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Posts posted by TMM

  1. - The end of Big Fish, from the scene in the hospital when Edward Bloom wakes up in the bed right up until the very end of the film. Had me bawling me eyes out each time I've seen it.

    - The end of Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, the whole death of Spock thing was really emotional.

    - The end of Star Trek: Nemesis where Data died. The fact that Picard says nothing and just stands there shocked made it really emotional.

  2. :crying:

    I'm truly sad about this. When some celebrities die, you go "oh, he's gone, that's a shame, R.I.P." or whatever, but occasionaly someone dies who ya really liked. I'm gonna have to watch some Star Trek now for some memories...

  3. Rumoured Backlash card and Velocity results

    Yesterday we posted the rumoured Backlash card for the RAW side, now we can update that and announce the SmackDown matches as well. There are still some matches that are yet to be announced. It has been heavily rumoured that Backlash will be the site of Brock Lesnar's in-ring SmackDown debut, although it seems as though it may actually take place on the pre-Backlash SmackDown in Houston, Texas.

    Rumoured Backlash card:

    WWF Undisputed title match

    Hollywood Hogan vs. Triple H ©

    Edge vs. Kurt Angle

    WWF Intercontinental title match

    Lance Storm vs. Rob Van Dam ©

    WWF Tag Team titles match

    The Dudley Boyz vs. Billy and Chuck ©

    WWF Cruiserweight title match

    Billy Kidman vs. Jeff Hardy vs. TAKA Michinoku vs. Tajiri ©

    The Undertaker v Mystery Opponent (To be announcd on 04/15 RAW)

    Chris Jericho v The Rock

    Kane v Test

    Eddie Guerrero v The Big Show (To be announced on 04/15 RAW)

    Velocity Results for Saturday 13th April 2002

    Raven cut an interview on Spike Dudley.

    Raven d. Spike Dudley with the Raven Effect.

    Hurricane d. Jason Broyles (A.K.A. EZ Money) with the Eye of the Hurricane.

    Big Bossman and Bill DeMott (renamed Hugh Morrus) d. the Shane Twins when DeMott pinned Todd after a moonsault.

    Lance Storm d. Val Venis with the half Boston crab submission.

  4. Who would you have replace Ferdinand?

    A British player like King, who'd cost upwards of £15 million, or try and bring in a big name from abroad? If King were to leave, Spurs would be fucked, but he'd cope fantastically well with the demands of CL football. And if there's one thing Ledley King has shown, by signing every deal put in front of him, is that he has some loyalty.

    What I find funny is that everyone accused Jermaine Defoe of lacking loyalty after the West Ham debarcle, but even with interest from Chelsea, he's signed a new deal. Ferdinand would do well to remember all the club has done to him, what the fuck is an extra £15,000 to him anyway?

    He's just comes across as a greedy fuck who thinks he's better than he is. He isn't the best defender in the world, or the country; he's not even the best English defender in the country (behind John Terry and Sol Campbell, don't argue :angry: )!

    He's not worth the amount Man Utd paid for him, and he doesn't deserve the amount of money he's been offered, let alone what he's after.

  5. user posted image

    11th April 2002

    Taped from the Tuscan Convention Centre – Tuscan, Arizona

    Vince McMahon again opens the show by making his way to the ring. McMahon is pissed. McMahon says he is beside himself with rage after what happened Monday night, and said he couldn’t believe that Stone Cold had decided to sign with Ric Flair’s RAW over SmackDown. He proceeded to run down everyone from the Rock, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Kane, and basically said that Ric Flair wished that RAW had the talent that SmackDown did. He went on to say that his neck is still hurting from the Stunner Austin gave him Monday night, and decided that he was glad Austin joined RAW. He said that he fit right in with the crap that was there. He then turned his attention to another loudmouth Texan, but said this one was on SmackDown and went by the name Bradshaw. He said that it was announced that it would be Scott Hall and X-Pac against Bradshaw and a partner of his choosing. He said that because of all the embarrassment he has suffered at the hands of Stone Cold Steve Austin down the years, he is going to make sure Hall and X-Pac take it all out on Bradshaw tonight…in a handicap match! He then said that after the outcome of last week’s main event, he’s going to add another match to the Backlash pay-per-view and says that it will be Kurt Angle taking on Edge!

