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Posts posted by TMM

  1. According to a list of Trek species, they also have a Betelgeuse IV :shifty: Although this particular list is editable by anyone, so it's probably a pisstake.

    There's no mention of that species on the Star Trek website, so I do believe it is a pisstake.

    Also, back onto the subject of the topic, the species Chakotay was disquised was probably an un-named/unknown one they just decided to make up for the purposes of that episode.

  2. .....



    Lol, Star Wars Quarren > Star Trek Quarren

    Quarra is the name of the planet they are on, and the Quarren are the indiginous humanoids that live there. However, the Quarren in Star Trek are pretty much human:


  3. I'm collecting Batman cause Jason Todd rules, Nightwing and Outsiders.  Picking up the Teen Titans tie into Outsiders too.

    Sadly I've not the money to keep up with the whole Countdown saga, but thats what super-collector friends are for!

    What is this whole house of M storyline, because if it results in Bullseye's death I am vehemently against it.

    Ok, I meant Hawkeye. I always get those two mixed up for some reason. <_<

    From what can gather, the Scarlet Witch went insane (for some reason) and ended up killing Ant-Man, Hawkeye and Vision. Why she went insane I just have no clue, I only know that pretty much everyone who read the issue it happened in said it was so rushed and came off awful. Or something like that.

    The House of M storyline has started with the New Avengers (Captain America, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, the Sentry, Iron-Man and Wolverine...not sure about Wolvy), the X-Men and Professor X coming together to decide the fate of the Scarlet Witch. Basically she's out of control and her powers are to, so they eventually agree (agree might not be the right word; give in is more like it) to kill her. I'll let you read it to find out more.

  4. I wanna know what people's opinions are on the House of M saga so far. I don't know the whole story about why Wanda went insane and killed Vision, Ant-Man and Hawkeye (just them isn't it?), but other than that I'm enjoying it.

    I bought the two Excaliber issues as well as House of M #1 and I already can't wait for the next issue out. It's including about, 10 different books if I rememebr correctly. I think they want it to be as big as the Age of Apocalypse saga was, which I can understand.

  5. I collect all of the Ultimate line (Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Ultimates, plus mini-series), New Avengers, occasionally Spider-Man titles. Now I'm giving a shot to House Of M. On the DC side of things, I'm collecting the series that tie-in to this Infinite Crisis thing they have going on (Countdown To Infinite Crisis, Villains United, Day Of Vengeance, The Rann-Thanagar War, and The OMAC Project). I also collected the Green Lantern - Rebirth mini-series.

    I just can't get into the Ultimate stuff. None of it appeals to me. I suppose it's because they're re-writing the characters history's, which killed any interest I may have had in them.

    I bought the Fray graphic novel today, and I must say that it's really addictive. The artwork is brilliant and, of course, it's got the Whedon dialogue so you get the humour as well.

  6. Well, over the last couple of months I've gone insane when it comes to comics. Since my last payday (27th May) I've spent around £100 on comics, so this goes to show how into them I am now.

    Basically I just wanted to have a thread to discuss comics, simply put. And also because the 'House of M' story-arc has finally begun, and after the first issue I'm in love with it.

    I'm curious to know what comics you guys buy monthly/weekly, as well, these are mine:


    Astonishing X-Men

    New Avengers


    Star Wars: Empire

    Star Wars: Tales



    Yeah, discuss (Y)

  7. I'm in mid-October of 2004 with Wigan, and somehow I'm unbeaten in all competitions, which I'm pleasantly surprised about.

    I've signed Aaron Lennon from Leeds (£600k), Freddy Guarin from Envigado (£1.5m), Joleon Lescott from Wolves (£1.2m), James Collins from Cardiff (£1.2m), David Preece from Aberdeen (£150k) and I've just brought in Marcus Stewart from Sunderland as his contract was unprotected for £650k.

    I'm relying on Alan Mahon, Gary Teale and Nathan Ellington to score, as it seems that nobody else is trying to score goals.

    I'm 3rd, and I expect at least a Play-Off place despite the media saying I have no chance. If I do get promoted, unless I make some damn decent signings I could be heading straight back down.

  8. In an interview I read a while back, it said that they weren't doing the Dark Phoenix saga, simply because Vaughn found it to be too complicated. And I doubt that they're going to re-write the script and all that now, when production starts in just a couple of weeks.

    Well, that'd piss off just about every comic fan out there who saw X2. The film ended with Phoenix flying over the water, indicating, no spelling out that the next film would involve Phoenix and if they don't deliver it'll leave a lot of people annoyed, no matter how good the film does end up being.

  9. The Hulk was fucking shit, and The Hulk looked shit, too.

    Hulk was good...ass-cheese. :P

    Hulk looked good, just the face didn't look remotely intimidating.

    Btw, when it comes to making Vinnie Jones muscular...its the clever thing called CGI, the thing that made Eric Bana (who isn't uberly muscly) into the Hulk.

    I know that, but they're two different things. Juggernaut is essentially a muscular guy in a suit, whereas the Hulk is a mutated green guy.

  10. Cyclops will die.

    Wolverine will step in as Jean's/Phoenix's new lover.




