trying to cut our time short by saying a break is coming up! Jarrett! I have no problem with you trying to make an impact holmes, but making an impact on the nWo; well, that’s just plain stupid on your part boy! But you know what Jeff; tonight we got a three-way dance, me, you and DDP, and I think that we should work together and kick the crap out of Page…don’t you? We’ve had problems with him in the past, we both hate the guy, so me and you work together to take him down and we’ll both be in the Elimination Chamber match. See you in the main event boys.

    Hall drops the mic and Nitro goes to a commercial break almost immediately. Would’ve made more sense to take the break after the first match, but since when has WCW ever had any sense?

    Commercial Break

    We’re back and we’re…in the back! Clever that. Anyway, we’re in Chris Kanyon’s locker room, and he has both Randy and Alexis there…and some random fella. Randy has a chinlock locked in on this random dude.

    Kanyon: That’s it Randy! You’ve learnt the chinlock! Let’s try another move…oh I know! A WRISTLOCK!!! That’s a dangerous move!

    Randy: Are you sure I’ve mastered the chinlock? I think I should keep it locked in for a little longer I mean, Scott Steiner uses the chinlock and people tap out to it!

    Kanyon: Yes yes, but Scott Steiner’s arms are as thick as a tree; your arms are as thick as this here pencil…well, the pencil is a little thicker, but in any event, use the chinlock as transitional move! You know; where down the opponent and SLAP on the chinlock to make him hurt some! Then after that pick him up and hit the greatest finishing move in WRESTLING yesterday, today and tomorrow…the Flatliner!

    Alexis: Wow Mr. Kanyon…you really are a wrestling god! Can I touch your pecs please?

    Kanyon: Of course you can my dear. Here you go…(Kanyon places Alexis’ hand on his right pec…ha, that feels so odd writing that!)

    Randy: Can I touch them as well?

    Kanyon: Wha…um, I…ok…(a HUGE smile appears on Randy’s face as he starts stroking the pec…ew…)

    ???: Well, this looks to be an interesting session you’re having here…I’m not interrupting anything am I?

    The camera swings round and reveals Curt Hennig standing in the doorway! Kanyon quickly pushes Alexis and Randy away and stands up, doing his most masculine pose.

    Kanyon: Of course you’re not! I was just teaching Randy some vital wrestling moves!

    Hennig: And what were you teaching him then eh; the nipple twist?

    Kanyon: I uh…I was showing him what he could be if he follows my lead! If he keeps learning from the master that is the Innovator of Offence…he’ll be a WCW superstar in no time.

    Hennig: And who might this ‘Innovator of Offence’ be?

    Kanyon: You need to ask; it’s ME of course!

    Hennig: Oh yes, I see! That ‘chat show’ you did last week? That was offensive. The idea that you are the greatest wrestler alive? That’s offensive because you are looking at pure perfection right here. And next week, this Ryan Wing kid is going to beat Mr. Lover Boy here to a pulp…

    Hennig spits out his gum and slaps it towards Randy, hitting him in the eye! Randy screams in pain as Alexis checks on him. Hennig winks, smirks and walks out leaving Kanyon fuming.

    WCW Cruiserweight title: Yang w/ Kaz Hayashi and Leia Meow vs. ‘Sugar’ Shane Helms ©

    Mmmm, Leia. I actually prefer Princess Leia, but this Leia is a damn good alternative! Anyway this match should be very fun indeed…if I can keep up. Great thing about this match is that both Yang and Helms can work mat-based and aerial based cruiserweight matches. You’ll forgive me if this match degenerates into me looking at Leia won’t you? Lock-up, northern-lights from Helms quickly gets the first near fall after about 5 seconds! Yang nips up and tries a spinning heel kick, but Helms dodges and tries a dropkick, which Yang dodges and then tries to roll him up for a very near fall. We get some “slow” cruiserweight action (I.E. more mat based without the flying around all the time stuff) between the two, showcasing one another’s moves to the world. Helms is mostly dominant through the match, but misses the Sugar Smack and Yang gets a dragon screw to take him down. Yang goes up top for Yang Time, but Helms rolls out of the way and Yang misses. Yang gets back up, as does Helms and Helms hits the Vertebreaker to get the…1…2…3 and successfully defends his title.


    Winner and STILL WCW Cruiserweight champion: Shane Helms (6:54)

    Good match as usual with the cruisers, especially Helms and Yang. Was to short to be much more than ‘good’.

    * - To short; hopefully the Knoble/Helms match on Thunder is given more time.

