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Posts posted by TMM

  1. B00005221O.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg

    X-Files - 7/10

    I heard some reviews call it crap, some say good, some say average, and I fall into the 'good' category. I love the X-Files TV series and this was the first time I've ever seen the film, and I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.

    My only gripe with the film, however, is that at times it felt like a glorified episode of the show, but that's only a minor gripe.


    Shrek 2 - 10/10

    Hilarious film. I loved it. Bought it a little while back only felt like watching it tonight, and I regret not having seen it sooner.

    In ways it's better than the first one. The animations were jaw-dropping good, and everything was so good. I loved the "Pop Idol" type thing on the DVD extras.

  2. Exclusive: Wenger - I’m going to buy a keeper by Friday

    By Richard Clarke

    Arsène Wenger intends to sign a goalkeeper before the weekend.

    The departures of Stuart Taylor to Aston Villa and Graham Stack on loan over the summer has left the Frenchman with only Jens Lehmann and Manuel Almunia as his recognised keepers.

    On Sunday Wenger admitted that Uruguayan international Sebastian Viera was among his options. Speaking exclusively to Arsenal.com this afternoon, the Frenchman did not name names but he did reveal the deal would be concluded quickly and the new keeper would challenge the present incumbents for their spots in the first team squad.

    “Certainly I will bring in another goalkeeper,” said Wenger. “That should be decided tomorrow or Friday.

    “You don’t take a goalkeeper to sit on the bench, you take them to challenge everybody. That is what we intend to do. It is fair competition.

    “At the moment Lehmann is No 1 in my opinion but we live in a competitive world and everybody accepts that you are only as good as your last game. You always have to prove yourself again.”

    Source: Arsenal.com

    Yay! I think that one word sums it up don't you? Well, that is unless he buys another Almunia of course...

  3. I'll just copy what I posted before in the old thread for feedback on the first show:

    Real good show. I hope the title match is between Hart, Briscoe and Steel. I like the idea of Ace Steel being the champion...don't know why, but I do! Let him win it!

    I also like the interaction between Rivera and Scott. Typical heel-supporting announcer and typical face-supporter. I hope you can add bits of comedy into Rivera's commentary.

    The second show was great, and wahey you gave Ace Steel the strap! Like I said, something about Steel having the belt appeals to me.

    Liking the Daron Smythe character, same for the Colt Cabana/Austin Lee feud that seems to be going on.

    The writing style is really good, yet really simple to read which is the way i like results to be done.

    Keep up the good work.

  4. Dave Gorman has no new shows on at the mo. He has a radio show coming soon, and he's still touring the googlewhack adventure.

    Oh cool, mis-read it. What radio channel is the show going to be on? I might actually have to set up my newly bought radio (1 month ago) to listen to it.

  5. user posted image

    April 18th 2002

    Taped from the Compaq Centre – Houston, Texas

    SmackDown kicked off in typical fashion with the SmackDown owner Vince McMahon making his way to the ring for an announcement. He said that this Sunday at Backlash, Bradshaw would have a match; a match which he will really enjoy because he will be able to get his hands on the group of people who have been making his life a misery for the past couple of weeks. McMahon announces Bradshaw vs.…a member of the nWo to be announced on the night! McMahon laughs his evil laugh before telling Bradshaw that he should train hard for this match, because he won’t know who he’s gonna get.

    McMahon moved on from the nWo and Bradshaw to talk about the Backlash main event of Hollywood Hogan vs. Triple H. He talks about how he heard a vicious rumour that Triple H is in cahoots with the nWo, and that they didn’t attack him last week because of their alliance. He asks for the footage to be shown, and we see Hogan, Edge and Bradshaw being beaten down by the nWo and Kurt Angle, while Triple H is nowhere to be seen. He said that Triple H was “knocked out” by a big boot from Kevin Nash and he lay outside the ring while his Backlash opponent was beaten up, or softened up, by the nWo. He asks if that sounds fishy to anyone, and says it certainly seems fishy to him. McMahon then tells Hogan that Triple H can’t be trusted, and says that he has first hand experience of that. He goes on to make a double main-event of Hollywood Hogan vs. nWo member X-Pac as well as Triple H taking on the Olympic Gold medallist Kurt Angle!

