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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Our club doctor's name is Leif Sward.

    He's clearly cool.

    APPARANTLY according to Levy most clubs have agreed with his stance (dunno why) and West Ham have agreed to play it again the week after the FA Cup...But seriously they have NOTHING to lose. If they lose or draw then meh, but if they go and win then it can REALLY be shoved in Spurs' face. We need to leave off.

    Nothing at all should be done UNLESS it's proven to be actual malicious poisoning.

    It's a little bit odd to see that clubs are are agreeing with his stance, as it makes no logical sense, and as I've said, they have no right. But since when has the FA ever listened to the clubs when the clubs are "demanding" something? What'd be really funny is if you replay the game during the week and win...then we go out and beat Barcelona. Actually, it'd be even funnier if you replayed and lost again.

  2. Apparently because Scudamore was at Highbury when he announced the decision to not allow a postponement of the game, the Spurs chairman has said it's insulting and embaressing for Spurs. This was in the paper this morning, and was on some news yesterday. He's also said something about Scudamore's position should be questioned because of it. This whole fiasco is laughable.

  3. It's irritating, because each film on the existing DVD releases has one thing that just completely irks me.

    ANH: Greedo shooting first

    ESB: The redub of Boba Fett's voice

    RTJ: Hayden fucking Christensen

    If I only had a problem with one or two of the films I could have got away with just getting those, but it's all just rather annoying...

    For me, those are the only thing that annoys me on it at all. Although with Hayden Christensen, you can argue that he stopped being Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of Sith, so technically that's how he looked like. Other than those three, I have no problem, and actually think quite a lot of it makes some improvements.

  4. To sum up the striker situation: "2 injuries, 1 17 year old and a Peter Crouch". That should scare the world, it really should, :thumbsdown:

    Me and my mate were talking about this Wallcott situation and it isn't that ridiculous. He is a complete wildcard, the opposition will have no idea who the fuck he is and quite frankly, I'd play him against Trinidad and Tobago because most of their players are on the same level as Wallcott.

    But still, I'd prefer Bent.


    Pfft, Theo's better than ALL of them...twice.

  5. Basically, Tottenham have no right whatsoever to appeal. Yeah they had players out with food poisoning, but so what? A strained wrist and food poisoning are the same thing in regards to this, because it comes down to the simple fact of being unavailable for the match. Yeah, 10 players out sick, but bear in mind this game was in London. They had been complaining about it since the night/early morning, how difficult can it possibly be to get a hold of your back-up players and get them to Upton Park for the game? It'd be a different matter if the final game was against Newcastle, but this was London and I'm pretty sure that about 95% of the entire Tottenham squad live in London, so it's the players fault if they said "yeah we can go" and if so, it's Jol's fault for risking the clubs Champions Leagues hopes on them. Anyway, you Tottenham fans have been going on about how much depth you have in your squad...

    Now, if the players WERE intentionally poisoned, it becomes a different matter. There is no doubt that the game should be replayed. You would've been cheated out the game (although who's to say West Ham wouldn't have beaten you if your full squad was fully fit?) and should definetly have another shot I think. But there is then the question about when the game will be played.

  6. And I agree with the report I read which said that although Arsenal may not be full of English players, they are a product of the English football regime which should be commended as such. Oh, and I also agree with the report about how much a man of dignity and respect Arsene Wenger is.

    Do you have any links to these? I'd like to see them, out of pure curiosity. That and I'd like to see how Wenger is man of dignity and respect >_>

    Two things that spring to mind immediatly are offering to replay the match against Sheffield United, and also saying that should Tottenham finish fourth this season, they should be in the Champions League regardless of whether win it. Whether that's 'dignity and respect', it shows class. Something Jol didn't show when Eboue and Gilberto clashed into one another and shouted "play play play".

  7. Well, there is that....and this:

    1997/98 36 18 0 0 4 4 4 1 0 0 44 23

    36 games, 18 goals...4 games in cups, 4 goals...and a goal in Europe to boot.

    Over a goal every two games.

    He played that many games!?! :o Holy shit, I don't remember him playing that often! I knew he had a good season but damn, I don't remember it being that good. Hmmm, ya learn new stuff every day.

  8. Whatever money Villa make, O'Leary shouldn't be aloud near it. He's shown in the past with Leeds he gets a little bit to happy when he's able to spent some cash and ends up overpaying for players, or buying shite. I like O'Leary (for his Arsenal connections) but as a manager, he's shown nothing so far.

  9. He hasn't played all that much, but to be fair, that was his fault for dropping down the pecking order behing both Robbie Keane and Mido.

    And why did he drop down the pecking order? He got injured. Keane replaced him. Keane did well alongside Mido, Jol didn't want to mess with the recipe. It's not 'his fault' he hasn't played a lot.

    What I mean is, in the chances he did get (when he did get to play and when he came on in games) he never did anything to make Jol think "hmmm, maybe I should play him a bit".

