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The Donators
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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Well, it's Superman which I've never liked, but it could be decent. With decent actors and a decent script I could be tempted to rent it maybe once it came out. Would never pay to see it mind you.

    Should Spacey find time in his 'busy' schedule, he'll join Brandon Routh - Superlad - on set in Sydney next year.

    Wow, that website is sure funny...course he's bloody busy!

  2. I think I just come across a bug:

    While playing my reserve game diary (cheap plug!) Phillipe Senderos got a 2!!! A 2!?!? What the fuck? He played a perfectly average game (1-1 btw) yet the shit rating. Another player got 3, and another got 4.

    Bloody bugs...

    Were you playing them (every so slightly) out of position? The game doesn't deal well with that - I've players on a decent 7 or 8 rating, put them in a new position for 10/20 and they've dropped as low as 4,5 or 6s.

    Senderos played centre-back, which is his position. Larsson played out of position on the left wing, so I suppose that could have something to do with ttat. But the other player played in his position. This needs to be fixed, this is clearly a bug...

  3. As I'm against splasing out 30 quid without knowing, is this worth the money, or should I just download an updated patch for this season? I've heard there a few neat little features, but is it worth it with a perfectly acceptable game already on my hard drive?

    Actually if you order it off Play.com it's only £17.99, just wanted to add that. It is fantastic if you ask me. A definate improvement over CM 03/04, and for £17.99 it is worth getting.

  4. My Palace team are really having problems scoring. Andy Johnson just isn't performaing whatsoever and my top scorers are Dean Richards and Dougie Freedman with 1! I'm trying out Torghelle in the line-up and I'm gonna give both Neil Shipperly and Alessio Cerci a go see if they can score. My team isn't actually playing badly, they just can't bloody score!

  5. If Van Nistelrooy were playing we would've won...Fucking Wenger

    So, Van Nistelrooy admits to fouling, but its still Wengers fault? get over it. I don't know why people even bother saying the 'if this happened we would of won' type of things, you didn't tough shit.

    I could say the same thing to every Arsenal fan still moaning over the fact that they were robbed at Old Trafford.

    I don't know any Arsenal fans who are "still moaning" over the game. I'm over it and I'm looking forward to Saturday's North London derby, biggest derby in Britain by far. If we beat Tottenham on Saturday you can sure as hell bet our season will be back on track.

  6. user posted image

    Monday 1st November 2004

    Live from the Peoria Civic Centre in Peoria, Illinois

    Hosted by Jim Ross and Jerry “the King” Lawler

    We open with highlights of last week’s RAW covering the Evolution/Randy Orton interaction from last week. Triple H told Orton he would get a World Heavyweight title match against him at the Survivor Series if he could defeat Ric Flair last week; if he could not Orton would never receive a World Heavyweight title shot again as long as Triple H is champion. After a near-15 minute match, and after interference from Batista, Chris Jericho, Maven and Chris Benoit, it was the steel chair in the hands of Triple H that settled the match when he blasted Orton in the back with the chair allowing Flair to pin him and win the match. Orton and co. had revenge on Evolution after the match though as the Hurricane, Rosey, Rhyno, William Regal, Shelton Benjamin and Eugene cut of their escape for Benoit, Jericho, Maven and Orton took out their frustrations on the champion to end the show.

    JR and the King welcome everyone to the first ever RAW from Peoria before talking how we’re two weeks away from the Survivor Series in Cleveland, Ohio. They move on to the matches on tonight’s RAW with Shelton Benjamin taking on Tyson Tomko in just a couple of minutes as well as a big six-man tag that’ll see Randy Orton, Chris Jericho and Maven team up to take on the three members of Evolution. Just as Union Underground’s “Across the Nation” ends the music of Evolution hits the PA system and Batista and Ric Flair make their way to the ring led by Triple H who certainly looks to be in a foul mood tonight. Flair is his usual self of course, while Batista seems to be as pissed off as the champion is. ‘The Game’ is handed a microphone by a staff member after Flair yelled at him to get in the ring and hand it to the champ.

    Triple H: Last week was a travesty! I was assaulted by two Canadians, one talentless piece of crap whose claim to fame is winning some worthless competition and that ungrateful son-of-a-bitch…Randy Orton. I get attacked last week, and what does Bischoff do; he does absolutely nothing! What kind of a boss takes the night off? It explains why WCW went down the crapper mind you if that’s what you use to do down there eh Eric? Is that what you did? But you know…it wasn’t all bad was it Ric? No, the 16-time former World’s champion stepped through those ropes like he has done a million times before, and likes he has done a million times before; he defeated a selfish little brat. A prima donna. Someone who thinks he has what it takes to be a champion. Someone who thinks he DESERVES this World Heavyweight title around my shoulder. Randy Orton; you will never, EVER get a shot at this belt while it is in my possession, so if I were you Randy, I’d take a trip over to SmackDown, I hear their champion is nothing compared to any of us three here, maybe you might be able to beat him and win that second-rate cheapo “World” title they have going over there. Because you see Randy, even if you COULD beat me in a one-on-one match, it would never happen because you lost your chance last week on RAW! You got beat like the little bitch that you are, and now you know what you get when you try and mess with Evolution. You know it first hand Randy; nobody gets away with sticking their noses where it doesn’t belong.