    Helms gets handed his title, but gets jumped from behind by Malice! The big son of a bitch came running down the ramp as soon as Helms hit the Vertebreaker. Malice hit a big sit-out powerbomb. Jamie Knoble slowly walks down the ramp with a big smirk on his smarmy little face. Malice is tossing Helms around like a rag doll and then wraps a steel chair around his ankle and stomps on it a couple of times before jumping off the top rope with a big stomp! A nice big pre-recorded crack is heard and Helms rolls around in pain. Jamie Knoble picks up the Cruiserweight title and Malice puts Knoble on his shoulders. Helms is all excited about holding the belt and we go to a break with him sitting up top.

    Commercial Break

    Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy Keibler vs. Curt Hennig

    The master of the Hennig Plex vs. the master of the…the master of the…vs. Shawn Stasiak. Well, at least he has Stacy Keibler, which means he has something no other folk has. Anyway, lock-up starts of course, and Hennig makes the transition from headlock to a go-behind to a high backdrop seem as easy as picking your nose. Well, unless you get some of the really hard ones that are stuck at the back, those are hard to get at. Some perfect, crystal clean wrestling from the incomparable Curt Hennig here, and Stasiak actually holds his own in the ring with a legend like Curt. Curt is one of the older folks who can still go. Sting and Ric Flair are another two I guess. Bubba Rogers, Kevin Nash, Animal, Funk and the Steiner’s just…can’t. Out of all the guys on the roster who are in their late 30’s or over, Curt Hennig, Sting and Ric Flair are the only ones I really wanna see in the ring, let alone near a main event. Anyhow, a really good match develops between the two of them with Hennig looking great. He looks as though is right back in ring shape, and that’s nothing but good news for WCW. We get our first ref bump of the night (!) when Stasiak squished him in the corner by accident in an attempt to kill Hennig. Hennig dodged the bullet and hit the Hennig-Plex for what should’ve been the end, but there was no referee. Out of nowhere though, Chris Kanyon comes running down the aisle and nails Hennig right between the eyes with his United States title belt! He drapes Stasiak across Hennig, gets out of the ring and shakes the referee who makes the three count, ruining a really good match. Kanyon goes in the ring and looks at Hennig lying on the mat, but he looks up in fear as Ken Shamrock’s music hits! Shamrock runs to the ring, sending Kanyon fleeing up the ramp. Shamrock checks on Hennig and then spots Stasiak getting up. Stasiak smiles, waves…and runs! Shamrock grabs his trunks and pulls him toward him and hits a belly-to-belly just because he feels like it.


    Winner: Shawn Stasiak (9:23)

    A good match totally ruined by the ending. BUT…if it leads to a Kanyon/Hennig feud I’m all for it.

    * ½ - Good match ruined by the end. Stick ‘em together in a proper full match and, even though SHAWN STASIAK is involved, it would be some good watching!

    We cut to the back where Eric Bischoff is in his office, and I believe he has something to say.

    Bischoff: Hello there to all our loyal viewers watching Monday Nitro at home on NBC tonight. If you’re wondering why you have been graced with my presence on screen rather than out there in the arena well…I couldn’t be bothered to get up and come out. But I have two special announcements to make for ‘Road Wild’ on Sunday the 26th of this month. First off; there will be a Hardcore title match! A four-way dance with one-fall making the finish. It will be the Hardcore champion himself Rob Van Dam against his ‘enforcer’ Big Bubba Rogers against the legendary Terry Funk, and last but certainly not least…Tommy Dreamer! Well, now that that is out of the way, onto more pressing maters like…the Elimination Chamber match. Six wrestlers walk in, but only one is left standing, and that one will be the World Heavyweight champion come the end. The chamber is just that; a chamber, a steel chamber at that, with four separate inner chambers holding four of the six superstars. Two randomly drawn superstars will start the match, with another being added randomly every seven minutes. There are no disqualifications…and there are NO pinfalls! That’s right; I said no pinfalls. I hear you all wondering how do you win? The Elimination Chamber is the epitome of pain; if you go in even less than 100% fit and ready for it, you will NOT walk out of this match under your own power! In fact, only the winner truly has a chance of WALKING out of this one, you see…the way to win is by making your opponent submit, make them say I quit you know. Squeal because the pain is excruciating. The other way is to knock your opponent out for a 10 count. Knock them out COLD so that they are not moving. Keep them down on the for the referee’s ten count, and that person will be eliminated. There will be THREE referees for this match; two inside and one outside to make sure that NOTHING is missed. Now this week will decide who will join Booker T, Triple H, Goldberg and the World Heavyweight champion in the Elimination Chamber. One out of three men will not make it there. Will that man be Diamond Dallas Page? Will it be Scott Hall? Will it be Jeff Jarrett? Who knows, but what you can be sure of is a damn good match. Oh, and one last thing before I go tonight…I’ll be leaving my post as WCW President within the next couple of weeks. Don’t worry, a replacement is lined up. I know you’re wondering why such a charismatic guy like myself would be stepping down. Well, it’s simple really…a new power is taking over WCW; a power that, unfortunately, I do not have the qualifications to be a part of. But don’t worry, because once I leave as President, don’t expect that to be the last you see of me, oh no…I’ll be back. Enjoy the rest of the show, and don’t forget; Thunder is live on NBC FRIDAY night…