    Taka Michinoku def. Billy Kidman

    Taka was accompanied by his associate/boss/friend Tajiri while Billy Kidman came down with Jeff Hardy, just for back up. During the match, Michael Cole announced that Jeff Hardy and Billy Kidman would team up to take on the team of Tajiri and Taka Michinoku this Sunday at Backlash, as Cole and Tazz talked about how great that match would be and they also discussed that the black mist that Tajiri spewed into the eyes of Torrie Wilson may have blinded her, although it’s unclear at this point how extensive the damage is but they confirmed she would not be in the corner of Kidman and Jeff this Sunday. Taka looked good in his first match on SmackDown for a very long time. Billy Kidman took Taka down with a BK bomb, and as the referee checked on Taka, Tajiri jumped up onto the apron and spewed the green mist into Kidman’s eyes! Jeff Hardy immediately jumped Tajiri, but in the ring Taka managed to get to his feet and deliver the Michinoku driver before covering for the 1…2…3!

    Taka didn’t hang around long as Jeff returned to the ring to check on Kidman, who was wiping the mist from his eyes. Taka and Tajiri seemed happy about their actions tonight as they left the arena through the side of the ramp.

    Brock Lesnar def. Danny D

    ‘Danny D’ is Danny Dominion, an independent wrestler. Lesnar got in the ring and opened up to allow Danny D to take some shots at him, which he did to zero effect. A sadistic smile appeared over Lesnar’s face before he flattened Danny D with a vicious clothesline that made the crowd ‘oooo’ before Lesnar hoisted him up and hit his deadly triple-powerbomb before Lesnar pinned him inside a minute.

    Paul Heyman quickly entered the ring and stopped Lesnar from leaving, and pointed at Danny D before telling to “hit the F5”, so Lesnar picked him up in a fallaway slam position before throwing him onto his shoulders and hitting a fireman’s carry slam, which is the F5!

    Instead of the music of Brock Lesnar playing, the music of Diamond Dallas Page hit! DDP came onto the stage with his headset-microphone on, but before he could say anything, Paul Heyman grabbed a microphone and told DDP not to interfere in this unless he wants to end up the same way he ended up last week. DDP told Heyman that Brock Lesnar impressed him just not, but beating a “jobber” is nothing special, and said that he thought Lesnar would challenge anyone in the SmackDown locker-room, and reminded Lesnar and Heyman that Danny D isn’t even a WWF superstar.

    Heyman responded in kind, and said that next week on SmackDown, Brock Lesnar would step into the ring with an official SmackDown wrestler, but Heyman doesn’t know who he will challenge. Heyman then asked DDP who he would suggest, and DDP said HE would take on Brock Lesnar himself! Paul Heyman was a little shocked at this, but ended up accepting the match. DDP said that this Sunday he would teach Brock Lesnar a lesson, “and that’s not a bad thing, that’s a good thing”!

    Chuck w/ Rico and Billy def. D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray and Spike Dudley

    Much like last week, the other half of each tag team faced off as a build up to this Sunday’s pay-per-view match. Spike, Rico, Bubba and Billy were brawling almost from the get-go outside the ring, and through all that Chuck was able to low-blow D-Von and nail the jungle kick for the win inside five minutes.

    Outside, Spike and Bubba got the upper hand and sent Chuck and Billy scurrying before getting a hold of Rico and tossing him into the ring. Billy and Chuck contemplated returning to the ring to save their stylist, but decided against it as Bubba told Spike to get the tables as the Dudleyz delivered a devastating 3D through it! Spike then grabbed a microphone and then challenged Billy and Chuck to Tag Team titles match on behalf of his half-brothers. Billy and Chuck shook their heads and refused before walking off.