    Triple H lowers the microphone and hands it to Ric Flair. Before Flair even lifts it the crowd start ‘whooing’ over and over.

    Flair: Randy Orton! At Taboo Tuesday I lost to you; I lost fair and square Orton, I am man enough to admit that. But after I lost, you thought you had the right, the RIGHT to try and hug me? To HUG me!?! You don’t do that to me boy! You let your guard done the SECOND you tried to ‘sympathise’ with me, because I have lost matches in my time, but what you forget Randy is that I am the dirtiest player in the game…I am the kiss stealing, wheeling dealing, jet flying, limosine riding, son of a gun…I am the Nature Boy Ric Flair! I live, breathe, eat and SLEEP wrestling boy, and the second you hit the RKO on me inside that cage I knew I had lost. Do you know WHY Randy; it’s because you are GREAT! Not just good, but GREAT! I knew I lost the match, but the second my face hit the mat I was thinking about how to get my revenge on you Randy; how would I return the favour of making you lie flat on your back and look up at the lights as I pin you…one…two…three. But you see Randy; you did all the thinking for me the second you came over and gave me the sympathetic hug. There is a reason why Ric Flair is still kissing the women, winning the matches, living the life that he is at the grand age of 55 and that is because I am not stupid! You’re 24, yet you made the biggest mistake of your young career last Tuesday. The rate you’re going you won’t be in the WWE by the time you’re 25 if you continue to act so young, immature and STUPID! You’re weakness is that you think you are THE very best. Well I’ve got some news for you kid, you are not the best! This man right here is the best and that is why he is the World Heavyweight champion and you are not, whoooooo! So when you stepped in the ring with the Nature Boy last week on RAW, I knew you thought that you could beat me again, I KNEW it! But the thing is…you couldn’t, COULD YOU RANDY!?! COULD YOU!?! (Flair takes of his jacket and drops it on the mat) YOU THINK YOU ARE THE GREATEST WRESTLER ALIVE TODAY, BUT YOU AREN’T ARE YOU!?! ARE YOU!?! IF YOU WERE DON’T YOU THINK YOU COULD BEAT ME FOR A SECOND TIME!?! Exactly…you couldn’t, you couldn’t. There’s a reason why you are no longer in Evolution, and that is simply because…you don’t have the brains Randy. The night after you became the World Heavyweight champion; you didn’t expect us to beta you down and make you bleed did you? You didn’t see Triple H coming last week did you? You didn’t see him smash you in the back with the steel chair, whooooo!!!

    Flair hands the microphone back to Triple H and bounces off the ropes a couple of times with a smirk on his face, letting rip a couple of ‘whooos’ as he goes.

    Triple H: So tonight it’s a six-man tag match, and tonight is the night where Randy Orton gets outsmarted yet again by Evolution. Maven, Jericho and you Randy; you WILL be beaten and all any of you will see is the sight of…

    Triple H is cut of in mid-sentence by the sound of Maven’s music! Evolution couldn’t believe that Maven would have the balls to interrupt them, and they certainly showed it by the looks on their faces.

    Maven: Do you three EVER say anything different? I mean; didn’t you already say this last week? No? Maybe it was the week before that…or the week before that, I can’t really remember! Hell we could rewind the past year or so and hear the same old crap from you week in and week out! So for once would you…

    Batista: Get the hell out of my sight you piece of s***! Unless you wanna have some bones broken right this damn minute I suggest you leave!

    Jericho: Ho ho oh! Big bad Batista is picking on some littler than him again eh?

    The crowd cheer loudly as Chris Jericho walks out onto the stage from behind the curtain and joins Maven.

    Jericho: Come ON guys; don’t you notice the repetition you guys have? “I’m gonna beat up this guy, I’m gonna beat up that guy, I am the Game, I am the World Heavyweight champion” yadda yadda yadda! So I think I speak for everyone in Peoria, Illinois when I say…SHUT THE HELL UP! (Flair became irate and tried to go after Jericho but Batista and Triple H held him back) Yeah Hunter; you hold back you’re little butler there, go ahead!

    This made Flair’s eyes widen to the point of nearly bursting out of his head it seemed!

    Flair: What the hell did you say!?! I’m Ric Flair dammit! 16-times World Champion! You can’t talk about me like that! I’m…

    Maven: Ric weren’t you listening; Chris asked you to SHUT THE HELL UP!

    The fans again popped this as Maven and Jericho shared a laugh.

    Jericho: Thank you very much you three…I came out here to see if I could change the one constant on RAW, but unfortunately I failed. But how about if we win the six-man tonight…Evolution can never, EEEEVER open RAW again? (The crowd like the sound of this and cheered/laughed it) You like that? So chump, whatd’ya say?