    Before McMahon could go on, Kurt Angle’s music hit and the Olympic gold medallist came to the ring. He apologised for interrupting McMahon, and then thanked him for booking his match at Backlash, but then politely asked him “what the hell were you thinking” when he named Hollywood Hogan the no. 1 contender for Triple H’s Undisputed title? McMahon said that he wasn’t in the mood for this tonight, and Angle said he understands, and demanded to take his frustrations out on Hogan tonight. McMahon agreed and made the match, then decided against and instead told Kurt Angle that he wouldn’t face just Hollywood Hogan; he would face Hogan AND Triple H in a tag team match! Angle was shocked, then smirked and enquired about whom his partner would be, but McMahon said he wants it to be a surprise, but promises Angle that he will like it. He then promises Hogan and Triple H would NOT like it.

    Rob Van Dam def. Christian

    Christian was on the receiving end of a beating for the majority of the match until Lance Storm strolled down to the ring, distracting RVD, which allowed Christian to get a near-fall from a schoolboy roll-up. Christian was in charge from then on until he and RVD nailed a spinning heel kick, which knocked both Christian and the referee out. This prompted Storm to get into the ring behind RVD and line up for a super kick, but when he finally tried to nail RVD, he hit Christian instead! Van Dam then threw him out of the ring before going to the top rope and hitting the Five Star Frog Splash for the victory.

    After the match, Lance Storm grabbed one steel chair, slid it into the ring the grabbed another chair and returned to the ring before blasting Van Dam right between the eyes! He shook Christian to consciousness before the two Canadian’s hit RVD with the con-chair-toh!

    Cut to the back where Mark Lloyd is talking with Bradshaw about Mr. McMahon’s announcement of the upcoming handicap match. Bradshaw says he couldn’t give a damn what McMahon says, and couldn’t care less about his vendetta against Stone Cold Steve Austin, all Bradshaw cares about, all he wants is a fight with the nWo! He doesn’t care if it’s one of them or all of them, he just wants to kick some ass and drink some beer! With that, Bradshaw walked off.

    Scott Hall and X-Pac def. Bradshaw

    McMahon made this a no-tag rules handicap match where both Hall and X-Pac are in the ring with Bradshaw at the same time. They teased a Bradshaw win as Bradshaw made a big comeback against his opponents before throwing Hall out of the ring, and then nailing X-Pac with a clothesline from hell and getting a very near fall from the pin before Scott Hall returned to the ring and broke it up. Bradshaw fired back against Hall though until X-Pac hit a chop block, allowing Hall to gather his senses and hit the Razor’s Edge for the win.

    Luckily for Bradshaw, Hall and X-Pac decided to leave Bradshaw in the ring without attacking him further. Unluckily for Bradshaw, they decided to spray paint ‘nWo’ on his back before leaving.

    Cut to the back where Torrie Wilson is talking to Jeff Hardy. She congratulates him on winning the Cruiserweight title last week, and thanks him for getting her away from Tajiri. She says that she thought she loved him, but the way he was acting over the past couple of days, she realised he had changed. She wanted to give him a chance…Jeff interrupted her and reminded her that if he didn’t interject last week, Tajiri might have hurt her. She says he’s right, and offers to come down to the ring with him for his rematch with Tajiri, an offer that he accepts.

