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Posts posted by TMM

  1. I think I'll ask what's on everyone's mind:

    Who's the fat bitch in red?

    Synn from OVW :shifty:

    Just got finished watching it, and I was thoroughly impressed. Didn't expect the CGI to look as good as it did. With it's look, it reminded me of the cut-scenes in the older Jedi Knight games. The majority of the acting was really bad, but some of the CGI legitimately looked better than the CGI in the Prequal Trilogy.

  2. sortitout are having host problems, since they get so much traffic, yet the hosts do nothing to help (which would be the smart thing to do all round). They said it would be back up last night, but if not, then they'd probably have to find a new server.

    FM-Britain is changing hosts as well at the moment.

    The sortitoutsi forums were working last night when the site was down, but now that seems to have died. The forum itself generally has loads more stuff on it than the actual site.

  3. Well, George is out, some of the loudest boos I've heard on any Big Brother series. Interview was spoilt by Davina being unable to hate the fact that she hates him, she has a tendency to do that and ruin interviews completely.

    That was funny...but they showed the damn cat thing again which is quite possibly the most disturbing thing that I have ever seen in my entire life. I reckon Dennis will be out next. Can't see Chantelle going just yet.

  4. The thing is brilliant. Honestly really well done. I honestly can't remember what theatre I went to (I didn't buy the tickets and wasn't actually paying attention on how to get there) but the one I was at, the venue was really good and I was near the back, and I could see it just fine. Worst thing was the little brat next to me that wouldn't shut up.

  5. The chances we could've had if Reyes passed or even shot instead of playing for a foul or a penalty every chance he seemed to have, we may have scored another goal. That or evil Mr. Pollitt would've saved them again, but I digress.

  6. The game was frustrating in that we should have won. I'm not overly bothered that we won't make it to the final of the cup, though it is annoying that a lot of first-teamers were played and now for nothing.

    What got on my nerves most was Reyes. Something has got to be done about his diving. There were a number of times, particularly towards the end when he could have had a clear shot or passed to someone in a good position. Instead he falls over, clearly under no challenge, and gives the ball away. He's been doing it more and more and has passed the levels Pires reached in the past, I can't stand it.

    Yeah, that was really pissing me off. Thing is, Reyes does get targetted a hell of a lot by opposition players, but he's started falling all over the place for the hell of it now. When we first signed him I heared one of his best points was that he stays on his feet and 'never' dives. Well, yeah, he's one of the worst in the country for it at the moment (alongwith Ronaldo).

  7. :lol: Oh well, you have to laugh, its a cup that we never take seriously and I like seeing some of the youth team get some action and usually get fairly far.

    The only problem I see from this is people seeing it as another loss, whilst I don't see it as much of a big deal.

    Reports in Spain are suggesting that Henry has decided to join Barca at the end of the season, this whole situation bores me.

    It's really weird, but it's true. When Roberts scored my brother got pissed and threw something, whereas I just sorta laughed. Yeah it would've been nice to go to another final, but I've never cared about this cup, so this doesn't mean much to me.

    I want Wigan to win it now, would sum up a great year for them.

  8. Galloway's a disgrace.

    Disgusting person, nasty nasty and nasty.

    Good for Barrymore finally jumping to Preston's defence when the other vultures (Burns, Galloway and Rodman) smelt blood.

    Complete and utter freakshow this year.

    What happened? I turned over at full-time in the Arsenal game and Galloway's having a go at Michael Barrymore for seemingly no reason. Can someone explain what the heck happened?

  9. I love it already.

    Anyone else watching?

    Patrick Stewart could kick your ass.

    Nobody else liked it? :(

    I thought it was really good. Some things seemed a bit off to me, but overall it was one of the best new English productions in a long time. It felt fresh and new.

    However, I found myself asking "why does Captain Picard need a bodyguard? He must have a phaser with him" kept expecting him to say "energize" or "engage".

  10. ...... You're going to Fozzy on Feb 4th?

    Congratulations, you get to hang out with Iwc who is going by himself.

    Fiddler is a quality venue. It's really small, but it has great acoustics, and it's got an upper balcony going all round the sides with the bar, and open windows so you can see whats happening.

    It's sweet.

    Cool. It's going to be very interesting because the smallest venue I've been to before this would be, uh, Wembley Arena, so, yes, hmmm.

    Why doesn't e-bay have any Fozzy t-shirts!?! Huh!?! WHY!?!?!

  11. Another Image of Iron Spiderman I'll put it as a link incase it ruins any storyline http://img280.imageshack.us/img280/1899/jqv016bh.jpg

    Ok, the way that is done, it looks really really good. Although it'd look ten times better with the red being blue, and the yellow being red. And that's not me being one of those people who hate changes in comics, it's me saying it as someone who thinks it'd just look much, much better. The extra claw/arm things look ridiculous.

  12. I wonder if we'll see the Jackal later in the Franchise then. I doubt it, as there are already a multitude of villans and possibilities, but it'd be cool.

    I enjoyed what I read of the clone saga, although at times they did try to overcomplicate things hugely which is why people seemed to hate/dislike it. Oh, that and the whole "most comic fans don't like change" thing. It would be interesting to bring the Jackal into it in one film.

    Great thing about comic book films is that they could easily go on forever and take the franchise into at least 10 sequals for every film.

  13. If that's true, it's made me look forward to Spider-Man 3 even more than I already did.

    However, it also has me a little worried what with the introduction of Venom, Sandman, Gwen Stacy and the changing of Harry Osborn, as well as the rumoured introduction/changes of Doc Conners/the Lizard. That's to much for a 2 hour film. With Sam Raimi still attached, I have more hope for Spider-Man 3 than X-Men 3 which looks muddled beyond belief, but I have got faith that Raimi can make it work, but my biggest worry is how big a role Venom will get.

  14. How is the ambition stat suppose to go up? I'm Arsenal boss and I've won the FA Cup and League two years running, the Champions League and the UEFA Cup as well as a number of other cups/competitions, yet my stats is something ridiculous like 3.

    One thing I'm grateful they changed with the patch is how the loyalty stat changes, because it seemed that everytime you offered a player to someone, the stat would drop.

    I think it's to do with saying you're confident about winning matches, cups, leagues, etc, or you hope to.

    I'm always polite in the media, which I assume is why I'm 'media-friendly'.

    I'm 'media-friendly' as well, but I've been slagging off Tottenham, Luton and all my rivals by basically saying I'm gonna beat them easily, or they're gonna get relegated, but I'm still 'media-friendly'. Ah, it's fun.

    I agreed a new contract with Arsenal in March 2008 (my contract expired in June 2008), although they had rejected to attempts from me to negotiate a new one, but when they finally offered me a contract I asked for the stadium to be expanded (bare in mind this is at the two-year old Emirates Stadium) and they said yes. I'm worried now because last time on a FM/CM game they agreed to expand the stadium I was temporarily moved to White Hart Lane!

  15. How is the ambition stat suppose to go up? I'm Arsenal boss and I've won the FA Cup and League two years running, the Champions League and the UEFA Cup as well as a number of other cups/competitions, yet my stats is something ridiculous like 3.

    One thing I'm grateful they changed with the patch is how the loyalty stat changes, because it seemed that everytime you offered a player to someone, the stat would drop.

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