    Triple H: Funny Jericho, real funny, but I’ll tell you what’s funnier; the sight of you two and Randy Orton lying flat on your backs as we stand victorious after beating you, and then, THEN you will see that Evolution has passed you by.

    Triple H drops his mic and the Motorhead theme plays with Jericho and Triple H staring one-another down. A smirk appears across the face of both Jericho and Maven and Evolution don’t seem to know what to make of it. The crowd are cheering something now, but Evolution don’t have a clue what it is. Batista and Flair step forwards to the ropes to yell at Maven and Y2J, but Triple H turns round and walks straight into an RKO from Randy Orton! Orton was who the fans were cheering! Orton quickly rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp to join Maven and Jericho. Batista and Flair check on their fallen leader as Orton, Jericho and Maven pose at the top of the ramp.


    Commercial Break

    RAW returns and JR and King talk about what happened before the break and we’re shown the RKO on Triple H courtesy of a ‘Moments Ago’ video. JR and King think it may have all been a set up, but JR backs the attack saying Triple H deserves to be on the receiving end every once in a while. King points out what happened last week and JR changes subject to the next match.

    Shelton Benjamin vs. Tyson Tomko w/ Christian

    Tomko didn’t wait for his music to play and jumped Benjamin on his way down to the ring while in the aisle. Tomko bounced Benjamin’s head off the security rails a couple of times before going to the well one time to many as Benjamin blocked it and sent Tomko crashing into the steel steps before getting into the ring. Christian helped Tomko up and the bell finally rang as Tomko received a couple of quick kicks to the back before Tomko struggled back to his feet and fought back. The tides turned as Benjamin was sent into the ropes by Tomko but was the recipient of a trip from Christian. Benjamin tried to pull Christian into the ring, but Tomko attacked him from behind and hit a backdrop. Tomko went on the slow, yet painful offence on the hurt All-American from Orangeburg, South Carolina. Tomko went over to one of the turnbuckles and removed the padding while the referee checked on Benjamin, and whenever he went to stand up Christian caught his attention somehow. Benjamin was worn down by the time Tomko hoisted him over his head, taunting the Intercontinental champion by asking him where he should drop him. But Benjamind managed to wriggle his way out of the predicament and land on his feet before Tomko turned round straight into an exploder suplex! Benjamin made the cover on the big ‘Problem Solver’ as the referee counted…1…2…3! Benjamin celebrated the win on the ramp after rolling out of the ring.

    Winner: Shelton Benjamin (4:23)




    Christian didn’t look best pleased at the outcome of the match, but still had the self-assurance to let Benjamin know he was gunning for the Intercontinental title by signifying it would be around his waist very soon. Christian walked up the steps and got in the ring before helping Tyson Tomko to his feet. Christian patted him on the back…before nailing the Unprettier! Christian stood back up and looked down at his now former ‘Problem Solver’ before yelling at him, telling him that he failed in his simple job of beating up Shelton Benjamin. He then said he didn’t need Tomko and said he was better without him. Christian walked out of the ring, leaving Tomko lying face down on the mat.

    RAW cuts to the back to see Todd Grisham standing by with one-half of the Tag Team champions, Edge. Edge does not have a title belt.

    Grisham: Edge I noticed that you aren’t wearing your Tag Team title belt, and I was wondering if you are going to be there for Chris Benoit in your Tag Team title defence against La Resistance tonight?

    Edge: Will I be there tonight for Benoit? Lemme ask you something ‘Todd’; why should I be? I mean, I had no intention of winning the Tag Team titles at Taboo Tuesday, so the way I see it, Chris Benoit won the Tag Team titles, Chris Benoit can have the Tag Team titles, because I have bigger things on my mind, like the World Heavyw…

    Edge stops in mid-sentence and stands taller as Chris Benoit walks onto the scene with each belt draped across his shoulders. The two stood there for a couple of seconds staring at one-another with Todd Grisham still standing in between.

    Benoit: You have bigger things on your mind eh Edge? Well remember that I made Triple H tap out at WrestleMania Twenty, and if you think I am going to let you get a title shot before me…well, you’re just not that bright then are you Edge?

    Edge: Hey Chris; this is MY interview time. Just like at Taboo Tuesday, somebody else has to muscle in a take MY spot once again. I would’ve WON the World Heavyweight title if it wasn’t for these stupid fans, but no, oh no, they vote for a damn cripple to face Triple H instead of someone who is young, someone who is fresh, someone who is…hungry. You had your chance Chris, and don’t get me wrong; you did good beating Triple H and holding onto the belt for five months, that’s quite an accomplishment…but where’s my shot? Where’s my World Heavyweight title match? How many times has Edge been in a World Heavyweight title match this year? Oh that’s right; none. But you…you Chris, you’ve had your time in the spotlight, but now it’s MY time to step up and take my shot!