    WWF Cruiserweight title match

    Tajiri def. Jeff Hardy to win the title

    Clearly Tajiri didn’t want to wait around with his rematch clause and McMahon granted him the rematch tonight. The match came to its closure as SmackDown registered its second ref bump of the night, as referee Jimmy Korderas was taken out with a flying crossbody from Jeff Hardy, which was ducked by Tajiri. Tajiri tried to nail Jeff with a stiff kick to the head, but Jeff rolled him up for the count, but there was no referee. Then came the run-in that caused a surprise as former WWF Light-Heavyweight champion Taka Michinoku made his return to the WWF by hitting Jeff Hardy with the Michinoku Driver and putting Tajiri on top of him. As the referee came to, all he saw was Tajiri’s arm lying across Jeff’s chest as he made the 1…2…3 count, making Tajiri the winner and new Cruiserweight champion!

    After the match, Taka grabbed Torrie Wilson by the arm and dragged her into the ring, throwing her at Tajiri’s feet. Tajiri then spat BLACK mist into her eyes, making her roll around in agony! Out from the back came Billy Kidman of all people, as Tajiri and Taka rolled out of the ring and up the ramp. Kidman checked on Torrie who kept shouting ‘I can’t see! I can’t see!’ Kidman called for the EMT’s.

    Cut to the back where Triple H is getting his hands taped in his locker room when Hollywood Hogan walks in! Triple H stands up and asks his assistant to leave. Triple H then tells Hogan that he doesn’t know what Vince is thinking by booking them in a tag team match just over a week before Backlash, but he says that while tonight they’re partners, he reminds him that in ten days they’ll be going one-on-one for the biggest prize in this industry. Hogan says Vince doesn’t like Hogan and he doesn’t like Triple H, but Hogan says he’s doesn’t care because tonight they’ll team together for the first time in history, and he says he’s excited about it. Triple H agrees with him, and says it’s not every day you get to team up with a legend, let alone a legend that you respect and have looked up to for your entire life. Hogan extends his hand to Triple H, and the champion shakes it. Hogan goes to leave, but Triple H pulls him back! He reminds Hogan that tonight they’re partners, but after that, it’s all out of the window. He reminds Hogan that this is his dressing room and tells him to never, ever barge in again or that respect he was talking about earlier will go straight out the window, and says he’ll take it as an act of aggression and says he’ll treat just like any of the pretenders who’ve tried to knock him off the mountain over the past couple of years; by leaving them broken and beaten down. Hogan just looks at the champion for a few seconds, before telling Triple H that he’s ‘played the game’ longer than anyone on SmackDown, longer than anyone in the WWF and longer than anyone in this business and then leaves.

    Bubba Ray Dudley def. Billy

    Billy was accompanied by Chuck and Rico, but Bubba came out alone. This was a glorified squash at times, with Billy being out-classed, out-powered and out-manoeuvred by Bubba Ray for the majority of the match. At the end of the match, Bubba and Billy were brawling when all of a sudden Chuck got into the ring and ran at Bubba with a clothesline, but Bubba ducked it and Chuck nailed Billy instead! Bubba then grabbed Chuck by the hair and tossed him outside of the ring before nailing Billy with the Bubba Bomb to pick up the victory!

    After the match, Rico came rushing in the one of the title belts to hit Bubba with, but Bubba saw him coming and Rico dropped to the mat! As Bubba got closer to Rico, Chuck’s boot came from behind and connected with Bubba’s head, knocking him out! Chuck and Rico double-teamed Bubba until D-Von and Spike Dudley came running out from the back to make the save. Chuck and Rico grabbed Billy and dragged him away.

    Cut to the back Diamond Dallas Page is walking on his own and he bumps into Paul Heyman. He says that it’s been a while since he’s been able to talk to Heyman in person, and then asks him where his monster is. Heyman assures Page that Brock Lesnar is not here tonight, and DDP says that’s not a bad thing, it’s a good thing because he gets a chance to talk to Heyman about Lesnar’s actions. He says it’s not very nice the way Lesnar has been attacking people like that and says that if he’s a wrestler, he should get in the ring and wrestle, and stop jumping people from behind.

    Then from behind Brock Lesnar grabbed him and tossed him hard into a wall! Heyman starts laughing as kneels down ands agrees that DDP may be right; maybe Lesnar should wrestle. He says that next week on SmackDown he’ll get in the ring with ANY SmackDown wrestler.

