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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Is it just me, or did you enjoy KOTOR more than KOTORII? I just got KOTOR after playing KOTORII (didn't think not playing the first one would make much of a difference). I like using the normal swords you get. The Echani Brands and Sith War Swords fucking kick ass. But I got my lightsaber from the Enclave recently, which seemed to much more sense than me asking Bao-Dur to make me one (what the fuck?).

    KOTOR just generally makes more sense. And Bastila is fucking hot for polygons.

    Agreed on that last statement. I was majorly pissed when there was no sex scene :(

    And I agree that KOTOR was more enjoyable that KOTORII. While I think both games are awesome, the first one is still the best for many reasons. Mainly because it ran smoothly on my computer :D

  2. I finished the game down the Light Side path a minute ago, and the ending was a bit of a let down. But like _sTe_ said, the game itself is awesome so I want spoil the ending.

    I'm gonna give the Dark Side path a go soon, should be fun.

  3. I still think we'll go through. We've got the vital away goal, and at home we can beat anyone on our day.

    Bergkamp will be back, and two goals against Bayern Munich is likely. However, keeping a clean sheet against them without Campbell (apparently he might miss the return leg as well :() could be difficult/impossible.

    On the subject of the Chelsea/Barca game, I really think that the game would've finished 2-1 had Drogba stayed on the pitch anyway. Like I've said before, they had no attacking threat except for the two chances in the first-half, but other than that they were unimpressive. Although if Drogba did stay on, they would've at least had a chance.

    I think if Robben is back for the second leg, Chelsea will go through.

  4. Wow...I never thought I'd hear anyone say Barcelona played well, let alone brilliantly.

    C'mon dude, are you blind? Or just an Arsenal fanboy? :P

    Well, considering they totally dominated/out-played/out-classed Chelsea, apparently the best team in England from whistle to whistle, yup, I'd say they were brilliant.

    They made one error in the whole game, and that was the goal. Chelsea defended with everything they had, and I'll give them credit for only losing 2-1, but seriously, they were TOTALLY outclassed. And before you say anything, Chelsea were out-classed before AND after Drogba was (wrongfully) red carded.

    Any team that treats a football pitch like a swimming pool is never "brilliant".

    It's easy to dominate a team when you ignore the rules of the game.

    Lol, ah...dearly beloved Deco...he'll be on Platoon on Soccer AM Saturday won't he? That was hilarious though.

    Anyway, that was the only real one. Don't forget Drogba man...

  5. Wow...I never thought I'd hear anyone say Barcelona played well, let alone brilliantly.

    C'mon dude, are you blind? Or just an Arsenal fanboy? :P

    Well, considering they totally dominated/out-played/out-classed Chelsea, apparently the best team in England from whistle to whistle, yup, I'd say they were brilliant.

    They made one error in the whole game, and that was the goal. Chelsea defended with everything they had, and I'll give them credit for only losing 2-1, but seriously, they were TOTALLY outclassed. And before you say anything, Chelsea were out-classed before AND after Drogba was (wrongfully) red carded.

  6. It doesnt matter how much they cost. They dont play together week in week out. Sure they may play together in training but everyone knows thats different. It was an under strength Chelsea team and to beat them is like beating an under strength Arsenal or Man United team it doesn't mean much at all.


    Chelsea played a (more-or-less) second string side. Now, Chelsea have enough players to make two damn strong teams. Chelsea with their best eleven could probably beat anyone. Chelsea with their second best eleven could probably beat everyone in the Premiership except for Arsenal and Man Utd.

    An Arsenal second string side is a team of unproven youngsters and back-up players who wouldn't get into our line-up. Same with Man Utd to be quite frank. Beating ANY Chelsea team is a brilliant accomplishment for a team like Newcastle. If Arsenal or Man Utd beat that Chelsea team, it would be a good result. See what I mean?

  7. Is it really an understrengthed side in the fact that the team they fielded, and the ammount of money they have spent on the players? Look at the team:

    Carlo Cudicini - Best 'keeper in the Premiership/world last season

    Glen Johnson - Young, talented, £3m and is better than alot of Premiership right-backs.

    Wayne Bridge - Second to Ashley Cole in the England ranks, and one of the finest left-backs in the world.

    William Gallas - Class player, solid defender, better than all of Newcastle's defenders.

    Ricardo Carvalho - Signed for nearly £20m; for that he should be one of the best defenders in the world.

    Jiri Jarosik - Don't know anything about him anyway.

    Alexei Smertin - Russia captain, and a damn solid midfielder.

