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Posts posted by TMM

  1. user posted image

    13th June 2004

    The Great American Bash Review

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Attendance: 11,435

    Pre-Show Heat

    Matt Morgan d. Orlando Jordan [ 59 / 48 / 70 ]

    The Great American Bash

    The Rock returns to the WWE [ 100 ]

    Chavo Guerrero d. Jeff Hardy [ 82 / 76 / 88 ]

    Rico and Charlie Haas d. the Dudley Boyz [ 87 / 80 / 95 ]

    Rene Dupree d. John Cena [ 78 / 77 / 80 ]

    Mordecai d. Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty [ 71 / 70 / 72 ]

    Ultimo Dragon d. Akio, Jamie Noble, Paul London, Shannon Moore and Nunzio [ 72 / 57 / 88 ]

    Booker T d. the Undertaker [ 78 / 87 / 60 ]

    Billy Kidman d. Suzuki [ 57 / 38 / 76 ]

    JBL and Rene Dupree interview [ 71 ]

    Eddie Guerrero d. Rey Mysterio and John “Bradshaw” Layfield [ 84 / 85 / 82 ]

    Match of the Night: Rico and Charlie Haas d. the Dudley Boyz

    Segment of the Night: The Rock returns to the WWE


    * The fans reacted even better than expected to the Rock’s appearance at the Great American Bash. Michael Cole and Tazz were not exaggerating at all when they were commenting on how loud the arena was; some people commented they had never heard an arena that loud in their life. The announcement the Rock made (about him staying on full time until around the Christmas time) is true. The Rock had recently finished filming his latest film, and was then offered a new role in another film as the lead man. But supposedly the Rock got in contact with Vince McMahon and said he wanted to return to the WWE for a couple of months. Sources say the Rock is in the middle of considering his future, whether it is as an actor or a wrestler. Our sources say the Rock is planning to make a big sacrifice at the Christmas period; whether it be leaving Hollywood and returning to wrestling fulltime, or hanging up his boots and leaving wrestling permanently. As you can imagine, Vince McMahon is desperate to keep the Rock with the WWE under contract, and may be willing to do anything to keep him.

    * Many of the backstage staff were surprised that Suzuki, a man who received so much build up over the past couple of months, lost his debut match. Vince is still high on Suzuki, and fell he will be a major star one day, which also begs the question; why was he jobbed? This might mean very little, but we understand that Paul Heyman has been put in full control of Suzuki’s upcoming storyline. Everybody knows about the success Heyman has had in the past with wrestlers with ‘limited ability’, and this could be a good thing for Suzuki. Suzuki’s gimmick is rumoured to be played out as a bit of a ‘loose-cannon’, and he may end up on the receiving end of a lot of losses over the coming weeks. We will have to see how this pans out…

    * Only a few of the staff and wrestlers knew about John Cena’s trade to RAW, with Cena himself and Paul Heyman being the main two. WWE have began a new policy on keeping future storylines between the writers, the main guys involved and a few select others. The reasoning behind this is so that these things to not get out into the media, so if they do have something major planned, it is unlikely anything will be leaked. It is unknown who John Cena has been traded for, but with Cena being viewed as a big star, it is likely to be a main event star or (much like the Big Show a few years back) several ‘less over’ guys will be traded.

    * Everybody was pleased with the way all the matches played out. For the first time in a long time, all the matches were looked at as being very successful in getting their job done. Each match told the story it was supposed to, and everybody was happy.

    * The ending to the Tag Team title match was changed during the week because of a ‘clash of heads’ by several of the writers. Many wanted to keep the titles on the newer, fresher team of Rico and Charlie Haas, while several of the other members of the writing team wanted the Dudleyz to take the belts. The Dudleyz were originally scheduled to win the titles, but after a mixture of great fan reactions to Rico and Haas as champions at recent house shows. The fact the Vince McMahon is a big fan of the team had no effect on the decision at all…

  2. Well, Greece vs. Portugal starts in just under two hours. Should be a pretty entertaining match (crosses fingers and prays). I hope Greece does it. I'm praying for that little twat Ronaldo to get shackled by however marks him. Shouldn't be to hard; foul him once and he won't do much else in the match. COME ON GREECE!!!

  3. Cygan wants a move back to Lille supposedly. He has said that he enjoys life at Arsenal, but isn't getting first team action. However, he said he'll only move back to Lille.

    Personally, I think he should go. He performed well last season, but he's slow and get's blown away by the pace of the Premiership players. I hated him in his first season, but he improved A LOT last year.

  4. Quite frankly, I don't rate Trabelsi as a better player than Lauren. From what I've seen of Trabelsi is average...maybe above average at times, but Lauren is still better. Let him go to Newcastle, we don't need him.

  5. user posted image

    13th June 2004

    Announcers: Michael Cole and Tazz

    The show started off differently this time, with no pyro and no video, but with Lillian Garcia standing in the ring. WWE had made an exception as tonight is a very special occasion as tradition is renewed with this event. Lillian sang the national anthem, as everybody in attendance joined in, before she finished to a great ovation.

    The opening video package played, with clips of the Great American Bash events that were held over in WCW from 1985 to 2000 added in with clips of recent weeks. There were clips of Dusty Rhodes defeating Ric Flair in 1986 to win the NWA title interwoven with Eddie Guerrero celebrating winning his first WWE title at No Way Out this year. The clips of the WarGames in 1986 mixed in with the SmackDown battle between Rey Mysterio and John “Bradshaw” Layfield. The brilliant Cruiserweight title match between Dean Malenko and the debuting Rey Mysterio in 1996 cut to the great match with Jeff Hardy and Chavo Guerrero on SmackDown a few weeks ago. Many more classic Great American Bash clips were in the package along with clips of the wrestlers who would compete tonight. The video faded out with the words: Nothing is for Sure.

    The pyros went off all over the arena as the Great American Bash kicks off live! The fans were cheering across the arena, as Michael Cole and Tazz are introduced.

    Cole: The Great American Bash is finally upon us! We are live tonight, and tonight marks the renewal of a great tradition that died along with WCW, but is being reborn with SmackDown tonight. Hello everyone I’m Michael Cole and I’m sitting alongside my broadcast partner Tazz! We’re joined here at the Bash by out Spanish colleges Carlos Cabrera and Hugo Savinovich.

    Tazz: What a night it’s going to be tonight! There are hundreds, maybe thousands of fans outside still trying to get inside the arena!

    Cole: We’re are sold out here, and would you look at the amount of fans out there! We’re going to kick off the Great American Bash with…


    Cole: Woah! What the hell? Is that…that…that’s…

    Cole and Tazz: …the Rock!!!

    Cole: What’s the Rock doing here? He’s a RAW guy!

    Tazz: I don’t care man listen to this place! Everyone’s going nuts! I don’t think I’ve heard a louder response than tonight!

    The arena fills with deafening ‘Rocky! Rocky’ chants as the Great One walks down the aisle. The Rock enters the ring and with every turnbuckle that he climbs, the cheers get louder! The Rock signals for a microphone, as a stagehand nervously passes him one. The fans cheer louder in anticipation for what the Rock is going to say. The Rock raises the microphone to his mouth, but stops as the ‘Rocky! Rocky!’ chants continue to grow. The classic ‘Rock smile’ crosses his face as his sets himself up…

    The Rock: Finally, the Rock has come back…to the WWE!

    Rock paused again as the fans went nuts after hearing the Rock’s first words in a WWE ring since WrestleMania XX in March.

    The Rock: You know the Rock was spending his time out in Hollywood, making movies rubbing shoulders with all the big movie stars, making his millions but do you what happened? The Rock realised that making movies and working with all the big Hollywood boys and girls…it just doesn’t compare when the Rock hears’ the millions…(and millions)…and millions of the Rock’s fans chanting his name!

    As if on cue, the fans began to chant ‘Rocky! Rocky!’ again, much to the joy of the Rock who smiled and even started to get the fans chanting louder.

    The Rock: The Rock was in the neighbourhood visiting some of my boys, some of my family and then I remembered that the WWE was in town! So what the Rock did is he walked out of the house, jumped in his damn fine car and drove down to the arena so he could see you guys! That’s right! The Rock was planning on spending the night with…hey Lillian, how you doing? No, no, no Lillian! The Rock’s eyes! The eyes! Stop looking at the Rock’s strudel! Damn girl! Anyway, what was the Rock saying? Oh yeah that’s right. I came to this arena because I wanted to see you guys and to make a special announcement. As you probably know, the Rock just finished filming a movie, and as of right now, I have got a nice empty schedule until the end of the year. So I thought instead of making the decision myself, I thought I would let the people make it! So…if you think the Rock should return to SmackDown full time…ha, no I’m not going to say gimme a hell yeah! If you want the Rock to come back home to SmackDown full time as of Thursday night…gimme a Rocky chant so loud it’ll blow the roof off of this arena!

    The fans went crazy and went into a frenzy! The ‘Rocky! Rocky!’ chants started all over again!

    Cole: This crowd is so loud! I think they ARE blowing the roof off of the arena! Tazz?

    Tazz: Rocky! Rocky! Huh? Oh yeah, loud…Rocky! Rocky!

    The Rock: The Rock can’t hear you!

    The ‘Rocky!’ chants get even LOUDER, if that is possible!

    The Rock: So…the Rock will be on SmackDown this Thursday, and as of then, the Rock is back in the WWE and back on SmackDown! If ya smell…what the Rock is cooking!

    The Rock dropped the microphone as his music hit the speakers. The Rock walked around ringside and slapped hands with everybody before finally making his way up the ramp. But he didn’t return to the back before one last thing…the People’s Eyebrow right at the camera!


    Cole: Wow…what a way to kick off the Great American Bash! The Rock is back Tazz!

    Tazz: …what?

    Cole: I said the Rock is back!

    Tazz: Who wants their socks back? I think I’ve gone deaf thanks to the fans!

    Cole: Ha ha, I know what you mean partner! Well, after all that excitement, things continue to get better as the first official match at the Great American Bash is the Cruiserweight title match, and here comes Jeff Hardy!

    -- WWE Cruiserweight title match --

    Jeff Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero ©

    Jeff Hardy came out to brand new music, and the face paint and crazy dancing was gone. Jeff seemed to be reverting to his old Hardy Boyz roots, although adapting it for singles competition. Chavo Guerrero came out next and was accompanied by his father as usual. Classic stopped halfway down the ramp, pulled out a hanky from his shirt, spat on it and wiped the Cruiserweight title around Chavo’s waist. As soon as they Chavo’s reached ringside, the referee stopped them and ordered Chavo Classic to the back! The Chavo’s argued their case, but the referee seemed to tell them that if he didn’t leave, he would disqualify Chavo and award the title to Jeff Hardy! Chavo Classic was shocked, as was his son. Father and son looked at each other and hugged one another before Classic headed to the back. The finally got into the ring, and Chavo stared at Jeff before pointing at his hair and laughing at it being blue. This seemed to piss Jeff off, who charged at Chavo! Chavo dropped out of the ring and ran around it before coming back in the other side, only to drop a leg on the back of Jeff’s neck. Chavo quickly picked him and up and hit a snap suplex, getting a near fall out of it. Chavo brought Jeff back up to a vertical base and locked in a front face lock. Chavo was using his knees to hit Jeff in the face a couple of times before releasing the hold. Jeff was still standing, but was weary as Chavo ran to the ropes. He charged at Jeff with a clothesline in mind, but Jeff dropped to the mat and hit a drop toehold! Jeff kept his legs were they were, and locked Chavo in a unique leglock. He then used his flexibility to reach back and grab a hold of Chavo’s head and pull that back to! Chavo screamed in pain, but luckily for him, he was right on top of the ropes almost, and was able to break the hold. Jeff got up and dragged him to the centre of the ring before grabbing his legs and flipping over into a bit of a bridged pin, which got a near fall. Jeff picked Chavo up off the mat and punched him towards the ropes before whipping him to the other side. Jeff went for a dropkick, but Chavo held onto the top rope, stopping his momentum! Chavo the hit a quick dropkick to the face before locking in a dragon sleeper on the mat. Chavo dominated the match for much of the remainder; although Jeff did manage one short flurry which was cut off at the knees when Chavo ducked a Jeff punch and hit a clothesline to the back of his head. The end of the match came soon after this, as Chavo had locked in a move similar to a triangle choke. The fans were really getting behind Jeff at this point, and were clapping him to his feet. Jeff managed to fight his way out of the now-headlock, and laid into Chavo with a flurry of right hands, but Chavo managed to block one, and whip Jeff into the corner. However, Jeff used the momentum to climb up the turnbuckle and float over to connect with a corkscrew! Jeff got to his feet at the same time as Chavo, and he pulled his legs out from under him and connected with a legdrop down low! Jeff pulled off the shirt, as the girls went even wilder than before, and he ascended to the top rope. Jeff called for it and dived off the top for the Swanton Bomb! However, Chavo dodged the bullet and quickly jumped in on Jeff, grabbed the jeans and rolled him up…1…2…3! Chavo steals the victory at the Bash!

    Winner and STILL Cruiserweight champion: Chavo Guerrero (14:34)

    Chavo rolled out of the ring, grabbed his Cruiserweight title and quickly headed up the ramp. Chavo had a mixture of a smirk on his face and a glazed look in his eye as he left the ringside area. Jeff stood in the ring, looked around, shook his head, and then shrugged his shoulders. Jeff’s music hit and he left the ring, certainly ruing his bad luck tonight.

    Cole: You’ve gotta give it up for Jeff Hardy here. It was a good match, and Jeff had it won but Chavo had to cheat to win!

    Tazz: A great match. A great match there, but it just wasn’t Jeff’s night.

    Cole: Chavo had a hold of Jeff’s jeans! Chavo cheated to win, just like he did a few weeks ago on Jeff’s WWE return he cheated to win!

    Tazz: Well, maybe Jeff just can’t beat Chavo who knows! Maybe Jeff Hardy isn’t destined to hold the Cruiserweight title!

    Cole: Maybe your right, but on the subject of destiny, the Dudley Boyz believe that winning the Tag Team titles tonight is their destiny it would be a record setting 18th time they would have Tag Team gold around their waist; a record they in fact set!

    Tazz: Well this match should be interesting no doubt. The champs have a score to settle with the Dudleyz, and I have a strange feeling that Rico and Haas will somehow come out on top!

    Cole: I can’t say I agree Tazz, the Dudleyz are violent and we’ve seen them put Miss Jackie through a table, what are they capable of with Haas and Rico?

    -- WWE Tag Team title match --

    The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Charlie Haas ©

    Paul Heyman saw what happened during the last match, so he only accompanied the Dudleyz to ringside before heading to the back. Charlie Haas and Rico came out next, and Rico’s attire was, um…shocking. He appeared to be wearing one of Miss Jackie’s outfits! He was wearing his own pants, but he definitely had one of the outfits’ Miss Jackie has worn in the past. As soon as they reached the ring, Rico sat on the second rope and pulled it down for Charlie to enter. Charlie looked a little disgusted, but seemed to think ‘what the hell’ and went under the second rope but just over Rico’s crotch! Rico looked as giddy as a schoolgirl when that happened! Rico was acting as if everything was alright with the world, while Charlie Haas was clearly upset with the way Miss Jackie was assaulted two weeks ago. The Dudleyz were a little bit confused, disgusted, and entertained by Rico’s actions once the bell rang to signify the start of the match. Rico was prancing around the ring as Charlie Haas shook his head on the apron and began banging it against the turnbuckle. D-Von went to lock up with Rico but Rico dodged the grapple and grabbed D-Von’s behind! D-Von turned around and elbowed Rico in the jaw and laid into him with punches to the face on the mat. He quickly tagged in his ‘brother’ Bubba who continued where D-Von left off, beating the heck out of Rico! Bubba punched Rico in the face and got back up, but not before slapping him in across the mouth! Bubba shouted, “Look at him! Look at him now!” before kicking him in the back of his head and tagging D-Von back in. D-Von picked him up and ran him into the corner with a clothesline, waited for him to walk back out and hit a back breaker. D-Von picked him back up yet again and tagged Bubba back in. The Dudleyz then hit their unique double-neckbreaker move and bubba made the cover while being vocal in telling the referee to count. The Dudleyz continued like this for much of the remainder of the match, isolating Rico and making quick tags to keep each other fresh. The end of the match came when Bubba was taunting Charlie Haas by holding Rico’s arm out for him to tag in, but Haas couldn’t reach him. Rico managed to regain some form of awareness, and kicked Bubba in the stomach. However, the blow wasn’t enough for Bubba to get hurt, but it was enough for Bubba to punch him in the face! But when Bubba hit Rico, he fell down next to his partner, who got the tag and came into the ring! Haas laid out Bubba, and then hit a big back body drop on D-Von! Bubba came back at Haas, who ducked and axe-handle blow and hit Bubba in the stomach before dropping him on his head with a DDT! D-Von came from behind and went to hit the Saving Grace on Haas, but Rico tapped on the shoulder before planting a kiss on D-Von! Charlie Haas tripped D-Von up from behind and locked in the Haas of Pain! D-Von was screaming in pain while also wiping his mouth. Bubba had rolled to the outside, and Rico followed him out. Rico went to grab Bubba and throw him back inside, but Bubba low-blowed him! The referee was busy in the ring and didn’t see the illegal blow. Bubba then threw Rico across the announce table and sent him crashing into the timekeeper! Bubba grabbed a chair and went inside the ring. The referee waved his hands, telling Bubba not to do it, but Bubba smashed the chair across Charlie Haas’ head, breaking up the submission, but also getting the Dudleyz disqualified!

