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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Fucking Gooners . Viera's Dive was pathetic . We had 3 blatant penalties turned down . Lehmans push on Defoe , Kick on Kanoute and the handball

    Fine for Lehmann and Cole's handballing/ball-to-hand, but Senderos didn't really do anything wrong. Speaking of which, Senderos didn't impress me at the beginning of the season, but now he seems very good.

    :huh: ...he didn't play at the beginning of the season. The Lehmann thing, while wrong, was damn funny. I was surprised nothing was given, but oh well.

    And the Ashley Cole hand-ball was ball-to-hand because the only way he could really have prevented it from hitting his arm was if he didn't have a bloody arm! Keane would never have got the ball anyway, and it was going out anyway, so really it's a moot point.

  2. Following the cheating discussion in the Man U thread, I would just like to point out Viera's beautiful dive in the first half....top class.

    Good goal though, and from seeing just the first half, Spurs were awful.

    Come on...he was CLEARLY knocker over! :shifty:

    What was funny was when I saw that, I thought of that discussion and started to laugh...

  3. Good game, nervy last couple of minutes, but at least it delay's Chelski's celebrations for a week at least.

    Senderos was again a rock, and Reyes looks like he may be starting to re-capture some form. Don't expect anything this year, but hopefully if he's still at Arsenal next season, he'll be on fire. Good performances all round.

  4. Let me first state that this is easily the best diary I've ever read. Yup.

    On to whether you should continue this universe; yes I say. If you do release a scenario, I have a feeling we'll get tonnes of diaries popping up everywhere, and they'll probably all suck. I think you should continue this universe.

  5. On the Pires dive: He clearly lost his footing :shifty:

    On Vieira going after Neville: Neville's ugly...

    Every player complains about being booked/sent off when they're at the top level because they think they can sway the ref's decision some how. Intimidation or whatever. I don't agree with it, but it's a fact that it's happening in every game.

  6. Fact of the matter is, we're in 2005 and have a big influx of foreign players. The majority of the divers are foreigners where this sort of thing is tolerated more than it is here. It's like a friggin national sport over in Italy!)

    It's got a lot to do with the the influence of foreigners I think. I'll hold my hands up and say we have divers, but I whole-heartedly believe Man Utd players are worse.

    Another point, whats with Gary Neville moaning at the referee after being shown red? You just kicked the ball at a fan, what do you expect, just walk of the pitch you moron.

    Do you honestly want me to mention the Arsenal players who do this? Every single game, Viera tackles a guy viciously and maliciously and gets a yellow card while bitching. Each and every single game.

    Every team does that in the Premiership. Not saying your wrong, but in Gooners defence, he's saying how can you complain if you just got sent off for kicking a ball at a fan?

  7. I actually felt that was a foul. The ball was going into space, he was chasing it, why fall over when you can create a chance, and he was caught just before he went down.

    But with Ronaldo, he is always fucking on the ground, and the way he goes down waving his arms in the air like he has just been shot is a joke.

    Yeh, I know Arsenal players cheat, but I'm sorry, I have never seen anyone quite as bad as Ronaldo, why do you think the whole of the Premiership boos him everywhere he goes? There is a reason.

    I'd say Pires is probably worse. And as RM listed, player by player, you probably have the most divers in the Premiership.

    People boo loads of players wherever they go, so saying they do it to Ronaldo isn't really that relevant.

    Ok, you support the team, just stop being a fan boy, and everything will be ok.

    EDIT: And TMM, Man Utd have maybe 2 regular divers.....with just Pires, Reyes and Van Persie, thats more...and I think Viera and Cole have done enough in the past to tarnish thier "holier than thou" reputation when it comes to diving.

    Maybe we have more diver, I'll admit that, but Ronaldo is hands-down the most regular diver in the Premiership. I don't see any way ANYONE can disagree with that.

    And I still don't see how Reyes is a 'regular diver' when he gets fucking battered in every game. He's not diving, he's being knocked over the majority of the time. Yeah he dives, but 90% of the time he's on the ground is after being tackled/fouled.

  8. That, and I love the kid's comment on how Ferguson is an asshole when, you know, his team is managed by Arsene freaking Wenger.

    And by using Gooner's logic, Reyes deserves to die for getting a card for diving today, that diving cocksucking cunt.

    In the opinion of both myself and Andy Gray, Reyes didn't dive. He just got past two players and was gonna be away, yet he 'dived'? Sorry, illogical to me and Andy Gray.

    That's the only time in the game that Reyes 'dived'. And no, I'm not talking as an Arsenal fan here.