    Wow, this Elimination Chamber has really got me interested now. Something totally new and totally fresh usually sparks at LEAST a little interest. The fact Goldberg is going to be in this match gives the ‘knockout’ stipulation some form of legitimacy because his gimmick is that of hard-hitter. Also, I wonder who’s replacing Bischoff?

    Commercial Break

    We’re back from the break, and in the back is Booker T and he runs into Kevin Nash! Why, realistically, would a cameraman just so happen to be following him when he runs into Nash?

    Nash: Well, well, well; if it isn’t the FORMER World Heavyweight champion Booker T. How ya been Book? Haven’t seen you around in quite some time!

    Booker: Nash…why don’t you just shut it dawg? I ain’t been here in a while I know…but you wanna know why man?

    Nash: Sure…why not?

    Booker: Coz I’ve been talking to two friends of mine; two friends who you and you’re nWo buddies beat up on the first Nitro!

    Nash: So…? Who cares about them?

    Booker: Every single one of these fans in this arena does! So do I for that matter! In case you didn’t get it…I’m talking about Sting and Ric Flair!

    Nash: I know who you’re talking about Booker…what’s your point?

    Booker: Well, apparently…they’re on the mend, and they’re gonna be coming back pretty soon. I don’t know when, but all I do know is…they’re coming back with something to say. Apparently, it might have something to do with you.

    Nash: Who cares what two washed up old farts have to say?

    Booker: If that’s your attitude, it’s fine by me, but I felt like warning you dawg. Oh, one last thing; tell Triple H…he’s ON! Now can you dig that…

    Nash: Yeah I can dig that you stupid fool…

    Nash walks off a little flustered, leaving Booker upset he didn’t get to finish his catchphrase.

    Evan Karagias and Shannon Moore vs. Palumbo and O’Haire

    Well, another mention of some form of announcement. If you ask me, it’s a little silly coz it just became pretty apparent that they’re related. I expect Flair to be named the new President or something. Does beg the question why Bischoff would step down, so it’s probably a little something else. Anyway, I expect a nice and easy squash here, and it starts off as is expected. Palumbo and Karagias start, and Karagias shows that he will be a lower-midcarder/opener/jobber for the rest of his career by taking a shit kicking from both Palumbo and O’Haire. They do let Moore get the tag in, but I think it just might be a tag that says ,“come on little lamb! This way to the slaughterhouse,” although I could be wrong. Nope; some more serious ass kicking ensues here with the men who will challenge for the Tag Team titles at ‘Road Wild’ making successive tags. The end of the match comes about when one of the champs, Lance Storm walks down to the ring! O’Haire, not in the mood for this goes out and attacks him. the referee, being plain stupid follows him out to break it up and of course misses Mike Awesome running in through the crowd and hitting Palumbo with a big Awesome Bomb and draping Evan Karagias over him. Awesome quickly vacates the premises and the referee comes back and counts his shoulders down…1…2…3 despite O’Haire trying to catch up and break it up. The champs walk up the aisle with their belts in hand, taunting the losers of the match. They walk up backwards and Mike Awesome gets clocked in the head with a steel chair! Storm goes down next as Billy Kidman is waving it around! Kidman shows his ‘charisma’ by pointing at the fallen champs and then pointing at the chair. He also shouts, “August 26th guys! August 26th!” before pointing in the ring and shouting, “You won’t walk out winners guys!” Very clever Billy.


    Winners: Evan Karagias and Shannon Moore (4:41)

    Well, considering it was a squash, it was a long one. Too long for that matter. Why go for a four minute SQUASH? Granted, the last minute was taken up by the interference, but the crowd were bored shitless here because it was a big long squash.

    ½ * - Crap.

    We go to black screen after some ‘production trouble’. The screen fizzles in and out for a little bit until it settles on a blacky-purple screen. Hmmm…interesting. Wait…it’s Daffney! She walks onto the screen looking all lost and confused and then sees the camera and jumps back in shock. She’s dressed in ‘rags’ is the best way to describe it. But she’s got the blue hair, so it’s all good.