    Winner via DQ and STILL WWE Tag Team champions: Charlie Haas and Rico (15:16)

    Bubba then threatened to hit the referee if he didn’t get out of his way, and then hit Charlie Haas across the back with the chair! At that moment, Paul Heyman came sauntering down the ramp laughing his head off, and then stepped into the ring with the Dudleyz Boyz. Bubba pushed D-Von in the chest, and yelled for him to get the tables! D-Von hobbled out of the ring and brought a table out from under the ring and set it up near one of the turnbuckles. Bubba got on the top rope, and D-Von picked up Charlie Haas and placed him on Bubba’s shoulders…as Bubba drove the Tag Team champion through the table! D-Von spun around and gave Haas the 3D salute before the Dudleyz and Paul Heyman left the ring.

    Cole: Charlie Haas and Rico win the match, and retain the WWE Tag Team titles, but they sure don’t look like winners to me!

    Tazz: Nor me partner! The Dudleyz really blew that if you ask me. They were in control for most of the match, and I really believe that they would’ve won the match if Bubba didn’t nearly murder Charlie Haas with that chair shot!

    Cole: Maybe, but that’s two out of four title matches out of the way, and there has yet to be a title change hands. Up next is the United States championship match between John Cena and Rene Dupree in a ladder match. Will this match bring about the first title change of the night?

    Tazz: Well I’ve got my money on Rene Dupree here. He’s inside John Cena’s head, and I think Dupree’s time has finally come.

    Cole: Let’s see how these two came together.


    A video package aired, showing the history of the two men starting when Dupree appeared on SmackDown after the RAW roster lottery draw. It showed his interview segment, ‘Café de Rene’ where he interviewed Torrie Wilson, but started insulting her to such an extent that it forced John Cena to come out. It then cut to clips of their various title matches and exchanges in tag team competition. It also showed John Cena ended Torrie Wilson’s WWE career by pinning her a few weeks ago on SmackDown. The video ended with Dupree attempting to shatter Cena’s arm by crushing it in between the legs of a ladder.

    -- WWE United States title match – LADDER --

    Rene Dupree vs. John Cena ©

    Dupree was the first out, as is customary for title challengers. However, notable by her absence was Fifi! Dupree left his poodle backstage and according to Tazz; he left it with Luther Raines and Kurt Angle so they could take care of her! Cena came out next and was certainly up for the match as he got straight into the ring and got in Rene Dupree’s face. Dupree hid behind the referee and tried to get him to admonish him before the bell even rung. The ladder was set up on the entrance ramp, which is right where Dupree ran as soon as the bell was rung! He wanted to pick it up and bring it into the ring, but only got as near to the ring as the apron before John Cena smashed the ladder into his face with a baseball slide! Cena made sure to say to Dupree, “You can’t see me!” before picking up the ladder and sliding it into the ring. Cena slid in as well, and went to set the ladder up. Dupree managed to recover from eating the ladder, and got into the ring with Cena. The two exchanged blows, and after Cena punched Dupree in the face, he began to climb the ladder. Dupree got back up and started to shake the ladder, knocking it over. However, Cena jumped off the ladder just before it fell and nailed Rene Dupree with a double axe handle! Cena dominated the majority of the early going, up until the 7-minute point where he tried to finish Dupree off with an FU, but he was unable to hit the move due to his weakened shoulder. He dropped Dupree and shook his shoulder as if to get some feeling back into it, but while he was doing this, Dupree dropped to his knees and hit a low blow on the unsuspecting champion! Dupree slowly made it to his feet and exchanged blows with Cena for a couple of seconds before ducking a right hand and dropkicking Cena in his injured shoulder! Dupree, like a shark smelling blood jumped on Cena and locked in an armbar for a while. Dupree released the hold about twenty seconds later and looked as if he had had an idea. He picked Cena up and scoop slammed him back down before going outside the ring and grabbing both the United States title and a steel chair. He put the belt on the ring apron and then entered the ring via the steps with the chair in hand. He set the chair up in a sitting position and again scoop slammed Cena before dragging him over to the chair and placing his left arm across it. He rolled outside and brought in another chair and this time folded it up. Dupree smiled towards the fans as he geared up and smashed down the chair! Much to Dupree’s surprise, Cena managed to pull his arm out if the way just in time to avoid the blow! But he wasn’t quite as lucky immediately afterwards as Dupree swung the chair round and hit Cena square in the head, knocking him to the mat! Dupree smiled and did his French Tickler dance, before dropping to his knees and locking in a Rings of Saturn type manoeuvre on the champ. Cena screamed out loud and reached for the ropes. His other hand was on the verge of tapping out the entire time, even though the match wouldn’t end anyway. Dupree was thoroughly in control for a further 3 or 4 minutes, working over John Cena’s injured left arm the entire time. Dupree said it was over, and started to climb the ladder to reach the title belt! The crowd were in a mixture of boos for Dupree and Cena chants, as they ushered Cena back into the match. Cena managed to get to his feet and somehow mustered together enough strength to push the ladder over…and crotch Rene Dupree on the top rope! The ladder bounced back into a standing position, and Dupree managed to get off of the top rope and gingerly walk over to John Cena. Cena looked weary and didn’t seem to know where he was when Dupree came over…but Cena shocked everyone, including himself as he picked Dupree up and slammed him down with the FU! Cena was running on instinct now, as he turned round and fell towards the ladder as he attempted to climb up it. Dupree wasn’t moving at all, as Cena got closer and closer to the prize. Suddenly, somebody ran through the crowd, jumped the barricade and got into the ring! It’s John “Bradshaw” Layfield!?! What’s he doing here? He managed to pull Cena off of the ladder…and then nailed the weary Cena with a clothesline from hell! JBL smirked as he helped Dupree to his feet and up the ladder. Dupree climbed slowly, but in the end, Rene Dupree climbed to the very top of the ladder and grabbed the United States championship belt! Dupree is the new US champion!

    Winner and NEW United States champion: Rene Dupree (19:34)

    Dupree fell off the ladder in a heap just as his music hit the speakers. JBL helped him to his feet and raised Dupree’s wrist into air and pointed to him while shouting, “New US champion! Yes!” Dupree finally realised that he had won and dropped to his knees cradling the title he had just won. Cena was lying in heap, holding his injured arm while the new champion and John “Bradshaw” Layfield celebrate the victory.

    Cole: What the hell is this all about?

    Tazz: You got me! Dupree and JBL? Working together? Didn’t see that one coming!

    Cole: What have these two got in common? Dupree hates America and all Americans, while JBL prides himself as being a ‘great American’! I don’t see the connection at all!

    Tazz: Me neither! What I see in the ring is sorta like seeing Saddam Hussein and George W. Bush shaking hands and hugging! This is weird!

    Cole: Maybe it’s an insurance policy? You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours sort of thing? Maybe they struck a deal tonight? If that is what’s happened, then this probably won’t be the last we see of Rene Dupree tonight.

    Tazz: I hope Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio are watching this, as they could well be seeing the same thing a little later in the WWE championship match!

    Cole: Well John Cena is beginning to move in the ring. Thank god he’s all right. Wait a minute; JBL and Rene Dupree are heading back to the ring? What’s this all about?

    Tazz: Cena doesn’t realise it’s them I don’t think.

    John Cena gets to his feet after using JBL as a ladder to help himself up, and then stands half a metre away from the large figure of John “Bradshaw” Layfield. JBL turns up his nose and slaps Cena…before laying him out with a clothesline from hell! Dupree and JBL shake hands before walking up the ramp to the back. The video feed then cuts to backstage where Kurt Angle and Luther Raines are laughing at the outcome of the last match.

    Angle: Hey Luther! That was some funny stuff! I have no idea what John “Bradshaw” Layfield did that for, but do me a favour; remind me to give him a pay-rise! I owe him a lot for that! Hey hey, get Eric Bischoff on the phone! I need to tell him that John Cena is on the way.

    Luther: What do you mean?

    Angle: What? Oh of course! I’ve finally solved my little John Cena problem, and I’ve done it by…trading him to RAW!

    Luther: Who did you trade him for boss?

    Angle: Ah now that my friend is a secret. But I’ll tell you this; although I’m not that happy about it, the man who is joining from RAW won’t be joining SmackDown until after RAW’s joke of a pay-per-view Bad Blood. But seen as I really, REALLY wanted rid of that waste of space John Cena, I reluctantly agreed to it. So…no more John Cena! All will be right with the world after tonight!

    We return to ringside and are focused on Michael Cole and Tazz at the announce booth.

    Cole: What? Cena’s been traded to RAW? What is Angle thinking? John Cena is the future of SmackDown, and he’s just sent him over to our rivals!

    Tazz: We’ll I guess that’s one way to get rid of somebody! He put him in a ‘loser gets fired’ match against Torrie Wilson which he wins, so as soon as he loses his United States title, he trades him to RAW! I gotta agree with you though; Cena IS the future of this industry and I’ll be sad to see him go. Not the greatest business decision if you ask me.

    Cole: Well I guess we’ve gotta move on, and moving on we shall with the handicap match between Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty, and Mordecai!

    Tazz: Mordecai debuted at the Judgment Day pay-per-view last month against Scotty 2 Hotty, and man did he destroy him in that match!

    Cole: He did. Then on SmackDown, Rikishi challenged him to a one-on-one, which Mordecai obliged to…but Mordecai won that one as well! But when Rikishi and Scotty returned to full fitness, Rikishi demanded a rematch. Angle gave it to him, but then this happened (footage is played of the end of Scotty and Rikishi’s match with the Bashams, and the attack by Mordecai afterwards). Mordecai threatened Rikishi and Scotty with a severe beating tonight, and informed them it’d be a handicap match.

    Tazz: But Cole we’ve said it many times over the past week; who will be handicapped tonight?

    Mordecai vs. Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty

    This handicap match is a tag formula, where only Scotty or Rikishi can be in the ring at any time. Rikishi and Scotty were the first out and were as fun loving as usual. Scotty ‘wormed’ his way down the ramp and ran around ringside slapping hands with all the fans. They stood in the ring, and as soon as the lights dimmed and Mordecai’s music hit, they put their game faces on. Mordecai walked slowly down the ramp, carrying the big metal crucifix and placed it in the holder at the very bottom of the ramp. Mordecai slowly walked up the stairs, and removed his hood when he reached the ramp. He entered the ring, and then he removed his robe and gave it to the referee. Mordecai stood waiting to see which of his opponents would challenge him first. It was Rikishi. The two men stood on opposite sides of the ring and starred at each other. Rikishi turned around for a second as Scotty wished him luck, and was promptly jumped from behind! Mordecai hammered Rikishi with forearms to the back and punches to the ribs before Scotty reached out and tagged himself in! Mordecai let up and stepped back, allowing Scotty to get in the ring. Rikishi looked quite surprised as Scotty told him to calm down. Mordecai looked up at the sky and stretched his arms out as if he had received a gift from above. Mordecai then turned his attentions to Scotty, who waved at him! Mordecai charged at Scotty who ducked down and crawled under the Pale Rider! Mordecai turned and tried to grab Scotty again, who again ducked and crawled under him! Mordecai was getting pissed, at the same time the fans were laughing at his expense. Mordecai told Scotty to come on, and spread his arms as if to give him a free shot. Scotty stepped forward…and slapped the taste out of Mordecai’s mouth! Scotty smiled, as Mordecai stretched his jaw and offered him another shot. Scotty stepped forward and went to slap him again…but Mordecai caught his hand this time and began crushing his wrist! Scotty fell to his knees in pain before Mordecai lifted him up by the head, pressed him over his head and threw him on top of the turnbuckle! Mordecai pounded away at Scotty’s back before lifting him off the turnbuckle and driving Scotty’s shoulder into his knee. Mordecai covered Scotty, but lifted him up at the last second! Mordecai laughed and shouted out, “You will be punished! You will suffer his wrath!” he set Scotty up…and delivered the Crucifix! Instead of pinning Scotty, he picked him up and threw him towards Rikishi. Rikishi tagged himself in, and the two big men locked up, and pulled apart with neither man getting the advantage. Rikishi went to grapple again, but Mordecai side-stepped and ducked it before hitting a vicious clothesline on the back of the 400-plus pounder! Mordecai looked up at the sky, thanked ‘the father’ before picked Rikishi up, putting him between his legs, and showing great strength, hit the Crucifix! Mordecai smiled an evil smile before picking Rikishi up a second time and hitting the Crucifix again! Mordecai finally covered the big man…1…2…3. What a dominant showing by the impressive and dangerous Mordecai.

    Winner: Mordecai (10:35)

    Mordecai stood up and walked straight out of the ring towards his crucifix that he brought down. He dropped down to his knees, starred up at the sky and stretched out his arms. Mordecai stayed like this for a short while before nodding his head and getting up. Mordecai picked up the crucifix and walked back up the ramp, starring at it the whole time.

    Cole: A totally dominant showing by the Pale Rider tonight Tazz!

    Tazz: Scary stuff, really scary. The guy has such amazing strength, but he has to be a little wacko don’t you think? I mean…’the father’? Who do you think he’s talking about?

    Cole: I’m not sure partner, I have no idea!

    Tazz: Maybe he hears voices in his head!?!

    Cole: Ha ha, maybe so, but Rikishi and Scotty will be hearing voices right about now. Mind you, they’ll be more along the lines of ‘tweet tweet’ then anything!

    Tazz: Hey you mean like Tweety Pie? Man I loved that bird!

    Cole: Well up next, the 6-man elimination match to determine the no.1 contender for the Cruiserweight title. Akio, Ultimo Dragon, Paul London, Jamie Noble, Shannon Moore and Nunzio will battle it out in just a few moments where the first four opponents will be eliminated by being thrown over the top rope, and the final two will go at it in a one-on-one match where the rules are that of a regular match. Pinfall, submission, count-out, disqualification; any and all of the following would end it.

    Tazz: I got my money on Ultimo Dragon man! He returned on SmackDown and really showed the world what he was about.

    Cole: Don’t forget his win on Velocity last night against Jamie Noble! Ultimo has two big wins under his belt in cruiserweight competition.

    Tazz: Woah! He pinned Chavo Classic on SmackDown! I’ve seen Classic in the back with all the pies and he ain’t no Cruiserweight!

    Cole: Point taken. Paul London also had a great outing on Velocity as well, nearly pinning the champion Chavo Guerrero, so he’s a big threat here!

    Tazz: Akio has been on a great run as well with Sakoda in tag matches, but tag matches and singles competition are totally different environments, hopefully Akio will take that in to account tonight!

