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The Sultan of Swank

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About The Sultan of Swank

  • Birthday 15/02/1988

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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Upper Midcarder

Upper Midcarder (8/12)



  1. I don't think Kessel goes to a contender. My thoughts being that a top team won't want to give up the long term cap space. I could see a 6-9 place team betting the farm to get him and hopefully compete with the big boys. That being said... I wouldn't say no to him playing wing for Galchenyuk
  2. I think it's more like a bored puppy. It starts to act out because it has nothing to do. Kane is a 23 year old millionaire stuck in Winnipeg. There's fucking nothing in that town. I wouldn't be surprised if he has no behaviour issues once he gets traded somewhere that isn't a complete hole.
  3. In regards to the Flames/Flyers and the argument of it being a longI was reading somewhere about how overwhelmingly at the end of October, the teams in playoff positions are the teams that wind up in the playoffs. Obviously it's not the rule, but it's something....
  4. So... you do not smell what he is cooking? Side note, I've been tossing around the idea of a NHL EHM game as the Leafs, maybe even writing it as a diary on here. So... With that in mind, besides Phil being a Jets fan, who am I supposed to love and hate on the Leafs if I were a fan?
  5. This is why my team can't have nice things.Michel Therrien is going to be the end of Subban in Montreal. I know he's RFA, but if you bench your best player every 3rd period, you're going to stop getting an effort out of the most electrifying player in sports and or entertainment.
  6. Well, I figured the way Montreal was able to dictate the rate of play in 3 of the games with really no issues whatsoever. I sort of expected the best offense in the league to be able to do the same thing, just waaaaaay more effectively haha. I'd be supremely surprised to see Ottawa make it out of the second round. They had a Montreal team that limped into the playoffs on a month long more or less losing streak, so I wasn't overly surprised there. What I am surprised about is how Boston is dominating their series. I felt that they too were struggling mightily down the stretch, and until they remembered how to play hockey in the last 10 minutes of game 7 I was not overly surprised at their collapse. But now... jesus, poor Hank.
  7. Ottawa and last minute goals became a serious issue for my team this year...
  8. TGWL, I'm still mad that Glen Sather didn't realize that Bob Gainey had his fingers crossed the whole time on the phone. We'll probably get him back someday... after Sather shells out 130 million over 11 years and trades him back to Montreal... after a devastating injury or some such OH JESUS CHRIST FUCKING WORST DEAL OF LIFE! Honestly. I'm not mad. Nope. Hasn't been 3 years of this albatross 'round our neck. Gainey/Gauthier was our captain, and we all stood by while he shot the bird. Now we're cursed to the doldrums for all time.
  9. Free to a good home: 1 30something year old Mexican Alaskan center, shaved head, looks great carrying the puck over the blue line. Must give up due to high maintenance costs. Very low points, LIKE NEW!
  10. The loudeest building in hockey finally has a game tonight. I don't know how we're gonna do sans Cammy. But Price has been great through his first 2 games, and the offence.... besides Kostitsyn looked great against the ThrasherJets. As long as it's not another Heritage Classic beatdown I'll be okay.
  11. TSN radio launched in Montreal today. They bought up the only english language sports talk radio station. I love the Habs, but I also love other sports and there's only so many talking points in a day before I get bored. Also, it feels almost like another drop in the bucket with how much the media is obsessed with the team here. I guess it's just one more outlet for people to freak out about Jacques Martin or Carey Price this year. Also, I've noticed, a ton of people, articles, previews saying that Montreal is boned if Carey Price doesn't play well... would this not be true of any team that has their number 1 starting 50 plus games? Season's finally starting tomorrow, I'm excited for this year. Montreal finished 6th last season and I feel that with the return of Gorges and Markov, the addition of Cole and the continued development of Price, Patches and especially future Norris winner Subban that Montreal could realistically compete for that #4 spot possibly compete w Boston for the division. Even with all the injuries last year, it did take Boston till around late feb early march and an attempted murder before they were able to get a real good cushion in the North East. I will however temper my expectations and say that considering we're obviously better than last year (despite what the Ontario hockey media machine would want me to believe) 4 through 6 would be acceptable, 7 or 8 would be troubling and I doubt that Montreal would miss the second season. But that would be abhorrent.
  12. Welp, the more things change, the more they stay the same. I dunno if this is more looking out for your own kind (Shanny for Yzerman), or if it's just that the league likes to turn a blind eye when it comes to Montreal, but that hit was everything that they say they want to take out of the game. I don't see how Clarke MacArthur get's 2 games, and Malone doesn't get any... maybe if Campoli wore a different jersey or Malone played for Nashville we could have expected something. Disgusted.
  13. So how many games for Malone? 5 or 10? Clearly targeted the head, repeat offender, intent to injure was called on the play. Shanaban, make it happen, he's fucking filth.
  14. Wow.... 8 games for the Wiz, that's a hell of a fine. I'm happy that they're not taking things lightly, but it still remains to be seen what will happen when it's someone like Iginla or Chara... or any Bruin for that matter...(Okay, uncalled for I suppose...). I hope there's consistency, and I appreciate the effort by the league to eliminate head shots while still preserving the physicality of the game. I know hockey is back when there's a French journalist interviewing a Swiss player for an English network... always makes me feel good for some reason, the multicultural aspect of hockey. I'm excited to see the Habs this year. They haven't played a pre-season game yet with more than a handful of starters because of the size of their camp. Still though, MaxPac looks great and Cole looks like there's potentially a big power forward for us this year. I'm super excited for this Brendan Gallagher kid. I understand it's just the pre season, and he's yet another undersized forward, but when a 19 year old who was sort of on the radar for 1-3 years in the future is still in the camp... you just gotta cheer him on.
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