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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Personally, I really enjoyed the prequels. Although they aren't anywhere near the quality of the original trilogy, they are good I think. If you try watching it as a seperate entity from the originals, it's pretty fun I think.

    And I can't fucking wait for this film to come out. There's two films I can't wait and am absolutley dying to see, and that's this and Serenity.

    On the subject of the Special Edition original trilogy there are only two things I hate about his alterations. The scene where Jabba is first seen, and the seen with Greedo and Han in the cantina. Hate them both now.

  2. WCW.com preview for April 10th edition of Monday Nitro


    The night everyone has been waiting for is almost upon us; the night where Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo join forces to turn the wrestling industry upside down and inside out!

    Monday, April 10th 2000 is a date you'll be able to tell your grandchildren about in years to come because although it hasn't happened just yet, both Russo and Bischoff have promised that we will be shocked!

    For the first time in a very long time, we go into Nitro knowing absolutely nothing about what's in store for us. No matches have been announced or anything, but we know that Russo and Bischoff have an announcement regarding ALL the championships in WCW...including the World Heavyweight champion Sid Vicious! What is this announcement, and what will the reaction be of World champion Sid, United States champion Jeff Jarrett, Tag Team champions Ron and Don Harris, Hardcore champion Brian Knobbs and Cruiserweight champion the Artist? We'll find out tonight, live on Nitro from Denver, Colorado!

    We've been told that Hulk Hogan WILL be in attendance tonight, and knowing Bischoff's history with the legend, could this be a bad thing for Russo and Bischoff tonight? Perhaps Hogan will be on Nitro to finally confront Billy Kidman; a man who has a hatred for Hogan, coming for somewhere deep inside.

    The only way to find out what this history-making night has in store is to tune into WCW Monday Nitro on TNT!

  3. user posted image

    2000 was a terrible year for WCW. They were losing the rating wars with the WWF by a long shot. Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn and Eddie Guerrero had all walked out of their contracts with WCW and joined the WWF, with Benoit technically being the reigning WCW champion at the time, having won the title at the January pay-per-view Souled Out on the 16th of January. The group turned up on Raw is War two weeks later on the 31st of January.

    This made the rest of the WCW roster stand up and realise what was going on, and many of them were contemplating asking for a release or walking out. Thankfully for WCW, nobody else left of their own accord.

    There was also the problem of all the huge ego's in the company; huge ego's that had huge contracts. It didn't help that pretty much all of these guys had creative control over their on screen characters, and had the ability to essentially hold the bookers and writers hostage to their demands whenever the saw fit to. Because of this, WCW only made one massive star from the day WCW split from the NWA. Looking at WCW's World Heavyweight title history reads like a 'who's who' of the guys who had control over their characters, hit the peak of their careers in the 1980's, were made popular in the WWF...or even earlier.

    Hulk Hogan

    Lex Luger

    Kevin Nash

    Randy Savage

    Ric Flair



    The Giant

    Ron Simmons

    Big Van Vader


    Bret Hart

    Chris Benoit

    Sid Vicious.

    Amongst the names of the former WCW World Heavyweight champions, WCW can claim to have given pushes to Goldberg, DDP, the Giant and Benoit.

    Goldberg has been known to have a massive attitude problem now, and is known to be difficult to work with. In addtion to that, he may well have ended Bret Hart's wrestling career at StarrCade with a vicious kick to the head.

    DDP is 44 years of age, and is showing signs of injuries catching up to him. Although what WCW does have in their favour is the fact that he is willing to work with pretty much anyone. Although of late, he has looked increasingly sloppy in the ring, and just simply looks like he doesn't care anymore.

    The Giant is currently in the WWF, wrestling as the Big Show and is a former World champion there. The WWF, however are looking more and more like they are running out of patience with the lack of effort he puts into matches.

    Benoit was given the title in a last ditch attempt to satisfy him and, in essence, it was WCW begging him to stay. Benoit walked out of the company the next day.

    They have tried everything in WCW, from stealing Vince Russo and Ed Ferrera from the WWF and making them head bookers, to removing them from power and giving the book back to a man with a terrible track record as booker, Kevin Sullivan, to now giving the book BACK to Russo and Ferrera in one big attempt to 'kick start' WCW.

    This big attempt is the "Russo/Bischoff era" as WCW has called it. All WCW storylines have been scrapped and the plan is to start, literally from scratch. All title belts will be declared vacant on Nitro and a "big" angle will begin then. The big question is, will they get it right this time? Will people watch Nitro instead of Raw? Will WCW create a star? Who know, but if they don't...it could be curtains for WCW.


  4. Fines over there are stupid, Deportivo got fined £430 for racist chanting for fuck sake.

    Even Leeds could afford that.

    Hell, even one regular person could afford that. Let alone a huge football club.