  10. Damn...that was just...damn Sven's odd. He more-or-less out-right refuses to even play Andy Johnson because he's in the Championship, yet he'll take Theo Walcott who's only first team experience is a couple of months this season playing for Southampton in the Championship. Now don't get me wrong, Theo is going to be amazing I reckon, but this World Cup isn't the time or place for England to be using him. Put him in the 'reserve squad' and it'll be fine, but taking him is a HUGE risk that, along with injuries to Rooney and Owen and having Peter "Where's The Goal" Crouch as the only other fit striker is damn right stupid. Peter Crouch is NOT going to be scoring the goals that could win us the World Cup, and Rooney (if he does even go in the end) won't be available till the Quarter/Semi-Finals, and we could be out by then. Owen, god knows when or if he'll even be fit at all.

    Owen Hargreaves has no place near an England team. He shouldn't be near the damn squad. People might say about him being a utility player, and that he can play anywhere, but the problem is, he is rubbish in every position. He's a crap holding player, he's crap going forward, he can't defend, he can't shoot, his passing is average, so why on earth is he there? Sol Campbell should be in the reserve squad, with maybe Wes Brown or, preferably Luke Young taking his place. Sol's been awful this season, but to be fair, he won't be starting because John Terry is better and Sven has man-love for Rio Ferdinand.

    Onto the reserve squad, that's odd as well. Scott Carson and (to a certain extent) Andy Johnson and Jermain Defoe really shouldn't be there at all. Johnson is Championship level player, and we've seen Sven time-after-time refuse to give Championship players a run in the England squad in friendlies, and now he's a standby player for the World Cup? The logic eludes me. I understand about Robert Green because there is just nobody else whatsoever to be third-choice. Scott Carson has been third-choice for Liverpool most of the season, but again, nobody else. No Jermain Defoe is a great player no dobut, but he's been pretty much naff this season. He's scored only 9 goals, and for a player who's been a part of a team that had been challenging for Champions League football, that's poor. He hasn't played all that much, but to be fair, that was his fault for dropping down the pecking order behing both Robbie Keane and Mido.

  11. Hey Monkey Man...

    Why is your swoosh all metallic, where as mine is like......Orange and Blue?

    It's called FM Swoosh, and it's the grey version, and no the badges don't come with. You can get them all from sortitoutsi.net, some on the site and some on the forums, dunno if they're up again now because they were offline for a bit during the week. The logos and badges are mostly on the forums. Thing is, they only look good on this skin.

    Ah, just looked, the forums are mostly dead. (Y)

    What he said...wait...that's what I said! Thief!

    Anyway, two games left in the Championship with Walsall, already secured promotion and need one little point to win the league. Prior to March, I was on a 18-odd game unbeaten run, but then things started going a bit wrong. Drew two games 0-0, then lost at home 1-0 to Derby, then proceeded to lose again. Finally got a win against Nottingham Forest with Beattie scoring in the 92nd minute.

    Oh, and I won the Carling Cup against Charlton. 0-0, and then 5-4 on penalties. During the game they tore me to pieces.

  12. Bad luck, but it's better than finishing fourth then having Arsenal win the Champions League, right?

    Erm, no.

    So, you'd rather finish fourth, but have your Champions League spot taken away because Arsenal won the cup?

    Yes. If there's no chance of us getting into the CL then it's just a question of finishing 4th or 5th, which obviously I'd rather finish 4th.

    But then again, after every Tottenham fan I know telling me how they're going on a European tour, are going to be better than Arsenal, are going to win(!) the Premiership next season - it's just funny.

    How is that funny when we actually are in Europe? :ohwell:

    Yeah you are, but are you really trying to say that all the fans who said that meant the UEFA Cupo or just Europe in general? Because I very much doubt that.


    It's the send off Highbury deserved, and a guarantee of Champions League football next year. How fitting Henry got a hattrick in the final game Highbury will see.

    Actually, it's no guarantee at all. You's have to get through the qualifying round. :P

    Unlike Everton, we're actually good, and have good players. The teams in a lot of the qualifying rounds of the Champions League are (generally speaking) a complete joke.

    Anyway, when (note my confidence there) we win the Champions League, we won't have to qualify, we automatically go straight into the group stage.

  14. I think the Spurs team waiter was an Arsenal fan...and I salute him. :D Only thing is that this means a lot of really bitter Spurs fans will 'have an excuse' for losing. Ah well, shit happens.

    Bad luck, but ya know, the better team finished 4th, and that's me as a football fan saying that.

  15. Well...that was fucking awesome...:D

    Having a great run in the Carling Cup with my Walsall team (who are currently sitting 2nd in the Championship on a 14 match unbeaten streak), and I draw Chelsea in the semi-final, with the first leg at the Bescott. Ok, fine, no problem, it was a good run while it lasted and losing to the best team left in the competition (me, Chelsea, Charlton and Burnley left) isn't terrible. Get to the first leg, and finishes 1-1 after a damn even game, with my team possibly the better of the two, but I guess, ya know, it's all over because there's zero chance I'm going to Stamford Bridge and winning...well...