    Cole: Jamie Noble is a former Cruiserweight champion, and you can never count out the sneaky tactics of Nunzio or the high-flying ability of Shannon Moore. This is going to be a very tough match to call a winner in Tazz!

    -- Elimination match to be No.1 contender for the Cruiserweight title --

    Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble vs. Shannon Moore vs. Akio vs. Nunzio vs. Paul London

    Shannon Moore was first out, followed by Nunzio and the Jamie Noble. Akio followed, and then Paul London made his way out to the ring. When Ultimo Dragon’s music hit, the crowd started to cheer. Dragon was the clear favourite, as well as the fans favourite for this match. Ultimo did his usual entrance with the pyros, and once he reached the ring and took off his robe, the bell sounded and the match begun! Shannon Moore charged straight and Paul London, who ducked him and threw him over the top rope with a shoulder toss!

    1st Elimination: Shannon Moore by Paul London (0:02)

    Akio, Nunzio and Paul London seemed to get into a battle of their own in one corner as Noble and Ultimo Dragon got into one at another. London had to fend off both Nunzio and Akio at the same time and somehow managed to run away from them, bounce off the ropes on the other side of the ring and nail a crossbody on Akio and hit a flying headscissors on Nunzio! Nunzio went flying over the top rope, but luckily fell onto the apron and hung on to the bottom rope for dear life. Ultimo was giving Noble a lesson in the art of kicking the crap out of someone by laying into him with everything he had via his left and right foot! Noble dropped to his knees before Dragon took his head of with a Tajiri style kick to the head. Dragon picked Noble up and tossed him over the top rope before heading over to Akio. Unbeknownst to him, Noble had grabbed the bottom rope and rolled back into the ring. Dragon tried to unload on Akio with his dangerous kicks, but Akio blocked the majority of them with his arms before ducking under Ultimo Dragon, running up the turnbuckle and hitting a perfect moonsault to the face of Dragon! Nunzio quickly scurried over, picked Dragon up and tossed him over the top rope. Nunzio dropped to his knees in celebration, but what he didn’t realise was that Ultimo Dragon had not been eliminated! Dragon skinned the cat to get back into the ring and as soon as Nunzio got to his feet, he grabbed him by the head and shoulders and sent him flying over the top rope!

    2nd Elimination: Nunzio by Ultimo Dragon (3:16)

    Dragon was quickly jumped from behind and taken down in a corner where Jamie noble assaulted him. Akio and Paul London were having an amazing exchange of aerial moves elsewhere. London came off the top rope with a crossbody and hit Akio. But Akio rolled through, ran onto the other turnbuckle and tried a corkscrew moonsault, which London rolled out of the way of! London picked Akio up and ran with him towards the ropes. But Akio turned it around in mid-run, almost sending London over the top rope! London again showed amazing agility because as he was in mid-air, he grabbed Akio’s head between his legs and took him over the top rope with a headscissors!

    3rd Elimination: Akio by Paul London (6:56)

    London was in trouble though, as he was hanging from the top rope outside the ring. London was trying to skin the cat, but out of nowhere, Jamie Noble whipped Ultimo Dragon into London’s back, making him lose his grip and by eliminated!

    4th Elimination: Paul London by Ultimo Dragon/Jamie Noble (7:09)

    It was down to Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon in the regular wrestling match part of the match. Right after Dragon bounced off the ropes, Noble nailed a powerslam reminiscent of the way Goldust use to do it. He tried to end the match quickly, but the referee only reached a two count. Noble picked Dragon up and hit a nice scoop shoulder breaker, getting another two count in the process. Noble dominated for another minute until he set Ultimo Dragon up on the top rope as if to go for a sunset flip, but Tazz noted that he saw Noble try this last night on Velocity and that he was going for a powerbomb! Tazz was right, as Noble stood up, tucked Ultimo Dragon’s head between his legs and lifted him up…only to be nailed with a hurricanrana! Both men were down and out as the fans started a “Holy S***!” chant! Tazz made sure to add that that was the outcome of Noble’s powerbomb attempt on Velocity as well! Ultimo Dragon was the first to his feet, as Noble was still out on the mat. Dragon looked around, and attempted an Asai moonsault…only to find himself writhing around in pain after Jamie Noble lifted his knees! Both men slowly got to their feet at the same time and Noble punched Dragon in the mouth, to which Dragon responded with one of his own! The exchanged blows for another 10/15 seconds before Ultimo blocked one, and unleashed a fury of kicks to the thighs and rib area of Jame noble before kicking him in the chest with a spinning kick. Dragon stood over Noble and waited for him to get back to his feet. Once Noble did get to his feet, Ultimo Dragon again wowed the audience with the move that never gets old…the Asai DDT! Dragon made the cover…1…2…3! Ultimo Dragon is the new no.1 contender!

    Winner and no.1 contender for the Cruiserweight title: Ultimo Dragon (11:23)

    Cole: Ultimo did it! What a great match! Everybody put in 100%.

    Tazz: Yeah, but I’m not sure that Shannon Moore will wanna go backstage with everybody after the way he was eliminated! I’m told he only lasted two seconds!

    Cole: Ultimo Dragon has earned himself a WWE Cruiserweight title shot at any time! He has to give both the champion and Kurt Angle a weeks notice…but Ultimo Dragon vs. Chavo Guerrero! What a match that will be! I personally cannot wait!

    Tazz: Ok ok Cole! Don’t get your knickers in a twist! We’ve still got three more matches tonight!

    Cole: We do, and coming up next is one of the biggest! Booker T takes on the Undertaker in a Judgment Day rematch! Undertaker was victorious that night, but Booker has looked a lot more confident since this rematch was announced.

    Tazz: Booker T’s a very talented athlete man! He’s realised that none of this magic and voodoo is going to get him the win; he’s gotta out wrestle him! I mean he isn’t the five-time WCW champion for nothing now is he? This guy can wrestle and he knows it!

    Cole: We’ll let’s take a look at how all this started!


    A video starts at the very end of their Judgment Day match where the Undertaker finished him off with a Tombstone piledriver. It cut to Booker T informing Funaki that he had given up on Mama Shangrie, and that he wasn’t afraid and would beat the Undertaker on his own. The then cut to Booker pinning Billy Kidman, and attacking him after the match. Then the lights went off in the arena, sending Booker T running! The next week a similar thing happened after his match with Funaki, but this time he didn’t seem afraid at all. The next week Booker faced and defeated Hardcore Holly, but after the match it got interesting! The lights went out, but Paul Bearer walked down the aisle! Booker T didn’t notice it, but the Undertaker was standing right behind him. Booker T ended up on the wrong end of a Tombstone, before ‘Taker dropped to his knee and worshipped the Urn. The next week, Paul Bearer and the Undertaker sent an ominous message to Booker T; Paul Bearer cannot control what Undertaker does this Sunday. The video ended with clips of Booker’s shocked face interwoven with the Undertaker’s words: Rest…in…peace.

    Tazz: I guess that about explains it!

    Cole: Booker T knows what a win over the Undertaker can do for him, and he’ll do anything to get it if you ask me! (Booker T’s music hits) Speak of the devil…

    Tazz: No no no Cole! Booker T isn’t the devil…that’s his opponent!

    Cole: Well, in any event, this match is going to be absolutely amazing if their Judgment Day encounter is anything to go on.

    Tazz: It’s gonna be a rocketbusta…

    Booker T vs. the Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer

    Booker T made his way to ring with a big smirk across his face as he lit up the pyros at the top of the ramp. Booker came down nodding his head, smiling and kept repeating ‘oh yeah, oh yeah’ to himself as he got into the ring and climbed the turnbuckle to soak up the ‘adulation’ from all his fans. The adulation may have come in the form of a lot of boos, but that didn’t seem to matter to Booker T. The crowd started to get anxious in anticipation of the Dead Man’s arrival. As soon as the lights went out, the crowd erupted! When the first gong sounded, they got even louder! Druids filled the entranceway with burning torches and stood opposite one another to create an arch. The crowd continued to get louder as the large frame of Paul Bearer was seen waddling down the ramp, Urn in hand. The camera closed in on Bearer’s face, and the Bearer spoke into the camera and said, “Look! Look! The Undertaker is here! The Undertaker is here!” and pointed behind him where a tall dark figure stood! As soon as the camera caught sight of the Undertaker, an amazing Undertaker chant filled the arena. Taker slowly sauntered down the ring, walking under the torches and finally reached the ring. Bearer was already inside, and ‘Taker walked up the steps and stood at the corner and raised his arms. The lights came back on and revealed the Undertaker to have his eyes rolled back in his head. Taker took off his hat and entered into the ring. He removed his coat and placed it on the turnbuckle before dropping to one knee and worshipping the Urn in Paul Bearer’s hands. Taker’s music ended, Paul Bearer left the ring and Booker T entered at nearly the same time. Booker bounced around in his corner as the bell sounded to start the match while the Undertaker stood still and looked on. Booker T approached the Dead Man and got in his face. He told Taker he wasn’t afraid of him, and that it was ‘all about the Book man now’. Taker rolled his eyes back into his head, and Booker stepped back disgusted before spinning around to unload on the Dead Man! Booker laid into Taker, forcing him back into a corner where the referee separated them. Booker T smiled at Taker, who just starred at him with his trademark evil stare. Booker T looked around again before swinging at the Dead Man…who blocked his punch. Booker swung again, but Taker blocked it a second time! Booker dropped back onto the ropes to get some momentum, but instead got a mouthful of the Undertaker’s boot on the way back in! Taker bounced off the ropes and hit a leg drop on Booker T before making a cover and getting a two count. Undertaker picked Booker up and tossed him into the corner before unleashing a fury of rights and lefts into Booker’s mid-section before nailing a uppercut to Booker’s jaw. Undertaker grabbed Booker’s arm and worked over it before twisting it around. The fans knew what was coming, as they all shouted ‘Old School!’ as Taker climbed up the turnbuckle and stepped on to the ropes…only for Booker T to fall back into the ropes, crotching the Dead Man on the top rope! Booker shook some life back into his arm before laughing at Taker’s predicament, and shaking the top rope. The referee admonished Booker as Taker fell to the floor in pain. Booker dominated for a few minutes more, nailing knee drops and leg drops as well as locking him in a Texas cloverleaf! Booker then picked Undertaker off the floor and whipped him to the ropes, and then he missed a clothesline…to which Taker bounced back and took Booker down to the mat with a flying lariat! Both men were down, but Booker T got to his feet first and shook away the cobwebs from his head. He looked at Undertaker lying on the mat and smiled…but the Undertaker sat up! Booker’s face went stiff as the Dead Man rose to his feet and got closer and closer to him. Booker tried to get him to back off, but to no avail, so he punched him! Taker shook it off, so Booker punched him again with the same outcome! Booker tried one last time and the Dead Man grabbed his fist with his left hand, and with his right grabbed his throat…and nailed a chokeslam! Undertaker rolled his eyes into the back of his head and signalled the end was near by sliding his thumb across his throat. Taker waited for Booker to get to his feet and then turned him over and placed him on his shoulder. The fans went crazy as Taker positioned himself…but Booker managed to slide out the back and push the Undertaker into the referee. The referee turned around in pain, which was when Booker T low blowed the Undertaker…and hit the Scissors Kick! Booker T covered the Undertaker, and the referee turned round…1…2…3! Booker T did it! He pinned the Dead Man!

    Winner: Booker T (16:34)

    Booker T got up off the pin with a totally shocked look on his face, as the referee raised his hand in victory! Booker rolled out of the ring and walked up to Paul Bearer and told him, “I beat your boy!” before laughing his head off while walking up the ramp.

    Cole: Booker T victorious over the Dead Man, the Undertaker. What a well-fought battle that was.

    Tazz: No doubt, no doubt! Both men brought their A-games to the table, but it’s just to bad that Booker T’s was better!

    Cole: Booker T did get the victory, albeit a tainted one. Take a look at this. Booker avoided the Tombstone, pushed the Undertaker into the referee and gave him a low blow before hitting the Scissors Kick to steal the win.

    Tazz: Well you know the old saying; it’s not cheating unless you get caught, and Booker proved that old saying true right here tonight!

    Cole: Well, up next we have the debut of Suzuki in a match against Billy Kidman. We don’t know very much about this Suzuki, but everything we do know seems to point us towards the same conclusion; that he is a very dangerous man!

    Tazz: We’ve seen all these hype videos showing Suzuki kicking the crap out of things, but we’ve never seen him in action. I’m a little worried for the well being of Billy Kidman partner!

    Cole: Me to! This guy frightens me!

    Suzuki vs. Billy Kidman

    Billy Kidman came out to a pretty good response, but most of the fans had quietened down by now after the last match where they were so vocal. Kidman’s music finished and the music of Suzuki hit the speakers. The man who is known simply as Suzuki walked out from the back, seemingly having a spasm as he walked down to ringside! He was decked out in black pants that had Japanese symbols on them as well as long black ‘wrist tape’ that extended up to just below the elbow. Suzuki stopped halfway down the ramp and seemed to roar into the sky before kicking one of the light machines and breaking the glass! Suzuki ran the rest of the way into the ring. Suzuki entered the ring and gave Kidman a dirty look. As soon as the bell rang, Suzuki pounced on Kidman and beat him down in a heap on the mat! Kidman tried to cover up but to no avail. The referee counted for Suzuki to break it up and managed to pull him off of him. Kidman got to his feet and checked his mouth and nose to see if he was bleeding. Suzuki went over to one of the turnbuckles and started to punch them! Kidman approached him and rolled him up, only getting a two count though. Kidman quickly went to work, dropping elbows, knees and fists into the head and body of this crazed man. This only seemed to serve to make Suzuki even crazier, as when Kidman tried a suplex, Suzuki blocked it lifted Kidman in the air himself…and just dropped him flat on his face! Suzuki spun around as if there was somebody behind him, and then did the same again! Suzuki let out a wild roar and started kicking the rising Billy Kidman in the head and body and knocking him back to the mat with a dropkick. Suzuki dropped an elbow and then grabbed Kidman’s leg for a pin, but only got a two count. Suzuki got up mystified and went to argue with the referee. He forced him into a corner and started to yell and shout at him. When Suzuki had finished he turned around…right into a BK bomb! Kidman then got up and dragged Suzuki towards the corner, climbed to the top rope and hit the Shooting Star Press! 1…2…3, Kidman gets the upset win over the debutant Suzuki!

    Winner: Billy Kidman (6:46)

    Kidman celebrated in the ring, but unbeknownst to him, Suzuki had gotten to his knees. Suzuki went crazy in the corner; his head was shaking like crazy and his fists were opening and closing before he finally closed them…and pounced on Billy Kidman! He laid into Kidman with right and left hands before starting to kick Kidman in the head and face. Suzuki picked Billy Kidman up and threw him into the steel turnbuckle post. He then undid the top turnbuckle padding and started to smash Billy Kidman’s face onto the exposed steel repeatedly! Luckily for Kidman, he was saved from further punishment by a bunch of referee’s and road agents that came into the ring and pulled Suzuki away from him.

    Cole: My god! Kidman pulled out the surprise victory over Suzuki in Suzuki’s debut match. Then Suzuki went totally nuts and mauled Billy Kidman!

    Tazz: Oh man Kidman’s is bleeding from the head!

    Cole: Woah. I can’t believe that. Well, Suzuki sure proved that he IS a very dangerous man. I mean Billy Kidman sure doesn’t look like much of a winner to me!

    Tazz: Not in the slightest Cole! He got his but handed to him on a…

    Cole: Hang on partner! Josh Matthews is backstage and he’s going to try and get a couple of words from Rene Dupree and John “Bradshaw” Layfield!

    The camera cuts to the back where Josh Matthews is standing in the parking lot with a microphone.

    Matthews: That’s right, John “Bradshaw” Layfield and the new United States champion Rene Dupree just walked past me celebrating Dupree’s championship win. Let’s see if we can get a few words.

    Matthews walks towards a black limo where Rene Dupree and JBL were standing. Dupree was just getting into the limo when Josh caught their attention by calling their names.

