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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Just so ya know; Man Utd's, Charlton, Arsenal's and (soon) Chelsea's youth academies are all awesome. They've got good facilities, and (dunno about the others) Arsenal have some great coaches to help the kids through.

    Seriously, it's not the fault of the teams if the kids comnig through aren't up to the standard. While I do think Wenger should give some of the young English guys a chance every once in a while (Hoyte specifically, and Bentley next season) there are no players in our youth set-up who scream out "I'm class, let me play.

    Thing is, Bentley WILL be a class act. I guarantee it because he has the abilites. And if you notice, who does he remind you of? Dennis Bergkamp. If it wasn't for Dennis, Bentley would probably be just another kid and, by now, would probably be playing for some League Two/One club.

    Point is, in then long run foreign players are a good thing. Because of the change in rules, you're never going to get another Tony Adams or Steve Bould type of brick-wall defender because they way they played isn't allowed anymore. A more international way of playing is gonna have to be adapted by English clubs and their academy's so long as that idiot Sepp Blatter is in charge of FIFA (or UEFA, whatever it is) and is making the rules.

    Fact is, nobody wants to see "typical English players" anymore. They're far to accustomed to seeing players like Ronaldinho and Bergkamp. So the best way for English players to compete is to learn from the best players at the club and learn their style of play because, quite frankly, there are very few English players that measure up to foreign players nowadays.

  2. I can only really think of one and that's "American Idiot" by Green Day.

    Every single song on there is brilliant, and only song that can get annoying at times is American Idiot, but that song is still very good.

  3. Reyes in radio hoax

    Jose Antonio Reyes has been involved in a radio hoax in Spain, where he was tricked into admitting his desire to join Real Madrid.

    Spanish station Cope Radio pulled off the amazing hoax, by claiming to be Real's sporting director Emilio Butragueno.

    Cope Radio contacted Reyes's agent, who in turn informed the Arsenal man to speak to the pranksters claiming to be the Madrid chief.

    During the conversation, Reyes admitted to life being 'not great' at Arsenal - confirming growing rumours that he is not settled in North London.

    Reyes later went on to say that he would be happy to join Real and that he had always dreamed of playing for Real Madrid.

    The Spanish giants had just denied reports of a swap deal involving Michael Owen moving to Arsenal in order to sign Reyes.

    The former Sevilla man had himself said that he was concentrating on winning things at Highbury, despite being flattered with Real's interest.

    This latest stunt is sure to anger all parties, and Reyes is thought to be considering legal action against the hoaxers.

    Hmmm, great that. I think he probably meant that he would love to join Real Madrid, not that he wants to, if ya get me. Although I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to join them.

  4. I never wanted Sven as England coach from day one. I even made a speech about it in my English class :D

    But the thing about Beckham is, sure he is a very good player BUT he is overrated. Graeme Le Saux made a comment about how Bekcham's free-kicks/corners/crosses/passes have been so consistant in the past, and it made me laugh. He's been anything but consistant since leaving Man Utd.

    Now, i'm not gonna bash the guy for last night's display because the only players who came out of that with anything at all was probably Carragher and Brown. Although I don't rate Carragher what-so-ever, what he had to do he did well. Mind you, there was nothing to do, so yeah.

    Sack Sven now dammit.

  5. That was such a terribly boring game. Seriously.

    Get rid of Sven. As Alan Hanson said; if anyone can take ANYTHING positive from that match, I'd like to know about it. What the fuck was the point in playing Johnson out on the right? I'll never watch an England friendly again as long as Sven's in charge...well, I say that, but ya know.

  6. I had him once in an old CM game for Arsenal.

    That son of a bitch was a goal machine! His value shot up to about £20m and Real Madrid and elite clubs wanted the guy! He was England's best player, and the most prolific goal scorer in the country.

    But hey, I'm the guy who somehow managed to turn Branko Struper into England's best player, so I'm just weird.

  7. Yeah, it struck me as a little strange that Rio Ferdinand, Wayne Bridge, John Terry and Ledley King all pulled out.

    Now, whatever anyone says, SOMEONE there is bullshitting it. Wouldn't surprise me if they all were (bar King I guess).

    We've got a decent centre-back in Wes Brown and shite defender in Jamie Carragher as our centre-backs. If Holland don't score 2 or 3, I'll be shocked.

  8. My god...this is cruel...

    May 26th 1986:

    Australia: Living Doll - Cliff Richard and the Young Ones (nooooooooo!!!)

    USA: Greatest Love of All - Whitney houston

    UK: Chicken Song - Spitting Image

    Ok, never heard the Chicken Song, but if by Spitting Image, it means the TV show...than YEAH!!! If not...what the hell is it?

  9. Hmmm, I was gonna make a topic and ask the same thing actually.

    Suppose I could try e-bay, but I'm afraid it'll be an old worn t-shirt that a fat hillbilly with BO. Hmmm...

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