    The WWF Undisputed champion Triple H makes his way to the ring for the upcoming tag team match, and is followed by Hollywood Hogan. The two share an icy stare until Kurt Angle’s music hits and the Olympic gold medallist hits the stage. Angle mock Hogan and Triple H, saying they have no chance here because they can’t even get along with each other, and reiterates that they have no chance against him and his partner. He says that although he doesn’t know exactly who he is, he has been assured by Mr. McMahon that he is perfect for this match. Angle then introduced his tag team partner, and the music of the nWo hit! Angle looked shocked, but his shock turned to a smirk as Kevin Nash walked out onto the stage! Angle looked like a kid in a candy store as he shook Nash's hand and walked towards the ring, followed by the big leader of the nWo.

    Hollywood Hogan and Triple H def. Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash by DQ

    The whole match consisted of Kurt Angle fighting both Hogan and Triple H, with Nash coming in every once in a while to beat on Hogan. Nash and Triple H didn’t interact at all except for when Hogan made the tag to Triple H after being beat upon by Nash, but Nash smirked and tagged out to Angle straight away. The match came to it’s end when Kevin Nash went to nail Hollywood Hogan in the face with a big boot, but Hogan ducked and Nash took out Triple H instead, who went flying off the apron and then bounced off the security rail, and was seemingly knocked unconscious. Hogan then turned around and pounded on Nash until he hit the big boot! The crowd went wild as Hogan signalled for the big legdrop, but he was stopped when Scott Hall and X-Pac ran down to the ring! Hogan fought off Hall, but was jumped from behind by X-Pac as the referee was forced to call for a disqualification.

    Hall and X-Pac started to double-team Hogan, who then began to Hulk up and fight back! He had then both on the ropes until Kurt Angle came from nowhere with a steel chair shot to the head, sending Hogan down like a tonne of bricks! Angle then pulled down the straps and slapped on the ankle lock as Hogan screamed for help, which came in the form of Edge and Bradshaw! Then hit the ring, but the nWo were too much for the two of them and Bradshaw fell to a Razors Edge, while Edge was knocked out with a Jacknife powerbomb, courtesy of Kevin Nash. The nWo stood over Bradshaw, Edge and a bloody Hollywood Hogan, while Kurt Angle slapped in the ankle lock on Edge to end the show.

  6. First off, Rio Ferdinand can fuck right off.

    We're allready offering him £100,000 a week. That alone is a huge ammount of money and would automatically upon acceptance make him the highest earning player in the club's history.

    Don't get me wrong Rio Ferdinand, despite what a lot of people recently have been arguing against, is a fantastic player. I think that the reason he hasen't shone this season is our current set-up. He and Silvestre, who for the most part of the season was his partner, are too similar in they're play. Both are the kind of defenders who sit-back and play clean-up rather than directly challenge for the ball like John Terry, Sol Campbell and Sami Hyypia to quote a few would.

    To have a great defence you must have a combination of some-one who will challenge and some-one who will clean-up. Losing Ferdinand would'nt be the end of the world right now for us because of Silvestre. Not only would he fetch a decent price but with the money we could easily buy an experienced replacement to fill the void whilst some of our less experienced center-halfs come through the ranks, both John O'Shea and Wes Brown have looked great in the past and will do again whilst plenty of our reserves have massive potential (Pique, Bardsley and McShane to name a few).

    It may look like Ferdinand is currently in the drivers seat over negociations. We've stood by our offer for over a year now and it's up to him how we progress. But one thing's for sure, losing him would not be as crushing a blow as he may think it would be. If he is greedy enough to demand wages of anywhere in between £115,000-£125,000 a week then he can demand elsewhere. Selling him wouldn't be a problem as I doubt he'd look out-of-place in the Real Madrid's and Barcelona's of this world. It just sickens me that the loyalty the club showed him during his drug ban and the fee we originally paid to bring him to the club are left unrewarded because of the greed of the player. The very fact that the manager is now refusing to give Rio the captain's arm-band shows his frustration and I believe that if Rio doesn't accept the current terms within the next few weeks, he will be on his way out of Old Trafford.