    Benoit: Ahhh, stop talking Edge. Have you made Triple H tap out? Have you made Shawn Michaels tap out? Have you won the Tag Team titles single-handedly after your partner walked out? Have you ever last 60-minutes in the Royal Rumble to EARN YOUR CHANCE FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE!?! You haven’t done any of those things Edge, and I don’t think you can. Prove me wrong Edge…just prove me wrong…

    Benoit and Edge look just about ready to go at it when the Coach rushes onto the scene.

    Coach: Woah, woah, woah! Calm down guys! Now Edge, I know you don’t want to defend the titles with Chris Benoit tonight, but unfortunately you have to. I’m under direct orders from Eric Bischoff to make sure you go out there and stay out there for the duration of the match otherwise…

    Edge: Otherwise what Coach? Spit it out!

    Coach: …otherwise you’ll be suspended indefinitely without pay…sorry Edge.

    Coach didn’t seem as though he enjoyed giving that news. Edge didn’t look very happy with this and looked as though he was holding his anger in. Coach walked off, leaving Grisham, Edge and Benoit alone.

    Benoit: See you in the ring then…champ.

    Benoit then walked off leaving Edge fuming. He turned his head to see Todd Grisham still standing there with the microphone in hand. Edge then punched Todd Grisham square in the face and started pummelling him into the ground before road agents and Chris Benoit rushed onto the scene to break it up. Benoit checked on the unconscious Todd Grisham as a now laughing Edge was carried away by a group of road agents including Sgt. Slaughter.


    Commercial Break

    Randy Orton, Chris Jericho and Maven vs. Triple H, Batista and Ric Flair

    RAW comes back and Evolution are making their way to the ring as JR and King discuss the actions of Edge moments ago as he attacked Todd Grisham, knocking him unconscious they said. JR says that Edge won’t be receiving any World Heavyweight title shots in the future with actions like that. King disagrees, saying Edge is finally showing all the qualities that a true champion needs; the ability not to care about what anyone else thinks. Maven and Y2J are out next, and as Orton’s music hits Evolution look around to make sure he doesn’t jump out of the crowd at them, but calm down as they see Orton come out at the entrance ramp. JR added that this was a preview of Survivor Series as we would see all six in action in an eight-man, Survivor Series style match pitting Evolution and Gene Snitsky against Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Maven and a fourth partner. Y2J and Batista started things off by going into a lock-up, which Batista subsequently took control off by over-powering Y2J and shoving him into the corner. Some posing by Batista led to another lock-up which Jericho faked and went behind, followed by a dropkick to the back. Batista landed on the second rope, so Jericho started dancing before bouncing off the ropes and running into a big Batista-line. Batista tagged in Flair which got a big ‘whoooo’ out of the crowd, and Flair went on to chop Jericho’s chest to shreds in the corner. Jericho began to fight back and he and Flair had a long chopping war which Jericho won after Flair flopped onto the mat. Jericho’s chest was bright red by this point so he went over and tagged in Maven. Maven was hot off the tag and ready to go, but Flair begged Maven off. Maven walked over to the Nature Boy and got a thumb to the eye for his troubles. Flair got up and dragged Maven to his corner where he tagged in the World’s Heavyweight champion Triple H! The Game walked straight into a high standing dropkick from Maven who quickly crawled over to his corner and tagged in Randy Orton. Orton didn’t hesitate to get into the action with the Game, and despite Triple H’s pleas, Orton unloaded with everything he had on the champion. He knocked the Game down with a dropkick before getting on one knee and waiting for Triple H to get to his feet. When he did he went for the RKO, but the Game blocked him, shoved him into Jericho which knocked him off the apron and then caught Orton with a DDT when he came back. Both Triple H and Orton were down on the mat and Maven was checking on the fallen Jericho as RAW went to a break.

    Commercial Break

    RAW returned to see Orton struggling to fight out of an Indian deathlock from Triple H. We’re shown a video of ‘During the Break’ where Ric Flair had the referee distracted and Triple H nailed Orton with a low-blow leading to his current predicament. Orton is losing the battle to get out of the hold at this point with the champion putting more and more pressure on. Jericho and Maven try to get the fans to cheer Orton on, and they duly oblige by starting to clap. Triple H starts to shake his head and shout ‘no, no’, but Orton begins to feel it and tries to wriggle free of the hold. Orton sucks up all the pain and starts crawling towards the ropes, but Triple H is having none of it and tries to stay where he is. As the referee checks on Orton, Flair grabs a hold on Triple H and tries to keep him still. The referee doesn’t see this, so Maven goes away from his corner to confront the referee. The referee goes to Maven and tells him to go back to his corner, and as the two argue, Ric Flair gets in the ring and he and Triple H drag Randy Orton back into their corner. The referee turned around and Triple H quickly tagged in Ric Flair, who came in strutting and ‘whooing’. Flair went to pick up Orton, but was rolled up for a near fall! Flair couldn’t believe it and quickly went to work on his leg and then signalled for the Figure Four. He strutted around a little before going to lock it in, but when he finally attempted it Orton kicked him off onto the turnbuckle! Flair walked around a bit, lost, dazed and confused as Orton slowly got to his feet. Flair turned round to Orton…and walked straight into the RKO! Orton was to weak to roll over and cover Flair, so the referee begins his count. Both men start crawling towards their corners at six and Batista is tagged in first by Flair followed quickly by Maven on the other side! Maven comes in like a house of fire, taking down Batista clothesline after clothesline and even gets a dropkick in on Triple H who tries to sneak attack! Maven goes to the top rope and waits for Batista to get up and face him before jumping off and hitting a great DDT! Maven covers Batista, but only manages to get to two before Triple H breaks up the pin and nails the Pedigree on Maven! The game, not being legal quickly goes to the apron and tags himself in before getting in and covering Maven, but the referee doesn’t count! Triple H confronts him, wanting to know why and he points to Jericho being the legal man! He tagged himself in as well and was on the top rope! He came off with an axe handle attempt, but Triple H caught him with a kick to the gut, but before he could do anymore Randy Orton appeared and hit the RKO! Triple H collapsed, and after regaining his breath, Jericho hit the Lionsault and made the cover…1…2…3, Jericho pins the World Heavyweight champion!