    JBL: What the hell do you want? Can’t you see we’re celebrating here? Rene Dupree just won the damn United States title!

    Matthews: Yes I…I saw that. I just…

    JBL: Well what the hell are you doing here? Have yourself a good night Rene! Go and enjoy your big night!

    Dupree: I shall John; I’ll meet you at ze bar after you win ze WWE championship! (Dupree gets inside the limo) Go driver go!

    Rene Dupree speeds off in the limo, off to celebrate his big title victory.

    JBL: Ha ha. That kid has a big future you know. Now Josh; what can I do you for?

    Matthews: I and every one of our WWE fans want to know what is your relationship with Rene Dupree? I mean, Rene Dupree has made it clear that he hates everything about America!

    JBL: Hold your horses there Joshy! Rene Dupree and myself; we understand each other you see. In a strange way, you might actually say we’re exactly the same! We hate the current America! It’s absolutely disgusting! But listen to me little guy; I wanna talk about my WWE championship match! You see this (JBL parts his suit jacket to reveal he is wearing Eddie’s championship around his waist), this is going to be officially mine after the night is over. I even got a nameplate made for it. Here, you keep hold of my nameplate and as soon as I win my match, I want you to get Eddie Guerrero’s nameplate off of here, and I want it replaced with mine! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a match!

    John “Bradshaw” Layfield drapes the WWE championship over his shoulder and walks off to prepare for the match. The camera then returns to ringside and focuses on Michael Cole and Tazz.

    Cole: Well we didn’t get any answers at all from JBL.

    Tazz: No but we did find out that he is very, VERY confident.

    Cole: That’s no surprise! We heard JBL guarantee victory at Judgment Day…

    Tazz: A guarantee he delivered I may add!

    Cole: …via disqualification I may add. And he’s also being going around, telling everybody who will listen, and even some who won’t, that he WILL win the WWE championship tonight! Let’s have a look at how this match came together.


    A video started with John “Bradshaw” Layfield being awarded the Great American award by Kurt Angle, thus becoming the no.1 contender. It had a lot of JBL’s comments about Eddie and the fans, and then cut to the non-televised event where Eddie Guerrero brought his mother into the ring on Mother’s Day; the very same show she ended up having a heart attack at due to JBL. The graphic for Judgment Day then appeared, and showed shots of Eddie taking a beating at JBL’s hands, busting him open so bad it took 16 stitches to close the wound. It showed the ending of the match where Eddie was disqualified for use of the WWE championship. The next night on SmackDown, Kurt Angle announced the rematch for that would take place at the Great American Bash. The next week, Angle booked the main event of Rey Mysterio and John “Bradshaw” Layfield. Much to the shock of JBL, Angle and almost everybody, Mysterio pulled out the HUGE upset victory! The very next week, Mysterio was set a challenge by Angle to beat Matt Morgan, and then team with Eddie Guerrero to defeat JBL, Matt Morgan and Mark Jindrak and if he could, he would get a title shot at the Bash. Much to the disappointment and shock of the General Manager, Rey Mysterio managed an upset victory, guiding him to a shot at the WWE championship! Then the video cuts to last week on SmackDown when Bradshaw stole Eddie Guerrero’s WWE championship and bloodied him in his own home. Clips of Eddie being attacked were cut with clips of his mother on a stretcher, his bloodied face, JBL’s bloodied face and Rey Mysterio celebrating three big wins on the trot!

    When the video ended, Tony Chimel was standing in the ring preparing to kick off the match.

    Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall…and is for the WWE championship!

    The fans started to cheer, as the long awaited main event was here.

    -- WWE Heavyweight title match --

    Rey Mysterio vs. John “Bradshaw” Layfield vs. Eddie Guerrero ©

    Rey Mysterio was the first man out, and was decked out in a Batman type outfit, complete with cape and Bat symbol on the chest! Rey got halfway down the ramp and took off his mask (was wearing a second underneath) and put it on a little kid at ringside! Once Rey got into the ring, he took off the cape, folded it up and threw it into the crowd where a group of people tried to grab it. John “Bradshaw” Layfield’s music played next, and ‘The One Man Conglomerate’ was driven out in his white limo. As soon as JBL came up through the sunroof, he was greeted by an arena wide ‘boo’! JBL got out the limo and was wearing the WWE championship that he stole from Eddie around his waist. He went up the little kid who Rey Mysterio gave his mask to and just looked at him before finally heading to the ring. There was silence for a few seconds until…’VIVA LA RAZA’ and the crowd went crazy! Eddie Guerrero came out in a bright red low-rider and parked it right next to JBL’s limo. Eddie got out and climbed onto the roof of the limo and was clearly in full ‘Latino Heat’ mood. Eddie finally got off the roof and went into the ring. JBL held up the title belt before handing it to the referee. Eddie then snatched the title back and went to one of the corners and held the title high in the air. All three men were finally ready to lock horns as the bell rang. JBL shoved Mysterio to the mat and grappled with Eddie Guerrero. JBL went for an early suplex but Eddie dropped out the back and went into a grapple from behind. JBL elbowed Eddie in the mouth, forcing him to release him. JBL turned around to get Eddie but Mysterio came from nowhere and hit a dropkick on JBL from behind, dropping him to his knees. Eddie then hit a dropkick of his own to JBL’s face! JLB fell back in a heap as Mysterio and Eddie prepared to go at it. The two friends starred at each other and shook hands before going at it. The fans were prevented from seeing this confrontation as JBL came from nowhere and took them both out with a double clothesline! JBL smirked, picked Eddie up and hit the Stock Market Crash, sending him flying over the top rope to the outside! JBL turned around to get Mysterio, but Mysterio was on the top rope…but JBL ducked the impact as Mysterio tried for a cross body, but landed flat on his front on the mat! JBL tried to get a quick cover, but Mysterio managed to kick out. JBL dominated over Mysterio for a further two minutes until Eddie Guerrero managed to get back into the ring. Eddie broke up a pin attempt by JBL who had just nailed a powerful spinebuster on Mysterio. Rey Rey rolled into a corner as JBL and Eddie went toe-to-toe. JBL whipped Eddie off the ropes, and Eddie ducked a clothesline from JBL before knocking him down with one of his own. JBL got up, but was knocked back down with another clothesline. Eddie then went to dropkick JBL, but JBL dropped down and rolled out of the ring. He didn’t want anymore of Eddie, and then pointed him in the direction of Rey Mysterio. Eddie and Rey looked at each other, and Eddie said ‘what the hell’ and the two locked up. Eddie tried a headlock, but Rey snuck out the back and tried a dropkick, but Eddie dodged that. He went to pick Rey up of the mat and managed to get him to his feet before Rey grabbed his arm, ran up the turnbuckle and hit an armdrag sending Eddie across the ring! These two amazing athletes showed off some beautiful fluidic exchanges before Mysterio hit a drop toehold on Eddie Guerrero, dropping him throat first across the second rope! Mysterio dialled it up and nailed the 619! He quickly hopped up onto the top rope and dropped the dime on Eddie! Mysterio stood up…and was killed dead with a clothesline from hell courtesy of JBL! JBL covered Eddie Guerrero…1…2…kick out! JBL couldn’t believe it, so he tried to pin Mysterio…1…2…kick out! JBL couldn’t believe his terrible luck, so he picked up Mysterio and hit a short-arm clothesline from hell! Bradshaw made the cover…1…2…Eddie breaks it up! Eddie laid into Bradshaw with rights, lefts and a final uppercut before ducking a JBL clothesline and hitting a backdrop! Eddie stood up and patted his chest before Mysterio came off the top rope…but Eddie saw it coming, kicked Mysterio in the midsection and went for the ‘Three Amigos’ (triple-suplex). Eddie signalled for it, and then went to the top rope to hit the Frog Splash on Rey. Eddie came off the top…but then had his head taken off with Clothesline from Hell by John “Bradshaw” Layfield! JBL quickly covered Eddie…1…2…Eddie somehow mustered together enough strength to kick out! JBL cursed his luck and, as he did with Rey Mysterio, picked Eddie up in an attempt to deliver a short-arm clothesline…but Eddie ducked the clothesline and quickly hit a backdrop on JBL. Eddie Guerrero went to the top rope, but unbeknownst to him, Mysterio went to the adjacent one. Neither man seemed to notice the other on the turnbuckles. Mysterio went first and hit an amazing 450-splash…then Eddie hit the Frog Splash on Mysterio! Mysterio rolled off as Eddie covered JBL…1…2…3! Eddie retains!

    Winner and STILL WWE champion: Eddie Guerrero (23:34)

    Eddie got to his feet as the sounds of ‘Viva La Raza’ filled the arena and quickly fell back to his knees after he was handed the WWE championship. Mysterio slowly got to his feet and starred at Eddie with the WWE championship. When Eddie stood up, the two shook hands! They hugged, and then Mysterio raised Eddie’s hand as the fans showed a huge amount of respect to Eddie and Rey. JBL quietly disappeared up the ramp and to the back without anybody noticing.

    Cole: Eddie Guerrero did it! Eddie walked into the Great American Bash WWE champion, and now he walks out WWE champion!

    Tazz: What a match Cole. What a match. Everyone gave everything they had, and Eddie came out as the winner! What a champion!

    Cole: Thank you for joining us at the Great American Bash! Tune in Thursday on UPN for SmackDown! Good night!

    Tazz: Night!

  6. Sharapova was excellent yesterday. This is only the beginning for her, as I don't see her going the Kournakova way.

    Men's final today. Should be a great match. Federer is gonna win, but I just know it's gonna be a great match anyway.

  7. I hope Sharapova wins the Womens just so it shows there are other women tennis players other than the Williams sisters! I reckon it'll be Sharapova and Federer as the two champions.

    Did anyone notice that Sharapova speaks as if she's on drunks and/or pissed?

  8. That's funny!!!

    But if Disney do make Toy Story with out Pixar, it'll suck if you ask me. The best stuff to come out of Disney in the last few years has come via Pixar, the rest as been average at best.

  9. The thing about Tim Henman is that he is bloody crap. If there was ONE other English guy there, he would get all the fan support, but because Henman is the only one, he gets it.

    But the final should be good whatever it is. Federer WILL be there. Against who I'm not 100% sure, but he'll win it!

  10. Anyone see the Federer/Hewitt game today? I missed the first three sets (:() but managed to catch the final one which was brilliant. Federer is going to win it, mark my words.

    Oh and Tim...you are absolutley shit! Is he the only tennis player in the country? That's the only reason people get behind him is because he's the only one (Rusedski doesn't count...he's Canadian :D)

  11. user posted image


    13th June 2004

    Heat Pre-Show hosted by Josh Matthews, Rue and Bill DeMott

    Matthews: Hello and welcome to Sunday Night Heat! SmackDown has taken over the show tonight, and that is because in just under an hour the SmackDown-Exclusive pay-per-view, the Great American Bash will begin! I’m sitting next to Bill DeMott, say hello Bill.

    DeMott: Hello Bill…hey!

    Matthews: Ha ha. And backstage tonight is Rue! She’ll be bringing us exclusive information on the matches throughout the night! Now before we go any further, let’s give a run-down of the Great American Bash card tonight! We have the WWE Cruiserweight title on the line as Jeff Hardy challenges the champion Chavo Guerrero for his title.

    DeMott: Jeff returned to WWE and SmackDown a few weeks back as the mystery opponent for Chavo Guerrero.

    Matthews: That’s right, Jeff was unable to get the big win over Chavo, but a lot of that would have to be credited to Chavo being the wily cheater that he is, seen as he had his feet on the second rope for the win! On the subject of cruiserweights, there will be a big 6-man elimination match to determine the new number one contender for the title! It’s going to be a pinfall elimination match, and the winner will get a Cruiserweight title shot in the near future.

    DeMott: I think I’ll talk about the six guys that are in this match if you don’t mind! You got Shannon Moore, FBI member Nunzio, Paul London, Jamie Noble, my personal pick Akio, and of course the Ultimo Dragon is back and is the sixth man!

    Matthews: Also tonight is the big meeting between Booker T and the Undertaker! Undertaker defeated Booker T quite a while back at SmackDown’s last pay-per-view Judgment Day, and Booker T has been out for revenge ever since. I don’t Booker could take it if he was unable to beat the Dead Man tonight!

    DeMott: No way. Booker’s been so focused on this match; I’ve heard him talk about nothing else, which is why I expect him to win that match!

    Matthews: The WWE Tag Team titles are on the line as Buba Ray and D-Von Dudley challenge the champions Rico and Charlie Haas.

    DeMott: These two teams have built up quite a little rivalry, what with it being the Dudleyz who have put Rico and Miss Jackie out of action recently.

    Matthews: Miss Jackie WON’T be here tonight, as she is still recovering from the attack by the Dudleyz. We can’t forget this…the debut of the man known only as Suzuki. We’ve seen all the video packages for this guy. We’ve seen the stuff he can do in an empty room, but will he live up to the hype against a real wrestler and in front of an audience of over 10,000 fans?

    DeMott: Good question. He could always get butterflies, but from what we’ve seen in these video packages, Suzuki does seem very impressive.

    Matthews: Suzuki takes on Billy Kidman in his debut. Of course there is also the WWE United States championship match, a title you once held when you were in WCW.

    DeMott: That I did, Rene Dupree and John Cena in a ladder match! Both two hot, up and coming superstars who have very bright futures in this industry, hopefully here on SmackDown!

    Matthews: Cena and Dupree have battled each other numerous times since Dupree joined SmackDown from RAW after WrestleMania XX in March, but Cena has the upper hand in singles competition.

    DeMott: You know, as much as I hate to say it, I can see a new WWE US champion crowned tonight. Cena has that injured arm of his, it ain’t clear how badly damaged it is, but look at it like this; it got crushed in a ladder! It ain’t gonna be 100%

    Matthews: There is also the handicap match that will pit Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi against the ‘Pale Rider’ Mordecai. I think Tazz said it best on SmackDown, who exactly is the one handicapped tonight?

    DeMott: Good question. Good question. I don’t know to be honest man. This Mordecai guy has scary strength. He likes to think of himself as the man who was sent by a higher power to cleanse the WWE and the world. Whether it’s true or not, whether he’s just a nut-ball or whatever, he believes it, and that’s bad news for everybody here on SmackDown.

    Matthews: That’s right. Last but certainly not least, the battle for the richest prize in the game; the WWE championship match between the champion Eddie Guerrero and the two challengers Rey Mysterio and John “Bradshaw” Layfield. Eddie and JBL were involved in one of the most ruthless matches in WWE history last month when they fought over the WWE championship at Judgment Day.

    DeMott: That they did and Eddie came out on top, albeit via a disqualification. But we’ve seen what happens when Bradshaw is in the same ring as Eddie Guerrero; all hell breaks loose! Add a firecracker like Rey Mysterio into the mix and you have all the ingredients for a memorable main event!

    Matthews: We’ve gotta take a break, but when we come back, Rue will be talking to Rey Mysterio about the biggest match of his entire career!

    Commercial Break

    Matthews: We’re just a short time away from the Great American Bash, and I’m really getting even more pumped up as we get closer!

    DeMott: Me too man! This event will be amazing! I can just feel it! So many first’s tonight!

    Matthews: That’s true, and one of those firsts involves Rey Mysterio main eventing a WWE pay-per-view! He is involved in the triple-threat match for the WWE championship, and he is in the back with the beautiful Rue!

    The cameras cut to the back where the interview area was all set up with the Great American Bash logo behind. Rue was standing there next to Rey Mysterio.

    Rue: I am so looking forward to this event! This is the first WWE pay-per-view I’ve had to privilege to be a part of, and for Rey Mysterio, it’s the first time he’s ever appeared in a main event of a WWE pay-per-view. Rey you have a 1-1 record at the Great American Bash, losing to Dean Malenko in 1996 and a win while teaming with Konnan against the West Texas Rednecks, Bobby Duncum Jr. and the late great Curt Hennig in 1999. Will it be 2-1 in your favour after tonight is over?

