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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Yes...yes it does. I mean, shit I'm 18 but I still love the stuff. At the moment I'm debating whether to shell out £99.99 to buy this baby. The Millenium Falcon...


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    Seriously though, how many people here have loved Lego in the past? I suppose I should make this topic worthwhile by asking what's your favourite Lego model and what's your best memories of Lego?

  2. user posted image

    Monday 8th November 2004

    Live from The Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas

    Hosted by Jim Ross and Jerry “the King” Lawler

    RAW opens with highlights of last week’s brutal beating on Eugene by Gene Snitsky leading into a clip of William Regal demanding and being given the fifth spot on Team Orton for Survivor Series. We then see Christian kicking Tyson Tomko to the curb after Tomko’s defeat to Shelton Benjamin. This leads into the end of the main event where Christian interrupts the Tag Team title match and attacks Chris Benoit before joining forces with his brother. That leads into Evolution’s interview at the beginning of RAW, and the interruptions by Maven, Chris Jericho, and finally by Randy Orton’s attack on Triple H, hitting him with the RKO. This leads to Y2J pinning Triple H in the six-man tag match after the Lionsault as the video ends with Ric Flair and Batista helping Triple H to his feet as he stares at Randy Orton, Chris Jericho and Maven before fading into the opening video for RAW.

    As the opening video ends, Eric Bischoff returns! He walks down the ramp as JR and King welcome everyone to RAW. Bischoff is looking serious as he walks to the ring with a purpose. The head-shaving thing seems to have had a serious effect on him as he’s let the stubble grow and really doesn’t look like he cares much for RAW. He gets in the ring and motions for a microphone.

    Bischoff: I got my head shaved a couple of weeks ago at Taboo Tuesday, not by Vince McMahon, not by my nephew Eugene…but by each and everyone of you fans, and by the superstars in the back (fans pop loudly for this). Yeah, you cheer, I know you don’t like me, but frankly, I couldn’t care less. But what I do care about is the fact that nobody…NOBODY came out from the back to stop my humiliation! People who I have bent over backwards to help, people like…Evolution. For the past two years I have had my head stuck up Evolution’s collective backsides…but no longer. I am Eric Bischoff; I am the man who took WCW to dizzying heights back in 1996! I am the man who controls RAW! And I am the man who is taking a months vacation, starting on Monday! Yeah, cheer all you like, because I am taking a damn well needed break from all of the politicking by Evolution, by everyone in the back who tries to use my good nature to get by on RAW. So now comes the question of who will take over RAW during my absence…well, you all controlled Taboo Tuesday last month, so how about the FANS controlling RAW for a month (the fans pop very loudly)? Well, tough! I am not letting you people near my show because, as bad as it’s been the past two weeks, you fans are useless in deciding matches! I mean, you people voted for a CRIPPLE to challenge Triple H for the World Heavyweight title at Taboo Tuesday…how STUPID are you? I wouldn’t have allowed that, which is why you will not get control of RAW. No, I have a better idea, and I have someone in mind. Actually, I have FOUR people in mind. Well, to be specific, I have eight people in mind, but only four of those can control RAW. I am referring to the classic Survivor Series match this Sunday between Randy Orton’s Team, and Triple H’s Team. You know that match SCREAMS out for a stipulation doesn’t it? It demands some attention, which is why I am adding this stipulation; the winners of that match will control RAW for a month! One week for each of the four members of the team, and they will begin NEXT WEEK!

    Bischoff threw down his mic and walked out of the ring as RAW went to a break.


    Commercial Break

    JR and King discussed the ramifications of Eric Bischoff’s announcement, saying that all hell will break loose next Monday, whoever takes control. King said if Orton’s team wins, everyone would put themselves in World Heavyweight title matches with Triple H. JR said he is probably right, but it makes a change for Triple H deciding who gets the matches. JR announces that the next match was just made by Eric Bischoff and is a title match!

    World Tag Team titles: Rosey and the Hurricane vs. La Resistance ©

    The Hurricane locked up in the ring with Sylvan Grenier to start things off, and the Hurricane easily took advantage after some nice exchanges between the two and the Hurricane capped this little moment off with a nicely placed right hand to the face, knocking Grenier to the mat before tagging in Rosey. Rosey came in and went crazy on Grenier and dominated him for a minute or so before tagging the Hurricane back in. Hurricane came off the top, hitting the overcast on Grenier for a near fall. Hurricane worked over Grenier for a little while, but when he went to the top rope, Grenier ducked out of the way and the Hurricane splatted on the mat after an attempted cross body. The worn out Grenier quickly tagged out to Conway who came in with a mean streak and began dishing out the punishment with knees to the gut and rib section. The Hurricane was in trouble as he was clearly suffering here at the hands on the more technical based, American-turncoat, Rob Conway. Conway and Grenier exchanged regular and quick tags and simply demolished the Hurricane for much of the remainder of the match until the big accident happened. Sylvan Grenier whipped the Hurricane across the ring and attempted to hit a back body drop, but it all went wrong as the Hurricane landed horribly, landing flat on his head and he collapsed onto the mat. Grenier didn’t know what to do, but Rosey ran in and started pounding away at him until Rob Conway came from nowhere and whacked Rosey in the face with a World Tag Team title belt, causing a disqualification.

