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Posts posted by TMM

  1. I'm still surprised there's no Cable. I mean, he hates Apocalypse. So why not include him? You have the other time travelling dude with Bishop, so...yeah.

    The other two unlockable characters are cool, one should be obvious, the other is unexpected. I came close to unlocking both, so I'm gonna work on that.

    Other than Deadpool and Professor X, the other unlockable charachter wouldn't happen to wear red and yellow would he? :shifty:

    Is this out in the UK? I rememeber seeing a release date of October 14th or something, but I can't remember. Anyway, i can't wait till this comes out, as I loved the first one.

  2. Well quite a few of you certainly sucked the fun out of this thread, moaning about every band on the list...

    Name me a top 100 thread/list that didn't include people saying "why's he/they so high" or something along those lines. If McFly were number 1 in this thread, I'm sure people wouldn't be going, "oh, cool".


  3. B00005JO0J.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg

    Serenity - 10/10

    First of; best film of the year, and second of all, best film in the sci-fi genre since the original Star Wars Trilogy, and personally, I prefer this. Better camera work, better dialogue, better story, better acting, simply put, just plain better. The film left me wanting more by the end of it, and very few films have that big of an effect on me. It all fits together perfectly, all the different genre's (comedy, horror to name two) in the film are put together in one and come across as though it's suppose to be like that. Shit, I even cried a few times because of how well certain scenes were done.

    Honestly can't give this film enough praise. I plan on seeing, god knows how many more times at the cinema over the next couple of days/weeks, but I honestly recommend this film to anyone. You don't need to know jack about the TV show, and you don't even need to like or know anything about the sci-fi genre.

  4. I've played every Fifa since 98, and ever since Fifa 99, they've all been piss-poor. So yeah, I've played them all, and while they may have the odd good feature, Pro blows Fifa out of the water each and every time.

    The only, ONLY thing it has that's more appealing than anything Pro does is that it's got all the licences, but CSAMH said, Pro is getting more and more each year. I just don't understand why people by Fifa and Pro, or just Fifa.

  5. I loved Broken Sword as well. Never completed the first one, as it stopped working on my computer after I had got really far into it. I've got Sleeping Dragon on PS2, and that's really good, not completed though.

    To answer your question, I've heard good things about Syberia. It's a point and click game, but I've never played it. I've heard it's good, and I've also heard it's in a similar vein to Broken Sword.

  6. Really entertaining game today. Anyone who's been saying that the Premiership has been boring needs to watch us play, we're still the most entertaining team in the league by far.

    We could've had another penalty at least in that game, and I'm surprised that Damien Johnson didn't get at least a yellow card for his scissor hold on Ljungberg's leg! Anyway, a good win in the end. Felt sorry for Maik Taylor because of how he conceeded. We deserved it though, especially considering that Taylor and Pennant were the only players who seemed to be trying out there.

  7. If Argos aren't doing it GAME are selling it for £24.99 if you trade in FIFA '05.

    Or get it off Play or Amazon.com for £29.99 and sell Fifa 05 on eBay :shifty:

    How good is it? Fifa haven't put out a good/decent game since Fifa 99, and even that was a let down in comparisson to Fifa 98, which was so great. The joy of sliding the goalkeeper...ah, fun...

  8. Well, according to Joss Whedon, you don't necessarily need to have seen Firefly before seeing Serenity, although I'd assume it'd help a little bit. Personally, I'm rewatching the whole series again but I'm only doing it because I wanna get REALLY stoked for it.

    Lucky Americans get to see it tomorrow whereas I have to wait til next Friday...

