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Posts posted by TMM

  1. It does look to be now what our future team should be, either next season or the one after, seeing as Bergkamp is retiring and Pires is getting old.

    It should look something like this:

    ML: Reyes

    MC: Fabregas

    MC: Vieira

    MR: Ljungberg

    SC: van Persie

    SC: Henry

    That is very good attack, and could be just as good as with Pires and Bergkamp in the team.

    I'd change one thing from that and that is putting in Pennant for Freddie. Now, Pennant has yet to show what he is cappable of for Arsenal but if the guy ever PLAYED he would be awesome. To be honest, I don't think we'd lose much if Freddie wasn't a part of the side. While I don't want him going anyway, I wouldn't really be bothered all that much.

    Anyway, this is the team I'd have out:

    GK: Taylor

    RB: Lauren

    LB: Cole

    CB: Toure

    CB: Campbell

    RM: Pennant

    LM: van Persie

    CM: Vieira

    CM: Gilberto/Fabregas (they were talking about how we've missed him recently and I have noticed this. Fabregas isn't ready to be playing week in week out just yet)

    ST: Henry

    ST: Reyes

  2. I was rather annoyed again that we couldn't get it done. That said, both were definetly penalties and I was amazed that the referee had the balls to give our one!

    Cygan was obviosuly at fault, but I feel really sorry for the guy he truly did look gutted/embarressed/whatever you wanna say. I feel bad for him considering the ammount of stick he takes. Mind you; he does deserve it.

  3. (From my Play.com account Order Details):

    Football Manager 2005 (PC)  Status: Packing  £17.99

    I can almost taste it now...

    Yay! Mine says the same thing!!!! YAY!!!!

    Just out of interest, will it arrive Wednesday or Thursday? Which is more likely?

  4. Just got this sent into my inbox a little while ago:

    I have some good news for you. Due to some unscrupulous retailers in Italy and

    Sweden who decided to start selling Football Manager 2005 early without

    permission, ourselves and Sega have made the decision to bring the release date

    of Football Manager 2005 forward to this Thursday, November 4th.

    So, that means that you'll be able to buy Football Manager 2005 from this

    Thursday from all good, and some bad, retailers. A full list of UK and Irish

    retailers stocking the game can be found at


    If you do not live in the UK, then the release date for the game is now thus -

    4th November




















    South Africa


    10th November

    Czech Republic


    12th November


    New Zealand

    South Korea

    3rd December


    To be announced







    We hope you enjoy Football Manager 2005 as much as we enjoy making it, and we

    apologise about any release date confusion - but at least it's being brought

    forward, rather than slipping!




    For those who can't be arsed to visit the link up there, he's the stuff in it:

    The following stores and online retailers are stocking the game in the UK and Ireland from Friday November 5th 2004. We are hopeful that International lists will follow soon. If you have a Mac, you can order your copy from any retailer as the game is shipping on a dual format PC and Mac hybrid disk




    Toys R Us



















    Smyths Toys



    There's also a bunch of indies that'll stock the game but I can't be arsed to copy and paste them coz it's a huge list.

    A day early though! How great is that? Saves me from getting annoyed while at work coz I'd be working Friday and it'd be in my head all day thinking about it.

    4 days! Can't wait!

  5. I want us to beat Palace but because I'm a bit of a Palace fan at heart (local club, but Arsenal are no.1) I don't want us to murderize them. Granted, I really wouldn't mind if we did, but I'd prefer a good old 1-0, keeps Palace's hopes up and we'll still be top on goal difference whatever happens I expect.

  6. OK. Now Fergie wants Henry AND Ljungberg done, saying his tackle was much, much worse. He also wants us to have points deducted.

    This man is making himself look like a fool, he is losing his mind. Anything to catch us up.

    The FA have clearly only one option, Arsenal must be lined up against a wall and shot :(

    Yeah Fergie must be loosing his mind, not Arsenal who are the worst losers i've ever seen. Throwing food at the opposition just because they beat you was childish.

    The challenge from Henry on Heinze was bad and didn't get much coverage becuase of the Ruud challenge but that may have been becuase Cole stayed on teh ground and Heinze got straight back up.