    Winners by DQ: Rosey and the Hurricane (5:14)




    La Resistance quickly rolled out of the ring and headed up the ramp, but they were clearly rattled by what had happened in the ring. The referee quickly threw up the ‘X’ sign as the EMT’s rushed to ring. This was real; not a part of the show. Jerry Lawler left his position on the announce table to go to the ring and see what happened. Rosey rolled over and checked on his clearly injured partner. The Hurricane was moving, barely, and repeated ‘my neck, my neck’ a couple of times. JR said we would go to an unscheduled break right now while they find out what happened.

    Commercial Break

    When RAW returned, a video aired of ‘Moment’s Ago’ showing the Hurricane getting stretchered out of the arena with Rosey buy his side. JR said that the Hurricane has been taken to a local medical facility, and that from the way he landed, it could well be a broken neck. Both JR and the King gave their best wishes to the Hurricane and said they hope he recovers soon. JR then said he had gotten word that Rosey had contacted Eric Bischoff moments ago that the Hurricane will not be able to compete this Sunday at Survivor Series, no matter what happens, but he said he would. JR said that the super hero that was Rosey is no more, and that he is now going by his real name, Matt Anoai. JR then said Eric Bischoff had granted Anoai a World Tag Team title match at Survivor Series against La Resistance, all Anoai had to do was find a partner. JR then started talking about last weeks RAW where brothers Edge and Christian reunited after three years doing their own thing, and that it came at the expense of Chris Benoit and the Tag Team titles. A video of last week aired, splicing together the events of last week when Christian dumped Tyson Tomko, then the meeting between Edge and Benoit backstage where Edge punked out Todd Grisham in anger, moving onto the match itself where Christian ran down and joined forces with Edge, costing Benoit and Edge the titles to La Resistance in the process. Just as that happened, Edge and Christian’s music played! The former eight-time Tag Team champions made their way to the ring with Christian in classic big fuzzy hat and fuzzy glasses while Edge was all business.

    Christian: Oh yeah…OH YEAH BABY! E & C ride again dudes! The absolutely COOLEST tag team in the history of the world are back together man!

    Edge: When you think of great tag teams…only two names come to mind, Edge and Christian! Forget the Dudley Boyz! Forget the Legion of Doom! Forget the Midnight Express! Forget Demolition, the British Bulldogs, the Hart Foundation, the Mega Powers…

    Christian: …dude, they are just NOTHING compared to us!

    Edge: BUT…we are back together for one reason; and that is for the gold! I WANT…no, I NEED the World Heavyweight title, just as much as Christian needs the Intercontinental title! We’re watching each others backs, and these brothers are here because we KNOW just how good the other is, and that’s why we’re together, because we’re smart!

    Christian: Totally right my bruv; Shelton Benjamin has what’s mine, and I want it! I want it I want it I want it! That tattooed freak Tyson Tomko couldn’t get me my gold, but my brother will! My brother will help me get the belt, just like I’m gonna help him get the World Heavyweight title!

    Edge: Simply put; this is a partnership of convenience. You mess with one of us, you mess with both of us, and how many people can say they’ve survived a clash with THE most innovative guy in wrestling? I’m talking about myself you morons! I invented the Edgecution, the Edge-O-Matic, the Edgecator and SOOOOOO many more! Me and Christian even invented the most DEVESTATING move in wrestling history…the con-chair-toh! But you know what, there’s something we haven’t done in YEARS…SOOOOOOOOO for the benefit of those with flash photography…

    Edge and Christian prepare to do their classic five-second pose, but before anything happens, Chris Benoit’s music hits and he and Shelton run down to the ring! Edge and Christian turn round straight into an attack from Benoit and the Intercontinental champion, who take the reunited brothers by surprise with a series of chops and kicks. Benoit attempted to lock in the Crippler Crossface on Edge, but he managed to get out and sneak out of the ring. Christian on the other hand, walked right into an exploder suplex from Shelton Benjamin and landed slap bang in the middle of the ring. Benoit looked around and quickly climbed to the top rope before smashing down with the swandive headbutt! Edge slowly retreated up the ramp, not once making the effort to save his brother from the beating.


    A video aired live on RAW, showing clips of the “Heart Break Kid” Shawn Michaels career from his days as one half of the Rockers, days of him forming D-Generation X with Triple H, the days of him being the commissioner to his return to the ring in 2002. The video closed with a graphic saying “Shawn Michaels: Returns Monday 6th December”. Shawn Michaels returns from injury in four weeks time!

    The video cut from being screened to being in the back with Garrison Cade standing with Molly Holly and Gail Kim in front of a TV screen, having just watched the previous video.

    Cade: Shawn Michaels? Who cares about Shawn Michaels? He’s a broken down old cripple who doesn’t realise that his time has passed him by! I mean seriously; did anyone really want him to come back after he retired due to an “injury” in ‘98? I sure didn’t!

    Molly: I know what you mean; he’s out of his time frame. This is the new millennium!

    Cade: Exactly. It’s time for new guys to get to the top. Do you know what I think ladies? I think he faked the back injury; faked it all!

    Gail: Faked it? What makes you say that?