    Marsden Would Do X-Men 3 for Free

    Source: The Advocate May 11, 2005

    The Advocate talked to James Marsden, who played Cyclops in the first two X-Men films, about the third installment:

    Will you play Cyclops in X-Men 3?

    "It's very complicated. I want nothing more than to be a part of X-Men 3, especially since they're probably going into the Dark Phoenix saga, which would include my character a lot, but the schedule might conflict. I hope it all works out. I told them I'd do it for free."

    Found that on the IMDB message board. Like I said, he should have a major part or James Marsden shouldn't be in it.

  11. I know that. That's why the only thing that will save it, is if Vinnie hits out an amazing performance. <_< It's unsaveable.

    Yup, the Earth is doomed. Uh, I mean the role.

    So, is Cyclops even going to be in the film? I mean, he HAS to be. I know James Marsden is doing Superman so probably won't be in. I've heard he would accept a small role, but if you ask me Cyclops NEEDS to be a a major character in X-Men 3, especially if they're going to route of the Phoenix saga, which it clearly seems to be, Cyclops in a 'minor role' would be ridiculous. The whole story would be ruined. They need to make an announcement about James Marsden/Cyclops soon.

  12. The first girl looked like she could be Kitty, however, she probably didn't have the acting skill, so they had to get someone else. I don't think Maggie's the best choice, but she might wow us. But as for Vinne Jones.. why? Mean Machine was brilliant, but Vinne Jones in X3.. he better be ready to set the world on fire.

    Juggernaut SCREAMS for a big muscular guy to play him. Vinnie Jones isn't exactly muscular. Juggernaut is suppose to be a massive guy, if the film Juggernaut doesn't stay faithful to the comic Juggernaut, I'm gonna kill someone.



    My sentiments exactly...and fuck you for getting here before I did to say so!

    Oh, and who the hell is Maggie Grace?


    Sorry, that is NOT Kitty Pryde. Please, re-cast. How about the give the role to the girl who actually played her in the first one? She looks more "Kitty Prydey" if that makes sense.

    The fact Vinnie Jones even gets roles makes me wanna cry, and the casting of Kitty Pryde just looks wrong to me. Kitty needs to look at least a little bit vulnerable, not like a super model.

  14. Ah, now I must scour out Star Wars: Tales #21 now. Can't find the fucker on eBay. The only ones I can find are from America and they ones I do find don't have photos so I can't be sure if that's the actual one I want. Grrr...

  15. Jar-Jar is also in the background when Anakin and Obi-Wan return from rescuing Palpatine

    The Millennium Falcon also makes an appearance in that scene.

    I liked the film, despite not being a huge Star Wars buff.


    The Millenium Falcon. It's at the bottom.

    Oh and for these people wondering about Anakin killing actual Jedi in the Temple, I show you this...


  16. And to round of our miserable week...

    Freddie in Gunners warning

    Freddie Ljungberg has warned Arsenal that he will quit Highbury unless the club match his own ambitions.

    A miserable week for the North London outfit has seen Ashley Cole express his discontentment at the club, while Ljungberg has now intimated that he is not ready to ink a new deal.

    The talented Swede, 28-years-old, believes Arsenal need to show more ambition in the transfer market and not continue to rely on youth - for which Arsene Wenger is famed for nurturing.

    Ljungberg's current deal expires at the close of next season and it is a stark ultimatum that has been issued by the free-scoring midfielder.

    ''I won't re-sign if the club's ambition does not match mine,'' Ljungberg told the Sunday Express.

    ''The biggest thing is the Champions League but I can't see how we can achieve that if we are bringing in 18 and 19-year-olds, then expecting them to play 30 matches at the top level.

    ''What I am saying is not about money - it is about ambition.''

    Credit: SkySports.com

    Wenger should invest in some players that can be counted upon today instead of a few years from now. I love the fact Wenger finds the obscure youngsters who tend to develop very well, but it would be nice if he signed an established player this summer, I'm talking about a centre-back.

  17. One of the directors is the comic creator, Frank Miller (who both writes AND draws the comic), so it's faithful down to the frame at times. There are some omissions, but nothing to get all worked up about. The most notable is the lack of nudity, but you'd have to be a total dweeb to think they were going to take an NC-17 for Clive Owen cock or convince Alba to run around naked half the film. :(

    Damn Jessica Alba, just, just DAMN her!

  18. So to what extent does the movie follow the graphic novels? I mean, usually when these kinda films come out, people are like "they missed this out, this was wrong, they changed this"...how faithful is the movie version to the graphic novel version?

    I've heard it's the most faithful comic book adaptation ever.

  19. Ashley Cole needs to speak out, much like most players these days need to. The media will continue to speak for you until you come out and say whats actually going on.

    He did - he told News of the World that he blames David Dein for the contract saga, and will not sign a new one, even if it matches his wage demands.

    Since when did the News of the World mean anything? :D

    I'm a little confused about all this. I don't want him to go because he's easily the best left-back in the world bar none, so it'd be a huge loss to us especially if he leaves on a bosman when his contract expires.

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