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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Overated: The Matrix. Another one of those films that you hear so many great things about, but when you watch it you feel SOOOO let down. That's what this was to me. I found the story to be ok, the special effects were (obviously) awesome, but I felt as if the film was simply a vehicle for the special-effects, and I HATE HATE HATE films like that. Of course, whenever I said to anyone that I didn't like it, I got the "you just don't understand it" line. Crap.

    Underrated: Daredevil. Yeah, god knows why I'm saying this but it wasn't as bad as everyone said. Was Ben Affleck mis-cast/crap as Daredevil? Hell yes, but other wise it was a good film. Also, doesn't hurt when Jennifer Garner's looking hawt.

  2. See Serenity. Yes it's set in a space-ship, but it's also one of the best films I personally have ever seen, and I'm not just talking about in the sci-fi genre.

    See it. Now.

    Firefly was one of my favorite shows so I plan on it. I meant I just dont much care for phasers and warp speed and that kind of garbage :P

    Aha...well, that's a different matter then.

    See Star Trek: The Voyage Home then. Well, it's funny, and barely any technobabble to be seen. It's more of a family film than a sci-fi film.

  3. Overrated: Scarface. Seriously, this film bored me and my friend so much we were literally checking the time every 10 minutes. We watched the whole thing, expecting something interesting to happen, but nothing, nothing at all happened. Oh, and Al Pacino was crap in it.

    Underrated: ...can't think of any at the moment, but I'll edit it in later

  4. Just because Venom's well known, doesn't mean everyone likes the character. From what I gathered, Raimi doesn't like Venom. Whatever, odds are there will be a Spiderman 4, let the new director handle it. It seems like they're going to tease Venom for Spiderman 3, then have Spiderman 4 be the focus of it.

    I don't think they can rush the Venom "saga". It needs to be brought up at the very least in Spider-Man 3, and then they spend the whole of Spider-Man 4 with him as Spider-Man's enemy, and heck, maybe he can kill MJ, it'd certainly get that annoying Kirsten Dunst of my screen, and perhaps they could bring in Gwen Stacy at some point.

  5. Doesn't care much for Venom... what the fuck. I'd go as far to say that Venom is one of, if not THE, most well known arch nemesis of Spiderman's.

    Easily. When most people think of Spider-Man's arch-nemesis, they think of Venom or the Green Goblin. A vague recollection of Venom's story is known to a lot of people as well.

    Mind, Raimi saying he doesn't care much for Venom reminds me of something that was said about the director who took over from Bryan Singer on X-Men when he supposedly said "no I won't be doing the Phoenix Saga because it's to complicated" which made me wanna insert very sharp objects into his eyes.

    Although, on the plus (maybe negative) side, Iron-Man is the last of the Marvel characters to be brought to life by a company that ISN'T Marvel, as apparently Marvel will be doing all the new films (not including Spider-Man, X-Men, Hulk, Daredevil, Elektra and Blade spin-offs).

  6. Green Day, Foo Fighters and Queen are three of my favourite bands, so I'm not complaining about them.

    However, System of a Down sound atrocious to me, his voice makes me wanna break things, lotsa things, then their CD.

    Nirvana are a band which makes me go "how" and "why" because I've never understood what makes them so good. His voice is beyond awful, and I don't care how "great" a songwriter the guy may be, if the band's singer can't sing, I can't enjoy them at all, and that's what it's like with both Nirvana and SOAD.

  7. Any predictions for the top 10?

    A retarded monkey could figure out who'll be in it... but who'll finish top?

    Because I can't actually be bothered to look through the list properly, Foo Fighters, Queen and the Beatles will be in there. If Nirvana are in there, I'm gonna hurl. Also, if FF are number 1, I might throw something.

    Even if you don't like them, I think its pretty hard to have a top 10/20/25 (whatever number you wanna use to quantify) bands of all time without having Nirvana in there.

    Oh, I'm not saying they shouldn't be in the list at all, but in the top 10, that's a damn travesty. Sorry, Nirvana have no right being there. Although, the top 10 hasn't been revealed yet, so we should stop this for now, and then if they are in it, I'll come back and complain, because it's fun.