    Cade: Well, Shawn Michaels has always been one for the big entrance; someone who wants to show off and steal the show. What better way to do that then to “retire” through a career-ending injury and then return four years later in a blaze of glory!?! He thinks we’re all stupid!

    Molly: *Ahem*, uh, Gail, could you give us a moment please?

    Gail: …uh, sure…I guess.

    Gail Kim walked away from the TV monitor as Molly stepped closer to Cade.

    Cade: What was that about?

    Molly: Well, I haven’t heard a man speak like that for a VERY long time. You speaking what was on your mind then (Molly runs her fingers through Cade’s hair), I just thought I could talk to you alone for a while.

    Cade: Oh yeah…I like it Molly…

    Molly: You know…I have a proposition for you, I think we should…

    Molly leans in closer and starts to whisper something into Cade’s ear. Cade seems interested by what he’s hearing and nods, smirks, and looks excited at different times. Molly pulls away with a sly smile on her face.

    Cade: You know what Molly; you have a deal.

    Cade extends his hand and offers it to Molly, who takes it and shakes it.


    Gene Snitsky vs. Val Venis

    This match really didn’t last very long whatsoever, as from the second the bell rang, Snitsky unloaded completely and utterly on Val and beat the crap out of him for three minutes straight. Val got in one or two weak punches, but they didn’t affect Snitsky at all. Snitsky finally finished off Val’s suffering with the meltdown that got him the pinfall.

    Winner: Gene Snitsky (3:18)




    Before Snitsky could celebrate, the old music of William Regal hit! The classic English theme lead the classic English superstar to the ring as he ran straight into a couple of forearms to the back from Snitsky. But Regal wasn’t taking it lying down as he fought back, taking out all of his anger on Snitsky with repeated blows to the gut which got the crowd on their feet and cheering for the Blackpool native to avenge the assault on Eugene from last week. Regal, put plain and simple; just wouldn’t let up on the attack and even knocked Snitsky to one knee! The crowd ate it all up, but Regal proved to be his own worse enemy as he walked around the ring once, screaming for revenge and turned straight into a big boot from Snitsky. Things started to look bad for Regal as Snitsky went outside and grabbed a chair, slid into the ring and repeatedly nailed him in the back and head with it. Luckily for the man hailing from Blackpool, England, a horde of referees and road agents rushed down to the ring to cut him off from doing more damage. Snitsky looked around for a little while before dropping the chair and smirking, before walking off.

    Commercial Break

    RAW returns from the commercial break and goes straight to the back where Eric Bischoff is talking to the Coach.

    Coach: Boss you’re sure? You’re certain this is a good idea? I mean, why let any of the superstars control RAW? I can do it! I’d be great for the job! Just imagine it; the Coach presents RAW! How damn hot would that be? The ratings would be THROUGH THE ROOF baby!

    Bischoff: Listen Coach; my decision is final, and nobody on the entire planet will change my mind ok?

    Triple H: Is that so Eric?

    The camera swerves round to see Evolution entire the General Manager’s office, decked out in suave suits, not one of them looking happy.

    Bischoff: Coach; if you’d excuse us for a moment please?

    Coach: Can’t I just stay here? All’s cool with the Coach; you can trust me with be…

    Bischoff: Coach…?

    Coach: Yes boss?


    Coach, and Evolution looked completely and utterly shocked at Bischoff’s announcement. Coach looked as if he were about to cry as he turned to leave.

    Coach: You, you can’t do…you can’t!

    Bischoff got up out of his chair and opened the door before shoving Coach through it and kicking Coach in the backside on the way out before slamming the door shut.

    Triple H: Woah man, we catch you at a bad time or something?

    Bischoff: Just what the hell do you want Triple H? I’m not in the mood for your politicking right now, so make it quick…

    Triple H: Politicking? What are you talking about? We came back here, simply to request that you change your mind…we want you to rethink the stipulation you’ve placed on our Survivor Series match this Sunday. Quite frankly, the idea of Maven, William Regal, Maven or…or Randy Orton running RAW is ridiculous, do you see where I’m coming from? You’re taking a months vacation, that’s fine, but how about you let…Evolution run the show? I mean you got all the tools standing right in front of you; the brains and the brawn. You got me, the Game, the World’s Heavyweight champion and ya got Ric Flair, 16-times he’s been World Heavyweight champion, right here you got the brains and the brawn. And here you’ve got Batista, the most powerful man on the roster. Ok he’s not the smartest guy in this room (Batista turns his head to face Triple H), but right there ya got the brawn. It’s the way it’s been over the generation’s Eric; when there’s no authority in place, the champion BECOMES the authority, and baby; you’re looking at the champ right here. So Eric, you gonna give Evolution control after Survivor Series?

    Bischoff: …no.

    Triple H: No…? What d’ya mean NO? This is Evolution Eric; we’re the most DOMINANT grou…

    Bischoff: You see, it’s that attitude that’s forced me to take this vacation. As General Manager of RAW, I, Eric Bischoff have the power. I have the control, and I have the ability to do what I like. But ever since you guys came to power, what’s happened? I’ve been a damn puppet for you to manipulate. You guys have a problem with someone, you come to me and tell me, I stick him in a handicap match. I’m the one that’s been solving your problems guys; make sure that’s clear in your mind. You talk about how great Evolution is, well I say it’s ME that’s the great one, because without me, you would have had to WRESTLE for that very belt back in September two years ago, without me, you’re nothing.


