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About Nimrodic

  • Birthday 04/11/1990

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  1. It didn't happen last year, so I wouldn't think it would happen next year. But, if we all make it to 2014 I think that's the next time we will run into this.
  2. Didn't even think of that once I saw that big ole 0% and the thought of the endless setlist again I kinda just flipped out without even checking.... which I will do now. Edit: And there they are.... glad I don't have to do the endless setlist again heh.
  4. Yeah, time changed normally on the clock and I can play FF7. Yet I still can't sign in, maybe it's just my network connection.
  5. Let me see my 80 gig MGS Bundle is........ WORKING!!!!!
  6. So, anyone know how much longer till we hit 0:00 GMT and see if this fixes itself?
  7. Edit: Nevermind TKz beat me to the punch.
  8. Well that settles it for me, no more Rock Band 2, Call of Duty, or Little Big Planet till this gets fixed. At least that leaves me with Rock Revolution and all of my PS2 stuff.
  9. Crap not only is my Rock Band 2 DLC not working but my trophies just upped and DISAFUCKINGPERED!!!!
  10. Apparently the PSN is down for some reason or another and it isn't letting people play DLC or games that involves syncing trophies(such as Heavy Rain). I'm just glad that it isn't a hardware thing as it seems to be happening to everyone.
  11. Okay, first and foremost I am a HUGE fan of both film franchises, the AVP Film series, and the game series. While that may be I am kinda taking this game with a grain of salt as of right now for a sole reason.
  12. As far as recent games go, I completed Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on Vet difficulty back in early December I think it was(now I just gotta finish spec ops which I am almost done with). Also I beat Ultimate Alliance 2(which was a big disappointment for me) back when it first came out on legendary and have no interest in going back to get the remaining trophies. As for all of the games that I've completed on the PS3, here's the rest: The Darkness, Turok, Blacksite Area 51, Metal Gear Solid 4, Ultimate Alliance, Star Wars the Force Unleashed(prior to the trophy update which has made me go back and replay it), F.E.A.R, Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X, Tom Clancy's End War, inFamous, and Brothers In Arms Hell's Highway. Currently working on Little Big Planet and soon to be working on either Aliens VS Predator or Dante's Inferno.
  13. I haven't bought it yet, want to but I don't have the cash and the fact that during the beta I wasn't able to even connect to the server with a good internet connection was a tad disturbing for me. But from what I have heard from a friend he said that it was a glorified version of SOCOM, so based on that I think I'll stick with Modern Warfare 2 and then Bad Company 2 in a few months.
  14. Now I got some thinking to do on whether or not to pick up a network card next week. More Megadeth is always music to my ears, and the Who Super Bowl Mash Up should be fun as hell to play.
  15. Thanks for clearing that up General, I can guess I can wait 30 days for the songs to be ported over. As for the DLC, love the Blue Oyster Cult and "Bulls on Parade". Might actually have to pick up a network card sometime soon.
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