    In the back we see Billy and Chuck talking about how despicable the Dudleyz are before they run into Mr. McMahon. McMahon wants to know why they refused the Dudleyz challenge, and they said that they don’t deserve a title shot after what they did to Rico. McMahon thinks about it and agrees, but then says Billy and Chuck must want some revenge. Billy and Chuck didn’t really seem to get it, and McMahon then said that he’s going to give them revenge by making a six-man tag match at Backlash with Rico, Billy and Chuck facing Bubba Ray, Spike and D-Von; the Dudley Boyz! He says that he’s going to add a stipulation that if the Dudley Boyz beat them, they get a WWF Tag Team title match next week on SmackDown. The champions didn’t look happy, but grudgingly accepted the match before McMahon walked off.

    Backstage we see Trish Stratus arriving at the arena (she doesn’t have a match, why’s she here?) when out of nowhere, and for no explainable reason, Jazz jumped her! Jazz pounded away at her before slamming her head first into the door before telling her that she’s the Women’s champion, and no matter how much better Trish looks than her, that’s the way it’s always gonna be.

    We see Triple H taping his wrists up when the camera shows two big legs in front of him. The camera pans up to reveal Kevin Nash, who has X-Pac and Scott Hall with him! Triple H looks at them all, seemingly expecting to be jumped when Kevin Nash hugs him! Triple H looks a little confused, but smiles as he hugs his friend. X-Pac and Hall join in the group hug before pulling back and Nash apologises for the boot to the face last week, and reminds him it was an accident. Triple H says he understands he was going for Hogan and all. Nash says they’re not doing anything tonight after X-Pac beats up Hogan, but they plan on sticking around for Triple H’s match with Kurt Angle later tonight. Hall tells him that they have his back no matter what happens. Triple H says he appreciates that, but tells the nWo that he’s doing things alone now. Nash says he understands and respects that, but tells him the offer is always open to “friends”. Nash, Hall and X-Pac leave Triple H to continue warming up as Tazz and Michael Cole speculate about whether Mr. McMahon sources were right about the nWo and Triple H being aligned.

    Hollywood Hogan def. X-Pac w/ Kevin Nash and Scott Hall

    Hogan came out with a bit of a pissed off look on his face after obviously seeing Triple H and the nWo meeting backstage just a minute ago, but it didn’t stop him from keeping his eye on the match, but the presence of his former team-mates, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash had that sorted out. X-Pac used his speed to his advantage against the much older Hogan, but the Hulkamaniacs just wouldn’t let Hogan lay down and die. X-Pac sent Hogan into the corner and nailed the spinning heel kick, taking Hogan down to the position for a Bronco Buster, but he ran straight into a boot in the groin from Hogan! Hogan got to his feet and knocked and incoming Scott Hall of the apron with a right hand and then went toe-to-toe with X-Pac and put X-Pac back on the defensive before whipping him across the ring for the big boot, but X-Pac ducked it and then nailed the X-Factor! X-Pac was on the verge of the biggest win in his entire career, but Hogan just kicked out and began Hulking up! Hogan fought to his feet, and then had X-Pac on the ropes before nailing the big boot, followed by the leg drop for the 1…2…3!

    After the match, Hall and Nash got in the ring and attacked Hogan! The kicked and punched at him until Triple H ran down! Triple H got in Nash’s face and told him to back off, but Nash said this was between the nWo and Hogan and has nothing to do with Triple H. It seemed that Triple H saw Nash’s point, but told them to back off anyway. Nash held his hands up and the nWo left the ring after Nash gave the nWo handshake to Triple H. The champion got a mixed reaction from the crowd for that, but Triple H still made sure to check on Hogan.

    We cut to the back where Marc Lloyd was standing by with Edge, and Lloyd asked him his feelings about going into his match with Kurt Angle this Sunday at Backlash, and Edge says he feels great. He says he’s got the Edgeheads behind him and he knows they’ll be backing him 100%, and talks about how Kurt Angle is a great wrestler, but he also has a “great big mouth”, and Edge says that come this Sunday, he’s going to shut it up for him.