    Bischoff: Who do I think I am Ric!?! I think I’m Eric Bischoff! I think I am the General Manager of RAW! And I think that I have just made your match with Chris Jericho a NO-DISQUALIFICATIONS MATCH!

    Flair, Triple H and Batista were irate and Batista and the champion had to hold Flair back from nailing Eric Bischoff.

    Triple H: Woah, woah, woah, I think we all need to calm down. Dave, take Ric back to the locker room? You remember where that is right? Ok, good…

    Batista muttered something under his breath as he half-dragged Ric Flair kicking and screaming out of the office.

    Triple H: Alright Eric now that…

    Bischoff: See there’s another thing; when you talk to me, your BOSS, you refer to me as MR. Bischoff. Not Eric, nothing else.

    Triple H: Ok, ok…

    Bischoff: Who am I?

    Triple H: …what?

    Bischoff: I said, who am I!?!

    Triple H: Hmph…”Mr. Bischoff”…

    Bischoff: Thank you, now what do you want now?

    Triple H: Same as before…I want you to give Evolution control of RAW for the time you’re on your vacation…

    Bischoff: Hold on; you WANT me to give you control? Not, you suggest I give you control? Not, you would like me to give you control? Just a plain and simple demand? Wow Hunter, it looks as though you’re getting straight to the point today…

    Triple H: Look, I can make it a THREAT if you really want me to, but I’d rather not…

    Bischoff: Oh a threat eh Hunter? Well I don’t respond well to threat’s champ, so if I were you, I’d rethink my last statement. One other thing; if I were you, I’d be thinking about leaving my office within the next minute or so, because if you remain here, and you continue to attempt to threaten me, I will STRIP you of your World Heavyweight title right here, right now! My decision stands Hunter; the winner of your match this Sunday at Survivor Series will get control of RAW for one whole month! So I think that your minute has expired, so GET OUT!

    Triple H quickly turns and goes to leave, but not before telling Bischoff that he would regret his decision if Evolution and Snitsky somehow lose. Triple H left, and Bischoff sat back down again and put his feet up on the desk.


    Victoria vs. Molly Holly vs. Jazz vs. Stacy Keibler

    RAW returns to the ring to see Jazz already there. Victoria is out next to a very good reaction, and Molly Holly comes out third with Garrison Cade to the top of the ramp where the two shake hands before Cade returns to the back. Stacy is out fourth and last and gets a huge pop as she walks down to the ring and teases the crowd by bending over slowly as she enters the ring. Stacy gets jumped just as she gets into the ring by Molly who proceeds to pound away at her back before Victoria attempted to rescue her, but she was in turn attacked by Jazz from behind. Molly had Stacy isolated in one corner, and Jazz took Victoria to the other so they were all paired off. Stacy was simply out of her element in there, and didn’t get in an iota of offence. Victoria and Jazz, however, went toe-to-toe with neither getting a true advantage until Jazz missed a clothesline and was taken down with a Rude awakening by Victoria. She got to her feet and went over to Molly and held her arms behind her back and motioned for Stacy to do something. Stacy checked to see if her nose was bleeding, then proceeded to kick Molly in the gut and put her against the turnbuckle before choking her out, which also got a huge pop because of the camera angle! Jazz got back to her feet and again, the women paired off the same way as before with Victoria and Jazz ending up on the outside and Molly getting kicked in the corner in-ring. The match came to its conclusion with Stacy completely missing a spinning heel kick and getting knocked down with a clothesline by Molly before she went to the top rope. On the outside however, Victoria got people screaming as she set Jazz up for the Widow’s Peak! Just as she hit that, Molly hit the Molly-Go-Round and pinned Stacy for the 1…2…3. Victoria seemed to be in a bit of pain on the outside as she heard Molly’s music play. She cursed her luck as Molly returned to the back and met Garrison Cade at the top of the ramp as they gave one another a high-five before walking off together.

    Winner: Molly Holly (8:35)




    Commercial Break

    RAW returned from the commercial break and JR said that during the break, Rhyno found Tajiri lying in a heap backstage. Tajiri told Rhyno it was Evolution in between coughing and spitting, and JR says that apparently Rhyno is coming to the ring right now. As if on queue, Rhyno’s music hit and the Man Beast walked with intent to the ring and grabbed a microphone from a staff member.


    Rhyno’s challenge went unanswered, but Rhyno was certainly feeling very impatient.

    Rhyno: I know it was you who attacked Tajiri, and I just came out of Eric Bischoff’s office, and he has granted me a match with any one of you except for Flair! Get the hell out here! I don’t care who it is, just get in this damn ring with me right NOW!!!

    We cut to the back where Evolution are sitting in their locker room with a bunch of hot women, laughing at Rhyno on the monitor.

    Triple H: You got us Rhyno; it was us who beat up Tajiri, but what ya gonna do? You gonna MAKE us come out there?

    Just then there was a knock at the door and a stagehand came in.

    Flair: Who are you? Can’t you see this is a PRIVATE locker room for EVOLUTION!?! Are you a member of Evolution?

