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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Get the big DVD boxset, it's well worth it. Got it for Christmas, I've nearly watched through all the episodes twice.

    Pete Postlethwaite is clearly the best baddie Sharpie's ever faced, though.

    Do you know how much the DVD is? I'm tempted to buy it as well, but it depends on how much it is.

  2. Sharpe's Tiger is great, I have that book somewhere. The stuff with the Scottish soldiers advancing was very cool!

    I've got four Sharpe episodes on video from back in the day and they turn up every now and again in charity shops so I think I'll be off round them again on Tuesday!

    But, seeing blades going THROUGH skin! The naughty language! Gasp! How times have changed.

    I woulda liked to have seen a better story than the one they went with but the main enemies were handled well and I had loads of cool flashbacks like the white haired commander (who was in Sharpe's Eagle) and the fact Wellington was played by the same actor (the second of the two who played Wellington)

    And there were boobs...can't beat that (Y)

  3. Well at the moment, if Tottenham win their last game they're fourth. And regardless what happens, we need to win all three of our remaining games if we're still thinking about qualifying for the Champions League via the Premiership.

    Personally, I think we should focus 110% on the Barcelona game, and use the last three league games to get Cole, Clichy and everyone fit as well as giving some youngsters a chance to shine in the team. You might say we should go for both, but there's always the chance that something may go wrong, and we might lose one of our big players for the biggest game in the clubs history.

  4. I thought they were in Europe either way.. just not the Champs League, if you win it?

    Yes...true...the UEFA Cup (you meant that right?). But what I mean is the banner was pretty clearly suppose to be about the Champions League. UEFA Cup...Millwall were in that recently...nothing much to shout about :shifty:

  5. At the moment I can't decide whether I love or hate Mourinho. I love what he did with the championship medal where he threw it into the crowd, and the fact they gave him another one and he threw THAT one in as well is hilarious. However, the whingy git is just never happy unless he's getting all the plaudits. Fair enough, a lot of people are knocking the achievement by saying Chelsea bought the league, Mourinho's been whinging because he hasn't won manager of the month one this season, and only won it twice last season.

  6. Well it looks like you gits are gonna steal (:shifty:) fourth place, and on league form you'd deserve it. But I couldn't help but laugh at the fans who had the "We're Going On A European Tour" banner. At least wait until the final is over (or until you flop in the final game and we steal in :D) to have a banner like that, because my god will they look really stupid if you don't get it at all. The overwhelming joy I'll have at mocking every Yiddo I see will be amazing if either we win the Champions League, or you just totally blow it. For the record, I see both of them happening :D.

  7. So, did anyone see this? I finally got around to watching it after taping it last week, and it was really good. Sharpe and Harper were great, as was Bickerstaff. It sucks though because it only reminded me of how awesome Sharpe is/was, but I know that chances are there won't be any more episodes.

    I thought it was brilliant. I never use to watch it when it was on ITV originally, and have never bothered to watch them when they're on UKGold. But seen as Sean Bean is great, and I love Hornblower (same era and, to a certain degree, style) I knew I'd love this. And I did. Go me.

  8. This Friday. Guests include The Zutons and motherfucking PEARL JAM~! 11:35pm, BBC2.

    I have to say, I can't think of a single music show on TV - besides Guerrilla Gig, which doesn't seem to be returning :( - that even touches this show. It's just a great, eclectic collection of live music, done in a great atmosphere.

    So yeah, watch it.

    "Later" as in...with Jools Holland? It's late and I'm tired so...I'unno...

  9. Anyone remember the refitted Enterprise D in the final series finale of TNG? That ship looked badass. The cool extra phasers and the third warp nacelle, it just all looked awesome.

    Oh, and that Bajoran Assualt Ship does look awesome.

    EDIT: And there is something quite sexy about the Dauntless class ship. Either that or it looks terrible, I can't decide.

  10. I've always been a fan of Star Trek, I've almost finished with Star Trek: Titan which I thought from reading it would have been a good series or maybe even made into a movie. I don't like the idea of going back to the beginning, who are they going to get to play those parts. It's like they are trying to do the same thing for Star Trek, that they did with Star Wars, even though there really isn't any need to go back to the beginning. There is plenty they can do with the future of Star Trek, there is no need to go back to the past.

    Personally I would have enjoyed a Star Trek: Voyager movie, as that happened to be my favorite show.

    To be fair, a hell of a lot of people were interested in knowing how Vader became Vader, and what the Clone Wars were, and how Luke and Leia were seperated at birth. I really wanted the prequals, but what we got was somewhat substandard (I liked them, and I personally thought it was mainly the acting and the dialogue that made it poor).