    *Holds hand up* I can't afford that... :(

    Yeah, and it really sends out a bad message about racism that if you do some chanting, you'll get (essentially to most clubs) a slap on the wrist.

  5. I've come to the conclusion that this "he's not aloud to come off his line" rule is ridulous. While I can understand what they're trying to do by the rule, it's totally screwed. They should allow one foot to cross the line at least because otherwise it's really stupid IMO.

  6. Started downloading off them, decided to say fuck it and wait when I was told I'd have to wait 5 hours for the one without the data.  I'd rather get a more direct download later then waste an evening trying to get a flipping patch.

    It downloaded for me in about 20 mins. Mind you, in total it took me about 45/50 minutes before the thing was fully installed from when I clicked the "download" button.

  7. YAY!!! We're through!!! Not that there was EVER a doubt in my mind of course :shifty:

    How the fluck we didn't score I do not know. Gotta say about Almunia; while he's shite on crosses, he's one of the best shot stoppers I've ever seen.

    All credit to Sheff Utd players, they gave everything they had.

  8. MASK has quite possibly the greatest theme to any cartoon ever! I loved it, and I loved the programme. The little 'safety tips' thing they had at the end always were...um, funny.

    Are any of the old classic cartoons like MASK out on DVD yet? And if not, why not dammit!

    DIT: YAY!!!

    M.A.S.K. on DVD

    When Friday comes, I'm ordering that son of a bitch!

    Don't waste your cash. Its on really late on on Fox Kids or something similar, at one time followed by Ulysses 31. About 11 o clock. Aceness.

    Yes...but £4.99? That's acceptable money wasting to me.

    Other classic cartoons that are £4.99 on Play.com are Dangermouse and Count Duckula. I love both of those. I'm like a kid in a candy store with these classic cartoons.

  9. MASK has quite possibly the greatest theme to any cartoon ever! I loved it, and I loved the programme. The little 'safety tips' thing they had at the end always were...um, funny.

    Are any of the old classic cartoons like MASK out on DVD yet? And if not, why not dammit!

    DIT: YAY!!!

    M.A.S.K. on DVD

    When Friday comes, I'm ordering that son of a bitch!

  10. So just because he has an ego it makes it ok?

    It's gone midnight...I said it wouldn't make sense.

    I said I never saw anything wrong with it in the first place, I was just explaining why I think he did it. If other managers did it, I still wouldn't have a problem with it. Ok so other managers clearly have more restraint, but he doesn't, so ya, know...there ya go.

  11. The fans pay their money to watch the game and scream and shout anything they like. Mourinho is supposed to be a professional football manager, he shouldn't sink to their level.

    If he went over to them and got in each and every one of their faces, then I'd say I agree, but going up to them a giving them the "shhh" in a sort of a mocking way isn't not being professional. A lot of players celebrate goals like that don't they?

    It's like when an opponent scores against Arsenal, my natural instinct is to be fucking pissed off when they celebrate. I mean the celebration thing just, I dunno, annoys me all the time in a way that makes me think "what right do they have to celebrate? They just scored against my team, stop fucking celebrating you bastards" which makes little/no sense I know, but still it's as thing.

    He would've been pissed off with the Liverpool fans when they scored because, like I say, they would've been saying something along the lines of "you're fucking shit!

    You won't win a thing!". Now, if he had gone up to them and told them to 'shut up' or something, that'd be unprofessional.

    Thing is, Mourinho obviously has a big ego, whichever way you look at it, he clearly does. So if he's just been abused by Liverpool fans for 75 odd minutes and his team just scored, and he hears the Liverpool fans go quiet, or start going "oh we've blown it, etc..." his natural reaction is to say "shhhh, thought you were gonna win?" sorta thing.

    Now, I've probably just babbled there...but it is late, and it makes (sorta) sense to me, so...bah.

  12. Broken Sword.

    Seriously. Point and click is pretty much all you have to do, but for some reason I love those games. The Sleeping Dragon is the latest one, and I stupidly got it on PS2 and can't really get into all that much because of it. But it is still brilliant, and should be better on the PC.

  13. I love Mourinho. He's brilliant.

    Seriously why can't he tell the fans to "shhhh" if for the whole match they've probably been shouting at him, swearing, insulting and stuff? Seriously, I think it's all well and good.

    Plus, he's TOTALLY different from every Premiership manager around, which is a breath of fresh air. Now, I love Wenger as much as any Arsenal fan could, but I would LOVE IT if he once said something this in his post match interview after an easy win:

    Interviewer: How did you feel about the game?

    Wenger: Well...they were rubbish, we weren't, simple.

    That would be brilliant. Mourinho's the guy who would do that. One paper compared him to Brian Clough apparently, and I can see it. Hope he stays here forever (well, as long as Chelsea don't ever win anything else that is :D)

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