    Mysterio: We’ll tonight I’m getting in that ring with my close buddy Eddie Guerrero, and a big Texan that goes by the name of John “Bradshaw” Layfield. Bradshaw has a very big target on his chest as far as I’m concerned, especially after the stunt he pulled on SmackDown. In fact, he has quite a bit in common with the West Texas Rednecks. He’s from Texas, and he thinks that he is the best. Well let me just say something here; Eddie Guerrero is the best in the company as long as he holds that WWE title. But hey, if I have things my way, I’ll be holding that title after the night is over!

    Rue: That would be an amazing achievement if you pulled that off. You’re certainly looked at as the underdog in this match, is that an advantage or a disadvantage to you?

    Mysterio: It can be an advantage at times because people will underestimate you. I’m the smallest guy in the match and I know it, and so do my opponents week in and week out. The only difference here is Eddie and I know each other like the back of our hands, so that rules out any advantage I had there. But with Bradshaw, he’s the sort of person who thinks they are the greatest things going today, and that’s the way to beat the guy. He’ll underestimate you because he’ll be thinking I’m inferior to him. When I beat him 1…2…3 two weeks ago, I think that might’ve given him a reality check! And hell, if that didn’t, maybe when I pinned him in the tag match two weeks ago, maybe THAT had a little effect on how he perceives me! Yeah he’s bigger than me. Yeah he’s stronger than me. But I’m faster than him, and that’s how I can beat the guy.

    Rue: Last of all, what do you think you think your chances are tonight?

    Mysterio: Good. I think I got a good chance of winning the title tonight. I’m feeling good about the match; I’m feeling good in all. I have a feeling that the WWE championship will be heading home with Rey Mysterio to San Diego after the night is over!

    Rue: Thanks so much for your time Rey, and good luck tonight.

    Commercial Break

    Matthews: Welcome back everybody. The Great American Bash is getting closer and closer as the time goes by. During the break, WWE champion Eddie Guerrero arrived at the arena.

    The camera cuts to a ‘moments ago’ segment showing Eddie walking down a corridor with his bag. He had a plaster across his head, obviously the place that Eddie was driven into the glass last week. Rue appeared on the screen from behind with a microphone and tried to talk to Eddie.

    Rue: Eddie. Eddie! Can I get a few words from you about your match tonight? Eddie?

    Eddie was straight faced all the time and just ignored Rue as if she wasn’t there! Rue stopped as Eddie walked on, but she wished him good luck on the way.

    Matthews: Eddie Guerrero is either very focused, or he’s very, very angry.

    DeMott: I think the safe bet is to go with angry! I mean, John “Bradshaw” Layfield did attack him in his own home and steal his WWE championship! Wouldn’t you be just a little bit annoyed if that happened to you?

    Matthews: True true, but I don’t think Eddie Guerrero can allow that sorta thing to get to him on such a big night. Even if he loses his concentration for a second that second could be all Mysterio needs to hit the West Coast Pop or for JBL to take his head off with a Clothesline from Hell!

    DeMott: Hey Josh. What about the Cruiserweight title match!

    Matthews: We have another sure-fire hit on our hands here with Jeff Hardy and Chavo Guerrero locking horns. Let’s see how this all came together.


    A video airs of Chavo Guerrero defeating Jacqueline and his father Chavo Classic in a triple threat to retain the Cruiserweight title four weeks ago. After the match, Chavo issued his open challenge to any male cruiserweight to step up to the plate and challenge him the next week on SmackDown. The video then cut to the next week where the Chavo’s had made their way out and were getting all cocky, asking who had taken their challenge. This part of the video was spliced together with quick shots of Jeff Hardy, before it finally showed Jeff Hardy making his way to the ring. The video showed bits of the action before Classic pushed Jeff off of the top rope, allowing his son to cheat to win the match. It then moved to the match on the SmackDown just gone where Jeff and the returning Ultimo Dragon defeated the Chavo’s after Dragon pinned Chavo Classic. It ended with a shot of Chavo holding his title up high as Jeff looks on.

    Matthews: Jeff Hardy and Chavo Guerrero will lock horns later tonight at the Great American Bash! Fans there is still plenty of time to order the Great American Bash if you haven’t already. And if you haven’t…what the heck are you waiting for?

    DeMott: Yeah! Phone up now man! Order the thing! Hey hey Josh, what about Booker T and the Undertaker man?

    Matthews: Oh yeah! These two have had quite the rivalry. They’ve been at each other’s throats and in each other’s heads for over a month now. This feud really got going after Judgment Day!


    A video starts at the very end of their Judgment Day match where the Undertaker finished him off with a Tombstone piledriver. It cut to Booker T informing Funaki that he had given up on Mama Shangrie, and that he wasn’t afraid and would beat the Undertaker on his own. The then cut to Booker pinning Billy Kidman, and attacking him after the match. Then the lights went off in the arena, sending Booker T running! The next week a similar thing happened after his match with Funaki, but this time he didn’t seem afraid at all. The next week Booker faced and defeated Hardcore Holly, but after the match it got interesting! The lights went out, but Paul Bearer walked down the aisle! Booker T didn’t notice it, but the Undertaker was standing right behind him. Booker T ended up on the wrong end of a Tombstone, before ‘Taker dropped to his knee and worshipped the Urn. The next week, Paul Bearer and the Undertaker sent an ominous message to Booker T; Paul Bearer cannot control what Undertaker does this Sunday. The video ended with clips of Booker’s shocked face interwoven with the Undertaker’s words: Rest….in…piece.

    Commercial Break

    Matthews: Welcome back. We’re almost out of time here before the Great American Bash, but up next is the Heat main event of Matt Morgan vs. Orlando Jordan.

    DeMott: A nice way to kick things off; two young studs who are no doubt the future of this business.

    Matthews: Without further ado, here comes Orlando Jordan!

    Orlando Jordan vs. Matt Morgan

    Orlando bounced around the ring shadow boxing before Morgan came out, and even continued when he got into the ring. Morgan seemed unimpressed by Jordan’s little ‘display’, and he certainly didn’t expect Jordan to slap him in the mouth! Morgan stayed stationary though, and received another slap to the mouth! Yet Morgan still did not move. Jordan went to slap him again, but Morgan caught his hand. He pulled Orlando Jordan towards him and showed great strength by pressing him high above his head and slammed him down hard onto the mat! DeMott commentated that Morgan is 6 foot 10, so Jordan dropped over 7 foot! Morgan picked him up again, and this time scooped him up and slammed him back down again. Morgan dominated for another minute before he missed two elbows in succession. Jordan quickly tried to take advantage of this and rolled him up to get a near fall! Jordan got to his feet and waited for Morgan as well. He attempted to hit the Black Ice, but Morgan powered out of it, kicked him in the stomach and hit a devastating powerbomb! He made the academic cover…1…2…3, and Morgan wins on Heat!

    Winner: Matt Morgan (3:21)




    Matthews: What a way to start the pay-per-view. Guys if you haven’t already, order the Great American Bash! It’s starting in just a minute, and you won’t want to miss it believe me! Don’t forget, the main event is for the WWE championship between Rey Mysterio, John “Bradshaw” Layfield and the champion Eddie Guerrero! We’re almost done here, and we’ll leave with a video package to explain how that match came together! Enjoy the Bash everybody!

    DeMott: It’s gonna be great!


    A video started with John “Bradshaw” Layfield being awarded the Great American award by Kurt Angle, thus becoming the no.1 contender. It had a lot of JBL’s comments about Eddie and the fans, and then cut to the non-televised event where Eddie Guerrero brought his mother into the ring on Mother’s Day; the very same show she ended up having a heart attack at due to JBL. The graphic for Judgment Day then appeared, and showed shots of Eddie taking a beating at JBL’s hands, busting him open so bad it took 16 stitches to close the wound. It showed the ending of the match where Eddie was disqualified for use of the WWE championship. The next night on SmackDown, Kurt Angle announced the rematch for that would take place at the Great American Bash. The next week, Angle booked the main event of Rey Mysterio and John “Bradshaw” Layfield. Much to the shock of JBL, Angle and almost everybody, Mysterio pulled out the HUGE upset victory! The very next week, Mysterio was set a challenge by Angle to beat Matt Morgan, and then team with Eddie Guerrero to defeat JBL, Matt Morgan and Mark Jindrak and if he could, he would get a title shot at the Bash. Much to the disappointment and shock of the General Manager, Rey Mysterio managed an upset victory, guiding him to a shot at the WWE championship! Then the video cuts to last week on SmackDown when Bradshaw stole Eddie Guerrero’s WWE championship and bloodied him in his own home. Clips of Eddie being attacked were cut with clips of his mother on a stretcher, his bloodied face, JBL’s bloodied face and Rey Mysterio celebrating three big wins on the trot!

  12. This is just to inform everybody that the Great American Bash will be posted in two parts.

    The first part will be Heat, and that could be up before the day is done, whereas the actual PPV will be after that. I'll do a PPV review thing afterwards as welL.


  13. user posted image



    Rey Mysterio vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Eddie Guerrero ©

    user posted image vs. user posted image vs. user posted image


    Rene Dupree vs. John Cena ©

    user posted image vs. user posted image


    The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Charlie Haas ©

    user posted imageuser posted image vs. user posted imageuser posted image


    Jeff Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero ©

    user posted image vs. user posted image


    Mordecai vs. Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi

    user posted image vs. user posted imageuser posted image

    Booker T vs. the Undertaker

    user posted image vs. user posted image


    Akio vs. Jamie Noble vs. Ultimo Dragon vs. Nunzio vs. Paul London vs. Shannon Moore

    user posted image vs. user posted image vs. user posted image vs. user posted image vs. user posted image vs. user posted image


    Suzuki vs. Billy Kidman

    user posted image vs. user posted image

    Great American Bash could take a while for me to post, just wanted to let you guys know.

  14. user posted image

    Saturday 12th June 2004

    Announcers: Josh Matthews and Bill DeMott

    Matthews: Hello everyone! Welcome to the no.1 show for wrestling action, Velocity! I’m Josh Matthews and right next to me is Bill DeMott. Bill, we’re just 24 hours away from the Great American Bash, and there is a packed card waiting for us. What match are you looking forward to?

    DeMott: I gotta admit, being a big fan of the cruiserweights I am looking forward to the Cruiserweight title match between Jeff Hardy and the champion Chavo Guerrero. But the WWE championship match is going to be off the hook! John “Bradshaw” Layfield and Rey Mysterio challenge for Eddie Guerrero’s WWE title in a triple threat. What about you Josh? What are you looking forward to?

    Matthews: Everything! Every single match will be great I can see it. We’ll run down the Great American Bash card a little later on, and give you exclusive news on another match, which was added today by General Manager Kurt Angle. Up next is Akio and Sakoda taking on the Full Blooded Italians, and Bill, you’ve been impressed by Akio and Sakoda haven’t you?

    DeMott: Yes I have, they have done a lot to impress me over the past couple of weeks, and I’ve got my money on them to win tonight!

    Akio and Sakoda vs. the Full Blooded Italians

    Akio and Sakoda have been on a role lately. Picking up wins over the last few weeks out of nowhere. They’ve dropped the Japanese Mafia gimmick entirely, and are now playing more of a ‘no gimmick needed’ role. Akio started out with Nunzio, who quickly turned around and tagged in the bigger Johnny ‘the Bull’ Stamboli. The two locked up, and the Bull got the advantage after pushing Akio across the ring. Akio wiped away the cobwebs, and grappled up with Stamboli again, this time taking him down with a judo throw! The two men battled it out for much of the match, and whenever Stamboli had Akio down on the mat, he tagged in Nunzio to make the cover. But Akio kept kicking out, and Nunzio quickly ran across the ring and tagged Stamboli back in to do more damage! Towards the end of the match, Stamboli whipped Akio into the corner, and charged in after him, only to see Akio jump onto the top rope, jump over him and hit a standing enziguri to the back of his head! Akio crawled across the ring, and managed to tag in the bigger Sakoda! Sakoda cleaned house on both Nunzio and Stamboli and hit a big back body drop on Nunzio all the way to the outside before Stamboli slowed him down with a forearm to the back. Stamboli set him up for a powerbomb, but Akio prevented it with a martial arts kick to the jaw! Akio and Sakoda set him up…and they hit a double STO! Sakoda covers…1…2…3!

    Winners: Akio and Sakoda (9:32)




    Matthews: Wowee! What a match there!

    DeMott: Akio and Sakoda! The guys I picked to win! I told you they would didn’t I?

    Matthews: That you did partner. Up next is a recap of the end of SmackDown involving John “Bradshaw” Layfield…and the WWE championship. Back after this.

    Commercial Break

    Matthews: Welcome back, and at the end of SmackDown this past Thursday night, John “Bradshaw” Layfield had a message to send to his Great American Bash opponents, Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio.

    The camera cuts to the back where John “Bradshaw” Layfield is sitting in his limo with his microphone in hand.

    JBL: Eddie Guerrero! I know that you ain’t here tonight you stinking moron, but I thought I would come to the arena and send a little message to you. This Sunday, I’m gonna win the WWE championship and give that title the damn dignity and respect it deserves! That is if you haven’t already pawned the thing you lying, cheating thief! Oh wait, I’ll tell you what, you COULDN’T have possibly pawned it yet could you? Do you people know how I know this? Well, this is how I know!

    JBL leans across and picks up a bag and pulls out…Eddie Guerrero’s WWE championship belt! The belt has blood stained over it as well.

    JBL: Now I know you people are wondering how I got this. Rey Mysterio is wondering, but there’s somebody who isn’t wondering…and do you know who that is? That’s right, it’s Eddie Guerrero himself. Hey Manuel (shouting to the driver)? Did you give the tape to the production guys (Manuel shouts “yeah” off-screen)? Good, see Eddie, this guy is a good person. He has a job that he takes pride in. I mean I was actually able to leave my wallet in the limo and it was still here after my little…should we say, my little trip this morning. So run the tape!

    A video is played that says “earlier today” in a caption at the bottom, with John “Bradshaw” Layfield standing outside a door, seemingly in the middle of the night/early morning.

    JBL: This is going to be fun, well, for me anyway!

    He opens the door with a key and enters the house. Bradshaw signals for the cameraman to follow him up the stairs. He reaches a door and tells the cameraman to be quiet. He does a ‘three, two, one’ countdown before busting in the room and attacking somebody! He beats the person down on the mans bed and picks him up and throws him head first into the mirror on the wall! When the person falls to the ground, it’s revealed that the person is WWE champion Eddie Guerrero! Bradshaw climbs over his prone body and grabs a bag and stuffs Eddie’s WWE championship inside it before spitting on Eddie, and walking away laughing.

    We return to live action where the crowd are booing VERY loudly as JBL laughs at the footage. JBL pulls out a piece of cloth, spits on it and wipes the blood off the title belt.

    JBL: This belt isn’t officially mine yet, but come this Sunday, I WILL be the new WWE champion, you mark my words! Driver, let’s go!


    Matthews: Wow. That was one hell of a simple message for Eddie.

    DeMott: Yup, there’s a new WWE champion in town after Sunday night, I can feel it!

    Matthews: Speaking of messages; the Undertaker and Paul Bearer had a message for Booker T as well on SmackDown!

    Michael Cole was cut off, but not just that, they screen fuzzed out and a information bar appeared on the screen, saying “Sorry for the interruption, we are encountering problems. SmackDown will be back momentarily.” The screen fizzled out again, and this time came back into full view, focusing in on tombstone in the middle of a graveyard that read: ‘Booker T. March 1st 1965 – June 13th 2004”. The camera then pulled back and swung around to focus on the Undertaker and Paul Bearer. The Dead Man stood behind Paul Bearer with his head down, but his eyes focused on the camera. Bearer stood there with the Undertaker’s urn in his hands, as an evil grin emerged across his face. Bearer looked up and let out a vile laugh.