    Winners: Chris Jericho, Maven and Randy Orton (13:49)




    Ric Flair and Batista pulled their fallen leader from the ring and retreated up the ramp as Randy Orton looked at Triple H and motioned that he would be the next World Heavyweight champion.

    Commercial Break

    RAW returned to see a video being played. There were two men sitting cross-legged on a mat in a room as we approach from behind. The camera stays focused on them from behind as they begin to speak in a strong Arabic accent.

    Hassan: I am Muhammad Hassan…

    Daivari: …and I am Khosrow Daivari…

    Hassan: We are American citizens…born in America, and lived in America our whole lives…

    Daivari: …we our devout Muslims, and have faith in Allah, but respect all people no matter what race, religion or creed…

    Hassan: …we were treated as equals all our lives…

    Daivari: …until September 11th 2001.

    Hassan: Wherever we went after the terrorist attacks, we were given disgusting looks from American citizens…

    Daivari: …and because the terrorist who attacked America wore turbans and were Muslims, automatically we became terrorists in the eyes of many American citizens…

    Hassan: …but we have come to RAW to prove people wrong.

    Daivari: The actions of September 11 were that of a very small group of people…

    Hassan: …people who we do not know, and people we do not wish to know…

    Daivari: …we have come to RAW because we wish to show people that we are equals, and should be treated as such. We do not demand respect…

    Hassan: …we are willing to show you that we are American’s as well as Muslims…

    Daivari: …we are here to show that we are wrestlers…

    Hassan: …and we are coming next month…

    We get a ‘Coming in December’ line before the video fades out. The crowd are heard in the background giving mixed reactions to the video, but JR and the King back them for success. JR says that everyone deserves a chance on RAW and wherever he or she goes, saying nobody should be discriminated against no matter what they are. King says that they certainly seem ready and willing to go, but the real question is if they can get in that ring with someone like Triple H and survive. JR agrees and says that it’s almost time for the handicap match that’ll pit Gene Snitsky up against William Regal and Eugene.


    We cut to the back to see William Regal trying to talk to Eugene as he jumps around. Eugene

    Regal: Eugene, Eugene calm down please! Tonight you need to focus!

    Eugene: Mhmmmm…

    Regal: This Gene Snitsky is a very dangerous chap indeed as you and I well know. He beat me up last week, he might have ended that monster Kane’s career at Taboo Tuesday and he beat you up as well the day before that, so we need to be very careful out there.

    Eugene: Ok Willy…we be careful…

    Regal: Good, now let’s go out there and teach that toe-rag Gene Snitsky a lesson!

    Eugene: Yeah!

    Eugene hops about clapping his hands and walks off in one direction with Regal going the other way. Noticing Eugene wasn’t following him, he turned back, grabbed Eugene and directed him in the correct direction.


    Gene Snitsky vs. William Regal and Eugene

    Regal and Eugene made their way to the ring first and as usual, Eugene went round and excitedly slapped hands with all the fans at ringside before Regal made him calm down before reminding him to focus. Eugene tried to put on a serious face, but King laughed at him saying he looked like he was trying to “do a number two”. Snitsky came out next and was repeatedly shouting out “this won’t be my fault”. Regal and Eugene attempted to jump Snitsky before he got into the ring, but Snitsky seemed to absorb all of the punishment. He blocked a left-handed punch from William Regal and shoved him away. Regal turned and cracked heads with Eugene and both men collapsed onto the mat. Snitsky gave an evil smirk and after a couple of seconds of deliberation, he decided on attacking Eugene. He went over to one of the turnbuckles and removed the padding. The referee tried to put it back on, but Snitsky got in his way, and the referee fell over in fear. He picked him up and hoisted him above his head before dropping him face-first onto the exposed steel, busting Eugene open but also earning himself a disqualification from the referee!