    Edge goes to walk off when he’s jumped from behind by Kurt Angle! Angle starts punching him in the head on the concrete floor before picking him up on his shoulders and hitting an Angle slam through a nearby table! Angle made sure to tell Edge that he was the best wrestler alive and that he would beat him this Sunday.

    Kurt Angle def. Triple H

    Angle is out first to a chorus of boos as well as the usual ‘you suck’ chants that go along with his entrance music. Triple H came out to a monstrous pop as the Undisputed champion took on Kurt Angle in a rematch from February’s No Way Out pay-per-view. A great back-and-forth match ensued, which saw Kurt Angle lock in the ankle lock at one point, and even though Triple H was clearly on the verge of tapping out, he managed to reach the ropes and have Angle release the hold. Angle put all his attentions into working on the champion’s ankle from then on. The big ending of the match came as Kurt Angle attempted to hit the Angle slam, but Triple H fell out the back door and then attempted to take Angle’s head off with a clothesline, but Angle ducked and Triple H accidentally knocked out the referee! Angle then took advantage of the champion’s mistake by finally nailing the Angle slam! Angle made the cover, but there was no referee to count, so Angle left the ring and brought a steel chair inside. Before Angle could use the chair, Hollywood Hogan came out to the ring! Hogan got into the ring and Hogan tried to convince Angle to drop the chair, but Angle was having none of it and tried to hit Hogan with it! Hogan ducked and started to punch away at Angle before nailing a big boot! Triple H then got to his feet and got in Hogan’s face and started to yell at him for interfering in his match, but Hogan tried to explain what he was doing out here. Hogan went to leave, but Triple H grabbed him by arm as he was on the apron and would not let him go, so he slapped Hollywood Hogan! Hogan returned the favour with a slap of his own before dropping off the apron, unknowingly assisting in Triple H’s downfall as Kurt Angle had gotten to his feet and low-blowed Triple H before rolling him up with a handful of tights as the referee counted the 1…2…3!

    Hogan realised what he had done, and picked up Triple H’s Undisputed title before returning to the ring to hand it to him. Triple H looked utterly furious, but seemed to cool down when Hogan handed him back his title. But just as Hogan went to leave, Triple H spun him around and nailed the Pedigree! Triple H held the title in his hand, and shoved it in Hogan’s face before posing in the ring as SmackDown went off the air.


    Backlash will be written out in more depth...uh, I hope...

  6. I remember when you first posted this. You got a little bit further than this, posting your first show I think it was. I thought it looked really good then, and I still do now.

    The backstory was really good and well thought out. It's similar to a lot of backstorys, but at the same time it's very different if that makes any sense. But without a doubt you've got me as a reader. Looking forward to see who's on the roster.

  7. Step down?

    Didn't Man City just miss out on Europe last year?

    Given that they have £20 million to spend, some pretty promising youngsters and a shrewd manager it's hardly a step down.

    Stuart Pearce will be lucky if he's given £5m to spend seen as how much in debt City are.

  8. When you play, what methods do you use?

    It seems there is likely to be two main categories - those who either:

    a) Big Buys, splashing the cash on the superstars of today.

    b) Small Buys, investing in the superstars of tomorrow.

    Well, with Arsenal I'm always doing b). But I've got a Sevilla game going right now in which I spent £23m in my first season (not including the money I have to pay over the coming months) and right now I'm in July and I've already spent about £6m I think, so it depends who I am. That said, I've signed vanden Borre and Cerci for the future.

    If I'm a team that doesn't need new players, I'll build for the future.

  9. I'm reading the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn right now, and I'm on Dark Force Rising, the second in the trilogy. Finished reading Heir to the Empire last week, and I'm absolutley loving this series. It's brilliantly written, and Zahn really seems to love the Star Wars universe, or at least have a total grasp on what attracted people to the films in the first place.

