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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Superman is the most retarded super-hero ever. Simple as. :D

    Halle Berry isn't needed to be honest. Any number of other actresses can play Storm the way Berry's played her (ie: strolled through the part half asleep). The other cast members are pretty much invaluable.

    Also, we need any one of Beast/Gambit/Angel to be in this film.

  2. I was gonna put the "best thing on TV", but I remembered my eternal allegiance to the Sopranos.

    On a side note, I saw Serenity, and GOOD GOD. In my eyes, it's already one of, if not the best movie of the year. The fight scene was probably one of the best I've seen. And the swerves. Those fucking swerves. And Mal is gold in there, he's kinda evilish which makes him even better.

    Fuck Star Wars, fuck LOTR, Fuck X-Men. Serenity is the way to go.

    The fact that Firefly, while only having about 15 episodes, is one of my favourite TV shows of all time...well that just says to me that this film is going to be fantastic.

    I wanna know when Serenity is set to be released. I've heard March, May, June, September, November, when is it?

  3. I demand more Buffyverse. It was the best thing to come off TV in the last 20 years.


    He's doing the X-Men comic, which is good enough for me for now. Never had any interest in Wonder Woman, but I'll probably see it simply coz it's Whedon.

    Anyway, Serenity comes out this year which will be awesome, so there's my 'Whedon on film' goodness.

  4. Scouts piss me off, I set all mine at the start of the season to scout different regions, but I didn't set a time-frame, so they've been bugging me all season, it pisses me off, too much effort to recall them.

    Lol, it's true. Same thing's happening with me. Although every once in a while (see: once every 3 years) they'll find a real hot prospect.

    I'm giving up the search for a defender because I'm going to give chances to Senderos, Hoyte, Eboue and McEveley. Senderos has been damn decent for me so far, and I think he should get a good chance next year. Get rid of shitty Cygan and I'll be fine I think.

    With Emre coming in next year as well as (I hope) Lastuvka things should be good. I've got Krisztian Lisztes and Akin Serhat to agree contracts and are gonna join in the summer on a bosman as well, but I'm not sure if they're going to get in my team, so I may well cancel them. Anyone know if they're any good on FM?

  5. I'm in March and Kompany is at Real Madrid :(. He's valued at £12.5m as well which shocked me a bit. So I need a good defender. Senderos is doing pretty good actually, but I still want someone else.

    Also, I just got approached by an agent for a (seemingly) decent player for the first time ever! Mourad Meghni looks good for the stats I can see, and he's 20 so...waiting for my scouts to tell me if he has talent tho.

  6. He's not performing aswell as he should be, but I agree with Gooner here, he's got the potential to be one of the worlds best in the future, and for that reason we need to keep him, he needs to get a few goals to help him settle and boost his morale.

    I've also decided that the Spanish media, are much worse than the British, usually they publish utter bullshit, I hope we can keep him.

    Oh don't get me wrong, I have no desire whatsoever to see him go at all. He will be world class down the line, but what I'm saying is if he really wants to go, and he does then I hope we get Emre because he has the ability to be world class as well, so he'd be an adequate replacement.

    Oh, Ryan Garry is FINALLY set for a return. He's been out since May 2003 with all sorts of bloody injuries. Aliadiere scored a hat-trick for the reserves against Chelsea the other day...now if only he can transfer that form to the first-team I'll be happy. And Gilberto played 60 minutes in that game and came through ok. Thank god

  7. My Arsenal season so far has been bloody interesting.

    Second in the league, two points behind Man Utd after 24 games (I have a game in hand) and Everton are 1 point behind me in 3rd. It's a three horse race between Arsenal, Man Utd and Everton for the Premiership now.

    I've had a bitch of a problem with injuries, as Jens Lehmann only managed 2 first team games before going out injured. He's back now to replace Almunia and Taylor, both of which have been playing averagely. Not only have I been without Lehmann, but Henry and Toure as well. Toure's been out for 2 months and still has til the end of January to come back. Henry will be back in 3 weeks, but he only managed 10 games before the injury.

    I'm out of the Champions League after the group stages, but I'm luckily through to the UEFA Cup. In the semi's of the Carling Cup and the 4th Round of the FA Cup.