    Winners by DQ: William Regal and Eugene (3:23)




    Snitsky wasn’t finished though, as he hoisted the now-bloodied Eugene back to his feet before repeatedly slamming Eugene’s head into the steel! William Regal, groggy from the clash of heads with Eugene got up and tried to help his protégé but only walked into a big boot from Snitsky. More help was at hand however as Chris Jericho and Randy Orton ran down to the ring to help Eugene and Regal. Snitsky quickly rolled out of the ring and backed up the ramp. He shouted at the five in the ring, “T was my fault! That was my fault!” Jericho signalled for paramedics to come down and check on Eugene who seemed to be completely and utterly beaten down. His face was the proverbial ‘crimson mask’ as the paramedics made their way down and loaded him onto a stretcher. Jericho, Regal and Orton accompanied the stretcher to the back and helped load Eugene into the ambulance as Maven appeared on the scene to see what had happened.

    Regal: That’s about all I can bloody well take of this Gene Snitsky! I’m your fourth man! I want to get a piece of him for what he did to poor Eugene!

    Orton, Jericho and Maven looked at one another and all seemed in agreement.

    Orton: Welcome to the team William…

    Regal was still fuming as he shook hands with the other three members of Team Orton before he got into the ambulance with Eugene as it left the arena.

    Commercial Break

    RAW returns as we get another ‘Moments Ago’ video showing Eugene being loaded into an ambulance and the announcement by Regal that he would be the fourth man in team Orton. JR and King agreed that when Snitsky and Regal clash at Survivor Series, all hell would break loose. Just then, Trish Stratus’s music hits and the Women’s champion made her way out to ring.

    Trish: You know, I was thinking about how exactly Lita has been feeling these past few months? I mean, she just lost her unborn baby who, I may I add, was created by Kane who, may I add, blackmailed her into having sex with him! She ‘claimed’ she had no feelings for him, but she looked just a little bit upset to me when she saw the outcome of Kane’s match with Gene Snitsky and he was bloodied up from it. Is there a little bit of feelings there? I think so Lita…! Then of course there’s the wedding to the man who ‘apparently’ you hate, not forgetting that night also saw your boyfriend Matt Hardy get thrown of the stage and through a couple of tables. Hell, while we’re at it lets go through ALL the things you ruined! Actually, I’ve got a better idea; why don’t we take a LOOK at it? I got a little help earlier on today putting together a lovely video about the career of Lita entitled…”Lita’s Kiss of Death”.

    A video plays on the screen along to Lita’s entrance music showing Lita debuting with former WWE star Essa Rios, ending with the word “GONE” being placed over his picture. Then moved onto her hooking up with the Hardy Boyz with two separate images of the Hardy Boys with “SPLIT” across it followed by a picture of Jeff Hardy with the word “GONE” placed over it. We get “CANCELLED” for the TV show Dark Angled, followed by “INJURED” for Matt Hardy, followed by “DEAD” for the Kane/Lita-hybrid baby picture she gave her a while back, finally followed by “DEAD” for Kane.

    Trish: Now you see what she has had to put up with? If you people had to put up with that, you would all like Lita des; she’s let herself go down the toilet. She’s gotten…chubby, ha ha. She’s not exactly…well, attractive any more is she? Whereas…

    Trish was cut off in mid-sentence by the sound of Lita’s music! Lita is staring a hole straight through Trish Stratus as she walks down to the ring with a purpose. Lita started to run and slid into the ring into the waiting boots of Trish Stratus. Lita struggled to her feet and managed to mount a come back, but out of nowhere Gail Kim arrived on the scene and saved Trish from the beat down. Kim and Trish put the boots to Lita until Nidia ran down to the ring to chase them off! Trish and Kim rolled out of the ring and Trish picked up a microphone.

    Trish: What are you doing; sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong!?! I’ll tell you what; let’s have us a tag team match right here and right now! You two against us two, whata’ya say?

    Nidia helps Lita to her feet, and picks up a microphone that Trish dropped when she was in the ring before.

    Lita: You two want a match…you’re on!


    A video for Survivor Series played, hyping up the pay-per-view that will take place November 14th at the Gund Arena in Cleveland, Ohio.

    Lita and Nidia vs. Trish Stratus and Gail Kim

    We join the match in progress as Trish is hooking up Nidia’s arm as she tags in Gail Kim. Kim comes in with some kicks to the ribs before whipping her across the ring, only to be taken down with a crossbody for a near fall. Nidia quickly tagged out to Lita who came in all psyched up and nailed a snap suplex on Kim before hitting a powerslam on the incoming Trish. Kim got up and walked right into Lita who signalled for the Twist of Fate, but Trish came and nailed Lita in the back of the head with a chick kick! Gail Kim collapsed on top of her, only getting a near fall after Nidia ran in and broke it up. Kim tagged out to Trish who immediately came in and mocked the hurt Lita by doing a mock V1 sign with her hands. She then stalked Lita and waited till she got up before trying to rub salt in the wound by hitting the Twist of Fate! But Lita was able to reverse it and hit a spike DDT! Both women were out on the mat, but Lita was the only one moving as she crawled over and tagged in Nidia! Gail Kim ran in and was subject to a couple of clotheslines before Trish recovered and tried to hit the Stratusfaction. But yet again a finisher was blocked and Nidia rolled Trish up for the 1…2…3 and upset victory!

