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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Where do you unlock/buy movesets? Sorry if it's obvious, I can't seem to find it

    You have to get the Tough Enough trophy. To get it, just win 10 matches with a created wrestler.

    I was doing this with my Matt Hardy CAW, just doing a bunch of matches, and I had given him the Hurricane's moveset (for whatever reason) and I had a match against Steven Richards. I did about one or two normal powered moves, then hit an irish whip, and then I caught him with a powerslam-pin, and his body went yellow. I thought I'd get a 1 count, but I was damn shocked when I got the 3. Anyone else had strange stuff like that happen?

  2. So...anyone watching the game? I'm not because ITV

    a) never put Arsenal on ITV1

    and b) I don't actually have ITV4

    Yeah, so I'm quite pissed. Why not put the game on ITV3? I know ITV2 has I'm a Celebrity... but what is on ITV3? I hope Telewest actually pick up ITV4 at some point.

  3. I like how the finishers look in the cutscenes guess its just me though.

    What do i get when I complete all the challenges ?

    The ability to unlock the Hardcore title and the Million Dollar belt. Also (I think/assume) you unlock more loading screens as well as some more stuff in the shop for the locker room.

  4. I've seen some cool reversals theres still a lot of the same reversals from last years game but there are definetly new ones. I'm wondering if its still possible to counter a move with a finisher like in previous games. Especially like reversing a punch with benoit into the crossface or a toekick to ankle lock with Angle.

    I know you can reverse a kick into the Ankle Lock. I was playing a battle royal against 5 other CPUs including Angle. I saw Angle block someone's kick and the Finisher icon came up on his bar.

    I know if you 'skip' a match in season mode, it counts as you losing, but does that add a loss to your overall record (the one you can see in the locker room > desk > profile stats)? Just wondering, because you haven't actually played the match.

    Actually, now if you skip a match in season mode it's random whether you win or lose.

  5. I've now been tombstoned six times trying this.

    Great thing about this game is the fact you can complete the challenges against another player, so I completed half of the Amateur and Rising Star challenges against my friend. The reverse finisher one can be really annoying I think, I did it without really realising it was a challenge.

  6. Same thing happened again. I eliminated about fifteen people, then got eliminated, but finished the match as Paul London, no award in the locker room.

    Just do what I did; be the Big Show in the Rumble, and fill out the other 9 guys with cruiserweights and lighter guys, then when you start the match beat the first guy up so you get your special up. Now go and eliminate everyone, and then if you end up on the apron, use your stored special to get back in the ring. Then get it back up again. It's quite easy like this.

  7. Can someone please tell me how to unlock the WrestleMania XXI, WrestleMania IX and ECW arenas?

    WrestleMania 21 Arena - Complete the first set of challenges

    ECW Arena - Complete the second set of challenges

    WrestleMania 9 Arena - Complete the third set of challenges

    I'm 99% sure those are right.

  8. Is it me or do finishers look really weak in cutscenes? Austin stunned someone and it was really crap, it looked like he'd just hooked their head then sat down. Edge just speared someone too and he just basically ran at them and fell on top.

    Yeah I noticed that.The Austin stunner is incredibly awful, and Flair's Figure Four is a bit naff as well.

  9. Just out of interest, I've already asked Rabid Wolverine this and he's going to send it to me later, but does anyone who's online now have the Max Drive save with everything unlocked for Europe? The GameFAQ's one is a bit dodgy, and I just wanna see what Jake's like on the game. Basically, if you can send it to me within the next hour, then do but if not, I'm away from the PC until about 5 tomorrow, by which time Rabid Wolverine should've sent it. Thank ye.

    If anyone does have it, send it to: allan_wright86@hotmail.com

  10. How? PSP version isn't out yet.

    Downloaded a save with him unlocked. Someones already found an "Unlock Everything" code on their cheat device it seems.

    Meh, there's no fun in downloading an "unlock everything" save. I'll probably wait until I actually unlock everything to use it.

    Actually, if it's the same code I've heard about, apparently it fucks up the option file or something. That's what I heard. Have you had any trouble with it yet? Also, is it a save or is it a code?

  11. Grrr...just found out GM mode is two-player, so I asked my brother if he wants to play it with me, but he says no. No reason. Stupid boy likes to play the game but hates/is afraid to play against or with me (or pretty much anyone for that matter) on any SD game. You'd think most people who had the chance to test their skills against another person, so to speak, would jump at the chance. Bastard.

    I'm gonna play about with the CAW mode in a few mins; feeling a little bit nostalgic after unlocking the ECW arena, so I watched a bit of One Night Stand, and now I wanna try and make the Dudleys and some other guys. I don't think I've actually gone out and created anyone from scratch on a SmackDown game since SmackDown 2. Has anyone here actually made anyone yet on the CAW mode?

  12. You can use Booker T, Kurt Angle, Eddie or Taker to avoid getting what you're referring to.

    In other news, you can now complete the challenges in 2 Player mode.

    And for all who are wondering........

    WM21 Arena - Complete all Amateur Challenges

    ECW Arena - Complete All Rising Star Challenges

    WM9 & Legend Cage - Complete All Superstar Challenges

    Locked Belts & Steve Austin 2nd Attire - Complete All Legend Challenges.

    I tested this out yesterday with my brother and I'm so greatful for this. I remember standing around like an idiot waiting for the computer to build up two specials, hit them on me then win the match, but now those ones can be done with ease.

    Doing a season mode with Eddie Guerrero, coming up to No Way Out at the moment and I'm in the midst of the ECW storyline. Gonna finish that today, then might try and see what sorta storyline mode you get when you try it with a legend, coz I'm assuming it must be a little different.

  13. This is the same channel that cancelled Angel right? The same channel that aired the episodes of Firefly out of order, on random nights, wondered why the ratings were crap then cancelled it? Yeah, colour me shocked... :shifty:

    The WB cancelled Angel. But while we're at it, FOX is the network that brought back FG after strong DVD sales to increased numbers. They're also the network that stuck behind 24 when it's first season numbers were less than impressive. Oh, and they brought Arrested Development back from the grave twice because of their faith in it's quality. FOX has fucked up tons of times, but AD's cancellation isn't one of them.

    Oh personally I've never even seen AD, but I've heard loads of positive things about it, and about how great it is/was, so yeah, that's why I was sorta un-surprised when they cancel a show I've heard a lot of good things about.

  14. Bizarrely enough, I'm listening to the Serenity soundtrack right now, which I rate right up there with the very best. There's that, or there's any of the six Star Wars as well as any of or all of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

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