    I will admit that Pires and van Persie are regular divers, but I don't agree with the Vieira and Cole comment. They have dived before, but in Cole's case he's more or less stopped it from his game, and Vieira RARELY dives.

    To say Arsenal are worse than Man Utd at diving is bull shit in my opinion.

  9. Kate Lawler's in it too. I'm watching.

    Same here, Kate Lawler = instant ratings.

    Plus it'll be good to see D'Lo and Piper. And bad to see Kate Thornton (I think she's presenting it?)

    Meh, she's not bad. She has a nice ass though. Then again, she was on the same Big Brother as Jade Goody and next that heap of pig manure, Cherrie Blair would look hot. :P

  10. Good first half. Terry has been fantastic so far, adn Senderos has been nearly as good but for one moment. We should be winning here, but you could argue the other way as well.

    Thing is, I honestly don't see where a goal is coming from unless Wenger takes off Reyes and brings on Aliadiere or Van Persie. I'd like to see both play, but truth be told, this isn't the time for a relatively un-proven Aliadiere to come and 'give it a go'.

  11. Blues to seek Mutu payment

    The Premier League appeals committee have cleared Chelsea to seek compensation following Adrian Mutu's move to Juventus.

    Chelsea sacked Mutu back in October after the Romanian striker was banned after testing positive for cocaine.

    The forward's free transfer status alerted Juventus and the Turin club stepped in to hand him a five-year contract.

    Mutu is not eligible to play again until the start of next season, as his ban runs until May, but the fact that he has moved to Juventus for nothing has irked The Blues.

    Chelsea appealed to the Premier League in order to recover some of the £16 million they paid Parma for his services.

    It is believed The Blues are looking to recoup some £8 million and, after the Premier League heard evidence from Mutu, Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho, chief executive Peter Kenyon and a representative from Juventus, have been given the go-ahead to seek compensation.

    Although the London giants sacked Mutu, they are arguing that his drug abuse breached the terms of his deal and that the striker effectively annulled his own contract.

    Fifa will have the final word on the issues, as a statement from the Premier League read: "The appeals committee concluded that the conduct of the player in taking banned drugs was gross misconduct which entitled the club to treat the player's contract as at an end and amounted to a unilateral breach without just cause or sporting just cause.

    "The club is therefore entitled to proceed to seek compensation and sporting sanctions from the dispute resolution chamber (DRC) of FIFA."

    Source: Sky Sports.com

    What a load of shit.

    What right do they have to claim compensation after they've sacked the guy? He ceased being their player the second they termination his contract, therefore they have no right to say "we want money from Juve".

    Sorry, if they get ANY money from this, it'll sicken me.

  12. Well, after my incident with Alan Smith, I wondered how long until the next guy rejected a call-up and who it would be. Well it was David Beckham.

    Worse part is, he was injured when I selected my original squad, so I couldn't select him anyhow. He rejected the call-up and I then stated he'd never play for England so long as I was in charge (:D).

    Then I get a message saying he has retired from international football! No!!! My midfield is empty enough as it is!

  13. I think it's open to interpretation now I read it again. However, I think my interpretation is right. :D

    NO! He said that he thought he had a large penis, and he wanted to butt s3xx0rz Henry with Morinhio watching and cracking a liquorish whip.


    ...I think you just turned me on...

  14. No. He said he feels he's getting close to being as brilliant as Thierry Henry. He is thusly suggesting that:

    [1] Theirry Henry is world class and brilliant.

    [2] He feels he is getting close to achieveing a level of greatness like Henry.

    You are assuming he means he'll be as great and then greater than Henry. He has not suggested this himself. Don't worry - Henry will still be great.

    I think it's open to interpretation now I read it again. However, I think my interpretation is right. :D

    He's says (essentially) that he wants to be just like Henry, and that he is looking to copy him. Then he goes on to say he's getting close to being as brilliant as Henry. That to me screams "I'm nearly on Henry's level". Sorry Didier, but you aren't anywhere near Henry's level, and your not brilliant, you're simply a decent player playing in a fantastic team.

  15. Yes, he did.

    Read it next time, it clearly says:

    "So far I've never quite managed to get my imitation just right. I'm getting close to being as brilliant as Thierry."

    Which is completely 100% false.

    Erm, he isn't saying that he's better than Henry. I don't know how that can be taken from what he said. He said that he feels he is getting closer (even though I know as a Chelsea fan, he's not).

    Wow...can you simply not read or something?

    He's saying that he is "getting close to being as brilliant as Thierry", which means he thinks that...well, thinks that he is nearly as brilliant as Henry, and that's not true. He's not even the best striker at Chelsea IMO. He's a good player yes, but not in Henry's league and never will be.

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