    Winners: Nidia and Lita (6:19)




    Nidia and Lita celebrated their shock victory as Trish and Gail Kim looked at them from the ring, not believing what had just happened.

    Commercial Break

    JR and the King show us a ‘Moment’s Ago’ video of Nidia pinning the Women’s champion and causing a big upset. This led to JR announcing a big Survivor Series style match at Survivor Series that will see Trish Stratus, Gail Kim, Molly Holly and Jazz team up against Lita, Nidia, Victoria and Stacy Keibler with the last woman standing getting a Women’s title show the next night on RAW. We go to the ring where Lillian Garcia asks everyone to welcome the newest sponsor of RAW, Simon Dean!

    Dean: Thank you Lillian, thank you very much. May I just say that it is great to be on RAW to promote my patented ‘Simon System’. As we all know, the fans of wrestling are nearly always overweight, obese slobs who sit at home and watch the TV all day. They do no exercise, don’t eat healthy foods, but with my patented ‘Simon System’ even YOU (points at overweight fan in crowd) could look as fit and great as me within 30 days! That’s right; 30 days is all it takes for someone like this rather large gentleman to see his own penis! When WAS the last time you saw it sir? It’s been so long that he can’t remember, but with my patented ‘Simon System’ you could see it again within 30 days! 30 days! That’s an offer you can’t refuse, but I’m not sure if you can afford it though…hmmm… never mind. What about you (pointing at a women in the front row) there youn…um…what about you (quickly changing who he was pointing at to an overweight woman), how many diets have you attempted? Judging by the looks of you, and by the state of your appearance you probably tried ALL of them at once! Because you see, none of the dieting techniques on the market come even close to my patented Simon System, and if you were to use it, I would have to say that I GUARANTEE that…well, actually I think you are to far gone, but I guarantee it will help people lose weight and get back in great shape!

    A man standing next to the woman Dean was talking about a moment ago tries to get over the security wall but security cut him off and try to hold him back.

    Dean: No no guys, let him in…you’re this woman’s boyfriend (the guy nods)? Ok then; let him into the ring. So then…you’re HER boyfriend? She’s kinda large don’t you think? Don’t get me wrong; you probably couldn’t do any better, but still I don’t quite understand how somebody who is that size and that…that ugly could even get a boyfriend! Turning it around, I don’t understand how someone as ugly as you could get a…

    The man shoves Simon Dean onto the mat to a minor pop before knocking the table over, but Dean gets up and takes his leg out from under him before locking in a cobra clutch. The man from the crowd immediately started screaming and tapping out. Dean let go of it and quickly leaves the ring.


    The SmackDown Rebound is of the seven Tough Enough finalists taking bodyslams from the Big Show as well as Booker T beating Orlando Jordan to win a WWE title shot at Survivor Series against the champion John “Bradshaw” Layfield.

    Commercial Break

    World Tag Team titles: La Resistance vs. Chris Benoit and Edge ©

    We get a split screen of both Chris Benoit and Edge walking backstage for a couple of seconds before La Resistance’s music hits and the challengers come out to the ring. Chris Benoit was the first half of the Tag Team champions to make his way to the ring and didn’t wait for Edge to get into it with Conway and Grenier. Benoit caught Grenier with a German suplex and followed up with one to Conway and repeated this three further times before getting to his feet and surveying the damage to a round of applause. Benoit picked Conway and locked in the Crippler Crossface, but just as he did that Edge’s music hit and the other half of the champions hit the stage! Benoit released the hold on Conway and stared straight at Edge as he made his entrance. Benoit fell victim to a low-blow from Conway and a roll-up saw the referee count a near fall as Edge slowly made his way to the ring. Edge was about to get up on the apron, but decided against it and walked back up the ramp to sit at the announce table with JR and the King! Benoit was falling victim to some double-teaming from the challengers and a lot of quick tags saw La Resistance try to wear him down very quickly. Edge kept plugging his book along with King as Benoit slowly mounted a come back by chopping away at the chest of Grenier but turned to make a tag, forgetting Edge wasn’t there. Grenier tried to hit a back suplex, but Benoit rolled over the top and landed behind him and the move culminated with Benoit hitting a German suplex into a bridge for a near fall, which was broken up by Conway. Grenier tagged out to Conway and Conway and Benoit went at it with Benoit getting the advantage after some chops then ducking a clothesline before hitting the German suplex hatrick. Benoit went to the top rope and dove off with the swandive headbutt only to see Conway roll out of the way at the last second. Both Conway and Benoit lay prone on the mat as RAW went to its final break.