    Tiago - £8m, better than a lot of Premiership midfielders.

    Geremi - When at Middlesbrough, he was their best player. Again, better than a lot of Premiership midfielders.

    Mateja Kezman - "He scored more than Ronaldo, Romario and Ruud Van Nistelrooy at PSV." Quoted from Dennis Rommedahl, so isn't he scoring?

    Joe Cole - One of the best English talents around at the moment.

    That's their starting line-up, and if anyone can say to be that that Chelsea team shouldn't have beaten a full strength Newcastle side, and say it with a straight face, then be my quest. Oh, don't forget Duff, Lampard and Gudjohnsen played 45 minutes as well.

    Use the excuse that Chelsea had ten men after 50 minutes, but the fact is Chelsea should've scored in the first-half. The shitty "understrengthed team" excuse is full of crap, and I hate it when people say that and the team still has players in it who could beat 80% of the Premiership.

  8. I'll do this the easy way and comment on the bands/artists I've actually heard.

    AC/DC - The stuff I've heard I love, so that's always a good sign.

    Metallica - Never saw anything special. Like about 3 songs, the rest is average/mediocre.

    Iron Maiden - Great band, great performers and love some of their stuff.

    Def Leppard - Such an easy band to listen to, and their stuff is all good.

    Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven is probably my favourite song ever, but besides that they are still fantastic in every aspect of what they did.

    The Beatles - Very good, but if you take John Lennon away you've got just another band who wouldn't have gotten anywhere if you ask me.

    The Who - The greatest band ever if you ask me. Pete Townsend is one of the greatest song writers, and John Entwistle is the greatest bass players to have lived. Nothing but praise for my absolute favourite band.

    Elvis Presley - Brilliant voice, and is only second to Freddie Mercury as the greatest performer ever.

    Papa Roach - Meh, like one song, the rest is balls.

    Limp Bizkit - Bloody hate them. Nothing good about them at all. Never heard their old stuff, heard it was good but I hate Fred Durst's fucking voice, so I don't want to listen to it anyway.

    Linkin Park - I think that they are really good. Nothing amazing, but they are easy to listen to.

    Korn - I like the stuff I've heard.

    Meat Loaf - Awesome voice, and his songs always had something special about them.

    REM - Never saw anything special about them. Like about 3 songs, but that's it.

    Nirvana - Like one song, think the rest is crap. Simply put.

    RHCP - Really good band that, again, are easy to listen to (for me anyway).

    Audioslave - Heard one song, Cochise, but I love it so...

    Guns And Roses - Without Slash (like the Beatles without Lennon) wouldn' have been anything special in my opinion. Some of their stuff was awesome though.

    Velvet Revolver - Better than G'N'R if you ask me. Contraband is a brilliant album.

    Muse - Nothing special, just another decent band.

    The Killers - Don't see the hype.

    Marilyn Manson - I think he/they are awesome. Know how to get people's knickers in a twist to cause controversy which is always fun. And, made Tainted Love actually sound good!

    Faith No More - The album with Epic on it (can't remember the name) was brilliant, but I haven't heard anything beside that.

    U2 - Again, the stuff I've heard I really love.

    System Of A Down - Over-rated. Hate the lead singers voice because he sounds like an idiot.

    The Streets - Fucking chavs...

    Foo Fighters - Awesome band, Dave Grohl is a god damn it.

    Eminem - Only rapper I actually like because not every single song is about killing someone, or going on about his "bitches", which is the main reason I fucking hate rap(pers).

    Eric Clapton - A god on the guitar, second only to Jimi Hendrix in the greatest guitarists of all time if you ask me.

    Bob Dylan- Stuff I've heard is good. But I haven't heard much.

    Nine Inch Nails - Only heard three songs, liked what I heard, but nothing special.

    Depche Mode - Meh, my friend loved them, I think they're average.

    Nightwish - Nemo is a damn addictive song! Um, not to bad.

    Coldplay - Best British band in the last...oo, 10-15 years I'd say.

    Keane - What? A band with no guitar? That ain't no band then is it!?!

    HIM - Average, nothing special.

    Slipknot - I really liked Subliminal Verses, and one or two of their old songs were ok.

    The Clash - London Calling is a great song, never heard anything else.

    The Sex Pistols - ..they scare me.

    Green Day - Best band around at the moment. American Idiot is the best album I own.

    Beastie Boys - Heard some songs, and they do make some fantastic videos though. Songs are ok.

