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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Did ya know that Jonathan Frakes (Riker) had to borrow Avery Brooks' (Sisko) DS9 uniform to film Generations? I have no idea why, something about they wanted to make a totally new uniform but plans were scrapped, so they just borrowed the uniforms from DS9, explaining why there are two bloody sets in the film.

    I always liked the uniforms from TOS films. I thought they looked quite nice.

    Still, anything's better than having to wear the red TOS uniforms...

  2. Lampard has been the best midfielder in England (except for Gerrard and Pires) for the past year or two. His workrate is second-to-none if you ask me.

    Beckham needs to be dropped, but Lampard and Gerrard togerher in the centre of the park would be awesome.

  3. I bought American Idiot by Green Day about 2/3 months ago...it's still in my CD player and hasn't moved since. I listen to it everytime I have to go to work, when I'm on my break or whatever. Best CD I own.

    In terms of films...the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. All of them. Purely awesome, and the effects and brilliant. Everything about it is awesome.

  4. Do I like the episode Shades of Gray, no, Do I own it on VHS and DVD? Yes. Why? I'm a trekkie.

    On the whole do I like Star Trek TOS novels? No, do I own fifty-odd? Yes. Why? I'm a trekkie.

    Do have have a VHS player? No. Do I own the Star Trek video board game? Yes. Why? I'm a trekkie.

    Do I drink from a mug in the shape of Quarks head? No, do I OWN a mug in the shape of quarks head? Yes? why? I'm a trekkie.

    My love for you has increased ten-fold.

    Tonight, my mission is to watch several episodes of DS9 season 1 and then order season 2 with the £20 Amazon.co.uk voucher I bribed my brother into giving me for free. :D

  5. King, while he will be a great player, seems to have dropped a level since his England match. He's suffering Michael Ricketts syndrome.

    Are you joking?

    King has been awesome this season, really awesome. And he more than merits a place in the England squad, if not starting 11. I like John Terry though, and so it's nice to see some competition in squad in centre defense and upfront.

    My England Team for the friendly:

    GK: Robinson

    DR: Neville

    DL: Cole

    DC: King/Terry

    DC: Ferdinand

    MR: Wright-Phillips

    ML: Downing/Osman (Who has been outstanding)

    MC: Lampard

    MC: Gerrard

    FC: Owen/Defoe

    FC: Rooney

    Players like Carrick, Downing, Wright-Phillips, Defoe, King, Osman and Terry are really pushing for places with their form this season and last season in some cases. And for those who say that Terry lacks pace, remember that he is a huge part of the best defense (and arguably, this season, the best team) in the Premiership. His thinking game is so good that he doesn't need to be super-quick.

    Don't get me wrong; King is a class act, but what I meant was after he played for England, his form dipped for a while. He's got himself back up again (which is annoying for me as a Gooner).

  6. But it will exist, which means I will have to own it. Which means I will have to watch it.

    You can't deny the logic. -_- Sometimes even knowing that these things exist is bad enough.

    You don't HAVE to own it.

    I'm a big trekkie, but I wouldn't be caught dead the Star Trek TMP or Star Trek V in my collection.

    I will have to own it as well. No matter the shiteness of the film...I'll buy it. Hell, I'll probably end up buying Enterprise on DVD. Well, once the boxsets come down to a fiver a season of course :D

  7. Ferdinand and Campbell.

    Both have pace, which Terry has none of, and both are brilliant defenders. Terry, Campbell and Ferdinand are all on the same level, but Terry's lack of pace lets him down slightly.

    King, while he will be a great player, seems to have dropped a level since his England match. He's suffering Michael Ricketts syndrome.

  8. The team should be this, barring any injuries:

    GK: Robinson

    RB: Neville (bloody well isn't anyone else that I can think of)

    LB: Cole

    CB: Campbell

    CB: Ferdinand

    RM: Wright-Phillips

    LM: Downing

    CM: Gerrard

    CM: Lampard

    ST: Owen

    ST: Rooney

    If that isn't the team that's picked, I'll be pissed. The only reason Beckham starts is because of the merchandise factor. While he is a very good player at times, Wright-Phillips has been so consistant and should be in the team.

    Beckham will play no matter how shit he plays because the FA are probably presurising Eriksson to play him so they can make some money.

  9. I'd be psyched if they did a DS9 one. It'd be cool cause they could have the Dominion come back out of nowhere and the DS9 crew on the Defiant kicking everything's ass.