    Bearer: Booker T…you’ve been saying you aren’t afraaaaid of the Undertaker? Weeeeeeeeel he doesn’t believe you…He saw the fear etched onto your face last week, and he knows that you are terrrrrrrified of him. I wanted to let you know Booker, that if it wasn’t for meeeeeee, you’d be dead already, but I’ve been holding the Undertaker back. I may have used all of my power to do so, but it has stopped him from destroyyyyyying you completely. Last week was just a little message for you. You seeeeeeeeee, at the Great American Bash, the Undertaker will be let off the leash, and the Dead Man will no longer be under my influence. Everything that this…this man does to you on Sunday will be of his own doing, and I will have noooooooo control what so ever. I thought it would be only fair to warn you Booker, the end is near, and the Dead have risen…

    Undertaker’s head lifted up, he shot the camera an evil look and rolled back his eyes before saying.

    Undertaker: Rest…in…Piece…

    Undertaker’s eyes rolled back into his head, as Paul Bearer smirked one last time before the feed was interrupted and the screen fizzled out before returning to a shot of the arena.


    Commercial Break

    Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble

    Ultimo made his SmackDown return this past Thursday night, getting a pin fall victory over Chavo Classic in the process. The two amazing cruiserweights locked up, with Ultimo ending up in a headlock. Noble quickly moved into a go-behind on Dragon, and attempted to lift him up for a backdrop. But Ultimo reversed it with an arm drag, sending Noble across the ring. The two put on an amazing athletic display, with the crowd getting behind Ultimo Dragon 100%. Ultimo had Noble locked in the Dragon sleeper for a while, but Ultimo released the hold when Noble didn’t tap. He went to pick him up, but Noble gave him a thumb to the eye before hitting a tiger bomb out of nowhere! Noble and Dragon lay prone on the mat for about 20 seconds before Noble got the cover…1…2…kick out by the Dragon! The match continued to go back and forth, but with Noble in control for much of the match. The end sequence of the match came when Noble set Dragon up on the top rope, and looked like he was going for a sunset flip, but actually seemed to signal a powerbomb! He got on the top rope with Dragon, and set him up for it…only for Dragon to get a mid-air reversal and hit a hurricanrana! Dragon slowly regained his composure and hit the Asai moonsault for the 1…2…3! Dragon wins again!

    Winner: Ultimo Dragon (11:41)




    Commercial Break

    Matthews: Welcome back folks, and Ultimo Dragon just picked up a big win over Jamie Noble before the commercial break.

    DeMott: Yes he did Josh, a very impressive outing again. This man is one of the top cruiserweights in the world, hence why he’s on SmackDown.

    Matthews: That victory could help him even more as he know has momentum for this Sunday’s 6-man elimination match to determine the no.1 contender for the Cruiserweight title!

    DeMott: What?

    Matthews: That’s right, that’s the other match that has been added to an already packed card. It’ll be Ultimo Dragon, Nunzio, Jamie Noble, Paul London, Shannon Moore and Akio battling it out. Survival of the fittest here, but let’s run down the whole card!

    * John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero © *

    * Rene Dupree vs. John Cena © [Ladder] *

    * Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Charlie Haas © *

    * Undertaker vs. Booker T *

    * Chavo Guerrero vs. Jeff Hardy *

    * Mordecai vs. Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty *

    * Suzuki vs. Billy Kidman *

    * 6-person Elimination to determine the no.1 contender for the Cruiserweight title

    Participants: Ultimo Dragon, Paul London, Akio, Jamie Noble, Shannon Moore, Nunzio *


    Matthews: What a packed card it is, and up next is the Cruiserweight champion in action against a man who will be involved in that six-man elimination match, Paul London!

    Paul London vs. Chavo Guerrero w/ Chavo Classic

    DeMott commented on these to superstars as being quite different. Although they are both cruiserweights, they are completely different. London’s style is more aerial than Chavo, who is more mat-based. Chavo ran in on London and managed a quick roll-up, but London kicked out almost immediately. As soon as London got to his feet, Chavo did the same again, with the same results. This time when London got up, Chavo hit a backdrop before locking in a single leg grapevine. London was very close to the ropes, and he managed to get out quickly. Chavo then rushed in again, but London ducked out the way and sent Chavo flying out of the ring! Chavo Classic helped his son to his feet and made sure he was ok. But unbeknownst to them, Paul London had an idea and he launched himself over the top rope, taking out both Chavo’s! London seemed to land awkwardly though, as he grabbed his left leg. He managed to get to his feet and throw Chavo Guerrero into the ring, and he followed him inside gingerly. London hit a standing moonsault, getting himself a two count in the process. London then picked him up and tried a northern-lights suplex, but Chavo blocked it and hit one of his own! Chavo didn’t got for the cover however, as he locked in a single-leg crab on the injured left leg of Paul London. Chavo continued like this for much of the match, picking London apart piece by piece but focusing mostly on the injured leg. Towards the end, Lonon had slowly mounted some offence of his own, and took Chavo out tornado DDT off the turnbuckle! London signified for something, and went to the top rope. He had trouble balancing and was trying to get some feeling back into his leg as Chavo got back to his feet and threw London across the ring! Chavo got onto him as quick as a whistle and hit the Gory Bomb! 1…2…3 Chavo wins the match going in to the Great American Bash!

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero (12:16)




    Matthews: What another great match tonight! Don’t forget, there are eight great matches coming up tomorrow night at the Great American Bash live on pay-per-view!

    DeMott: I can’t wait man! The Great American Bash will be excellent!

    Matthews: See you same time next week! Enjoy the Bash!

    Overall Rating: 65%

    TV Rating: 4.31

    Up next is the preview and final card for the Great American Bash. Post predictions if you want :D

  15. user posted image

    10th June 2004

    SmackDown Review

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Nielson Rating:

    Attendance: 8,547

    Angle makes Jeff Hardy vs. Los Chavo Guerreros [ 98 ]

    Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty d. Basham Brothers [ 70 / 66 / 75 ]

    Mordecai informs Scotty and Rikishi it will be a handicap match [ 81 ]

    Paul Bearer and Undertaker interview [ 84 ]

    Charlie Haas d. Bubba Ray Dudley [ 76 / 77 / 76 ]

    John Cena interview [ 77 ]

    Mark Jindrak d. John Cena [ 78 / 75 / 81 ]

    Booker T d. Billy Gunn [ 79 / 81 / 77 ]

    Spike Dudley is found beaten unconscious backstage [ 62 ]

    Ultimo Dragon and Jeff Hardy d. Los Chavo Guerreros [ 73 / 67 / 79 ]

    John “Bradshaw” Layfield steals Eddie Guerrero’s WWE championship [ 74 ]

    Match of the Night: Booker T d. Billy Gunn

    Segment of the Night: Angle makes Jeff Hardy vs. Los Chavo Guerreros


    * WWE held talks with Ultimo Dragon over the past couple of weeks in hopes that he would return to work for them after his leave was up. They finally realised that he wasn’t ‘another Mysterio’ type wrestler, and realised that he could be one hell of a challenger for the Cruiserweight title, if not more! They came to an agreement about a week ago for Dragon to return to SmackDown and team up with Jeff Hardy against the Chavo’s. Whether this will lead to a Cruiserweight title feud or reign in the near future is unknown, but it is known that Dragon has signed a brand new 2-year contract with the company.

    * Mordecai is rumoured to be bringing in a new ‘7 deadly sins’ way of picking off his opponents. He said on SmackDown that ‘envy is the first step to hell’ where envy is the first of the 7 deadly sins. This gimmick was originally Raven’s idea when he worked in WWE a while back, but before the gimmick could get off the ground, Raven was released. It is unclear how far Mordecai will take this gimmick, but it has been rumoured that he will feud with the Undertaker or the WWE champion before the year is out.

    * Kenzo Suzuki will finally debut at the Great American Bash against Billy Kidman. However, WWE officials are said to have soured on him before he has even debuted. He was originally sketched down to challenge for the WWE title immediately, but at the moment, the writers aren’t even sure if he will win his debut match! He has spent time training in WWE’s ‘farm’, Ohio Valley Wrestling, and one of the trainers there has expressed his worries about his actual wrestling ability straight to Vince McMahon himself. He has told him that Suzuki is having trouble getting a hang of some of the basic wrestling moves. McMahon still remains high on him, and in the end I suppose that’s all that matters!

    * There is a rumour going around that Sean Waltman has been in talks with WWE over a possible return. He was present backstage at Backlash and recent RAW shows to meet with old friends Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Originally he was there to catch up and work things out with Triple H, but now it seems that he may be on the verge of a return. Waltman isn’t in the best shape at the moment; so he would have to take care of that if he wanted a return, but now he has patched things up with Triple H, the husband of the bosses’ daughter could well get his friend a job in the company. WWE management don’t want to hire him back at the moment, but they did leave the door open for a return when he left on good terms in 2002.

  16. user posted image

    Thursday 10th June 2004

    Announcers: Michael Cole and Tazz

    Cole: Hello everyone, and welcome to UPN’s highest rated show, SmackDown! I’m sitting next to former ECW champion Tazz as usual, and what a show we have tonight!

    Tazz: It’s gonna be good tonight Cole! The last SmackDown before the Great American Bash!

    Cole: That’s right; WWE United States champion John Cena will take on “the Reflection of Perfection” Mark Jindrak, and Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty will take on the Basham Brothers momentarily, but for the second week in a row, General Manager Kurt Angle is in the ring to kick off the show.

    Tazz: You say that like it’s a bad thing! Of the three General Manager’s SmackDown has had, I gotta say, Kurt Angle gives the fans what the want!

    Cole: I’m not sure if I can agree 100%, but he did give Rey Mysterio the chance last week, and to mine, yours and I think most people’s amazement, Rey Mysterio did it, and he will get a shot at the WWE championship this Sunday at the Great American Bash!

    Tazz: Shush Cole! The man wants to talk!

    As usual, Luther Raines was standing in the ring with Angle, and Raines intimidated Tony Chimel into giving him a microphone.

    Angle: I am out here to night, to offer my congratulations to Rey Mysterio.

    The fans burst into cheers and applause at the mention of his name.

    Angle: Hold on a second. This is the second week I’ve come out and congratulated him, and I must admit, I didn’t think he could do it. He overcame the obstacles I put in his way and has managed to pin John “Bradshaw” Layfield two weeks in a row, a feet that even Eddie Guerrero cannot admit to. Let’s take a look at how Mysterio won TWO matches last week shall we? Roll the footage.

    Footage was shown of Mysterio hitting the West Coast Pop on Bradshaw during Mysterio’s match with Matt Morgan before rolling into the pin. It then cut to the end of the main event where Mysterio hit the 619, followed by the West Coast Pop on JBL to get the win.

    Angle: Impressive isn’t it? And as much as I hate to admit it, I agree it was impressive. Rey Mysterio is an amazing athlete, and he could well take the WWE championship away from Eddie Guerrero this Sunday. As a matter of fact, I hope he does. Whether it is Rey or whether it is John “Bradshaw” Layfield, I don’t care, but I do not want Eddie Guerrero, the man who CHEATED to beat me at WrestleMania 20 remain as the WWE champion for much longer! In fact, I’ve given Eddie Guerrero, John “Bradshaw” Layfield and Rey Mysterio the night off. Rey has earned it, and I want to see him 110% at the Great American Bash! And in the case of Bradshaw and Eddie, I don’t want them anywhere near this arena as I know they might ruin my show by fighting all over the place, and that isn’t going to happen tonight! So, seen as you people will have to do without Rey Mysterio, John Layfield and Eddie Guerrero, I’ve booked a special main event. It’ll be Chavo Classsic and the Cruiserweight champion Chavo Guerrero facing Jeff Hardy and a partner of his choosing. Any member of the SmackDown roster Jeff, and you have just under two hours to find him. But I’m not finished yet, oh no. You don’t think I’d let tonight go without making one mention of Torrie Wilson! You see Torrie you got exactly what you deserved. And you know the best part; I’m not the one to blame, as it was John Cena who pinned you last week, and it was him who got you fired! Do you like the way it feels John? Do you? You’ve ended somebody’s career, just like Torrie Wilson did. She ended my wrestling career! If it wasn’t for me, this could be her, sitting in a wheelchair! But no, I sacrificed myself to save her, and what thanks did I get? None! So Torrie, you’re out off my hair, now I’ve got to get rid of John Cena. So Cena, how does it feel? Huh? If it weren’t for you, Torrie Wilson would still have a job. If it weren’t for you, Torrie Wilson would be here today. If it weren’t for you, Torrie Wilson wouldn’t have to be whoring herself out on the streets! Don’t boo me! I saw her outside the arena tonight! She tried to get in as well, but security told her to go away, so she’s outside selling her body because nobody would hire a blonde, talentless bimbo like her. So John, this is your entire fault, think about it. Oh and John, don’t forget your match with Marl Jindrak, because I have a feeling “the Reflection of Perfection” is going to beat your butt tonight! Good luck.

    Angle had an evil grin on his face and signalled to Luther to help him out of the ring.

    Cole: Kurt Angle is evil! I can’t believe what he’s doing to John Cena!

    Tazz: And what’s that?

    Cole: He’s trying to make John Cena feel guilty about Torrie losing her job! He’s trying to convince him that it’s all his fault in the hopes he’ll lose his United States title to Rene Dupree this Sunday!

    Tazz: Well who else’s fault is it? John Cena pinned her didn’t he? Hey look, am as sad as anyone that Torrie’s been fired, I’m, well, I was a big fan of Torrie, but things have gotta move on! Her time is up on SmackDown.

    Cole: She’ll be missed, that’s for sure. We’re going to take a short break, but don’t go anywhere as up next is Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty taking on Doug and Danny Basham!

    Commercial Break

    Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty vs. the Basham Brothers

    When SmackDown returned from the commercial break, the Bashams were already out in the ring, as a video package of Mordecai beating both Rikishi and Scotty on different occasions played it ended with a graphic to hype the Rikishi/Mordecai rematch for the Great American Bash. Rikishi and Scotty got a good reaction upon their entrance to the ring, with Scotty going to both sides and giving a bunch of fans high fives while Rikishi just walked, focused, down the ramp. Scotty locked up with Doug Basham in the centre of the ring, with Doug coming out of it with the advantage by locking in a headlock. Scotty struggled, and slipped his head out from Doug’s hold and tried a quick roll-up to end it early, but Doug kicked out after two. Doug got straight back to his feet and shot Scotty a dirty look, while Scotty was smiling and jumping around. Scotty then pointed to Rikishi, as if to ask whether he should tag him in, to which the crowd loudly cheered. Scotty turned to tag Rikishi, but was jumped from behind by Doug Basham who started to beat him down in the centre of the ring! Doug pounded away at Scotty’s upper back and neck area before tagging in his brother Danny and hitting a double suplex before Danny covered and scored a two count. The Bashams continued this form for the next couple of minutes, making quick tags and keeping Scotty isolated near their corner. Doug had Scotty locked in a cross-armbreaker, to which Scotty struggled to get out of. Scotty slowly managed to fight his way to his feet and elbow Doug in the stomach before unloading with a flurry of right hands. Doug blocked one and knocked Scotty down with a stiff right of his own, before picking him up again. Doug whipped him to the ropes and attempted a clothesline, but Scotty ducked, hit the other rope and nailed a dropkick! Both men were down and Rikishi and Danny were itching to get tagged in. The crowd started a small ‘Scotty’ chant, before both men made the tags, and the big Samoan Rikishi came in to clean house! Rikishi knocked Doug to the outside with a superkick before whipping Danny to the corner and crushing each and every bone in his body by slamming his 350-pound frame into him! Rikishi turned around and saw Danny sitting in the corner, almost asking for the Stinkface! Just as he went to stick his but in his face, Doug came from nowhere and hit him in the back. Rikishi didn’t seem to notice the blows however and turned around to stare him in the face! Doug moved back, but Scotty came from nowhere with the facebuster! Scotty then went nuts and hit the W.O.R.M while Rikishi showed Doug what Rikishi ate for breakfast! Rikishi then looked at Danny and dropped his body onto his ribs to make the…1…2…3!