    Stagehand: No, sorry sir. Sorry guys, but I just got told to deliver a message to you from Mr. Eric Bischoff.

    Triple H: What? What does he want now?

    Stagehand: Well, he says that if one of you isn’t in the ring in one minute, then he will strip Triple H of his World Heavyweight title, and also will declare Randy Orton’s Survivor Series team winners by forfeit.


    Triple H: Hey, hey Dave calm down…go out to the ring and take care of Rhyno will you?

    Batista: What? Why don’t you do it?

    Triple H: Well, for starters, I’m not ready, and second of all, I am the leader of Evolution, and I just damn well told you to! Now go!

    Batista stood there for a couple of seconds and snarled before going out of the locker room, slamming the door hard on the way. Things could be heard smashing outside.

    Triple H: Wow, what’s wrong with him?

    Flair: You didn’t notice…? You’re ordering him around, lay off him ok Hunter.

    Triple H: What?

    Flair: I gotta get ready for my match…

    Flair gets up, grabs his robe and leaves Triple H alone with about ten women.

    Triple H: Hmmm, oh well, more for me…

    Triple H extended his arms and all the women came over and sat on his knee and next to him.


    Rhyno vs. Batista

    We return to the ring as Batista is walking down the ramp when Rhyno runs and meets him half way before attacking him! Rhyno slams Batista’s head into the guardrails several times before Batista finally blocked him and slammed Rhyno into the rail instead. Batista turned to check the damage to himself and then turned back round into a clothesline from Rhyno! Rhyno stomped away at Batista before picking him up and attempting to suplex him. But Batista blocked it, and hit one of his own, sending Rhyno smacking into the concrete and yelping in pain. Batista struggled to his feet and went over to the ring steps and pulled them away from the ring and walked towards Rhyno. Rhyno had just managed to get to his feet, and when Batista came near him he hit a drop-toe-hold sending Batista face first into the steel! Rhyno then lent over the guardrail and picked up one of the fans steel chairs! He proceeded to sandwich Batista’s head in between the chair and stairs to a thunderous roar, and a big ‘ECW! ECW!’ chant! This is all going on before the match has even got under way, but Rhyno dragged Batista’s carcass and rolled him into the ring before getting in as well. The camera focused on Batista struggling to his feet in the corner and saw that he was busted wide open from the ramp-way assault. Rhyno went to the opposite corner and urged Batista to get up as everyone could sense that the Gore was on the way! Just as Batista turned round, Rhyno charged! But Batista knew what was coming and ducked out of the way and saw Rhyno go crashing shoulder first into the steel turnbuckle. Batista took a moment to refocus before standing up and looking at Rhyno. He licked the blood around his mouth before going CRAZY on the hurt Rhyno! Rhyno seemed to covering up in a foetal position to try and soften the blows, but he was in a lot of pain, seen by the look on his face. Rhyno didn’t let up, but he picked him off the mat and threw him against the turnbuckle before nearly decapitating him with a big clothesline in the corner. Rhyno crumbled to the mat as Batista turned around and flexed his muscles while letting out a bit of a primal scream. The two behemoths continued like this for a good few minutes, with Batista dominating for much of it, only to see Rhyno mount a bit of a comeback before being taken back down again. Rhyno was heavily favouring his right arm, so the collision with the turnbuckle might’ve done some serious damage. The turning point in the match came when Batista whipped Rhyno across the ring, but Rhyno came back and attempted a Gore! Luckily for Batista, and for the second time in this match, he managed to step out of the way, but the referee wasn’t so lucky as he caught the Gore full on! Rhyno got up and turned round straight into a Batista Bomb and a pin! But the referee was out, so no pin was counted! Batista got up to try and shake him to no avail. He turned round to inflict more punishment on Rhyno but got a face full of green mist from Tajiri! He’s here! Batista stumbled around for a bit as Tajiri got out of the ring and managed to shake some sense into the referee. Batista turned round and unlike the two times previously, he was nailed with the Gore! Rhyno made the pin and the referee counted slowly…1…2…3!

    Winner: Rhyno (9:23, 14:54 including pre-bell brawl)




    Commercial Break

    After RAW returns from the commercial break, JR and King say that we have to go to the back because Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Maven and a bloody and beaten William Regal are there and they have something to say before Survivor Series.

    Orton: We’re just six days…six days away from the Survivor Series, and six days until the four of us win control of RAW for a whole month! There’s no doubt in any of our minds, because we see the seams coming apart in Evolution, we see what’s happening, and we’re gonna take that opportunity to screw Evolutions plans for this Sunday, and we’ll walk out winners, and WE’LL control RAW…

    Jericho: This Sunday, finally those ASS CLOWNS will see what we’ve been through for the past two years! When we’re in control, hows about a couple of those good old handicap matches? You know, 15-on-1? How’s that sound Trips? Huh? Coz it sounds damn good to me! Sounds pretty good guys, don’t ya think?

    Maven: You know, I’d love to get in the ring with you Triple H with your title on the line…it’s my dream to become World Heavyweight champion, and after spending the past three years since winning Tough Enough proving that I deserve to be here; proving that I have now earned my spot, I think it’s about time I got a World Heavyweight title shot!