    Commercial Break

    RAW returned to find Conway trying desperately to lock in a half Boston crab on Benoit who was ferociously struggling to avoid the hold and managed to punt Conway away before kipping up! Conway turned round and Benoit grabbed his legs, tripping him up and locked him in the sharpshooter! Edge said that Benoit looked as though he was in trouble, so the Toronto native got up from the announce table and walked on down to the ring and got on the apron. Benoit sat back on the sharpshooter as Edge tried to get in the ring. The ref stopped him and this was the queue for Grenier to come in and hit Chris Benoit. But Benoit saw it coming and released the hold, ducked Grenier’s clothesline and hit a German suplex! The referee was still busy with Edge as Benoit signalled for the headbutt. Benoit was about to go to the top rope, but out of nowhere Christian appeared in the ring and hit the Unprettier! He drapped Rob Conway over the fallen Benoit and vacated the ring. The referee turned round and counted the pin…1…2…3, La Resistance are the new champions!

    Winners and NEW World Tag Team champions: La Resistance (9:34)




    Edge feigned disappointment as he stood on the apron. He got in the ring and looked up at the TitanTron to see it was Christian who cost Benoit the match, and he looked pissed. He turned round and saw Christian in the ring and the two went nose-to-nose…before Edge smirked and the two brothers hugged!!! Edge and Christian touched fists before Edge went over to Benoit and started to beat him down as Christian went outside and grabbed two steel chairs! Christian slid one to Edge and they both waited for Benoit to get to his feet as they swung…and missed! The steel crashed as Benoit ducked the con-chair-toh before attacked both Edge and Christian. Christian fell down with a German suplex and Benoit then caught Edge and locked him in the Crippler Crossface! Christian managed to get up and go for Benoit, but Benoit released the crossface from Edge and went toe-to-toe with Christian in the corner. Benoit looked to whip Christian into the other corner, but Christian reversed it and sent Benoit straight into a spear from Edge! Edge and Christian cleared the cobwebs and picked up the steel chairs again and waited for Benoit…before smashing the chairs against his skull! Edge and Christian celebrated their beating as a now bloody Chris Benoit lay face down in the centre of the ring as RAW went off the air.

    Overall Rating: 67%


  7. user posted image



    NOV. 1, 2004

    Last week on RAW, Triple H was humilated at the hands of Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit and Maven to name but a few, and this week Evolution are scheduled to be at the show and will take part in a big six-man tag team match that will see the three members of Evolution take on Maven, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton. This is a preview as well because at Survivor Series a Classic Survivor Series match has been booked including all six of those men with each team to announce their fourth men on the show tonight.

    The question on many peoples minds is will Eric Bischoff be in Peoria, Illinois tonight to oversea proceedings or will his night of be extended to a second week?

    It's no secret that Edge and Chris Benoit haven't been getting along recently, but they will have to put their differences aside as they team up again tonight to take on the former champions La Resistance in a World Tag Team title match. Can Edge and Benoit co-exist or will La Resistance become the champions again?

    Don’t miss RAW (9/8 CT on Spike TV)

  8. 1. WWE Heavyweight Title: Eddie Guerrero v. Matt Hardy

    I still say Eddie Guerrero will win this one despite the death of Traylor

    2. Will Hardy use the Bossman Slam, Swanton Bomb, both, or neither?

    I can see him using the Bossman slam yes

    3. Will anyone interfere in the match?

    Yes, dunno who though

    4. WWE Tag Team Titles: Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar v. Edge and

    Hollywood Hogan

    Edge and Hogan was my original thought, but it makes more sense if Angle and Lesnar win it

    5. Who pins whom in the above match?

    Lesnar pins Hogan after some form of cheating me thinks

    6. Undertaker v. Billy Kidman v. Bull Buchanan

    Bull Buchanan

    7. Who pins whom in the above match?

    Buchanan will pin Kidman

    8. Tazz v. Rey Misterio

    Tazz, he has to win after the build-up he's got

    9. Who *is* Joey Numbahs, anyway?

    You got me...

    10. Who will win TAG TEAM TURMOIL?

    Karagias and Moore. One way or another there has to be a win from Matt Hardy's camp, and seen as I don't see Matt winning it has to be these two

    11. Who will finish second?

    Road Dogg and Killings

    12. WWE United States Title: Nathan Jones v. Ultimo Dragon

    Nathan Jones

    13. What match will be the best?

    The WWE title match

    14. Will these be the only matches?

    Um...yes, I think so

    15. What match will get the main event slot?

    WWE title match

  9. I don't see it as a disgrace personally. Ferdinand missed the test, and in the eyes of the FA etc, he took performance enhancing drugs which was why he didn't turn up. And for all we know, that is the exact reason. If that were the case, 8 months is a let off.

    But back on subject, Mutu took a recreational drug and admitted it. He didn't deny it. Performance enhancing drugs and recreational drugs are two ENTIRELY different things, and the punishment should be intirely different. 7 months is a good time suspension, but the fine I would've increased for the simple fact £20,000 is nothing to him.

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