    Winners: Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi (8:12)

    Rikishi and Scotty embraced after the bell and celebrated in the ring. Scotty looked at Rikishi with a big cheesy grin on his face, as he nodded his head, and Rikishi nodded back. Rikishi and Scotty got into position to do their dance…but instead of their music playing, that of Mordecai’s hit the sound system! The TitanTron turns on, as another Mordecai promo plays.

    Mordecai: The heavens have been ripped open, and I, the pale rider, thundered out. I will trample under foot, any and all evildoers, the wicked, the cruel and the profane. Rikishi, Scotty, you did not heed my message, and you will suffer by my hand. I am the right hand of the father, and he sees you as being envious of others. You envy success that the father brings to others. So come the Great American Bash, I, Mordecai, will show you that envy is the first, envy is the first step to hell, and I will make you see that the beating you shall receive is but for your own good.

    The promo ended with Mordecai turning around. The lights came back on in the arena and a hooded man was standing behind Rikishi and Scotty, with his hands pressed together in a prayer fashion. Rikishi and Scotty turned around and starred at the hooded man, who pulled back his hood to reveal it was Mordecai! Scotty charged at Mordecai, and the ‘pale rider’ laid him out with a boot, before removing the robe and stepping up to Rikishi. He put his hands together again, before punching Rikishi in the mouth. Mordecai and Rikishi exchanged blows, with Mordecai soon taking the advantage. Mordecai beat Rikishi into a corner before unloading a massive clothesline, smashing the big man into the corner. Scotty got up from the outside and brought a chair into the ring, which he hit across the back of Mordecai. Mordecai barely flinched, turned around and grabbed the chair out of Scotty’s hands and threw it across the ring. Mordecai kicked him in the stomach, and delivered the Crucifix! Just as he was done, Rikishi attacked him from behind, knocking Mordecai to the outside. Rikishi smashed his head against the ring steps, but it again didn’t seem to register with Mordecai, as he turned around and took Rikishi’s head off with a vile clothesline! He put his hands together again, before picking Rikishi up…and driving him through the announce table with the Crucifix! Mordecai returned to the ring, put his robe back on and left the ringside area as EMT’s rushed down to check on Rikishi and Scotty.

    Cole: My god, what amazing…yet scary strength from Mordecai!

    Tazz: I saw that, but from what Mordecai said, it seems that he’ll face both Scotty and Rikishi at the Great American Bash!

    Cole: That’s right partner, I’ve just been informed via my headset that Kurt Angle has sanctioned the handicap match for this Sunday, but the question is, who will be handicapped?

    Tazz: A good question, but I’ve got one for you Cole; why don’t the guys in the back tell me bout these developments huh? Why do they tell you?

    Cole: I don’t know partner, I guess you’ll have to ask someone in the back during the break!

    Commercial Break

    Cole: Welcome back everyone, and just a few moments ago we saw Mordecai destroy Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi after their tag team match with the Basham Brothers.

    Tazz: That’s right, and we also found out that Mordecai will face BOTH Rikishi and Scotty this Sunday at the Great American Bash, in a handicap match.

    Cole: That’s going to be a violent match if tonight was any indicator.

    Tazz: Like you said earlier; who’s handicapped? I mean, Mordecai beat the living heck out of Scotty and Rikishi earlier tonight, and it’s possible he’s going to do the same thing Sunday.

    Cole: That’s very likely partner. Well up next is…

    Michael Cole was cut off, but not just that, they screen fuzzed out and a information bar appeared on the screen, saying “Sorry for the interruption, we are encountering problems. SmackDown will be back momentarily.” The screen fizzled out again, and this time came back into full view, focusing in on tombstone in the middle of a graveyard that read: ‘Booker T. March 1st 1965 – June 13th 2004”. The camera then pulled back and swung around to focus on the Undertaker and Paul Bearer. The Dead Man stood behind Paul Bearer with his head down, but his eyes focused on the camera. Bearer stood there with the Undertaker’s urn in his hands, as an evil grin emerged across his face. Bearer looked up and let out a vile laugh.

    Bearer: Booker T…you’ve been saying you aren’t afraaaaid of the Undertaker? Weeeeeeeeel he doesn’t believe you…He saw the fear etched onto your face last week, and he knows that you are terrrrrrrified of him. I wanted to let you know Booker, that if it wasn’t for meeeeeee, you’d be dead already, but I’ve been holding the Undertaker back. I may have used all of my power to do so, but it has stopped him from destroyyyyyying you completely. Last week was just a little message for you. You seeeeeeeeee, at the Great American Bash, the Undertaker will be let off the leash, and the Dead Man will no longer be under my influence. Everything that this…this man does to you on Sunday will be of his own doing, and I will have noooooooo control what so ever. I thought it would be only fair to warn you Booker, the end is near, and the Dead have risen…

    Undertaker’s head lifted up, he shot the camera an evil look and rolled back his eyes before saying.

    Undertaker: Rest…in…Piece…

    Undertaker’s eyes rolled back into his head, as Paul Bearer smirked one last time before the feed was interrupted and the screen fizzled out before returning to a shot of the arena.

    Cole: Oh my…Booker T is in for one hell of a night this Sunday at the Great American Bash.

    Tazz: I think Booker should conveniently miss his flight because otherwise he is in for one hell of a night!

    Cole: Well this Sunday is the Great American Bash, and here is the rundown of the card!

    * John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero © *

    * Rene Dupree vs. John Cena © – Ladder Match *

    * Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Charlie Haas © *

    * Undertaker vs. Booker T *

    * Chavo Guerrero vs. Jeff Hardy *

    * Mordecai vs. Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty *

    Tazz: That’s a packed card no doubt Cole!

    Cole: It sure is, but in addition to that is the debut of the man known only as ‘Suzuki’. I’ve just been informed that he will take on Billy Kidman one-on-one in his debut match, and from what we’ve seen of this man, Booker T won’t be the only one in line for a long night!

    Bubba Ray Dudley w/ D-Von Dudley and Paul Heyman vs. Charlie Haas w/ Rico

    Miss Jackie didn’t accompany the Tag Team champions to ring side due to her still being in hospital after the Dudley Boyz put her through a table last week on SmackDown. Thankfully, Rico has recovered from his concussion from two weeks ago and is fit to be at ringside, but unable to compete tonight. It was originally scheduled to be Bubba vs. Rico, but that will not happen tonight due to Rico’s condition. Bubba and Haas went to lock up, but Haas ducked the grapple and went straight into a back grapple. Haas hit a facebuster before rolling round to lock in a headlock. This hold didn’t last to long however as Bubba managed to punch his way out of it before dropping an elbow to the back of Charlie Haas. Bubba shouted out loudly and pointed at Haas, “Look at him now!” Bubba dominated for much of the match, and kept Haas grounded so the former All-American was unable to ‘out-wrestle’ him. After much domination throughout the match by Bubba, the Dudley set Charlie Haas up for a reverse DDT off of the turnbuckle, but Haas managed to fight out of it and deliver a cross body off the top! Both Bubba and Haas were down, and on the outside Rico was getting the crowd behind his team-mate. Both men got to their feet at the same time, and went toe-to-toe, exchanging blow after blow until Haas got the upper hand in the exchange by knocking Bubba into a corner. Haas charged in with a Stinger splash, but only ate the turnbuckle as Bubba dodged the move! Bubba signalled to D-Von to get in the ring, and D-Von hopped up onto the apron. Rico rushed round to D-Von, pulled him off the apron and laid a big kiss on him! D-Von and Paul Heyman were totally shocked, as was Bubba who turned round to eat a super kick from Charlie Haas for the 1…2…3!

    Winner: Charlie Haas (9:56)

    Immediately after the bell, Rico got laid out by a punch to the face by D-Von, who got on top of him and beat the holy hell out of him! Charlie Haas went to help his tag team partner, and managed to get D-Von off of him, only to be knocked to the floor by a chair-wielding Paul Heyman! Paul Heyman smirked, and yelled, “D-Von, get the tables!” D-Von nodded and smiled before retrieving a table and tossing it to Bubba in the ring. Paul Heyman smashed the chair across the heads of both Charlie Haas and Rico for good measure, before D-Von rolled them into the ring. The Dudleyz put Charlie Haas on the table…and drove Rico through the table and his partner with a vicious 3D! The Dudleyz psyched each other up for the Sunday, as Paul Heyman grabbed a hold of their wrists and raised them in the air as the crowd firmly ‘booed’ their despicable actions.

    Commercial Break


    John Cena’s music hit the PA system as SmackDown returned from it’s commercial break. The United States champion made his way to ringside, but Cena didn’t appear to be his usual jokey self.

    Cena: Woah, woah, woah. Kill the beat. I’m out here coz I got something to get off my chest. Last week I beat Torrie Wilson to save my job and because of me winning, she ain’t got a job now. She got fired. I ain’t proud of my actions, not one iota. But I ain’t gonna apologize for what happened, because I can’t. Let’s look at like this, if she beat me, she’d be out doing the same. I’m out here, because I wanna talk about my Great American Bash opponent…Rene Dupree. This Sunday, I’m gonna defend this here title against his sorry French ass, and I’m gonna climb that little ladder, and I’m gonna walk out of there still the United States champion bitch! Rene, you ain’t got nothing on me you French fry; you’re a typical little Frenchy boy. You talk the talk, but you damn sure can’t walk the walk. You come out here, you talk about what you’re gonna do to me in our match…you’re word means squat dawg! When was the last time you beat me? What about…nope, I beat you then. Oh, what…nope, that was me as well! Oh I know, it was…damn man, you ain’t never beat me have you? So this Sunday, I’m gonna whoop your ass all over the arena, out onto the streets, and then I’m gonna climb that ladder and I’ll walk out of there still the…

    Before Cena could finish, the music of the challenger for Cena’s United States title hit! Rene Dupree walked out onto the ramp with Fifi, as two men came out behind him carrying an aluminium ladder and setting it up beside him before departing. Dupree rested against the ladder and pulled a microphone out of his robe pocket.

    Dupree: Do you Americans EVER shut up? I mean really? You people go on and on about how ‘great you are’, and how ‘great this place is’ and how ‘you will defeat me at the GREAT American Bash’? Zat is silly! Vot you people don’t understand is zat we French, we are lovers not fighters! In ze past; yes you have beaten me, but the reason for zat is I let you beat me!

    Cena: What the hell are you smoking man? You ‘let me’ beat you? Shall we have a look at you ‘letting me’ beat you? Roll the footage!

    Footage is shown of Cena beating Rene Dupree at Judgment Day, and on SmackDown as well as house show victories.

    Dupree: I didn’t even try during zose. I know how much confidence effects you Americans. Us French…we have no doubts in our abilities, as I know that I can beat you.

    Cena: What the hell you chatting about boy? Your abilities are right up there with J-Lo’s singing ability!

    Dupree: Zat is funny, but do you know what else is funny ‘John’?

    Cena: Your hair?

    Dupree: No not my h…

    Cena: Your dog?

    Dupree: What is funny about Fifi? Don’t insult my dog! Fifi is beautiful! Aren’t you Fifi? (Dupree cuddles Fifi as he talks to her) Fifi is beautiful isn’t she? (Crowd boos and shouts ‘no’) Vat do you people know? After all, you ARE Americans? No champ…I’ll tell you what is funny. You have to face Mark Jindrak in just a moment, and Jindrak is a very talented gentleman, considering he is American and all! But you see, “the Reflection of Perfection” is going to beat you down like the ignorant, stupid, talentless rapping little American that you are! And then come Sunday, I shall climb right to ze very top of this very ladder…and I will be the new French…uh United States champion!

    Dupree put his microphone back into his pocket and climbed to the top of the ladder, as Mark Jindrak and Theodore Long made their way out. Long went over and shook Rene’s hand and patted Fifi as Jindrak entered the ring down the ramp.

    John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak w/ Theodore Long

    The match was joined in progress after a quick promo advert for the Great American Bash. Jindrak was in a corner, and Cena was delivering right hands, chops and kicks, showing the champion was in complete control. Dupree remained at the top of the ramp, sitting at the very top of the ladder with Fifi in his lap. Cena had set Jindrak up for a superplex off the top rope, but Jindrak had blocked it, before showing amazing strength to pick Cena up whilst he was in a sitting position on the turnbuckle, and then literally threw Cena into the ring, pancaking the US champion! Jindrak climbed down off of the turnbuckle and wipped his nose and mouth to see his nose was bleeding from the punishment Cena had administered earlier. This served to piss of “the Reflection of Perfection”, as Jindrak walked over the Cena, picked him up and tossed him out of the ring. Jindrak followed him out and stomped away at the face of the champion. He then picked him up again and suplexed him onto the guard rail around ringside! Jindrak pounded away at his back as Cena fell onto the floor. Jindrak picked him up yet again and drove him shoulder first into the steel steps! Dupree was really enjoying the display, as he applauded every move Jindrak performed and everything he did. Jindrak rolled him back into the ring to make the pin, but Cena kicked out after two! Jindrak didn’t seem very pleased, as he locked in an armbar on Cena’s hurt arm. Cena writhed in pain, but wouldn’t submit despite constant pressure from Jindrak’s hold and the referee’s continuous questions. Jindrak finally released the armbar, and brought Cena to his feet and set him up for the Mark of Perfection, but Cena faught out of it and out of nowhere lifted Jindrak up for the FU! But Cena’s arm gave way and he was forced to drop Jindrak! Jindrak charged at Cena, who ducked a clothesline and laid him out with one of his own! Unfortunately, Cena used his injured arm for the clothesline, and both he and his opponent were down and out. The referee started his 10 count, and Rene Dupree looked a little worried up on his ladder, and the challenger for the US title climbed down and walked to ringside with Fifi to support Mark Jindrak. Both men got to their feet at about the same time, and Jindrak unleashed the first punch, which Cena blocked before responding with his own! They exchanged blows for a while before Cena gained the upper hand and had Jindrak on the back foot. Cena was heavily favouring his right arm, and used it to lay out Jindrak with a clothesline. Cena came off the ropes and delivered the Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena turned around to the crowd and taunted to them before ‘pumping it up’, signifying he was going for the FU! Just then, Rene Dupree jumped up on the apron, but was quickly knocked off by John Cena punching him in the face. But as soon as Cena turned around, Jindrak caught him and hit the Mark of Perfection! Jindrak rolled into a cover and got the 1…2…3 over the United States champion!

    Winner: Mark Jindrak (16:43)

    Rene Dupree got up off the floor with a smile, before climbing into the ring. He looked at John Cena and pointed to him. “Look at your little champion eh? He’s worthless”, he shouted. He picked up the champion and hit his Michinoku Driver before standing over him. He looked at the ladder, and seemed to be telling someone to ‘come on’ by his hand motions. The two men who brought the ladder out initially came out again and folded it up and brought the ladder into the ring. Dupree looked at Mark Jindrak, and asked him to help him. The two men picked Cena up and lifted him up high for a double-suplex…and dropped him back first across the ladder! Jindrak then positioned the ladder a little closer to the corner, and put John Cena’s injured arm inside the ladder! Rene Dupree went to the second rope…and jumped on the ladder, crushing Cena’s arm inside it! Rene Dupree stood over Cena, who was writhing about in pain, and Dupree did his little ‘French Tickler’ dance, before laughing at him and leaving the ring.

    Commercial Break

    Cole: Welcome back everyone. We just witnessed a very disturbing incident involving Mark Jindrak, and Great American Bash opponents Rene Dupree and John Cena. Cena had Jindrak pegged back; he was dominating the match until Rene Dupree stuck his nose in and cost John Cena the match. After the match ended was where the really disturbing incident happened though.

    Tazz: I’m still rubbing my eyes! I can’t believe what we just saw.

    Cole: Me neither. I don’t think words will do enough justice here, so I think we’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves.

    Footage of the end of the John Cena/Mark Jindrak match was shown, showing Cena’s arm getting crushed under the weight of the ladder and Rene Dupree.

    Cole: Disturbing I know. During the commercial break, John Cena was taken to a local medical facility to check out the extent of the injury. We all wish John a speedy recovery, and we hope is able to compete this Sunday at the Great American Bash pay-per-view.