    Regal: Gene Snitsky; I think that you would like to go AWOL the day that I am in charge, because I am BLODDY WELL gonna put you through hell for what you did to master Eugene last week! I’m gonna teach you a bloody lesson sunshine, mark my words! And Triple H; don’t think I’ve forgotten what YOU put Eugene through either! You had both bloody well watch out because when it’s my time in charge, you’re not going to want to be there!

    Jericho: But it’s still Monday; it’s still…RAW…IS…JERICHO baby!!! There’s still one last match, one big old match on the card and that is “the Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “the SEXAY beast”, Y2J, Chris JERICHO! So stay tuned boys and girls…because JERICHO…IS…NEXT!!!

    The four men walked off, as Jericho made his way towards the ring.


    Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair

    JR noted that there was no Triple H or Batista in sight, and JR said that he’s getting word from the back that Batista has left the building! King said that Batista is a part of Evolution and wouldn’t abandon a teammate like that. JR asks King where Triple H is then, and King couldn’t answer. Flair is out first, and doesn’t seem to be himself as he came out to the ring. Not one ‘whoooo’ was heard from “the Nature Boy” during his entrance. As soon as Jericho hit the ring, the match was underway and we had a very early chop-fest on our hands! They must’ve each taken about five or six chops before Jericho whipped him off the ropes and took him down with a big back-body-drop. Flair then got up and walked to the corner of the ring, where he again suffered the pain of a couple of Jericho-chops! Jericho then sent him flying across the ring where Flair went over the turnbuckle backwards and landed on his feet on the apron. But before he could run to the nearby turnbuckle, Jericho hopped up on it and hit a springboard dropkick! Flair collapsed to the outside as Jericho taunted in the ring. JR said we got one last break, and the tapes are running if the match ends during it, so they will be able to show the ending!

    Commercial Break

    RAW returned live to find Jericho locked in the Figure Four! We see a video of ‘During the Break’ and see that Jericho attempted a Lionsault but only found Flair’s knees. Flair quickly got to his feet and locked in the Figure Four, and JR says Jericho has been locked in that for a good minute or so. The fans start to clap, cheering Y2J to escape it, and he attempts to turn the hold over, but Flair is having none of it as he grabs the bottom rope for extra leverage! The referee is busy checking Jericho, and his shoulders fall so the ref counts…1…2…kick out! Flair still has the ropes, but as the referee turned to look, he lets go! The referee turns around a second time and catches Flair in the act, so he kicks his hands away from the ropes! Flair shouts out, “What the hell are you…?” and the Jericho musters enough strength to reverse the hold, so HE is applying the pressure! Flair quickly grabs the ropes and the hold is broken. Flair gets up to his feet and drops a knee on Jericho then confronts the referee. Flair wants to know why he kicked his hands off the ropes. Unknown to Flair, Jericho is on his feet and dropkicks Flair right into the turnbuckle!. Flair turns round and walks straight into the Walls of Jericho! The cheers turn to boos however as the champion Triple H rushes down to the ring and nails Jericho in the head with his title. Jericho turns round into a kick to the gut…but then gets nailed with a crossbody from Maven! Maven followed Triple H to the ring! Maven unloads on the games head with repeated punches until Gene Snitsky enters the fray! He picks Maven off of Triple H and hits the Meltdown, and then hits the same thing on Chris Jericho! Snitsky looked at the damage in the ring…but was turned his attention to the ramp as Randy Orton’s music hit! Orton walked down to the ring and pointed at Snitsky. Orton got in and went toe-to-toe with the big monster with the two fighting the corner before Orton nailed the RKO! Snitsky rolled out of the ring and Orton waited for Flair to get to his feet…RKO TO FLAIR!!! Jericho got to his feet, looked around and then hit the Lionsault! The referee counted…1…2…3, Jericho wins it!

    Winner: Chris Jericho (10:14)




    Triple H quickly dragged Flair out of the ring and draped his arm over his shoulder so he could carry him. Orton, Jericho and Maven stood tall in the ring as Triple H, Snitsky and Flair retreated up the ramp as RAW went off the air.

    Overall Rating: 76%

    TV Rating: 5.80

  3. World Title: Chris Jericho © vs. Randy Orton

    Intercontinental Title #1 (Street Fight): Chris Nowinski vs. Lance Storm

    Intercontinental Title #2 (Submission): Chris Nowinski vs. Lance Storm

    Intercontinental Title #3 (Ladder) (if necessary): Chris Nowinski © vs. Lance Storm

    World Tag Team Titles: Batista and Michael Shane © vs. Sting and Chris Harris

    Women's Title: Alexis Laree © vs. Trish Stratus vs. Tracy

    Molly Holly vs. Eric Bischoff

    Shawn Michaels vs. Rhyno

    I Quit Match: Chris Benoit vs. Nick Mondo

    Kane vs. Christian

  4. It is pretty pathetic. The evidence is there for all to see, but what has been done; fuck all is what.

    I would like to see Real kicked out of the CL, or if they get knocked out, how about they get points deducted from them in La Liga. Something drastic needs to be done to make a point. It'll make the racists realise "shit, we're fucking up our team by doing this, so at least they'll stop doing it at matches. Quite frankly, I don't think there is anything that can be done about them being racist in general though.