    I'm reading it slowly though, like a chapter a day at some times because that's how I read books usually (seen as I spend a lot of time on the computer and whatever) but it's just an awesome book. I've also got the Jedi Academy Trilogy to read after this, so me got lots of reading coming.

    If you like Zahn's Star Wars books check out Survivors Quest. It's what i'm reading now and it's been full of twists and turns since the beggining.

    That's the one with Mara Jade and Luke on the cover isn't it? I've got that one as well, but it'll take me a while to get through the five I've still got before I get to that.

    Yes it does have Luke and Mara on the front. I recommend reading the other Zahn books first because he refers back to them alot and without the knowledge they'd be hard to understand.

    I'm trying to read them in some semblance of an order. What other Star Wars books has Zahn written?

  10. I'm reading the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn right now, and I'm on Dark Force Rising, the second in the trilogy. Finished reading Heir to the Empire last week, and I'm absolutley loving this series. It's brilliantly written, and Zahn really seems to love the Star Wars universe, or at least have a total grasp on what attracted people to the films in the first place.

    I'm reading it slowly though, like a chapter a day at some times because that's how I read books usually (seen as I spend a lot of time on the computer and whatever) but it's just an awesome book. I've also got the Jedi Academy Trilogy to read after this, so me got lots of reading coming.

    If you like Zahn's Star Wars books check out Survivors Quest. It's what i'm reading now and it's been full of twists and turns since the beggining.

    That's the one with Mara Jade and Luke on the cover isn't it? I've got that one as well, but it'll take me a while to get through the five I've still got before I get to that.

  11. I'm reading the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn right now, and I'm on Dark Force Rising, the second in the trilogy. Finished reading Heir to the Empire last week, and I'm absolutley loving this series. It's brilliantly written, and Zahn really seems to love the Star Wars universe, or at least have a total grasp on what attracted people to the films in the first place.

    I'm reading it slowly though, like a chapter a day at some times because that's how I read books usually (seen as I spend a lot of time on the computer and whatever) but it's just an awesome book. I've also got the Jedi Academy Trilogy to read after this, so me got lots of reading coming.

  12. they should be entered into League One at most and work their way up.

    And once again, what unlucky two teams have to give up their places? Or two teams that get promoted, but have to give up their place. And so on.

    Oh, no one should give up their places. What I was saying is IF, IF the FA were fucking stupid enough to put them in, I'd be massively pissed if they were put in anywhere above League One, even though I'd still be pissed if they got in.

  13. Scotland don't produce good enough players for the country or any of the teams to mean anything. The only players that are interested in going to Scotland are the people who are past it, unheard of (and will be any good), or not good enough for the top league anywhere. Players like Stanislav Varga, Paul Telfer, John Hartson and Chris Sutton are shite and couldn't hack the Premiership, so Celtic or Rangers in the Premiership would be stupid on the front.

    Also, as The Rock Box said, Celtic and Rangers have no right, no right whatsoever to even think they should be aloud into the Premiership. If they ever did (and by god I hope they don't) they should be entered into League One at most and work their way up.

  14. wassent WM2k the one were you always were the first one ? i thought no mercy had storylines were you could win different spots.

    Yeah, if you're eliminated in the first 1-15, you get the Chris Jericho storyline (with him winning the 3-way match at WrestleMania, then having Chyna turn on him the next night thing). If you finished anywhere else other than winning it, you'd get a different one which I can't remember.

  15. How the fuck did I get Keegan and Hoddle mixed up? For some reason I thought Keegan was in charge for France 98. I retract my statement about Keegan being good. But not the 'he's better than Sven' thing. Can ya tell I hate Sven and have hated the decision to have him as England boss from day 1?

  16. Drop Sven, get Lineker, thats all I need to say.

    I like the first part :P

    Don't care who takes over, but get rid of that piece of shite Swede. He's a waste of space, and I swear he has no idea what he's doing half the time. He doesn't seem to care about England and is only there for the money.

    Lineker would certainly be a change, and I wouldn't mind him to be honest, but he doesn't have ANY managerial experience does he?

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