    Tazz: Yeah, props to the guy, he put up a fight but two-no-one ain’t never good odds man. I got a question though; what’s going to happen if John Cena CANNOT compete Sunday night?

    Cole: I don’t know. I’d assume the best bet is the match will be re-scheduled. I don’t know how bad the injury is, but I know this; if the competitor is inactive for 30 days, the title will be stripped.

    Tazz: Damn…that’s bad. Not only could Cena’s be severely injured, there’s also the possibility he could lose his title without even actually losing it?

    Cole: That’s the way it is unfortunately. Well, again we wish John Cena a speedy recovery, and we hope to see him this Sunday at the Great American Bash. Up next, Booker T takes on Billy Gunn!

    Tazz: Booker T fought and beat Hardcore Holly last week, now he goes one-on-one with Holly’s ag team partner Billy Gunn! Getting a victory over Hardcore Holly ain’t easy, and neither is beating Billy Gunn.

    Cole: If Booker can beat him, he’ll have a lot of momentum going into his pay-per-view match with the Undertaker!

    Billy Gunn vs. Booker T

    Hardcore Holly wasn’t at ringside tonight, as it is reported he picked up an injury over the weekend at a non-televised event. The injury isn’t anything major, and Holly will return to action over the weekend. Gunn and Booker worked out to be a good match, with both men getting in each others faces early on before Booker T bitch-slapped Gunn. Gunn responded with a slap of his own! Booker attempted to slap Gunn again, but Gunn ducked and laid into Booker T with very stiff rights and lefts! Gunn pounded Booker into a corner before he spun round and ran into his chest and neck with a forearm shot. The match continued like this with each man getting a run of dominance. A notable moment in the match came when Billy Gunn had whipped Booker T into the ropes, Booker ducked a clothesline attempt by Gunn but bounced back and laid Gunn and the referee with a high crescent kick! Booker tried to pin Gunn, but when no count came, he realised the referee was out cold. Booker rolled out of the ring, grabbed a chair and brought it inside the ring. Billy Gunn had wearily recovered by this point, only to be knocked stone cold out again by Booker T, courtesy of the steel chair! Booker kicked the referee in the side, and then covered Billy Gunn. The referee slowly made the count…1……2……kick out! Gunn kicked out! Booker T couldn’t believe it, as he covered him again, getting another two and a half count. Booker picked Gunn up and set him up for the Book End, but Gunn fought out of it and out of nowhere managed to hit the One and Only! Both men were down, but slowly managed to regain their composure and get to their feet at around the nine count. Gunn stepped forward to grapple Booker, but Booker ducked it and hit the Book End from nothing! Booker covered Gunn…1…2…3! Booker gets the big victory going into his match with the Dead Man!

    Winner: Booker T (9:25)

    Tazz: Woah, huge, HUGE props to my man, Booker T! What a great victory there man.

    Cole: It was a hard fought victory I won’t deny that, but Booker did use a steel chair and that my friend is called cheating!

    Tazz: Hold up man! It’s only cheating if you get caught! You’ve seen other guys do it as well, and Booker didn’t get caught…what the? What’s this?

    The camera cut backstage where the cameraman is running down a corridor. In front of the camera, at the end of the corridor is a crowd of people. As soon as the camera catches up, it is revealed that Spike Dudley is lying in a bloody mess after seemingly having been thrown through both a window and through a table! There is glass all around him and the table is broken into pieces. Billy Kidman, Paul London, Charlie Haas and many others are stranding around him and tending to him. Haas was trying to check if he was ok, but Spike wasn’t moving and didn’t say a thing. Kidman was shouting out, asking where the medics were. Who did this?

    Cole: My god…what happened back there? Spike is in a mess! I can’t believe this!

    Tazz: That’s pretty scary Cole…Spike’s a good friend of mine; a former tag team partner no less. I need to find out what happened. (Tazz takes off his headset and leaves the announce table)

    Cole: Ok. Well we have to take a break right now, we’ll be back shortly, hopefully with news on Spike and we’ll have our main even of Chavo Classic and Chavo Guerrero against Jeff Hardy and a partner of his choosing.

    Commercial Break

    Cole: Welcome back guys. Moments ago, Spike Dudley was found lying in a pool of his own blood after going through a table and a window. Tazz you’re just in time, what’d you find out?

    Tazz: …man, that was creepy. All I can say is…damn.

    Cole: I know what you mean partner.

    Tazz: No no, the entire area is a mess. There was blood everywhere. The cameras didn’t show it, but the walls were covered with blood, the room in which he must’ve been thrown out of; that was totally and utterly wrecked.

    Cole: I don’t know what to say. Four guys in one show; first Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi, then John Cena, now Spike Dudley. I hope Spike recovers quickly and isn’t away for to long. Well, the show must go on, and up next is the main event! Chavo Guerrero and his dad Chavo Classic will team up to face Jeff Hardy and a partner of his choosing.

    Tazz: I wonder who he’s chosen as his partner Cole?

    Cole: Well, I’ve just been informed Jeff is making his decision right now! He’s talking to the guy now, let’s have a look!

    The camera cuts to the back where Jeff is standing next to an open door.

    Jeff: Wow man. I, I don’t know what to say! I’m honoured you’d want to be my partner tonight. You sure about this? Ok then, I’ll see you out there.

    Tazz: Who is it? Did you see who it was?

    Cole: No man, I didn’t see a thing. It could be anyone. We know Jeff has got a lot of friends here on SmackDown, but he said he was honoured that this mystery man wanted to team with him, so let’s just wait and see!

    The music of the Cruiserweight champion Chavo Guerrero hit the speakers, and Los Chavo’s made their way out to the ring. The Guerreros didn’t seem to be bothered by whoever Jeff’s partner was, as they obviously didn’t care. Jeff Hardy was out next and came all the way out to the bottom of the ramp before turning round, pointing to the entrance way and bowing his head. Music hit the speakers, as the pyro’s went off in unison with the dragon roar as ULTIMO DRAGON made his return to SmackDown after several months’ absence!

    user posted image

    Los Chavo Guerreros vs. Jeff Hardy and Ultimo Dragon

    Ultimo made took his time making his way out to the ring, going up to fans and slapping their hands, giving everyone high fives. Both Chavo’s cleared the ring, as both Jeff Hardy and Ultimo Dragon ran into the ring and posed on opposite turnbuckles, ala the Hardy Boyz from a few years back. Jeff decided to start the match, as did Chavo Classic. Classic stood opposite Jeff and the two circled each other for a bit until Classic returned to his own corner, and tagged his son in! Chavo and Jeff went to lock up, but Jeff ducked the grapple and dropkicked Chavo in the backside! Chavo fell to his knees, as the crowd laughed and Jeff applauded his own action. When Chavo returned to his feet, the two went for another lock up, this time Chavo ducked it, pulled Jeff’s feet out from under him and slapped him around the head. Chavo went over to his dad and the two erupted in laughter, as the crowd booed them loudly. Jeff got up off of his knees and charged at Chavo in the corner, taking him down with a clothesline to the back of the head before kicking him down in the corner. He then proceeded to drag him into the centre of the ring before hitting a spiral leg drop, getting a two count. Jeff tagged in Ultimo, much to the crowds pleasure, and the two whipped Chavo into the corner. Ultimo followed him in and knelt down in front of the Cruiserweight champion for Jeff to take it up a gear and knock Chavo’s teeth down his throat with a spinning heel kick! Ultimo was dominant for a while, until he missed a martial arts kick, which Chavo ducked under and hit a big backdrop to take him down. Chavo tagged in his dad, and both men delivered a double-suplex followed by a vicious kick down in the centre of the ring. The referee managed to force Chavo Guerrero to leave the ring, only for Chavo Classic to tag him back in again! The two then hit a double DDT before Classic finally left the ring, leaving Ultimo alone with his the champion. SmackDown had to take its last commercial break of the night.

    Commercial Break

    Cole: Welcome back. All throughout the break, Ultimo Dragon has been on the receiving end of a lot of punishment here. Most of it came from Chavo Guerrero, but he and Chavo Classic had a hand in this.

    Tazz: Yeah, take a look man, the Chavo’s hit a big double brainbuster on Ultimo earlier on in the match, and he’s been out ever since man!

    Cole: I don’t think this is quite the return to SmackDown Ultimo Dragon was expecting.

    Tazz: No way man! Ultimo knew that it’d be tough, but no doubt, no doubt that he didn’t expect this sort of a night here!

    Cole: Well, let’s get back to the action without any further ado!

    Ultimo Dragon had just been knocked over by a punch from Chavo Guerrero, who then mounted him and laid into him with a barrage of lefts and rights before getting up and stepping on his face! Chavo picked Ultimo up and dragged him to the corner before tagging in his dad, and the two Chavo’s whipped Ultimo to the opposite corner. Classic ran in, but Ultimo kicked him in the mouth! Chavo then attempted to follow up, but Ultimo pulled himself onto the top rope and kicked the champion in the side of the head, knocking him out of the ring before he executed a sunset flip off of the turnbuckle to Chavo Classic for a very near fall! Ultimo struggled to his feet and tried to tag in Jeff, but Classic got up and spun him around. Ultimo attempted to kick him, but Classic caught his leg! Ultimo hopped for a bit as Chavo Classic pointed to his head, as if to say ‘look at how clever I am’, but Chavo soon fell to the mat in a heap as Ultimo hit an enziguri!! He reached out towards his partner…and tagged in Jeff Hardy! Jeff laid out Classic with a spinning heel kick, then took out Chavo with a snap suplex. Classic came back at him, but he grabbed his legs and dropped him to the mat before hitting a leg drop to the ‘inner thigh’! Jeff then took his top off as the girls went wild, and he went to the top rope to hit the Swanton Bomb…and he connected! He made the pin…1…2…Chavo Guerrero breaks it up! Ultimo Dragon then reached in, tagged himself into the match and kicked the champion in the side of his head, and he fell right on top of his dad! Ultimo looked, looked again, and ran to the ropes before executing a picture perfect Asai moonsault! He rolled Chavo Guerrero out of the way and covered Chavo Classic…1…2…3! Ultimo Dragon pins Classic, and he’s back in style!

    Winners: Ultimo Dragon and Jeff Hardy (17:48)

    Cole: Wow! What a win! What a return for Ultimo Dragon!

    Tazz: What a match Cole!

    Cole: Neither Jeff nor Chavo Guerrero were involved in the decision, so neither man has a clear advantage going into the Great American Bash this Sunday.

    Tazz: And what a match that is gonna be man! Two of the greatest cruiserweight’s in the world man, going at it for the richest prize for every single cruiserweight out there!

    Cole: Well that’s all we have time for…wait a minute, I’ve just been told John “Bradshaw” Layfield is here! He’s in the back!

    Tazz: What the…? I thought Kurt Angle gave him the night off?

    Cole: So did I! Well, let’s go to the back and see what he’s here for!

    The camera cuts to the back where John “Bradshaw” Layfield is sitting in his limo with his microphone in hand.

    JBL: Eddie Guerrero! I know that you ain’t here tonight you stinking moron, but I thought I would come to the arena and send a little message to you. This Sunday, I’m gonna win the WWE championship and give that title the damn dignity and respect it deserves! That is if you haven’t already pawned the thing you lying, cheating thief! Oh wait, I’ll tell you what, you COULDN’T have possibly pawned it yet could you? Do you people know how I know this? Well, this is how I know!

    JBL leans across and picks up a bag and pulls out…Eddie Guerrero’s WWE championship belt! The belt has blood stained over it as well.

    JBL: Now I know you people are wondering how I got this. Rey Mysterio is wondering, but there’s somebody who isn’t wondering…and do you know who that is? That’s right, it’s Eddie Guerrero himself. Hey Manuel (shouting to the driver)? Did you give the tape to the production guys (Manuel shouts “yeah” off-screen)? Good, see Eddie, this guy is a good person. He has a job that he takes pride in. I mean I was actually able to leave my wallet in the limo and it was still here after my little…should we say, my little trip this morning. So run the tape!

    A video is played that says “earlier today” in a caption at the bottom, with John “Bradshaw” Layfield standing outside a door, seemingly in the middle of the night/early morning.

    JBL: This is going to be fun, well, for me anyway!

    He opens the door with a key and enters the house. Bradshaw signals for the cameraman to follow him up the stairs. He reaches a door and tells the cameraman to be quiet. He does a ‘three, two, one’ countdown before busting in the room and attacking somebody! He beats the person down on the mans bed and picks him up and throws him head first into the mirror on the wall! When the person falls to the ground, it’s revealed that the person is WWE champion Eddie Guerrero! Bradshaw climbs over his prone body and grabs a bag and stuffs Eddie’s WWE championship inside it before spitting on Eddie, and walking away laughing.

    We return to live action where the crowd are booing VERY loudly as JBL laughs at the footage. JBL pulls out a piece of cloth, spits on it and wipes the blood off the title belt.

    JBL: This belt isn’t officially mine yet, but come this Sunday, I WILL be the new WWE champion, you mark my words! Driver, let’s go!

    Bradshaw threw the blood-stained rag out of the limo and closed the door before the limo sped off out of the arena. The camera turned to look at the bloody cloth as SmackDown went off the air!

    Sorry about the big delay between cards. My internet has been down for a while, so I've had trouble getting on. The finalised Great American Bash card will be posted after Velocity is done.

  17. user posted image

    SmackDown! Preview

    Rey Mysterio will get a title shot! Mysterio overcame all the odds to earn himself a shot at Eddie Guerrero's WWE championship this Sunday at the Great American Bash, joining John "Bradshaw" Layfield in a triple-threat for the title.

    Angle is said to have something to say, and will open the show again tonight. It is unknown what the announcement will be about, or who it refers to. However, it is obvious to almost everybody that it will somehow involve Torrie Wilson.

    *Mark Jindrak vs. John Cena*

    John Cena is hot off the heels of what could quite possibly be looked at as one of the strangest days of his career. He competed in a 'Loser Get's Fired' match and won, however, in the process of winning, he defeated Torrie Wilson, who in turn was fired from SmackDown and World Wrestling Entertainment. Cena has said to have been 'distant' over the past week, seemingly feeling guilty. Cena will have to put that aside if he is to survive a match with the "Reflection of Perfection" Mark Jindrak. He will need to be 100% focused on the matter at hand, otherwise he could well find himself suffering a devastating defeat days before he defends his title against Rene Dupree at the Great American Bash.

    *Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty vs. the Basham Brothers*

    Scotty and Rikishi return to action tonight against the Bashams. They were both taken out at the hands of Mordecai. Rikishi is set to face Mordecai this Sunday, and would like some momentum on his way, and a tag team victory over the Bashams would be good for his confidence.

    *Billy Gunnvs. Booker T*

    Last week on SmackDown, Booker T took on and managed to defeat Hardcore Holly. However, this week he faces Holly's tag team partner Billy Gunn. Booker will have a tough time against Billy, and he cannot lose this match because this Sunday, he faces off against the Undertaker, and suffering a big defeat like that could mean huge consequences for Booker.

    *Bubba Ray Dudley vs. Rico or Charlie Haas*

    The match is initially scheduled to be Bubba vs. Rico, but the health of Rico is an issue if this is to happen. Rico suffered a concussion two weeks ago at the hands of the Dudleyz, and wil undergo a medical check to see if it is safe for him to compete tonight. If not, his tag team partner Charlie Haas will take his place. Whatever happens on SmackDown, this match will have an effect on who has the advantage this Sunday at the Pay-Per-View.

    With only a few days until the Great American Bash, more matches are expected to be added during the course of SmackDown. Tune in to find out what happens!

  18. I believe he is recovering from a knock and apparently wasn't fit enough to play for 90 mins.

    An unfit Patrick Vieira is better than a 110% fully fit Oliver Dacourt. If it's a knock, and he wasn't fit enough to play 90, why not bring him on or take him off during the game?

  19. Just out of curiosity, why in the hell did Vieira not play? I didn't watch the match, but I checked the line-ups and he was an unused sub. Was he injured? If not, Santini is an idiot...which is good for us Gooners as we can laugh at Tottenham even more :D

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