    Daffney: Have you heard? Have you seen it? Do you know? Do you understand the significance? He’s coming! He’s coming soon! Don’t be afraid; he won’t hurt you…unless he wants to. Then you had better run…run and hide! He’s coming! He’s COMING!

    The video cuts and fizzles out again and we return to ringside where Schiavone and Hudson discuss what in the BLUE hell Daffney was on about. Ha, blue hell. Anyway, I’m not really sure who she’s on about, but they’re hyping him up good, so I expect a (semi) major push. Then again, this is WCW so for all I know he could just be another jobber!

    Scott Hall vs. Jeff Jarrett w/ Symphony vs. Diamond Dallas Page w/ Kimberly

    Before they come out, we get a split screen of all three men walking towards the ring with a graphic saying “Elimination Chamber role on the line”. First out is Jarrett and Symphony, and we get little ‘squares’ with Hall in one and DDP in the other showing them warming up. Neat. Anyway, after all three men are out, Hall protests to the referee about the presence of Symphony and Kimberly at ringside; the referee ignores him. Hall then tries another tactic by going over and whispering something in Jarrett’s ear. “The Chosen One” is cautious, but nods his head in approval. Oh, evil heels double-team; hell yeah! The heels charge DDP, who ducks Jarrett and knocks Hall over with a kick to the gut before going to work on Jarrett for a bit. Hall gets up, and DDP splits his time by going from one to the other in quick punches and kicks before banging their heads together! Jarrett falls to the mat, and DDP then takes down Hall with the Diamond Cutter! He covers him…1…2…Jarrett breaks up the pin. He sets up Page for the Stroke, but DDP blocks it, spins around and hits the Diamond Cutter on him! 1…2…Hall drops an elbow but DDP moves and Hall hits Jarrett in the chest! DDP is still going strong here. Scoop slam sends Hall to the mat, and DDP signals for another Diamond Cutter. He stalks Hall and waits for him to get to his feet. When he does he grabs the neck but Hall shoves him in the direction of Jarrett who takes his head off with a big clothesline. Jarrett smirks, and Hall applauds him. The numbers finally catch up on, and the heels double-team the outnumbered DDP. We get a double-suplex, double-back elbows and some other typical double-team stuff. Eventually, the heels realise only one can win. Scott Hall signals for Jarrett to hit the Stroke, and Jarrett does just that, taking Page down with the Stroke. Hall then smirks and quickly picks Jarrett up and hits the Outsiders Edge, dissolving their little partnership. He covers Jarrett, but Page manages to stop the pin very close to the three count. We get a little brawling between the two, but the beating DDP’s taken is to much and he falls victim to a Fallaway Slam. Hall gets up and turns round to see Jeff Jarrett staring at him. Jarrett yells at him for hitting the Edge on him, and Hall tries to make it clear that it’s everyman for himself. Jarrett is all like “this relationship is over bitch” and starts to hammer away at Hall. They exchange blows for a bit until Hall takes advantage, firing him into the ropes and into the corner. Hall whips him across the ring, but when Jarrett comes back towards him he turns round behind him and hit’s the Stroke! Jarrett stays down, and Hall rolls out of the ring. DDP slowly recovers and just about manages to pick Jeff Jarrett up. As soon as Jarrett is on his feet he kicks DDP in the gut and hits the Stroke! Jarrett rolls on top of him and the referee counts…1…2…3! Jarrett wins! Jarrett wins! Jeff Jarrett is in the Elimination Chamber match! Symphony gets into the ring and helps Jarrett to his feet. The two hug and Jarrett celebrates his big win as Nitro goes off the air.


    Winner and wrestler to advance to the Elimination Chamber match: Jeff Jarrett (14:45)

    Considering it was a three-way dance, which are usually pretty crappy, this one was decent-to-good. A hot crowd added to it of course, but the commitment of all three guys (including Scott Hall!!! Shock horror!) helped it a tonne.

    ** ¼ - See above for my god damn reasoning.

  21. The ONE thing that I don't like about the touching up and updated stuff is the changing of Anakin to Hayden Christensen. I mean, if he's going to do that...wouldn't it make sense to change Alec Guinness to Ewan McGregor? I don't WANT him to, but that would make sense.

    Other than that, I'm fine with it all. Cept Jabba the Hutt walking...that's wrong.

  22. Where are the Nitro and Raw ratings?

    I'm gonna start posting them in my NEXT weekly update thing. Reason I didn't do this one's was because I didn't have the RAW one written down, and I couldn't check it because I've already booked the next Nitro.

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