    BTW, did anyone pick up the HUGE continutity error in Nemisis? During the wedding Wesley Crusher was wearing a Starfleet dress uniform, even though he left starfleet during the series? (or am I just a huge nerd for picking this out)

    It's not REALLY on continuity error, because that's explained in the books. Well, so what if the books were written AFTER Nemesis to pretty much explain these errors and stuff?

    Anyway, in a Time to be Born/A Time to Die, Wesley being a human is explained (he left Starfleet to join up with the Traveler). I can't remember what specifically happened, but he ended up losing his powers if memory serves and became human. I'd assume, what with him being a part of Starfleet before, that he'd be allowed to wear the uniform to the wedding.

    Yeah...I'm a Trekkie.

  10. wassent there a rule that every second star treck movie is a good one, and the other numbers like 1,3,5 and so on suck hard *scraches head* thatwould make this one the next good one wouldend it ? ye, love my logic, now !

    Well, let's look at it like this (my opinions here)

    The Motion Picture - Um, decent, but story was pretty week

    The Wrath of Khan - Brilliant, best of the Original's

    The Search for Spock - Very good IMO, very different

    The Voyage Home - The film for non-Trek fans, but the one most people remember. Great film.

    The Final Frontier - Um, shitty story, but there was a lot of laughs I think.

    The Undiscovered Country - Loved this film, one of my fav's.

    Generations - Good film, but could've been better.

    First Contact - Best of the Star Trek films.

    Insurrection - Again, good but could've been better.

    Nemesis - Fantastic, ending made me cry

    So that makes this number 11, odd number, by law it should be pretty weak.

  11. Berman Says "Star Trek XI" Will Happen

    Producer Rick Berman recently told Sci-Fi.com that Paramount still plans to go ahead with "Star Trek XI." He shot down rumors that plans for the movie had been dropped.

    Berman added:

    "The status of the next film is it's in an early state of story development, and the Paramount Motion Picture Group will announce personnel and whatever elements of the project when they see fit. If the project does develop as planned I think, of all the Star Trek movies I've been involved with and the previous regimes have been involved with, this one will undoubtedly have a larger scope and budget. It's a very ambitious project, and I'm hoping that it will get the support to come to fruition."

    Credit: Cinecon.com

    From 411mania.com, which they took from Cinecon.com

    This could be good or bad.

    I loved Nemesis personally, but I know some people didn't. I wanna know what series they're gonna use.

    They can't to TNG for a number of reasons (and I hope they don't because that'll take away the meaning of Nemesis IMO) so I hope they do a DS9 one. Or Voyager. DS9 preferably. Just as long as it isn't Enterprise, I'm a happy guy...if this ever happens mind you.

  12. Well, it's different boxsets I think. There are two different boxsets, and one is that video-looking one (the newest ones) and I don't know what the older one's looked like.

    I only saw about, 2/3 re-run episodes when I got hooked, so I started to order them. I love the show, so it's all good for me.

    Just PM me if ya want me to help ya.

  13. Ok...

    Season 1/2/3 - £30.79/44.29 euros

    Season 4/5/6 - £26.24/37.74 euros

    Season 7/8/9 - £28.69/41.26 euros (these are different sets to the previous ones. These are older boxsets. 7/8/9 of the newer ones come out in March)

    Also, I have a 10% discount on any DVD orders, so that comes in handy :D.

    The newest releases come in a box, sorta like a box for VHS's but it has 7 disks in and one is a bonus disk. Not much in special features, but has some commentary and deleted scenes and stuff.


    Small, but that's what it looks like.

  14. I think it looks really good.

    I've been a big fan of Ioan Gruffudd since his Hornblower days. Of course, having Jessica Alba there doesn't hurt. Oh, and it's Marvel so I would've seen it anyway. :D

    One thing I have to say though; thank god they didn't go the Daredevil route and cast big names in the film. Other than Alba, nobody else is really an A-list star. Well, Alba's more a A- or B+ :D

  15. My Notts County team are doing pretty damn well. 3rd in the league at the mo, and we're fighting it out with Oxford, Bradford and Wycombe for who will finish in promotion places.

    My only major problem is...in 25 games, I've kept a grand total of 5 clean sheets. That ain't good. Thankfully, Tarachulski and Gordon are banging the goals in at the other end for me, otherwise I'd be fucked. Seriously need a bit more at the back, as Darren Powell is the only player who I think is at the level to perform well enough in League Two.

  16. I got annoyed because I was reading the credits/cast list in the manual and it says who does the voices of all the characters...therefore giving away all the ones you get to unlock. :angry:

    The characters in the cutscenes look good I think. They look and feel cartoonish/comic-booky which, in my opinion, is one of the best things about the game.

    I'm so glad they didn't try and make them look 'humanly-real'.

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