    Oh yeah, and also, Radiohead in the top 10 is another "I really don't get it" thing, same with System of a Down, because I see nothing special in either whatsoever.

  8. Any predictions for the top 10?

    A retarded monkey could figure out who'll be in it... but who'll finish top?

    Because I can't actually be bothered to look through the list properly, Foo Fighters, Queen and the Beatles will be in there. If Nirvana are in there, I'm gonna hurl. Also, if FF are number 1, I might throw something.

  9. Topher Grace is definitely an odd choice. He wouldn't have made a terrible Spiderman, maybe, but anything else seems a stretch. We'll see how it goes, I guess.

    Does anything come of Peter ruining the planned marriage to the astronaut?

    Well, John Jameson is Man-Wolf, and although I know very little about that character and it's origins at all, he could just as easily turn up in the next film. I mean, they could always go down the "JJJ fires Parker for ruining his sons life/wedding" story arc, and then have Man-Wolf appear in Spider-Man 4.

  10. It Damon Alburn the only artist with two groups in the top 25?

    The Who ARE proper important by the way, whoever said they weren't...

    I didn't say they weren't, it was more to the "most important" tag that TMM tried to give them.

    I believe I said "influential", and they are definetly one of the most influential bands of all time, I was just saying that it could be argued that they are THE most influential bands of all time.

  11. My reaction was simply this "huh?" Well, that and a big "who" because I've never heard of the guy. He doesn't look, "Bond-ish". That said, Roger Moore doesn't have the look, but he acted it well enough.

  12. When I heard about Topher Grace being cast, the only person I could picture him being would be Ben Reilly, but oh well, him as Venom should be interesting. But I really hope they end the film with a bit of a cliff-hanger like they did X-Men 2 and have Venom just appear, then the film end or something. Venom shouldn't be a throwaway character in a film with two other villians.

  13. Green Day was good until every fucking radio station decided to go: "Well I know we just played Boulevard of Broken Dreams two songs ago but everybody loves Green Day so much we're going to play Wake Me Up When This Song Ends now."

    Oh god yes. First American Idiot every ten minutes, then Boulevard of Broken dreams every ten minutes on at least four or five different stations, then Holiday every fifteen minutes, then the long stupid one with three actual lines in the song... yeah. I cannot stand American Idiot anymore just because the songs from it are SO DAMN OVERPLAYED.

    I knew there was a reason that I stopped listening to the radio. So thankfully, I still love that album.

  14. How is this list being counted? Because I see one Kanye West vote (at #7, which should give him 4 points), and that's from Cloudy.

    I think he might've asked around some other boards. I remember for one Top 100 list (can't remember what one) they asked on another board.

  15. Well quite a few of you certainly sucked the fun out of this thread, moaning about every band on the list...

    Name me a top 100 thread/list that didn't include people saying "why's he/they so high" or something along those lines. If McFly were number 1 in this thread, I'm sure people wouldn't be going, "oh, cool".


    Irrelevant of how good they are, the Kinks were just like a lot of older bands (The Who, The Animals, etc etc) who really only had one big hit which is known by our generation. MCR are a big thing at the moment. No real contest.

    Kids these days eh? Meh, it's true I guess, but the music lover in me cringes when I see bands I can't stand above bands like the Kinks, the Who. Oh, and on that subject, if the Who are not in the top 5, or AT LEAST the top 10, I'm gonna cry and then break something with a pencil.

    Lola, Louie Louie, You Really Got Me and Sunny Afternoon beg to differ on the point of having 'one hit'.

    I think what he meant was that when most of the "MTV generation" thinks of the Who, they think of My Generation (or Pete Townsend's bizarre antics, but I digress) and when they think of the Kinks, they'll generally think of You Really Got Me or, maybe maybe, they might think of Lola. I don't think he meant that they only had one hit, only meant that they're known to kids nowadays by one or maybe two songs.

  16. Weren't they suppose to reveal a bunch of stuff today? Like the other legends? I'm really interested in knowing who they are.

    How many legends are there on the game? Isn't it about 15 or something?

    13 Legends, updates trickle in as the day goes on.

    13...I knew I couldn't count. What updates have there been today? I went there earlier and saw the Q&A and the John Cena superstar profile and that was it.

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