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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Well once again tonight Beckham proves the critics wrong. I thought he was amazing all around. A tonne of brilliant balls tonight, great passing, amazing touch for his lovely goal and just great all around. Showed so much passion tonight and proved how much he cared for the team.

    A few months back I used to question Rooney, but finally I've been proved wrong and shown how good he really is. The guy had another brilliant performance and was probably the best man on the pitch along with Beckham.

    England had control most of the time. Could never see them losing and well it was a solid victory. Just wasn't Michaels night tonight which was a shame, but oh well. Solid performance that's for sure. Oh and although I hate Chelsea, Cole is growing a TOUCH on me  :blush:

    Wow...I thought Beckham did two things well tonight and that score and, uh, there was something else but I can't remember what it was. His corners were shite and most of his passes were off. That said, his goal was very well taken.

    Yet another dull as shit game. I've gone to literally shouting "It's over" when the final whistle is blown. I think I've done that for every single England game for over a year now. It's getting pathetic. Get rid of that shit little Swedish prat and get someone with balls who'll run the team well.

  2. As much as I hate most of EWB's favourite women, I'd take them all over anything oriental, even Julia Stiles and she looks like dog shit.

    Oriental girls are a taste thing I guess.

    her name was mia

    from north korea

    i said come over

    bring your land rover

    i don't like sushi

    she said that suits me

    i take a shower

    on every hour

    oh the oriental

    very very special

    if you ever get some

    you want another one and another one

    the oriental

    very very gentle

    i got one for a cousin

    can you send me a dozen?

    her name was mae wong

    she came from hong kong

    she was a raver

    of eastern flavour

    i said i love you

    she said i'd love to

    go down to texas

    must have one lexus

    oh the oriental

    so very very special

    if you ever get some

    you want another one and another one

    the oriental

    very very gentle

    I like it spicy

    that'll do me nicely

    i'm gonna cross the water

    take a plane to tokyo

    and find a little geisha

    i love to see them go

    and carry on to china, asia minor and some more

    then finish with a sling in singapore

    oh the oriental

    very very special

    if you ever get some

    you want another one and another one

    the oriental

    very very gentle

    i got one for a cousin

    can you send me a dozen?

    oh the oriental

    will drive you mental

    i really gotta get one

    and then another one and another one

    oh the oriental

    can you get them on a rental

    don't send me a russian

    ain't no discussion

    got to be an oriental


  3. I'd like to us to sign Hildebrand, Emre and, Kuffour (maybe) and a good strong central defender. Someone like Gonzalo Rodriquez would be nice.

    As annoying as Bergkamp's petulance can be from time to time, and as inappropriate as it might be, there's something strangely watchable about his attack on Steve Lomas from many years back.


    When I first saw that happen, I burst into laughter. I remember it like it was yesterday. It's the fact hejust essentially throws his entire arm in his face and then is all like "what...me?" to the referee.

  4. I'm really enjoying my Arsenal game at the moment.

    Thierry Henry has scored 27 goals in 16 starts and 1 sub appearance. Jeremie Aliadiere is banging them in whenever he's fit. My reserves all good enough to be able to beat half of the Premiership, and I'm still unbeaten in the league come December. Good times.

  5. I'll check it out, but in all likely hood I'll hate it or REALLY dislike the thing. The only good covers that i can think of are Marilyn Manson's cover of Tainted Love and The Who and Rush's cover of Summertime Blues.

    The fact that every other cover that I've ever heard is poor, I don't have high hopes for this. Having said that, I'm Not Okay is a damn catchy song...

  6. I've gotta say it's a close call between 'Tommy' by the Who and 'American Idiot' by Green Day.

    I think both albums have a similiar feel in that one song spills into the other and they every last song is brilliant.

    The Who are up there with the Beatles as one of the most influental bands of all time, and 'Tommy' is easily one of the most influental albums ever made, so it's pretty easy there.

  7. Wahoo!!! Quadroople for Arsenal!!! Premiership, Carling Cup, FA Cup and...Uefa Cup. Yeha, my Champions League campaign died a horrible death in the first match.

    I've made about £15m from all my success, now let's try and get a bit more by getting rid of Gilberto and/or (preferably and) Edu. I'm set to bring in Emre, Ben Watson, Jan Lastuvka and Wayne Routledge for about £8.5m up front, which is actually about £15m in total though. I doubt my cheap ass board will allow me to sign them all, which is why I wanna get rid of Edu and Gilberto but nobody want's them. :(

    EDIT: My transfer budget is £3.4 bloody million!!! What the fuck is up with that? I'm gonna cry...

    EDIT: Well, looks like nobody wants Gilberto or Edu, so I guess I'm going to have to cancel Emre, Watson and Routledge. I need Lastuvka though, so he's going to come whatever. Bastardly board.

  8. This is gonna come across as over-confidence or arrogrance (or saomething) but I can only see Arsenal winning it.

    I can't see Blackburn beating us or even coming close and don't really see why anyone thinks they will beat us.

    On the other hand, the Man Utd/Newcastle could go either way, considering Newcastle's recent form.

  9. According to Alan Tudyk, there's a 3-picture contract with Universal anyway, so I'll be happy if that's true.

    On the subject of Wash, the funniest moments in any TV series is in the episode the Message where Tracey comes onto the bridge and Wash turns round and let's out the funniest sound of terror I've ever heard. He's all "Mal, why is your dead friend's not dead?". I can't remember what he says, but the scream thing is hilarious.

  10. September 30th. Mark your calendar.

    I swear, Mal puts Han Solo to shame in that movie.

    I just marked it. But WHY must I wait so long? Ah well, I'll just watch my Firefly DVD again...and again, and again, and again. I need me some Jewel Staite. Mmm...she hot.

    I've gotta say that I agree with you on the Mal > Han Solo comment. I've not seen the film, but from the TV series I definetly agree. Nathan Fillian is class.

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