    Not one story has said that the food was thrown "just because they beat us". The stories I've been hearing are that Van Nistelrooy went into our dressing room and that started it. If it's true, it explains why there's been no complaint by the Manc's because it's against the rules to go into the opposition dressing room and I personally believe that.

  7. Never EVER rule out Manchester United. Never.

    Unless they don't have the quality and depth anymore of the top two.

    They came back in 1996, but they were the best in the country then, they aren't now. Both Arsenal and Chelsea have buckets more quality and talent then Newcastle then, and Man Utd are a shell of what they were then. You honestly gonna say that you see Man Utd finish 1st this season?

  8. Wasnt it just two seasons ago when Arsenal looked certain to win the title, and then had an atrocious end to their season and gifted Man Utd the title?

    Nothing is for certain, especially not in the Premiership. I mean who honestly saw us losing 2 0 to Prtsmouth?

    Um....me :D

  9. Apparently we should've been 3-0 up in the first half, but they were the much better team in the second half. Can't say anything about the match yday coz I didn't see it, but you're obviously refering to the Man Utd game the other day, and we weren't second best, and anyone that says otherwise was watching a different match.

  10. Well, do you honestly, HONESTLY seeing us loose 3 more matches in the league this season? I don't see us losing again at all to be honest, with Stamford Bridge being the only possible acception. Unless Man Utd go on an awesome run, they won't win the league IMO.

  11. This diary is on a little bit of a hiatus at the moment I suppose is the right word to use. I've got Pro Evolution 4 the other day, Football Manager is coming soon, I work Fridays and Saturday's now and I'll be starting a IT course within the next week or so, so I'm gonna be shit-busy with tonnes of stuff. I will try and update this as much as possible, but right now I'm a little burned out from this diary.

    I have NO intentions of ending it, but the updates will be less than before.

    Also, in another effort to keep my interest for longer, the matches will simply be cut down a lot more. I'm gonna try and do a little bit of a "highlights" bit in the middle and then the ending, simply like that for the TV matches, PPV matches will be what they were before.

  12. Great game for Chelsea today. Eidur gets his first ever hat trick, and Robben makes an impressive debut.

    Still boring, boring Chelsea?

    In a word; yes. One game this season you've managed to play attractive football and really dominate a game to the point they never had a chance.

  13. Honestly, and speaking, not as an Arsenal fan (which I am of course) but as a football fan, that should've been a draw.

    Never, EVER a penalty. Couldn't give a shit what anyone claims, but Rooney started going down before Campbell was anywhere near him and he didn't actually touch him so, yup.

    Neither team really looked like scoring at all. Henry was off his game, van Nistelrooy hasn't been on his game since last season, Bergkamp was under-par, Rooney was non-existant for the first 70-odd minutes leaving Reyes the only player who even looked like scoring.

    Congratulations on the win though, it's sods-law that we loose number 50, and it's against Man Utd, AND it's at Old Trafford. THIS is where your season begins, and unless you start performing from your next game onwards you have no chance in the title race. We're still 8 points ahead of you, and I don't see us losing again this season with the sole exception POSSIBLY being to Chelsea at the Bridge (which isn't going to happen!) so I dom't see you catching us, and only see Chelsea as real contenders.

  14. Pro Evolution Soccer 4 - 10/10 No explaination needed here.

    Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - 9/10 One thing it lacks is the main character seems a little bland. Not as good as Jedi Outcast which is plain awesome in my opinion, but it is still great nontheless. The story, graphics, everything is great.

  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again: no new singings are needed, just Stuart Taylor and /or Graham Stack.

    Anyway, onto tomorrow...I really don't see United even getting near a win. They will be lucky with a draw, sorry to all the Man Utd fans who think otherwise, but...shit that's the way the cookie crumbles.

  16. Bloody hell. Another Champions League game where we just couldn't win. According to the commentators (on BBC London radio) there was a Greek player who should've been sent off about 3 times by full-time. He was the first of the two players that got booked I believe.

    Oh well, this Sunday will make up for it when we beat Manure.

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