    You'll be fine without him, you have some good defenders coming through but my point is losing him on a FREE would be a big, big mistake. He can fetch nearly (or more than) £20m still, and considering how much you paid for him, and your financial state right, letting him leave on a bosman would be a bad decision, hence why I think you need to sell him now.

  7. Wonder if you'll cave in to Rio's demands? You should just say take it or leave it, and if he doesn't take it, tell him to get stuffed and sell him. You'll either loose your best defender for free or get some money for him.

    I just really want him to come out and say "I don't understand why the fans are booing me"

  8. Doyle's death in Angel was sad. I knew it was coming though, so it wasn't as bad as if I didn't.

    The end of Big Fish had me crying like a big fucking girl though. Proper bawling at times, including making weird sounds. It's just so sad. :'(

  9. Whats your Take On Young Avengers Then?

    Well, I've only managed to get my hands on issue 4 (might be 3, can't remember) and I really liked it. Once I get paid I'm gonna try and find the previous ones.

    My one problem with it is that everyone is a mini-clone of the real (past and present) Avengers, which is just weird. They could've made some effort and make totally new characters.

    Oh, and the gay kids are interesting.

  10. Haven't actually played football in AGES, but I'd usually play right-back, centre-back or in goal because everyone else would think they were the best strikers in the world, so they'd refuse to go in goal and I was the only one even remotely decent in goal, and I didn't mind.

  11. I wouldn't mind him back at Liverpool.

    What are the Arsenal fans views on Ashley Cole now?

    Well, as long as he plays as well as he can I don't have a problem. I don't know the whole story about the Chelsea thing. If he does leave next summer, as long as we get £25m-plus I don't care, we have Clichy.

  12. BASTARD!! I made a comic discussion thread...:(

    But yeah, I'm reading:

    Astonishing X-Men

    Young Avengers


    House of M

    Rogue (just finished)

    Gambit (just finished as well)

    Star Wars: Empire

    Star Wars: Tales

    Occasionally I'll pick something random up as well; might start following Star Wars: Republic as well, but that means I'll have to find 75 back issues :P

  13. I like quality players who stay put at their current teams, rather than going to big teams simply for the money.  I admire Gerrard in a way for staying put.

    Yeah, he never wanted to leave, he just wanted more money though. He knew that if he said that he wanted to leave that the board would offer him more money. It's speculation, but bucket-loads of players do it all the time.


    Following last weeks SmackDown which saw the nWo attack and beat down a somewhat drunken Bradshaw. This week on SmackDown, Bradshaw is scheduled to appear and address the attack. The nWo are also scheduled to be in the arena, and they have promised to give a reaction to their attack on Bradshaw last week, as well as the fact that the man that walked out on the nWo, Hollywood Hogan was given the first shot at Triple H and the Undisputed title.

    Also scheduled is a rematch between Jeff Hardy and Tajiri for the Cruiserweight title that Jeff won from Tajiri last week. Tajiri is out for revenge, especially as his 'girlfriend' Torrie Wilson walked out on him. Although it is hard to blame her for leaving Tajiri, Tajiri sees her actions as disloyal and claims she embarressed him.

    In addition to all this, the WWF Undisputed champion Triple H and his Backlash challenger Hollywood Hogan will be in the arena. These two fierce competitors made it clear that they respect each other, but also made it clear that when Backlash comes around, that they would hold nothing back. See what happens at 8/7 CT on UPN!

  15. It's just really simplistic stuff that she writes though. That's one of the things that gets me when I see adults reading it. Sure they enjoy it, fair point, but it's so damn simple. I want to actually think about the book when I'm reading it, and maybe even after.

    When I finished reading each of the books, not once did I stop and think "hmm, that bit was good" or "I wonder why that's happening" or anything like that.

    Oh, and her need to put in a swerve in every book is so stupid. Especially because the swerves generally are clear as day.

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