    Don't feel too bad. I gotta work all weekend, and I'll be working right across from the movie theater. There it will be, taunting me while I have to do stupid work! :thumbsdown:

    Tis evil...worse part is I bought the Serenity magazine, and because I'm a great big plank, I read the bit that said *spoilers*, and god was I pissed that I didn't turn the page. Not for any specific reason, just the fact that generally no matter what it is, be it wrestling, movies or whatever, I find it impossible to avoid spoilers, and somehow seem to be drawn to things when it has spoilers written on it. *cries*

  9. Well, according to Joss Whedon, you don't necessarily need to have seen Firefly before seeing Serenity, although I'd assume it'd help a little bit. Personally, I'm rewatching the whole series again but I'm only doing it because I wanna get REALLY stoked for it.

    Lucky Americans get to see it tomorrow whereas I have to wait til next Friday...

  10. Just saw Kolo Toure and Charisteas' collision. Fucking ouch.

    There's that, and you can't forget that hilarious decision from the referee to BOOK Toure for it!

    The game was really good I thought. There were spells where Ajax were better than us, but for the majority of the game we were so much better. Not to many scoring chances, but we were the better team. Also, was happy to see the Ajax 'keeper only get a yellow card for the penalty. Blatant penalty, but wasn't send-offable. Ha, I made a new word...

  11. zOMG RACIST~!

    But seriously, I don't think they're ugly, but they're not top 10, but to say they're ugly, um, yeah, not cool. Looking at the rest of your negative list, it seems you don't like latina women or something...

    Wouldn't be to far wrong I guess. Not my fault if I've never seen an attractive black or latina woman... (Y)

  12. 1. Kate Winslet

    2. Charlotte Church

    3. Natalie Portman

    4. Keira Knightley

    5. Jessica Alba

    6. Liv Tyler

    7. Scarlett Johansson

    8. Sarah Michelle Geller

    9. Eliza Dushku

    10. Jewel Staite


    1. Beyonce

    2. J-Lo

    3. Kirsten Dunst

    4. Vida Guerra

    5. Eva Mendes

    Wow, thank god I haven't seen to many votes for ugly chicks like Beyonce and J-Lo so far.

    EDIT: Made some changes, hope that's fine...

  13. Scarface - 6/10

    I really wanna know what's so great about this film. I mean, after and hour and a half, i was looking at the clock to see how much was left. It just dragged on, and ON! The acting was average, nothing special from anyone in it at all, and Al Pacino's accent made me wanna break something it was so bloody annoying.

    Ok, so I went into the film expecting shit loads of bullets flying all over the place, and only got it a few times, but I like a film with a really good story, and Scarface didn't have it at all. It was decent at best, and I really wanna know how it gets into the top ten of pretty much every "greatest films" list.

  14. Well I was annoyed that season four of Angel centered around Connor and an annoying black woman. I can't do anything about it though. :P

    God, I HATED Gina Torres in Season 4 ("annoying black woman" :shifty:) but she's perfect in Firefly and Serenity. I just couldn't buy her as someone who's beauty is so great. It's a shame that Whedon only cast her because of the cancellation of Firefly, so he gave her the job.

    Connor was annoying, although I didn't find him as annoying as most people seemed to.

  15. Yay! Sorry, I think that about sums up my feelings pretty well. Love anything Whedon write's/produces, so I say that I will see this Goners film without knowing anything about it because Whedon is a fantastic writer.

    The Spike-Illyria movie thing sounds like it could be great, but I'd like to know what happened in that alley because we know everyone survived (maybe Gunn didn't) and I'd just like to know how to be honest.

    On the plus side, less than two weeks before Serenity is released in the UK!!!

    You aren't meant to know who survives it. Obviously Spike & Illyria did if they're making a movie about 'em, I think it's safe to say that Gunn died, and I know in my heart that Angel survived.

    But regardless, no one is supposed to know about the battle. It's about the battle never ending, not who survived it.

    I know I know, I get that, but what I'm saying is, if they're doing a Spike and Illyria film, I'm curious to know how they survived the fight in the alley. I got the point of the whole thing, it's just the curious part of me that wants to know. Just part of me isn't sure if they should explain how in the film. It's just a question of if they do or not. And if they don't, a lot of people are going to be annoyed about it.

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