    Seriously was fucking awesome! Could've scored more as well. Bodor's goal was a 50-yarder after the 'keeper had come out to clear it but hit it straight to him. Well chuffed. :D


    What is that sexay skin?? And do the little club images come with? Link!!!!!

    Also, I want to start a new game to play, what good experiences have people had with clubs? With clubs are good fun to play with? I need suggestions people!

    It's called FM Swoosh, and it's the grey version, and no the badges don't come with. You can get them all from sortitoutsi.net, some on the site and some on the forums, dunno if they're up again now because they were offline for a bit during the week. The logos and badges are mostly on the forums. Thing is, they only look good on this skin.

    Ah, just looked, the forums are mostly dead.

  16. Well...that was fucking awesome...:D

    Having a great run in the Carling Cup with my Walsall team (who are currently sitting 2nd in the Championship on a 14 match unbeaten streak), and I draw Chelsea in the semi-final, with the first leg at the Bescott. Ok, fine, no problem, it was a good run while it lasted and losing to the best team left in the competition (me, Chelsea, Charlton and Burnley left) isn't terrible. Get to the first leg, and finishes 1-1 after a damn even game, with my team possibly the better of the two, but I guess, ya know, it's all over because there's zero chance I'm going to Stamford Bridge and winning...well...


    Seriously was fucking awesome! Could've scored more as well. Bodor's goal was a 50-yarder after the 'keeper had come out to clear it but hit it straight to him. Well chuffed. :D

  17. Rock legend to pay tribute to Highbury

    Arsenal Football Club today announced that music icon, Roger Daltrey, who has penned a specially written track in tribute to Highbury, will perform it together with a Who ‘classic’, at the Club’s closing ceremony on Sunday 8th May following Arsenal’s last ever game at its famous Art Deco home against Wigan Athletic.

    Arsenal Stadium, which has been the Gunners’ home for 93 years, will close its doors on Sunday with a spectacular programme of events planned. Daltrey who is a huge Arsenal fan wrote the track as a personal tribute to his favourite footballing home and will share the song with 38,000 Gunners fans who will have just seen the team play its final match at the north London stadium.

    Roger Daltrey said: “I’m honoured to be part of Highbury’s closing ceremony and this is why I’m performing a song inspired by the stadium and my personal memories of the place. I’m really looking forward to playing the set, but it’s tinged with sadness as I play out the Gunners’ home.”

    Managing Director, Keith Edelman enthused: “We are thrilled that Roger is not only performing at Highbury as part of our closing ceremony but that he has composed a special song, it is a fantastic way to send of this famous old stadium.”

    The Club is urging supporters to take a close look at the lyrics below and get their singing voices into gear!

    Highbury Highs - written by Roger Daltrey

    I've seen children grow

    On this field of green

    On this field of dreams

    The years have passed away

    I've stood side by side With London's Pride

    We laughed and we cried

    We lived another day

    To those Highbury Highs under North London skies

    Yes we will remember those Highbury Highs

    Those Highbury Days and those Highbury ways

    Yes we will remember those Highbury Days

    From Rocky,Ray and Raddy

    To Dennis,Chippy,Paddy

    The Rock of Tony Adams

    The Joy of Charlie George

    Chapman, Graham, Wenger

    Yes we will remember


    And those record breaking scores

    All those Highbury Highs under North London skies

    Yes we will remember those Highbury Highs

    Those Highbury Days and those Highbury ways

    Yes we will remember those Highbury Days

    May those Highbury Highs be with you all your days

    May your Highbury Highs last forever

    There’s one thing that's certain when they drop the final curtain

    Something you can bet your shirt on The Arsenal's here to stay

    All those Highbury Highs under North London skies

    Yes we will remember those Highbury Highs

    Those Highbury Days and those Highbury ways

    We will always remember those Highbury..HIGHBURY..Highbury


    Highbury Highs say your final goodbyes

    We will always remember those Highbury Highs

    Say your final goodbyes to those Highbury Days

    WE will always remember those Highbury Days




    Wow...Roger! That's gonna be awesome. Are they going to be showing the "aftershow party" on Sky Sports after the game?

  18. I'm behind Palace 100% to go up. They're my local team and I've been following/paying attention to them all season long, so I'm hoping they do it. How do they sort the fixtures? Is it 3rd vs. 6th and 4th vs 5th? I can't remember.

    Yup. 3rd vs 6th and 4th vs 5th in "2 leg semi-final" ties with each team playing at home, then the final at a neutral venue (I'm guessing Millennium Stadium since Wembley is fucked) during the (next) May bank holiday weekend, scheduled as:

    Sat: League 2 playoff

    Sun: League 1 playoff

    Mon: Championship playoff

    Oh good, Watford vs. Palace. Palace have a good record against them this season (I think) so hopefully this is looking good for Palace in the final.

  19. I'm behind Palace 100% to go up. They're my local team and I've been following/paying attention to them all season long, so I'm hoping they do it. How do they sort the fixtures? Is it 3rd vs. 6th and 4th vs 5th? I can't remember.

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