  5. This is for the American's I guess, but anyone who has watched this, can you tell me if this is any good? Sky One has been giving it tonnes of build-up, and I was wondering how good it is?

    I went to IMDB and the review there said that while the premise was good, everything else pretty much sucked.

    It's on in a minute, so I'm gonna watch it, but I just though I'd see what people thought of it.

  6. I'd be willing to assume it wasn't racial probably just boos and every black player would be wary of any type of booing this week, its probably just the fact that its Dwight Yorke, and he's ex-blackburn and shite.

    Yeah, I thought the same thing actually, but I didn't watch the match or anything so I can't comment if there was any monkey chants or whatever. It probably is the ex-Blackburn thing, but I dunno.

  7. Didn't think it was worth making a new topic really seen as this has turned into a "Against Racism in Football/Sport" thread, so...


    Birmingham striker Dwight Yorke has claimed he was the subject of racist taunts during his side's draw at Blackburn on Sunday.

    The former Rovers striker informed Blues boss Steve Bruce that he was abused by two home supporters as he warmed up before coming on as a late substitute.

    Yorke was roundly booed by fans as he warmed up and the booing reached a crescendo when he replaced Darren Anderton as substitute on 74 minutes.


    The claim comes on the back of the racist storm which erupted during England's defeat to Spain in midweek and puts football in the headlines for the wrong reasons.

    "They racially abused him. Dwight is bitterly upset and angry," said Bruce.

    "It was something similar to the racist taunts the English players had and we just don't want to see it.

    "Apparently it is monkey taunts and that is sick. It's all right him getting a bit of stick but when it comes to what we've just seen in midweek, everybody is sickened by it.

    "I will sit down with Dwight in the morning and go through the whole situation.

    "If we feel there is a point to answer then we will do it."

    Rovers issued a statement revealing they removed a fan from the ground for allegedly making a gesture towards Yorke.

    "We can confirm that a spectator was ejected for making what we understand to be a hand gesture towards Dwight Yorke while he was warming up," read the statement.

    "We will fully investigate the matter tomorrow as part of a full debrief with police and stewards and we will study all available CCTV footage."

    This is getting out of hand. First there's nothing for ages, then twice in one week...

  8. user posted image



    NOV. 08, 2004

    That's right; the inmates control over RAW is set to end tonight as Eric Bischoff returns live on RAW. Eric Bischoff took two weeks off to let the inmates run the asylum, and when he gets back he's going to have a lot of things to deal with! For starters, he has to address the situation regarding this Sunday's Survivor Series matches. While he was away, Gene Snitsky was added to Evolution's team, and William Regal was added to Randy Orton's team, and after what happened on RAW last week, it's almost certain Regal will be out for revenge after what Snitsky did to Eugene. The other Survivor Series match will see Trish Stratus, Molly Holly, Jazz and Gail Kim take on Lita, Stacy Keibler, Nidia and Victoria with the winning member of the team facing Trish Stratus for the Women's title the next night on RAW, but Bischoff will have to address how this will work if a member of Trish's team wins.

    RAW also saw new World Tag Team champions as La Resistance claimed the straps for a second time by beating Edge and Chris Benoit under suspect circumstances. It was all because of Christian. Benoit looked to have the match won at one stage, but Christian rushed down and delivered the Unprettier to help Grenier and Conway win the titles again. Everything became clear moments later however, as Edge and Christian, brothers and former Tag Team champions, hugged and cemented their alliance! Is this an alliance of convenience? Is it a way to help Christian win the Intercontinental title and for Edge to finally win the World Heavyweight title? Or will the former seven-time Tag Team champions be looking to add another to make themselves eight-time champions?

    Don’t miss RAW (9/8 CT on Spike TV).

  9. The original movie was pretty damn dark though.  I mean if they made the tunnel scene today they'd be slapped with a PG-13 rating for sure just for disturbing content.

    Tunnel scene? I've never read the book...so explain.

    I was flicking through the music channels this morning and saw Adam and the Ants song...dunno which one, but Johnny Depp looks eerily like him in this make-up/outfit and in the film...ish.

  10. user posted image

    Sunday 7th November 2004

    Taped from the Peoria Civic Centre in Peoria, Illinois on November 1st

    Hosted by Todd Grisham and Jonathan Coachman

    The Hurricane vs. Custom Chucky P.

    The Hurricane was without his partner Rosey for this match, but he showed that he could still get the job done in singles action. Custom Chuck P. was looking good for the win as he lined up the Hurricane for the Whack, but Hurricane ducked it and followed up with the Shining Wizard for the win.

    Overall Rating: 71%

    Recap of six-man tag team match from RAW

    A video aired, showing the end of the six-man tag match between Evolution, Randy Orton, Maven and Chris Jericho from RAW which saw Chris Jericho get the pin on the World Heavyweight champion Triple H.


    Video of two debuting stars

    Another video aired which was the same video as from RAW, showing the two superstars who will be coming to RAW next month; Muhammad Hassan and Khosrow Daivari.


    Garrison Cade vs. Norman Smiley

    Many of the fans recognised former WCW wrestler Norman Smiley and cheered him on against the man who appeared to have a new edge to his game, Garrison Cade. That edge certainly helped, as Cade picked up the win with a modified rocker dropper of the top rope.