  9. The game proved that without Drogba and Robben, you don't have goals in you at all. Kezman looked threatening once, and that was it for the whole game. In fact, according to the commentator's you've scored one goal since Robben went out injured and that was against a team with 10-men.

    I was backing you to beat Barcelona Wednesday night, but now I think you'll be lucky to come away with a draw. Depends on if Drogba is playing...well, depends if he can get any decent service.

    Oh, and when Titus Bramble is the best player on the pitch you KNOW there is something VERY, VERY wrong with both teams.

  10. The only new comics I buy at the moment is Astonishing X-Men, and I'll probably the new Toxin mini-series when that comes out (is it out yet).

    They're also reprinting (or something) the Age of Apocolypse because it's the 10-year anniversary, and because I didn't catch the first time around I'll get that.

    Thing is, the only DC character I like is Batman, and I hate everything else I've seen. Marvel has my favourites like the X-Men and Spider-Man. Ok, some of the other characters aren't all that, but I'll always be a Marvel fan though, no matter what.

  11. I think its a typical case of Arsenal bias, but saying Upson is better than Toure isn't that big a stretch of the imagination like you make it out to be, mudda.

    And even though he was a reserve player, do you remember the uproar from your fans when you let him go, because most of them believed he was good enough to be playing all along, and they saw it as Wenger selling a good young British talent?

    Yeah, there was a huge uproar and yeah he was selling a good young British talent, but the point is, it wasn't because he was an awesome defender, the greatest we had or anything. It was because we didn't have the back-up, and one day he might've been something special. Thing is, he isn't better than Toure and he isn't better than Campbell. He was great back-up, but at the stage he was at, not amazing as a starter.

    Would I have liked him to stay? Yes.

    Was I sad he left? Yes.

    From his point of view, did it make sense to leave? Yes, and that's the point. He didn't have to go, and if he wanted to stay he could've but the point is Wenger never said "right, we don't want you". Birmingham came in with an offer, Upson was given the choice to stay and fight for a place or to move and get (pretty much) guarantee'd first-team action, so he left. I don't blame him for it, and it's understandable.

  12. Ha. My intention is to complete the game down the light path, doing everything I can to help anyone there is, then play again as an evil son of a bitch and cut people into ickle bits.

    Oh, post a screen of your face, I wanna see some Jedi-ugliness.

  13. Upson didn't come through our youth academy, he bought him from Luton.

    And I've paid a hell of a lot of attention to our academy over the years and I can list the players that are Premiership quality that I can think of that we've had:

    Steven Sidwell (now at Reading, wanted first-team football but wasn't good enough to get in our first-team or near our bench)

    Ryan Garry (injured every five minutes, and is a left-back so he's screwed anyway)

    Justin Hoyte (he's one who'll get into the team and make it, I have no doubt)

    Ashley Cole (well, look at him now?)

    Jerome Thomas (had some good qualities. Watching him down the left and Pennant down the right for the England U21's was amazing. Shame he wasn't good enough for our first-team or bench)

    Ryan Smith (still young. Won't get in to our team yet but he can make it)

    David Bentley (not all that impressive with Norwich, but he has the 'Bergkamp-esque' ability to make it with us)

    Those players have the quality to make it in the Premiership, but only one of them has so far made the cut in the Arsenal first-team.

    Why's that? Foreign players have proven themselves better. Perhaps if they got an extended run in the first-team, who knows? Maybe in time they would all have made it. But honestly, who is going to take a chance with a bunch of unknown youngsters who would need a while to get going when you've got proven players there who are on form?


    Sorry, I'm calm now...

    Yay, i got my saber; nice double-bladed blue baby. Now to convince that handmaiden to step into my private cabin for a little bit of "one-on-one" so to speak...

    Was anyone else upset that the character in KOTOR never got to sleep with Bastilla? I know I was...(:shifty:)

    Once I got to Nar Shaddaa I got the silver crystal so my double saber looks all funky. That and I'm at Master Critical Strike so in 1 attack I basically kill a guy.

    I can't get Handmaiden, I pissed her off royally. If you don't piss her off, you'll be a better man than myself.

    I'm being the good Jedi. I'm making everyone happy with me. But my attentions have shifted from the Handmaiden to Kelly Hu's character. That girl has such a sexy voice damnit...


    Sorry, I'm calm now...

    Yay, i got my saber; nice double-bladed blue baby. Now to convince that handmaiden to step into my private cabin for a little bit of "one-on-one" so to speak...

    Was anyone else upset that the character in KOTOR never got to sleep with Bastilla? I know I was...(:shifty:)

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