    However, with going back to the early days of Kirk and Spock the ONLY way people would want that (if at all) would be for William Shatner and Leonard Limoy to play them, which is obviously impossible due to them being the wrong side of 70. They should just leave the original series in the past, and if they're insisting on making a film, make one about DS9 or maybe something involving TNG, DS9 and Voyager. Dunno.

  11. As was said, Season 3 begins here in America in October. What episode aired that you saw the end coming?

    Oh, and answer me with haste or I will so ruin the season finale just cuz I can.


    Can't remember the name of it, but it's the one where Billy dies. It was sad. I nearly cried. But like I said, you could tell he was gonna "be the hero" or try to be, which means, he gets killed, but there was a feeling like, they aren't gonna do it. But one thing I love about the show is the feeling anyone can die at any time sorta thing.

  12. Yes, best show on TV right now bar none. The most recent episode in the UK was brilliant, and you could see the end coming, but personally, I didn't expect it, if that makes any sense. It was sad.

    Anyway, I watched the original mini-series and although I thought it was great, completely forgot about it and didn't watch season 1. Then I saw adverts for season two, and it sorta popped back into my head and I bought the DVD of the first season, and well, I just thought it was absolutley amazing. Plus, Grace Park and Katee Sackhoff are just damn hot.

  13. I got more into the second series than I did for the new season of 24, or the second series of Lost. I can't wait for series 3, it's going to be awesome.

    We need a Battlestar Gallactica topic. (Opens one...go, now...) (Y)

  14. How anyone can say the new BSG is awful is beyond me. It's improved in every episode, right up until the season 2 finale.

    It's easily the best show on TV right now, and is easily one of the most intellegent TV shows I've ever seen. Far surpases what I've seen of the original one.

  15. DS9 was the weakest series of the lot (although I can't judge vs. Enterprise, never saw a full ep). But yeah, it was generally average.

    A voyage film would have rocked, though.

    To be fair, DS9 is the only one of the lot that "non-Trek fans" can watch. And also, DS9 was the only one that had a story-arch that lasted for more than (at most) three episodes. I love every series (I don't hate Enterprise like everyone else seems to) but DS9 and TNG are easily my favourites.

  16. Yah boo, sucks to you, CSAMH.

    Another solid episode, Dr Who is always more fun when dealing with period drama rather than "zOMG, aliens!" IMO. The writing was a little hackneyed, and I'm not quite sure why Rose and the Doctor got banished from England for saving it, but it was a nice, fun episode with some good jokes and references and a fairly decent bit of plotting.

    Next week should be very solid, as it features not only K9 and Sarah Jane Smith (one for the old fogies), but the sheeeeeer godliness of Anthony Stuart Head. Plus, soon there will be Cybermen. Yeeeees.

    CSAMH - when I mentioned old-school Battlestar, I wasn't suggesting old-school Battlestar was bad. What I meant was, if you're an old-school Who fan and dislike the new series, imagine how awful old-school Battlestar fans feel when looking at the utter shite that is the new version.

    ...*murders with a chainsaw*

    New Battlestar Gallactica > Old Battlestar Gallactica in every conceivable way...

  17. The game was good actually. Chelsea just didn't turn up until the the second-half, and only really started to look threatening after they scored their goal, which, to be fair, was to late.

    Also, I'm backing West Ham for the cup. Don't know why, but I am. Although, if they loose tomorrow Liverpool will win it.

  18. Now that's a mother fucking episode, I was loving it all over the place, and K-9 next week, oh hells yes!

    Agreed. It was just a great piece of TV, and while I've only ever seen about 7 episodes of Doctor Who in total (all Christopher Ecclestone and David Tennant), I'm not gonna go out and say it was a brilliant Doctor Who episode, but as a piece of TV, it was great, I loved it. David Tennant rocks...uh, I mean rules, I mean is good. Or great.

  19. Bad. Idea. :thumbsdown:

    Yeah...specifically the "focusing on Kirk and Spock when they first met" thing...the idea sucks because it's obviously not going to be either Shatner or Nimoy, and nobody else should play them at all.

    That said, I'll watch it for the sole reason that I love anything Trek, nobody how bad it can be (see: The Motion Picture).

  20. Question here for some people who might know the answer to this. In the editor, there's the "Potential Ability" bit, and it you can put anywhere between -10 and 200. Now, what's the difference between -10 and 200? I think if you give htem 200 they'll become amazing, and if you gived them a "-" they might be amazing, or might not. Yeah, can't remember, can anyone help?

  21. When they covered "Faith", he changed the lyrics as well. It seems to be just something he does.

    At least he is consistent with it :shifty:

    Well changing lyrics on a George Michaels song is one thing but changing lyrics to a song by The Who grounds for a stoning.

    Actually I'd quite like to poison him, stab him, shoot him, hang him, stretch him, disembowl him, draw and quarter him. Yeah, then I'd be happy.

    Cooke to anyone who gets the quote (Y)

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