    Overall Rating: 67%

    Victoria vs. Molly Holly

    Two of the eight women who would be involved in the classic Women’s Survivor Series match in one week went at it here on Heat. After some back and forth action, it looked as though Victoria had the win as she had Molly set up for the Widow’s Peak, but Molly snuck out and rolled her up with her feet on the ropes for the win.

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Recap of Simon Dean’s appearance on RAW

    A video aired showing the appearance of RAW’s newest sponsor, Simon Dean and his Simon System which guarantee’s weight loss after just 30 days. It showed his clash with a fan and his not-so secret wrestling ability.


    Recap of Tag Team title match

    A video aired of the closing moments of the Tag Team title match on RAW between La Resistance and then-champions Edge and Chris Benoit. It all came down to the appearance of Christian who helped La Resistance win the titles back before allying himself again with his brother Edge to beat down Benoit.


    Tajiri w/ Rhyno vs. Christian

    Tajiri had Rhyno for back up just in case Edge decided to get involved, but he didn’t much to the surprise of many. The match was back and forth with Tajiri unloading, kick after kick on Christian, who could do nothing but take them and yelp. Rhyno served his duty by making sure Christian didn’t steal a win with his feet on the ropes, but could do nothing about how the match ended. Tajiri aimed a kick at Christian, who managed to duck it and nail the Unprettier for the win!

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Television Rating: 4.75

  11. Apparently the English did something to contribute to the racist atmosphere according to a newspaper in Spain. Don't know what one, but there's a thing on the BBC website that covers the Spanish press for this morning:

    Elsewhere, the Spanish media criticises its English counterparts for stoking up the racism issue.

    "Were there racist chants against some players? This hasn't happened in the Spanish league and Spain for many years," said Spanish Federation press officer Fernando Garrido.

    "So you (English reporters) should ask yourselves what you have done to contribute to all this."

    And Spanish daily ABC accuses English reporters of launching a witch-hunt against Aragones.

    "Perhaps it was because their team had played so poorly and they wanted to divert attention towards this muddled issue," the paper says.

    I'm not even gonna comment.


    This is where I got it, has some other stuff to.

  12. Well both Casillas and Rooney were running/jogging after the ball as it was going out of play. Rooney was a couple of steps behind him and once he started to slow down, just shoved Casllas in the back. But because Casillas was running in the first place, he kept going and went into the crowd.

  13. Yeah I respect your opinion, and of course racist remarks are completly wrong and bring this sport into jepordy.

    But wasn't there something in the newspaper a few months back about England fans booing to other teams national anthems?

    Yeah, that is true. I think that was during the Wales game, so we have an excuse :D .

    But seriously, I don't like ANY form of disrespect to nations like that in football matches. Making monkey gestures at a player simply because he is black is much more severe then booing a nation anthem (and for the record, Spain booed and hissed ours tonight)?

  14. What about Cole then?

    And Torres should have got a freekick for crying out loud!

    An English guy at a snooker club I go to even noted that in some cases England were over the top.

    What im referring to is that the English also acted like twats just as much as the Spanish.

    And no offence guys but really England's crowd haven't been the the most friendly in previous sporting events, Hell just look at some of the black people in the Premier League.

    Henry, Kanu, Vassel have all been called racist remarks.

    Now, the only time I can think of Henry getting racist remarks or anything was by a foreign team's fans or foreign coach, not in England from the top of my head. Dunno about Kanu or Vassell myself.

    And yes, Cole did overreact a TEENY little bit but SHIT, how would you react if people were making monkey noices to you? If he had gone nuts and given someone a right hook I really couldn't have blamed him. He made a couple of rash challenges but that was all.

    And Torres got the free kick when he deserved it. I'm sorry, but England may have played utter shit, but the only player being petulant was Rooney.

  15. I don't trust him.

    He has that look, don't know why. He will be released by Arsenal pretty soon if these allegations are correct.

    Problem is he is a fantastic 'keeper who, if the allegations are correct, will have ruined what would've been a brilliant career. I hope they're false, and I have a feeling he'll be proved innocent...

  16. Well, the bright spots of that game (for me as a football fan) were specifically Xavi and Joaquin, but the Spanish passing has been brilliant. Fernando Torres was diving all over the place on the level of Cristiano Ronaldo, and the entire England team have been rubbish.

    Our black players did fantastic to not react or anything to the fucking racist chants from those Spanish fucktards, although it blatantly effected the entire team out there.

    I ask the question; if England were being threatened with being thrown out of a tournament for fan violence, what sort of punishment should Spain get for fan racism? Should they be deducted points? Kicked out of the qualifying all together? A fine is not enough I'm afraid, even if they said "Alright, as punishment you must pay us £1m", because that isn't going to do anything. No matter how much they get fined (and I expect they will for tonight AND last night), it won't teach the fans a lesson.

    And to The Really Stupid Deal, what the hell you talking about? Rooney is and always will be a petulant idiot, but other than him (and G. Neville's bloody targetting Reyes) what exactly are you refering to? The Spanish players are DIVING, yes, read it, DIVING all over the place with Xavi being the one player showing the team what football is suppose to be because not once did he stay down from a tackle.

    All in all a crap game with bad things happening in all.

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