    All in all...an up and down season. Hopefully I can end it well when everyone returns to the team.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and Alessio Cerci has decided he's better off moving to Sevilla instead of staying in England. Bloody unprotected contract thingy...

  8. Queen without Freddie Mercury would be just another band I think.

    Don't get me wrong; I love Queen, but without the god that is Freddie, they'd still be a good band, but nothing more. Brian May is an damn fine guitarist, but the others aren't amazing if you ask me.

    So...yup, that's that.

  9. Reyes has been disappointing. He has showed touches of class and sparks of brilliance, but unfortunetly he's taking way to long to settle in and he's still doing it. If he goes, then well, it's up to him. As long as we make a profit on what we paid for him.

    On the subject of the deal being 'payment on success' thing...anyone else feel sorry for Sevilla? £12m or so they won't ever see if he goes!

    On Emre...we had better get him. I remember talking about how we were suppose to be getting him last summer, and about 2/3 years ago as well! So I hope we get him because he's is class, and the ammount we'll pay won't be much more than £5m I think.

    Reyes out and Emre in...I can live with that. :)

  10. Anders Frisk was a fucking poser. He didn't seem to give a shit about the games he refereed, as long as he did something to warrant a few paragraphs in the morning papers.

    He had that stupid over-the-top way of showing a red/yellow card. To me, he seemed to think the game he was refereeing should be all about him, and if it wasn't going that way, he'd turn it around to make it about him (Barcelona vs. Chelsea for example, the Drogba sending off).

    All in all, I'm thankfull the waste of space has gone from refeering, although death threats are fucking ridiculous.

  11. I'd say British comedy isn't so 'obvious'. We tend to float around either at the slapstick end or play to real-life situation comedy or comedy that's really dark, bleak or just strange. I love that kinda stuff so for me most US comedy just isn't deep enough...

    Though US cartoons are great (Futurama, Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy).

    The sitcoms are all the same, all look the same, have all the same "Live studio audience" laughter and grate big style with me...

    What he said.

    I some of the early 80's comedy is good, and a few modern comedies are good like Frasier (which clearly borrows from the British), but things like Friends and other stuff are funny every once in a while and that's it.

    To me, American comedies tell you when to laugh. That's how it comes across. The scripts seem as though they're written with a line that says "and the audience will laug here...if not, add in some fake laughter".

    Oh, while on the subject, 'Married...with Children' takes the cake as the unfunniest thing in the history of the known universe. :)

  12. This piece of crap show has made it to NINE seasons? What the fuck? How? It's one of the most unfunny things I think I've ever seen in my life...and I've seen a lot of American "comedies"...

    You were born without a sense of humor? I'm sorry to hear that.

    Nope, it takes something funny to make me laugh ya see.

    British comedy > American comedy by so very far. I can see why people find it funny, but I can honestly say I've never laughed at anything in any of the episodes/films I've seen of South Park.

  13. I'm not gonna recommend anything, but instead am gonna ask someone (most likely Zero) to recommend me a Garbage album.

    I've heard 'Why Do You Love Me' and 'The World Is Not Enough' and like what I've heard, so I wanna get an album. Just dunno where to start.

  14. This piece of crap show has made it to NINE seasons? What the fuck? How? It's one of the most unfunny things I think I've ever seen in my life...and I've seen a lot of American "comedies"...

  15. user posted image

    Final Card

    WCW Cruiserweight title elimination match

    Chris Candido vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Crowbar

    WCW United States title tournament - Winner faces Shane Douglas for the title

    Sting vs. Billy Kidman

    "The Total Package" Lex Luger vs. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

    WCW Hardcore title battle-royal

    Participants: Terry Funk, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, Johnny the Bull, Big Vito, Norman Smiley, Bam Bam Bigelow, Tank Abbott, Brian Knobbs, the Wall and Meng.

    WCW Tag Team titles match

    Team Package (Ric Flair and Lex Luger) vs. Totally Buff (Chris Kanyon and Buff Bagwell)

    WCW United States title match

    "The Franchise" Shane Douglas vs. Billy Kidman or Sting

    WCW World Heavyweight title match

    "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett vs. Diamond Dallas Page

    feel free to vote if you want :)

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